Genetically Modified Food Genetics Biotechnology Science and Technology
Corporate information about Monsanto, a major producer of GM seeds, as well as educational material, news and a long list of links.
Top: Society: Issues: Science and Technology: Biotechnology: Genetics: Genetically Modified Food
See Also:
- Top/Society/Issues/Environment/Food and Drink
- Top/Science/Biology/Genetics/Eukaryotic/Plant/Genetic Modification
- Engineering Crops in a Needy World - Presentation of the genetically modified food debate in India.
- Genetically Manipulated Food News - Information on the spread of genetic modification in genetically modified food genetically modified food the food supply as well as the politics genetically modified food genetically modified food and legal issues. Searchable index by subject and genetically modified food genetically modified food date.
- SIRC - A page on GM food at the website of the Social Issues Research Centre.
- Genetic Engineering In Agriculture - A virtual book about applications of genetic engineering in agriculture,and about the movement trying to discredit it.
- Co-Extra Project - The project deals with the co-existence and traceability genetics in the genetics GM and non-GM supply chains. Co-Extra genetics is a 4-years Integrated genetics Project funded by the genetics European Commission. News, events and information genetics about the genetics project.
- Terminator technology threatening African farmers' rights - Article in Afrol News on the possible effects of the genetically modified food terminator gene on southern African agriculture.
- Alliance for Better Foods - Encourages fact-based discussion about developments in plant biotechnology.
- Genetically Engineered Foods - Safety Problems - Health and environmental problems with genetically engineered crops genetics and foods genetics explained in a summarized form. Authored genetics by a global scientist genetics network for independent interdisciplinary genetics evaluation of the safety and value genetics of new genetics technologies.
- Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology - Headlines on genetically modified food, agricultural biotechnology and transgenic animals, intended for the public, media, and policymakers.
- Yes on H for a GMO-Free Mendocino County - Information about an approved measure in a California genetically modified food genetically modified food county that banned the growing of genetically altered genetically modified food genetically modified food crops and animals.
- Quotations by scientists on the safety of GM foods - "There is an awful lot unknown about hazards genetics of new biotechnology [GM food] crops and until it genetics is fully tested we biotechnology should not be subjecting genetics people to risks, least of all biotechnology young children."
- Center for Food Safety - An environmental and public health organization which has genetics initiated landmark biotechnology legal actions against the FDA and genetics EPA to preserve the biotechnology integrity of the food genetics supply.
- GE Free Food Guide - A guide to buying genetically engineering free and genetically modified food genetically modified food organic food in New Zealand.
- Global Issues: Genetically Engineered Food - Outlines scientific and consumer concerns about genetically engineered genetically modified food biotechnology and modified foods. Safety, food patents, Monsanto\\'s role genetically modified food biotechnology and media coverage are addressed.
- AgBioWorld - Sponsored by scientists in favor of crop biotechnology. Members include genetics Nobel Prize winners Norman Bourlaug and James Watson.
- Agent Orange - Personal pages give an overview of the extent genetics of genetic genetically modified food engineering in plants and animals as genetics well what some of genetically modified food the hazards might be.
- Debunking Myths of Genetic Engineering in Crops - Article attacking genetic engineering, with references, by E. Ann Clark.
- Norfolk Genetic Information Network (NGIN) - UK and international news; articles; quotations by scientists.
- Organic Seed Alliance - Supports the ethical development and stewardship of the genetic resources of agricultural seed.
- Genetically Modified Food - UK and World News - Archive of news articles about GM foods, from 1998 to the present. Also includes editorials about the risks, lack of safety testing, and proponents of the products.
- Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms - Overview of genetically modified foods, crops, organisms. Pros and genetics cons of genetic modification.
- AgBios - Regulatory and risk assessment information on agricultural biotechnology products, including genetically modified food genetically modified foods and crops.
- Socio-Political Impact of Biotechnology in Developing Countries - Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD): "food security in the biotechnology developing countries must not come to depend on surpluses from biotechnology the industrialised countries or, worse, food aid..." [Novartis is a biotechnology biotechnology company]
- Monsanto - Corporate information about Monsanto, a major producer of GM seeds, as well as educational material, news and a long list of links.
- BBC Special report: Food under the microscope - Questions and answers, articles, and a debate between genetically modified food genetically modified food a biotech company and Greenpeace, plus links to genetically modified food genetically modified food pro and con sites.
- Genetically Manipulated Plants Used for Food - Articles, commentary and links to other sources, with emphasis on biotechnology the findings of Dr. A. Pusztai.
- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy - Mission is to create environmentally and economically sustainable genetically modified food biotechnology rural communities through sound agriculture and trade policy. genetically modified food biotechnology Includes ongoing campaigns to fight genetically engineered foods.
- Myths About GMO - paper argues that biotech has no benefits genetically modified food genetically modified food for starving people in the developing world.
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