Policy Institutes Issues Society

A nonprofit, nonpartisan research and education foundation dedicated to keeping all Georgians informed about their government. Believes in limited government, private enterprise and individual responsibility.

    Top: Society: Issues: Policy Institutes


  • Goldwater Institute - Independent research and educational organization studying public policy institutes policy. issues Research papers, editorials, and policy briefings advocate policy institutes policy founded issues on principles of limited government, economic policy institutes freedom and individual issues responsibility. Topics: health care,
  • Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies - The Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to helping improve public policy decision-making in Georgia through research and analysis, training of policymakers and policy ana
  • Great Plains Public Policy Institute - Great Plains Public Policy Institute is a nonpartisan public policy issues and educational institution in South Dakota. GPPPI conducts educational events, issues public forums and scholarly research to give citizens and policy issues makers qualified recommendations.
  • The George C. Marshall Institute - Information on science and public policy issues (e.g. global warming, defense technology) for students, teachers, scientists, the media and lawmakers.
  • Gerster Consulting - Swiss firm which conducts research, policy analysis, and g advocacy on g trade, development, environment, and other aspects g of international cooperation. Areas g of activity, background information, g and news releases available in English; g additional content g ava
  • Grassroot Institute of Hawaii - A public policy think tank providing detailed study, analysis, investigation and reporting on the impact on the individual citizen by government and its procedures and departments in Hawaii.
  • Georgia Public Policy Foundation - A nonprofit, nonpartisan research and education foundation dedicated to keeping policy institutes all Georgians informed about their government. Believes in limited government, policy institutes private enterprise and individual responsibility.

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