Cloning Biotechnology Science and Technology Issues

Multimedia site from Time Magazine highlights the announcement of Dolly, with the look at the procedure, ethics, and future of cloning technology.

    Top: Society: Issues: Science and Technology: Biotechnology


  • Dolly cloning method patented - The first patents for cloning have been issued science and technology to the researchers who created Dolly the sheep. science and technology [BBC News]
  • Post-Clone Consciousness - Jessica Matthews looks at the realities of cloning after the dust has settled after the Dolly announcement. [Washington Post]
  • Americans to Ban Cloning - Group of Americans promoting a global, comprehensive ban on human cloning.
  • Send in the Clones - Using a new technique, scientists have cloned clones science and technology from clones. [Scientific American]
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science Policy Brief: Human Cloning - A summary of the human cloning issue, and a collection cloning of links to useful web resources, including information from the cloning media, and groups on all sides of the debate.
  • Dolly's Legacy - Nuclear transfer--used to clone Dolly--may help scientists develop more potent cloning stem-cell therapies. [Scientific American]
  • Genetic Engineering and Cloning - Gives information and debate positions, both for and science and technology against.
  • Human Cloning - Covers data on human cloning plus news updates, science and technology and full text of The Genetic Revolution by science and technology Dr. Patrick Dixon.
  • Cloning--Slouching Towards Creation - Multimedia site from Time Magazine highlights the announcement of Dolly, science and technology with the look at the procedure, ethics, and future of science and technology cloning technology.
  • Clonaid - Offers to clone humans.
  • HowStuffWorks: How Human Cloning Will Work - Describes the process that could be used to science and technology cloning clone humans, why some want to clone themselves science and technology cloning and the controversy surrounding cloning. Also discusses therapeutic science and technology cloning cloning.
  • Cloning Technology Progresses Despite Controversy - A review of cloning news concerning science and public policy, science and technology three years after the cloning of Dolly. [CNN]
  • Cloned embryos 'could treat leukaemia' - Human tissue could be cloned to help children with leukaemia, cloning a scientist predicts. [BBC News]
  • Scientists Produce Five Pig Clones - The first pig clones are created, bringing the transplantation of animal organs into humans much closer. [BBC News]
  • The Reproductive Cloning Network - Resources, links and scientific information on vertebrate, mammalian biotechnology and human reproductive cloning.
  • HowStuffWorks: How Cloning Works - Describes cloning and how it is possible to biotechnology save endangered species through cloning.
  • Ethicists Query Dolly Patents - The issuing of the first patents for cloning science and technology have fueled the debate over the "ownership" of science and technology important medical technologies. [BBC News]
  • Cloning Report - Coverage by the Washington Post.
  • Hello Dolly! - An entertaining and informative look at the science behind Dolly, cloning from the Why Files at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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