News and Media Afghanistan Civil War Specific Conflicts Warfare and Conflict

A survey of what's going on in the war against terrorism, with links to news coverage across the web on the Taliban, al Qaeda, and Osama Bin Laden.

    Top: Society: Issues: Warfare and Conflict: Specific Conflicts: Afghanistan Civil War

News and Media

See Also:
  • Bracing for Mayhem - Afghanistan is again facing devastation as the United news and media States plans a substantial military action. Includes news and media current and past news articles, photo gallery, interviews, news and media map, timeline from 1919 to 1998, section news and media on bin Laden, and links.
  • PBS: Afghanistan - News updates, political and economic crisis, US military news and media strikes, discussion forum, map, timeline, background sources, and news and media links.
  • Hope in a Ruined Land - Photojournal by Tyler Hicks for the New York afghanistan civil war afghanistan civil war Times, showing the country in summer 2002. Includes afghanistan civil war afghanistan civil war audio commentary, transcript and map.
  • - Detailed photo essay covering the civil war and the daily life of Afghans, by Alexander Merkushev.
  • Christian Science Monitor - Terrorism & Security - A survey of what\\'s going on in the news and media war against terrorism, with links to news coverage news and media across the web on the Taliban, al Qaeda, news and media and Osama Bin Laden.
  • Financial Times Special Report: Afghanistan's Future - Includes articles, background, and links for related special afghanistan civil war reports.
  • First 'Internet War' Gives Americans Non-American Viewpoints - Anick Jesdanun discusses and lists websites giving Americans news and media foreign viewpoints on the conflict in Afghanistan.
  • World In Crisis, Media In Conflict - Reports, commentary and resources from the global MediaChannel news and media news and media network help to understand the role of media.
  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting: Afghan Crisis - Reports and news analyses with focus on Afghanistan specific conflicts and the neighbouring countries [articles in English and specific conflicts Russian].
  • Journalists Fight "Hidden War" in Afghanistan - US military and Northern Alliance may have colluded to keep afghanistan civil war journalists away from areas in Afghanistan where special forces were afghanistan civil war operating. The Guardian, UK.
  • Washingtonpost: Afghanistan - Latest news, articles, interview transcripts and external links.
  • Why We Must Show the Dead - Eamonn McCabe explains the reasons for publishing photographs of war\'s specific conflicts victims.
  • Know Nothing About Afghanistan? Blame the Death of the Documentary - The audience is flooded with news, but the news and media media reduce Afghans to either victims or warriors.
  • The Iranian: Limbs of No Body - Commentary by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, an Iranian film-maker who has produced specific conflicts two feature films on Afghanistan, on the reasons for the specific conflicts high mortality and emigration rates. Photo essay by Ali specific conflicts Khaligh.
  • How Smart Was This Bomb? - Did the US mean to hit the Kabul specific conflicts offices afghanistan civil war of Al-Jazeera TV? Some journalists are convinced specific conflicts it was afghanistan civil war targeted for being on the \\'wrong specific conflicts side\\'. A report afghanistan civil war by Matt Wells in the specific conflicts Guardian.
  • FAIR Resources: Afghanistan - Provides articles, broadcasts, documents and links about media news and media coverage of Afghanistan, produced and compiled by the news and media media watch group FAIR.
  • Williams Afghan Media Project - Williams College and the Afghan Media Resource Center specific conflicts collect afghanistan civil war and archivate material related to the conflict specific conflicts in Afghanistan. afghanistan civil war Includes a contact address, information on specific conflicts the project and afghanistan civil war an online searchable database of specific conflicts images.
  • Guardian Unlimited - Weblog special: Attack on Afghanistan - Collection of articles from around the net discussing afghanistan civil war afghanistan civil war the rights and wrongs of the US-attack on afghanistan civil war afghanistan civil war Afghanistan.
  • UN News Centre: Afghanistan - UN press briefings and reports, news, information and articles on the peacekeeping force and the UN relief efforts, maps.
  • Afghanistan Archive - Includes articles, interviews, photo essays, and resources.
  • CBC In-depth Report: Afghanistan - News and analysis, background information, profiles of key specific conflicts figures news and media and countries, multimedia.
  • CNN: "We Didn't Want to Criticize a Popular War" - Kurt Nimmo criticizes the lack of investigative journalism in the US mainstream media. From Counterpunch, US.
  • War in Afghanistan - Articles, analysis, comments and background information.

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