Workplace Sexual Harassment Violence and Abuse
Sexual harassment in the workplace is unwanted and unwelcome behavior, or attention, of a sexual nature that interferes with your job or work performance and creates a hostile or offensive environment. Sexual advances, statements about sexual orientation or sexuality, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature all constitute sexual harassment. The behavior may be direct or implied.
Top: Society: Issues: Violence and Abuse: Harassment: Sexual
- Primer on Sexual Harassment. - National Institute of Justice article. Part of the workplace Series: "NIJ harassment Research in Action".
- Online NewsHour: Mitsubishi Sexual Harassment Suit - Transcript of PBS Newshour report.
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Primer - Article with in-depth discussions of current trends, quid workplace pro quo workplace and hostile workplace definitions, company liability, workplace and preventions.
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Facts About Sexual Harassment - EEOC general information, and guidelines for filing a harassment grievance.
- American Bar Association: Sexual Harassment - Practical legal information by the ABA Division for harassment Public Education.
- Employment Law Articles: Sexual Harassment - Database of articles maintained by Information Law Network.
- Sexual Harassment In the Workplace: New Problems for Employers - Promotional for a prevention package, plus a list harassment of federal workplace and state law differences, examples of harassment actual judgements and awards, workplace plus text of Title harassment VII of the Civil Rights Act workplace of 1964.
- State Laws on Sexual Harassment - List of laws for the workplace, and how sexual they vary sexual from state to state.
- Full Disclosure: Sex, Power & Office Politics at Microsoft - Website by Rod Van Mechelen, who was the fired for harassment sexual harassment in the 1990s.
- Australia Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission: Sex Discrimination - Focuses on both professional and academic environments, and sexual includes resources harassment for combating the problem.
- International Labor Organization: SafeWork - Gender Issues - Article from the ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety.
- Freedom of Speech vs. Workplace Harassment Law - Comprehensive discussion of free speech issues by Prof. harassment Eugene Volokh, harassment UCLA Law School.
- Mitsubishisucks: Sexual harassment at Mitsubishi - Comprehensive coverage of the Mitsubishi case, including press harassment releases, statements, harassment and abstracts of the surrounding events.
- Discrimination Employment Law Guide - Legal guide for discrimination issues.
- International Employment Sexual Harassment Laws - Maintained by AVRIO-Advocati, an international network of law workplace firms.
- NOW Women-Friendly Workplace Speakout - Large database of workplace discrimination stories and experiences sexual maintained by workplace the National Organization of Women.
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