Advocacy Organizations Human Rights and Liberties Issues

ARRF is a consociation of ministers of the International Community of Christ that seeks to preserve, protect and defend freedom of religion and to protect the right of individuals to religious expression.

    Top: Society: Issues: Human Rights and Liberties

Advocacy Organizations

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Human Rights Watch* - Organization dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world, standing with victims and activists to bring offenders to justice, to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom and to protect people from inhumane conduct in wart

  • International Federation for Human Rights - FIDH - Non-governmental organization representing a network of 155 human advocacy organizations rights advocacy organizations organisations throughout the world. Source of daily advocacy organizations news concerning advocacy organizations international law and international issues.
  • World Organisation Against Torture - International coalition of NGOs fighting against torture, summary human rights and liberties executions, forced disappearances and all other forms of human rights and liberties cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Site features press human rights and liberties releases, urgent appeals and the International Observatory of human rights and liberties the Protect
  • Rights & Democracy - Canadian institution with an international mandate to promote human rights advocacy organizations in four specific fields: women\\'s rights, indigenous peoples\\' rights, democratic advocacy organizations development, globalization. Works in Africa, Latin America and Asia. In advocacy organizations English, French and Spanish
  • Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights - Represents minority religious and ethnic communities from around the world advocacy organizations in opposition to radical Islamic intolerance and violence.
  • Center for International Policy - Founded in 1975 by former diplomats and peace human rights and advocacy organizations liberties activists to promote a U.S. foreign policy based human rights advocacy organizations and liberties on international cooperation, demilitarization, and respect for basic human advocacy organizations rights and liberties human rights.
  • The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity - This foundation seeks to combat indifference, intolerance and injustice. Established by Elie and Marion Wiesel after he was awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize for Peace.
  • Freedom in the World - Ranks all independent countries according their political freedoms and civil human rights and liberties rights. Includes links to non-independent territories.
  • Reporters without Borders - An organization which fights for press freedom human rights and liberties and denounces the violations of the human rights human rights and liberties all over the world. Multilingual site.
  • Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative - The CHRI is a non-partisan, independent, international non-governmental organization, mandated advocacy organizations to ensure the practical realisation of human rights within the advocacy organizations Commonwealth.
  • Universal Rights Network - Created to promote the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) - An independent, international health professional organization, founded upon advocacy organizations the advocacy organizations medical response to torture. Promotes and supports advocacy organizations the rehabilitation advocacy organizations of torture victims and works for advocacy organizations the prevention of advocacy organizations torture worldwide.
  • The Social Justice Committee - From Montreal, this organization fights poverty and human rights abuses. Education and advocacy for human rights protection in Central America and Mexico, and for economic justice in the Third World.
  • Human Rights Brief - A legal resource for the international human rights advocacy organizations community from the Center for Human Rights and advocacy organizations Humanitarian Law at Washington College of Law.
  • Migrants' Rights International (MRI) - Information and documents relating to the MRI organization, human rights and liberties and its campaign to ratify the 1990 convention human rights and liberties for migrants' human rights.
  • Focus: HOPE - Non-profit civil and human rights organization based in advocacy organizations Detroit human rights and liberties that unites a multicultural community in common advocacy organizations efforts to human rights and liberties overcome injustice and build racial harmony.
  • The Dui Hua Foundation - A non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the protection issues of universally human rights and liberties recognized human rights in China and issues in the United States.
  • Witness - Uses video and other technology to fight for human rights. issues Group works in partnership with activists around the world issues to document abuses and bring evidence before courts, governments, the issues media, and the world.
  • François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights - Academic center devoted to health and human rights, issues based at advocacy organizations the Harvard School of Public Health. issues Programs focus on international advocacy organizations health and human rights, issues humanitarian crises and human rights, and advocacy organizations development and issues human rights.
  • International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) - A non-governmental, non-profit organisation provides details of education issues projects, international issues campaigns and other activities.
  • Digital Freedom Network - Promotes human rights world-wide, developing new methods of activism with internet technology.
  • Global Human Rights Defence - Promotes human rights throughout the world.
  • The Thomas Paine Project - Promotes and supports range of issues important to advocacy organizations the preservation of individual freedom; and attempts to advocacy organizations identify and challenge individuals and organizations who advocacy organizations would subvert the U.S. Bill of Rights for advocacy organizations personal, private or political gain.
  • Jubilee Campaign USA - Advocates on behalf of persecuted Christians throughout the advocacy organizations world. issues Supervises international and regional human rights projects.
  • Human Rights First - Works to promote and protect fundamental international human human rights and liberties rights. Includes newsletter, media alerts, lawyer-to-lawyer appeals, reports human rights and liberties on refugee policy and asylum cases.
  • Magnacartaplus - Promotes civil liberties and provides a watch advocacy organizations on advocacy organizations any attempts by governments to reduce or advocacy organizations interfere with advocacy organizations such freedoms.
  • No Peace Without Justice - An international committee seeking an effective system of international justice. Goals include the development and reform of existing international institutions, to ensure that human rights are enforced, and to campaign for the establishment of an Interna
  • Carr Center for Human Rights Policy - Researches policies and actions of governments, international organizations, and independent human rights and liberties actors that affect human rights globally.
  • Physicians For Human Rights - Mobilizes health professions and the public to protect advocacy organizations the human rights of all people. A founder advocacy organizations of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, PHR advocacy organizations shared the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Andrei Sakharov Archives and Human Rights Center - Papers, photos, audio and video material are kept human rights and liberties at this archives hosted by Brandeis University. Information human rights and liberties about Sakharov and links to articles and websites.
  • Electronic Resource Centre for Human Rights Education and Training - An on-line repository of human rights education and training materials, on-line forums, databases and links to other organisations and resources.
  • - A human rights organization promoting religious freedom and issues assisting international Christians who are victims of issues persecution and discrimination.
  • Scholars at Risk Network - Aids scholars outside the United States whose work is threatened advocacy organizations by mass or individual displacement, discrimination, censorship, harassment, intimidation, or advocacy organizations violence.
  • The Advocacy Project - Supporting community campaigners with information and information technology human rights and advocacy organizations liberties in their work for social justice, human rights, human rights advocacy organizations and liberties and peace.
  • Freedom House - Dedicated to promoting free institutions worldwide. Publishes surveys detailing state issues of civil liberties, political rights, economic freedom, religious freedom, and issues press freedom around the world.
  • World Commission For Peace and Human Rights Council - Addresses human rights generally, also landmines, and biological/chemical weapons.
  • Center for Economic and Social Rights - An organization that protests economic injustice in the human rights and liberties United States and around the world. Information human rights and liberties on events and programs, fact sheets and other human rights and liberties resources, and how to get involved.
  • International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI) - Early childhood care, risk, child labour, education, abuse, human rights and advocacy organizations liberties nonformal education, international development, policy development, programme development, human rights advocacy organizations and liberties action research, NGO management.
  • Jubilee Action - UK human rights charity supporting aid and awareness programmes for children and families at risk in places such as Burma, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, India and Liberia.
  • International Justice Mission - Legal intervention and advocacy on behalf of victims issues of injustice internationally.
  • Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International - International human and civil rights organization advocating justice human rights and advocacy organizations liberties for all, for women and children\\'s rights and human rights advocacy organizations and liberties against all forms of abuse and discrimination.
  • Derechos Human Rights - Internet based international human rights organization, working for the promotion issues and respect of human rights world-wide.
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) - Based in San Francisco, EFF is a donor-supported human rights and issues liberties membership organization working to protect fundamental rights regardless human rights issues and liberties of technology; to educate the press, policymakers and human issues rights and liberties the general public about civil liberties issues related issues human rights and liberties to technology; and to a
  • Rights International - US-based group, representing victims of human rights violations in international tribunals where governments violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other treaties.
  • Rights and Humanity - Aims to prevent and relieve human suffering by human rights and advocacy organizations liberties the promotion and realisation of human rights and human rights advocacy organizations and liberties responsibilities. Based in Suffolk, UK.
  • World Goodwill - Working for Right Human Relations and world peace issues under the auspiciousness of Goodwill.
  • Anti-Defamation League - The mission of the ADL is to stop the defamation human rights and liberties of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair human rights and liberties treatment for all citizens alike.
  • MRG - Minority Rights Group International - Works to secure the rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic advocacy organizations minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide, and to promote cooperation and advocacy organizations understanding between communities.
  • Youth Coalition - An international coalition of young people committed advocacy organizations to promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive advocacy organizations rights at the national, regional and international levels.
  • The International Commission of Jurists - Organisation dedicated to the primacy, coherence and implementation of human advocacy organizations rights. Site features database of trial observations, country reports and advocacy organizations interventions. Also includes links to national NGOs and an online advocacy organizations resources.
  • Office of The Americas - Los Angeles-based organization documenting current events and political activism in North America and Latin America, including human rights, and United States foreign policy.
  • International League of Human Rights - Campaigns on international human rights issues. The site issues presents recent issues human rights news, and contains on-line issues copies of several reports.
  • Advocates for Religious Rights and Freedoms - ARRF is a consociation of ministers of the human rights and advocacy organizations liberties International Community of Christ that seeks to preserve, human rights advocacy organizations and liberties protect and defend freedom of religion and to human advocacy organizations rights and liberties protect the right of individuals to religious expression.
  • Friends of Cuban Libraries - Supports intellectual freedom in Cuba.
  • Nuremberg Human Rights Center - Supports human rights worldwide. Site contains contact information human rights and human rights and liberties liberties and news from the institute\\'s various areas of human rights human rights and liberties and liberties activity.
  • RESULTS - A nonprofit, grassroots citizens\\' lobby that identifies sustainable solutions to the problems of hunger and poverty as a human rights issue, in the United States and around the world and working to generate the resources necessary to make those solutions

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