BBC News September 11, 2001 News and Media War on Terrorism

An Irish survivor fled the World Trade Centre only to discover that his sister and niece were on board one of the doomed jets.

    Top: Society: Issues: Warfare and Conflict: Specific Conflicts: War on Terrorism: News and Media: September 11, 2001

BBC News

Editor's Picks:

BBC News - Special Report: Attack on America* - News coverage, background resources, chronology, photo gallery, map and video/audio.

  • Papers Question Afghan Mission - Friday\\'s UK papers strike a note of caution about the US mission, questioning the wider implications of the effort to catch Osama Bin Laden.
  • Tackling Terror with Technology - Experts are warning of the risk of relying bbc news on bbc news technology to help spot terrorists before they bbc news attack.
  • S Africa Supports Anti Terrorism Measures - South Africa reaffirms its support for President Bush\\'s bbc news international bbc news coalition against terrorism.
  • Baseball Honours the Dead - An electric atmosphere at New York\\'s Shea Stadium greets the september 11, 2001 city\\'s first sporting event since the atrocities as the Mets september 11, 2001 play the Braves.
  • Britney Cancels Tour After Attacks - Singer Britney Spears says she wants to be with her family, while Madonna and other musicians pledge funds for relief charities.
  • Economic Impact - Links to a selection of BBC articles looking september 11, 2001 news and media at the impact of the attacks on the september 11, 2001 news and media economy.
  • Generation Y's Chance to Shine? - Until two weeks ago, young Americans had never had it so good. Now, with the US gearing up for an uncertain war, a question mark hangs over their future, reports the BBC.
  • Analysis: Impact on the Middle East - The BBC\\'s Jim Muir, in Tehran, considers the effects of the attacks on US-Arab relations and the Middle East peace process.
  • Asian Casualties Feared in New York - Reports on how information about the safety of september 11, 2001 Asian nationals working in New York\\'s destroyed World september 11, 2001 Trade Center could take days to emerge.
  • Pledge to Wipe Out Islamophobia - Home Office Minister John Denham promises that the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 government will act to cut out the "cancer september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 of Islamophobia" in British society.
  • Press Anguish Over US Co-operation - Newspapers in Pakistan and Afghanistan reacted strongly to september 11, 2001 the possibility of American military action in the september 11, 2001 region.
  • UN Seeks Role in Anti-Terror War - The BBC\\'s Greg Barrow assesses the role played september 11, 2001 bbc news by the United Nations in building support for september 11, 2001 bbc news the war on terrorism promoted by the US.
  • Pakistan Seeks Bin Laden Handover - Pakistan is to send a delegation to persuade news and media the Taleban to hand over Osama Bin Laden news and media as Afghans flee from possible US attacks.
  • Plane Crashes in Pennsylvania - A United Airlines plane flying from Newark to San Francisco crashes near Pittsburgh, after terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
  • Asia's Muslims Uncertain after US attack - Muslims in South-East Asia, as elsewhere, are now looking at news and media the likely repercussions on their own communities of the attacks.
  • Silent Tribute to US Victims - Scotland joined the rest of Europe in a day of news and media mourning for those who lost their lives in the American news and media terrorist attacks.
  • Flights Backlog Eases - Transatlantic flights began to get back to normal after the disruption caused by the terrorist attacks in the US.
  • Putin: 'We Are All to Blame' - Russia\\'s president says world leaders\\' trust in outdated bbc news security news and media systems, and a lack of trust in bbc news each other, news and media only served to help terrorists.
  • Islamic Schools Re-open - Three Islamic schools in north London re-opened after bbc news closing their doors to protect pupils from abuse bbc news in the wake of the attacks in the bbc news US.
  • UK Targets Terrorist Finances - UK Chancellor Gordon Brown vows an international assault september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 on terrorist finances and sends a list of september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 suspects to banks around the world.
  • Russia Pledges Support for US - Russian President Vladimir Putin allows the US to bbc news use air bases in central Asia as Washington bbc news moves to cut off funding for Osama bin bbc news Laden.
  • Princes Sign US Book of Condolence - Prince Charles and Prince William signed a book news and media september 11, 2001 of condolence for victims of the attacks on news and media september 11, 2001 the United States last week.
  • US Tragedy: How Should the World React? - How should the US, and the world, respond to the carnage visited upon America, asks the BBC. Includes user submitted responses.
  • Scots Link to US Terror Suspect - A former SAS member alleges that guerrillas who protect US terror attack suspect Osama bin Laden were trained in Scotland.
  • Afghan Economy Fights for Survival - The Afghan economy exists at a subsistence level bbc news as news and media its people cling to trade and agriculture bbc news to survive news and media the ravages of war, reports the bbc news BBC.
  • Pakistan's Fear of Refugee Flood - Pakistan, home to one of the world\\'s biggest refugee populations, is increasingly reluctant to take more Afghans.
  • Insurance Cost Estimates Doubled - The world\\'s two largest reinsurers, Munich Re and Swiss Re, september 11, 2001 double their cost estimates of the attacks on the US.
  • Text: Bush Address to Congress - Extracts of US President George W Bush\\'s rallying bbc news cry against international terrorism in a speech to bbc news both houses of the US congress.
  • More Pain for US Airlines - America\\'s airlines slashed staff and schedules as shares news and media news and media plummeted, prompting the US government to mull a news and media news and media financial rescue package.
  • Fleeing Afghans Urged Home - Taleban leader Mullah Omar calls on tens of news and media bbc news thousands of Afghan refugees to return because he news and media bbc news says the threat of US military strikes is news and media bbc news receding.
  • Mourners Remember Missing Britons - Grieving families of Britons still missing since the september 11, 2001 US terror attacks gather for a memorial ceremony september 11, 2001 in central London.
  • Nato Offers Solidarity and Support - Nato ambassadors expressed their support for the United States after news and media the attacks.
  • New York Schools Return - Most New York schools are now open again, news and media bbc news with alternative arrangements for those most affected by news and media bbc news the World Trade Center attacks.
  • Pakistan's Views Possible US Retaliation - Owen Bennett Jones asks the people of Peshawar bbc news about their views on any impending US military bbc news action.
  • World Bank and IMF Cancel Talks - Two of the world\\'s most important financial bodies news and media september 11, 2001 cancelled their annual meetings in the wake of news and media september 11, 2001 the terror attacks on America.
  • What the Papers Say - A round-up of what made the headlines in the Northern september 11, 2001 Ireland newspapers, on the 12th September, 2001.
  • Curtain Rises on Some US Shows - The world of entertainment in the US began bbc news to show cautious signs of getting back to bbc news normal after the terrorist attacks.
  • Kittens Due Home After Attack 'Trauma' - British pop group Atomic Kitten will fly to news and media bbc news the UK from New York on Monday after news and media bbc news witnessing the terror attacks in Manhattan, reports the news and media bbc news BBC.
  • Euro Air Security Under Urgent Review - European transport ministers plan an emergency meeting to discuss tightening security in the wake of the US terror attacks.
  • GBH Arrests Over Afghan Attack - Three men were arrested on suspicion of GBH september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 in connection with a racist attack that left september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 a 28-year-old Afghan taxi driver paralysed.
  • Terror Suspect 'Taught Hijackers' - An Algerian pilot held by British police was bbc news an instructor for four of the hijackers in bbc news the US terror attacks, a London court hears.
  • First Father Warns of Long Conflict - Former US President George Bush senior warns in september 11, 2001 a BBC interview that America\\'s war on terrorism september 11, 2001 is likely to be a drawn-out battle.
  • Reprieve for Kiss Me Kate - Broadway workers agree to buy tickets to their own show news and media to keep it open as attendance suffers in the wake news and media of the US attacks.
  • Following the Money - Governments around the world are trying to track bbc news the news and media money used in the attacks on the bbc news US. But news and media the task could prove long, complex bbc news and difficult, reports news and media the BBC.
  • Attack Suspects Arrested in Paris - French police have detained four more people suspected of involvement in planning attacks against American targets in the country.
  • New Heroes of the Nation - Americans flocked to join the rescue effort at september 11, 2001 news and media the World Trade Center, but it is the september 11, 2001 news and media firefighters who have won a special place in september 11, 2001 news and media the hearts of the nation, reports the BBC.
  • What Now for the Taleban? - The BBC\\'s John Simpson looks at Osama Bin news and media september 11, 2001 Laden\\'s relationship with the Taleban, and asks if news and media september 11, 2001 the downfall of one will herald the downfall news and media september 11, 2001 of the other.
  • Text of Bush's Act of War Statement - Transcript of statement by US President George W news and media news and media Bush, in which he describes the terror attacks news and media news and media as "acts of war".
  • War Fears Hurt Indian Economy - Fears of an imminent US strike against Afghanistan hits the Indian economy which was already in the middle of a slowdown.
  • Bin Laden 'Share Gains' Probe - Financial watchdogs probe rumours that Osama Bin Laden news and media bbc news tried to profit from stock trading ahead of news and media bbc news last week's terrorist atrocities.
  • Bin Laden's Afghan Victims - Kate Clark hears evidence of a scorched earth september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 policy carried out by the Taleban to counter september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 resistance.
  • Internet Offers Lifeline - Looks at how people struggling to speak to families and bbc news friends turned to e-mail, instant messaging, IRC, the web and bbc news internet phones.
  • Eyewitnesses Tell of Horror - People on the scene of America\\'s disasters describe extraordinary scenes bbc news of panic and terror.
  • Aid Begins to Reach Afghan Refugees - Emergency supplies from the World Food Programme start arriving in Pakistan ahead of an anticipated mass influx of Afghan refugees.
  • Civil Liberties Fears Over Terrorism Bill - Civil liberties groups raised the alarm over a draft bill september 11, 2001 seeking to introduce broad new powers against suspected terrorists.
  • Blair Holds Attack Talks - Prime Minister Tony Blair was holding telephone talks september 11, 2001 with world leaders on Saturday to further discuss september 11, 2001 the US attacks.
  • Tributes Paid to Frasier Creator - Colleagues of David Angell, the creator of award-winning TV comedy september 11, 2001 Frasier, pay tribute to him after his death in Tuesday\'s september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
  • Senate Backs $15bn Aid for Airlines - The Senate approves a $15bn rescue package for bbc news the US airline industry which has seen a bbc news sharp decline in trade after the terror attacks.
  • Germans Torn by Dilemma - Germans fear being targeted by terrorists and also being in bbc news a war against terrorism, as Patrick Bartlett reports.
  • Economy in the Balance - The US stock markets\\' reopening, and plans for bbc news military news and media action, could determine if the global economy bbc news falls into news and media recession, reports the BBC.
  • Bush Holds Council of War - President Bush discusses war options with top aides news and media as the US masses military forces around Afghanistan.
  • Bush Statement in Full - Full text of President George W Bush\\'s statement september 11, 2001 following the attacks on New York and Washington.
  • Innocence is the Real Casualty - Americans, until now blissfully ignorant of any hatred news and media september 11, 2001 towards their country, have lost their sense of news and media september 11, 2001 invincibility, reports the BBC's Jonny Dymond.
  • Bangladesh Agrees to US Facilities Request - The caretaker government of Bangladesh agrees to a request by the United States to use the nation\'s airspace, airfields and port facilities.
  • Kabul Checkpoints Stem Refugee Exodus - The Taleban set up checkpoints around Kabul to september 11, 2001 bbc news restrict movement, as refugees try desperately to escape september 11, 2001 bbc news to Pakistan.
  • BBC Increases Service in Afghan Area - The BBC World Service has increased its broadcasts serving Afghanistan and the surrounding region.
  • Afghanistan Veers Towards Chaos - The BBC\\'s Afghanistan correspondent Kate Clark tells of the growing panic and sense of desperation gripping the Afghan people.
  • Iran Visit May Help US Ties - The trip to Iran next week by Britain\\'s bbc news foreign bbc news secretary may open a channel of communication bbc news between Iran bbc news and the US, says BBC correspondent bbc news Jim Muir.
  • Oil Prices Soar on Supply Fears - Crude oil prices jumped over 5% as fears september 11, 2001 over the security of supply returned to haunt september 11, 2001 the market.
  • City Schools Re-open with Counselling - New York\\'s schools go back, after the World news and media Trade Center disaster, with staff ready to counsel news and media pupils.
  • 'The Shock's Not Set in Yet' - With a new week looming, New York was september 11, 2001 trying to return to normal. But the attack september 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center still weighed heavily september 11, 2001 on the minds of its citizens.
  • Jackson Mulls Afghan Visit - US civil rights leader Jesse Jackson says he is still september 11, 2001 considering whether to visit Afghanistan to hold peace talks with september 11, 2001 the Taleban.
  • Anti-Terrorist Police Given More Time - Anti-terrorist police in London are given until Friday september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 to continue questioning two men about the terror september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 attacks in the US.
  • Japan Resumes Aid to US Allies - Japan says it will give Pakistan and India bbc news emergency economic aid as part of its effort bbc news to help countries near Afghanistan that are co-operating bbc news with the US.
  • UK Surfers Swamp News Sites - Net surfers in the UK rushed online to try to get the latest news about the attacks on New York and Washington, the BBC reports.
  • No Ordinary Commute - In New York\\'s financial district, workers picked their bbc news way september 11, 2001 back to the office for the first bbc news time since september 11, 2001 the attacks.
  • Terrorists' Funding: How Can we Stop the Money Supply? - The United States has moved to cut off the flow news and media of money to Osama Bin Laden, his al-Qaeda network and news and media other groups it suspects of involvement in terrorism. Can the news and media terrorists\\' money supply be cut off so easily, asks the news and media BBC.
  • UN Prepares for Major Afghan Crisis - The UN refugee agency is sending emergency staff bbc news to news and media Pakistan and Iran, warning of a possible bbc news major humanitarian news and media disaster for Afghans.
  • UK Tourism 'Set to Lose Billions' - Tourism chiefs predict £2.5bn in lost overseas business news and media news and media this year because of foot-and-mouth and the US news and media news and media terror attacks.
  • UK Afghans Fear Reprisals - Afghans in the UK are scared that US news and media news and media retaliation against their country will kill civilians and news and media news and media alienate moderates and public opinion, reports the BBC.
  • Anti-Taleban Faction Sides with Bin Laden - A leading figure in Afghanistan\\'s anti-Taleban opposition says his group would fight alongside the Taleban if the US invaded.
  • Coalition in Quotes - Looks at what world leaders said about forming bbc news an news and media anti-terrorism coalition.
  • Pakistan Warns of Afghan Instability - Pakistan says imposing a government on Afghanistan in place of the Taleban would only increase the suffering of Afghans.
  • Air Industry Faces Bleak Outlook - Experts say fares will rise, passenger numbers will fall and small airlines could go bust in the aftermath of the US terrorist attacks.
  • Explaining Arab Anger - BBC Tehran Correspondent Jim Muir explains the link news and media between US foreign policy and the suicide bombings.
  • Text of Taleban Leader's Speech - Text of a speech by the Taleban supreme news and media news and media leader Mullah Mohammad Omar.
  • UK Death Toll 'May Reach Hundreds' - Downing Street said that hundreds of UK citizens september 11, 2001 could be among the casualties in the World september 11, 2001 Trade Center attacks.
  • Attacks 'Blow to US Revival' - Economists forecast initiatives ranging from an interest rate cut to news and media a military strike in response to the US attacks.
  • Analysis: UN's Crisis Role - The UN Security Council could help the US to rally support from non-Nato members for anti-terrorism strikes, reports the BBC.
  • FBI Makes its First Arrest - US law enforcement officials detained an unidentified man who could have "useful information" about the attacks.
  • Aerospace Firm Axes 900 Jobs - The parent company of Belfast aerospace firm Shorts announces substantial job losses in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on America.
  • World Tourism Faces Uncertain Future - Tourism leaders meet in South Korea, as their september 11, 2001 industry reels from the impact of the US september 11, 2001 terror attacks.
  • US Markets to Re-open on Monday - After its longest suspension since the Wall Street crash of september 11, 2001 1929, share trading in New York was due to resume september 11, 2001 on Monday.
  • US Eyes Armed Guards for Planes - As US airports prepare to open again for business, new security measures could include armed guards on flights.
  • The Fight Against Terror - The BBC\\'s Legal Affairs Correspondent, Jon Silverman, looks news and media bbc news at the "life-support" system behind Osama Bin Laden\\'s news and media bbc news alleged network of terror.
  • Megawati Warns Against Reprisals - Indonesia\\'s President Megawati Sukarnoputri, the first Muslim leader to meet news and media the US leader since last week\\'s terror attacks, warns against news and media revenge.
  • Pakistan Weighs up US Demands - Pakistan\\'s military leadership has yet to give a firm response news and media to US requests for help in rooting out those behind news and media Tuesday\'s attacks, reports the BBC.
  • ID Cards Opposition Grows - Warnings grow against rushed introduction of identity cards news and media bbc news as the UK government considers the scheme as news and media bbc news part of anti-terrorism measures.
  • Editors Warned Over War Speculation - One of Britain\\'s leading military officers urges broadcasters and newspaper bbc news editors to minimise speculation about military action.
  • China Asks US to Look Beyond Nato - China appeals to the US to consult with bbc news countries bbc news beyond Europe before launching action following the bbc news terrorist attacks.
  • Manhattan's New Homeless - Affluent New Yorkers have found themselves homeless following bbc news the news and media attacks on the World Trade Center, writes bbc news BBC News news and media Online's Jonathan Duffy.
  • Ireland Grieves for America - Ireland virtually closed down as people observed a National Day september 11, 2001 of Mourning in the wake of the attacks on New september 11, 2001 York and Washington.
  • Quetta Opinions Divided on Holy Day - BBC News Online\\'s Daniel Lak attends prayers and september 11, 2001 bbc news religious gatherings in the Pakistani city of Quetta, september 11, 2001 bbc news seeking out local Muslim opinion of the US september 11, 2001 bbc news attacks.
  • Afghans Hooked on the BBC - BBC World Service Pashto and Persian language radio broadcasts are one of the primary sources of news for Afghanistan.
  • Focus on Afghanistan - Audio and video footage looking at the country bbc news and news and media the situation there.
  • Fighting Rages in North Afghanistan - Fierce fighting is said to continue in northern news and media Afghanistan between Taleban forces and the opposition Northern news and media Alliance.
  • Flight Restrictions set to Ease - Thousands of stranded travellers in the UK and the US bbc news wait to hear when flights will resume following the terror bbc news attacks in America.
  • World Press on Terror Strikes - Looks at the headlines and front pages, as bbc news papers september 11, 2001 across the US and Europe grieved the bbc news "loss of september 11, 2001 America as we know it".
  • Foreign Leaders Head for US - France\\'s President Jacques Chirac is the first of news and media news and media a string of dignitaries to visit the US news and media news and media as President Bush seeks support for a \\'war news and media news and media on terrorism'.
  • Wall Street Counts the Cost - The world\\'s largest financial institutions took stock of the human september 11, 2001 and business toll after the World Trade Center attack.
  • Taleban Investigate Captured Reporter - A Briton arrested on suspicion of spying in news and media Afghanistan is being well treated while her identity news and media is established, according to reports.
  • Nato Agrees to Back US - Nato declares it will provide full support to september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 Washington if requested, but one member immediately expresses september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 reluctance to enter a war.
  • French Police Probe Helicopter Plot - France is investigating whether Bin Laden supporters planned news and media a helicopter strike on a US embassy in news and media Paris, as European police chase dozens of leads.
  • World Offers Help to US - Countries around the world were ready to send september 11, 2001 bbc news blood donations and rescue teams to the US september 11, 2001 bbc news after the deadly attacks.
  • What Now for Tourism? - The terrorist attacks on the US will transform worldwide travel september 11, 2001 and our behaviour as tourists, experts say.
  • Arthur Miller Condemns Terrorism - Acclaimed US playwright Arthur Miller says the terrorist attacks in news and media the US are part of a "war against humanity".
  • Kennedy Cautions on 'War' Talk - Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy tells his party faithful that bbc news the UK must be a "candid friend" to the US bbc news in the campaign against terrorists.
  • Chechens Told to Break with Bin Laden - Washington urges Chechen rebels to cut terrorist ties, news and media bbc news less than two days after Russia backed the news and media bbc news campaign against terrorism.
  • British Airlines Head to America - British Airways and Virgin Atlantic aimed to run september 11, 2001 news and media a near normal timetable in the days ahead.
  • Where Once the Towers Stood - A weekend satellite image shows the enormous task bbc news facing bbc news rescue workers as they sift the rubble bbc news of the bbc news World Trade Center.
  • Russia Inspects Afghan Border Troops - Speculation grows that Tajikistan could be used as a base september 11, 2001 for any US military action in Afghanistan.
  • Japanese PM Bolsters Washington - Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi leaves for the bbc news United september 11, 2001 States to pledge support in person for bbc news the fight september 11, 2001 against terrorism.
  • Few Survivors Pulled from Rubble - Four people are found alive in the debris september 11, 2001 of the World Trade Center, but there is september 11, 2001 little hope of rescuing many of the thousands september 11, 2001 still missing.
  • Viewpoint: Fear of a 'Messy War' - An Italian journalist describes her own reaction to bbc news the news of the horrific attacks on the bbc news US, and explains how many Italians feel about bbc news plans for military retaliation.
  • UAE Cuts Ties with Taleban - The United Arab Emirates cuts diplomatic ties with september 11, 2001 Afghanistan\\'s ruling Taleban, who are now recognised by september 11, 2001 just two countries.
  • First Lady Counsels Pupils - Laura Bush has written to pupils across the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 United States about Tuesday's terrorist attacks.
  • Jowell Praises New York Firefighters - Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell meets the firefighters involved in trying to rescue victims of the US terrorist attacks.
  • Ghastliness of Ground Zero - BBC Northern Ireland producer Marie Irvine describes the news and media bbc news sobering atmosphere down at Ground Zero.
  • The Language of Conflict - BBC Middle East and Islamic affairs analyst Roger Hardy explains why the use of language has become so sensitive in the current international crisis.
  • FBI Probes 'Attempted Fifth Hijack' - Sources close to the FBI investigation tell a US newspaper bbc news hijackers may have been on board a fifth plane last bbc news week.
  • US Rocked by Terror Attacks - An article with information on the response by bbc news various news and media parties and related commentaries.
  • New York Takes Steps Towards Normality - Children return to school and part of the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 Brooklyn bridge reopens as the city continues its september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 convalescence.
  • US Under Attack: Your Reactions - Thousands of people are feared dead after terror attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. Send us your reactions to these unprecedented acts.
  • Islamic 'Plotters' Held in France - France foils a suspected plot to attack the US Embassy while Germany issues arrest warrants in connection with the attacks on America.
  • Shaking New York's State of Mind - The BBC\\'s Jane Black speaks to New Yorkers bbc news left september 11, 2001 stunned by the devastation of their city bbc news in the september 11, 2001 aftermath of the attacks.
  • 'We Just Want to go Home' - Hundreds of Americans were among those making a news and media september 11, 2001 pilgrimage to the US Embassy in London to news and media september 11, 2001 pay their respects.
  • Scotland Joins US in Grief - The impact of the world\\'s worst terrorist attack bbc news was bbc news being felt in Scotland as US citizens bbc news there tried bbc news to comprehend events in their homeland.
  • SAS 'Clash with Taleban' - The UK Ministry of Defence refuse to discuss september 11, 2001 reports that an SAS unit was fired on september 11, 2001 by Taleban soldiers near the Afghan capital Kabul.
  • First US Flights Arrive - Passengers describe their relief as the first transatlantic flight to september 11, 2001 leave America since the terror attacks touches down in Britain.
  • US Attacks: Lessons for School History? - Education correspondent Mike Baker asks whether the attacks news and media news and media on the US have prompted a need for news and media news and media more world history lessons.
  • Blair's Statement in Full - Full text of Tony Blair\\'s statement to the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 nation in the wake of the terror attacks september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 made on the United States.
  • Taleban Face Total Isolation - The Taleban are left virtually isolated after Saudi september 11, 2001 Arabia cuts off ties with the Afghan regime, september 11, 2001 which faces US-led action over Osama Bin Laden.
  • Scots Families Wait for News - A number of Scottish families were still waiting for news of relatives who were in New York at the time of Tuesday's terrorist attacks.
  • Bin Laden's Command Structure - The BBC\\'s Middle East analyst Roger Hardy examines bbc news the nature of Osama Bin Laden\\'s global network bbc news of Islamic militants, and his possible connections to bbc news the attack.
  • Megawati Flies to Meet Bush - Indonesia\\'s President Megawati Sukarnoputri visited the US, the first leader bbc news of a Muslim nation to do so since the suicide bbc news attacks.
  • Man Escapes Tower 'Fireball' - A Northern Ireland man describes his escape after news and media news and media the first plane crashed into the World Trade news and media news and media Center in New York on Tuesday.
  • Air India Introduces Plastic Cutlery - India\\'s international carrier, Air India, says it has september 11, 2001 bbc news replaced its steel and silver-plated cutlery with plastic.
  • Who is Osama Bin Laden? - The United States suspects Osama Bin Laden, a news and media september 11, 2001 wealthy Saudi-born dissident based in Afghanistan, is behind news and media september 11, 2001 a string of terrorist attacks.
  • Hopes Fade for Missing - New York tries to return to normality as bbc news emergency workers enter the seventh day of their bbc news rescue operation.
  • Indian Muslims Oppose US Action - There is growing concern among India\\'s 120 million bbc news Muslims about the degree of support Delhi is bbc news offering the US for its campaign against Osama bbc news bin Laden, reports the BBC.
  • Airlines Rush for Government Help - More airlines around the world are pleading for bbc news government help, as the string of jobs cuts bbc news and profit warnings continues.
  • What Did we Tell the Children? - E-mails from around the world describe how children were told of the attack on New York, and how they reacted.
  • Russian Press Review - Russia\\'s newspapers ask whether a terrorist attack like news and media news and media that on the US could occur in Moscow, news and media news and media and whether Osama Bin Laden might be guilty.
  • Analysis: Straw's Visit Divides Iran - The trip to Iran by Britain\\'s foreign secretary bbc news Jack Straw splits the country in two, says bbc news Tehran correspondent Jim Muir.
  • Frozen with Fear - First hand accounts from BBC News Online users.
  • FBI Probes Hijackers' Identities - The FBI is examining the possibility that some of last news and media week\\'s hijackers used fake identities, as police arrest another man news and media for questioning.
  • Liberia Bans Bin Laden Pictures - The Liberian government deployed police to arrest any news and media bbc news one selling or buying photographs of Osama Bin news and media bbc news Laden, the prime suspect of the terror attacks news and media bbc news in US.
  • Warning over Wiretaps - Laws designed to catch computer criminals could result in a huge increase in the amount of covert surveillance carried out on British citizens.
  • Afghan Opposition Flexes its Muscles - In northern Afghanistan\\'s Panjshir Valley held by the opposition, there news and media is a sense of expectation as pressure builds up on news and media the Taleban.
  • Belgium Swoops on 'Bomb Factory' - Two men with possible Islamic militant links are arrested in bbc news Brussels along with a store of potentially explosive chemicals.
  • Greenspan Assesses the Damage - The chairman of the Fed says calm is bbc news returning news and media to financial markets, but no one can bbc news tell the news and media full effects of the terrorist attacks.
  • Emergency Cabinet Meets in Number 10 - UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has held an september 11, 2001 emergency cabinet meeting after a summit with senior september 11, 2001 ministers and security chiefs.
  • US Allows Limited Air Service - Looks at the US saying it will allow bbc news a bbc news limited re-opening of its airspace, but will bbc news maintain the bbc news ban on regular services.
  • Profile: Bush's Fighting Team - The BBC\\'s Paul Reynolds examines an administration which features the very men who fought the Gulf War under George W Bush's father.
  • Ethnic Minorities Demonstrate in US - Leaders of minority ethnic groups rallied in Washington to urge people not to avenge last week\\'s attacks by picking on people who "looked like the enemy".
  • Kazakhstan Offers US Help - Kazakhstan\\'s President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, says his country is prepared to news and media back the US campaign against terrorism with all available means.
  • A Question of Identity - The UK Government is considering reintroducing national identity september 11, 2001 bbc news cards in the fight against terrorism. But it september 11, 2001 bbc news would be sure to be a controversial move, september 11, 2001 bbc news reports the BBC.
  • Algerian Suspect 'Trained Hijackers' - An Algerian arrested by British police instructed four september 11, 2001 of the hijackers involved in the US terror september 11, 2001 attacks, a London court is told.
  • IMF Warns on Global Economy - The IMF and OECD warn that the terrorist attacks are accelerating a sharp slowdown in the world economy.
  • Saudi Air Base Blow for US - Saudi Arabia\\'s defence minister rules out the use september 11, 2001 of bases on Saudi territory for American-led strikes september 11, 2001 against Afghanistan's ruling Taleban.
  • Taleban Retreat in Heavy Fighting - The Taleban, under threat of US air strikes, admit losing bbc news ground in battles against opposition fighters in northern Afghanistan.
  • Dying for a Cause - The BBC\\'s Nick Thorpe meets a group of september 11, 2001 bbc news young Turks willing to die for their beliefs.
  • Russia Finds 'Chechen Link' to Bin Laden - The Russian internal security service says it has found a bbc news computer compact disc in Chechnya which contains instructions for piloting bbc news Boeing aircraft.
  • Taleban Say Attacks Avenged US 'Cruelty' - The Taleban leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, tells the US public the terror attacks were retaliation against "cruel" US foreign policy.
  • FBI Identifies Some Hijackers - FBI chief Robert Mueller says some hijackers from Tuesday\\'s attack have been identified, and vows to leave no stone unturned.
  • Business Gurus Warn of US Recession - A key survey warns of worsening economic conditions, after US consumer confidence takes its biggest plunge in a decade.
  • US Special Forces: 'Unique Solutions' - Special operations forces such as Army Rangers and september 11, 2001 Navy Seals could be the first to enter september 11, 2001 Afghanistan, reports the BBC.
  • Police Chief to Liaise with FBI - Reports how Britain\\'s most senior police officer is september 11, 2001 bbc news to liaise with US law agencies to help september 11, 2001 bbc news with intelligence operations in the wake of the september 11, 2001 bbc news terror attacks.
  • European Press Review - Report on how the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon dominated the European papers.
  • UN Seeks Anti-Terror Role - Kofi Annan says only the United Nations can news and media give a response to the attacks on America news and media crucial legitimacy.
  • When the West is Unfashionable - Pakistan\\'s population is not convinced by assurances that news and media september 11, 2001 the US is targeting terrorism, not Islam, reports news and media september 11, 2001 the BBC.
  • US Attacks Halt Everest Balloon Bid - In the wake of the US terror attacks news and media China has refused permission to a British balloonist news and media to fly solo over Mount Everest.
  • Papers Tell Horror Story in Images - Every paper has a full-picture front page, recognising september 11, 2001 bbc news that words cannot match the shocking images of september 11, 2001 bbc news the US terror attacks, the BBC reports.
  • Analysis: Powerful Cross-Border Bonds - BBC News Online\\'s Daniel Lak reports from Quetta september 11, 2001 in western Pakistan on the enduring tribal allegiances september 11, 2001 that fuel anti-US feelings.
  • Profile: Bin Laden's Right Hand Man - Evidence is emerging that a radical Egyptian Islamist, Ayman al-Zawahri, has taken a key role in Osama Bin Laden\'s al-Qaeda network.
  • Winning Over the West - Jacky Rowland encounters anti-Taleban forces who believe that bbc news their moment has now arrived, but they may bbc news yet be disappointed by Washington.
  • US Caught in Transport Chaos - In the aftermath of the attacks on New september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 York and Washington, the BBC looks at Americans september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 resorting to new ways of getting around.
  • Iran Warns of Anti-Western Backlash - Iran warns that an attack on Afghanistan could news and media bbc news cause another human disaster and trigger an anti-western news and media bbc news backlash in the Muslim world.
  • World Mourns US Victims - From Washington to Nairobi, people joined in remembering the victims news and media of Tuesday\'s terror attacks on the United States.
  • Oil and Gold Prices Surge - Oil and gold prices jumped before trading was bbc news suspended bbc news in New York, London and Chicago, following bbc news attacks on bbc news the World Trade Center.
  • Giuliani Holds on to Hope - New York\\'s mayor says there is still hope bbc news that some lives might be saved at the bbc news World Trade Center, as he gives the latest bbc news casualty figures.
  • Bush U-turn on Bin Laden Evidence - The US administration backs away from a plan to issue news and media proof of Bin Laden\'s role in the attacks on America.
  • TUC Ends Conference Early - The TUC ended its conference early after delegates news and media news and media were left stunned by the terror attacks in news and media news and media the US.
  • Aid Agencies Prepare for Afghan Tragedy - International relief agencies gear up to fend off a humanitarian september 11, 2001 crisis in Afghanistan.
  • US Faces New Kind of War - The US military is gearing up for retaliation bbc news but news and media soldiers are facing a war in which bbc news there is news and media no clear enemy and no territory bbc news to conquer.
  • Turmoil Threatens Superjumbo Orders - Airbus could lose orders for its flagship A380 news and media news and media aircraft, as the turmoil in aviation prompts struggling news and media news and media carriers to cut costs.
  • Infinite Justice, Out - Enduring Freedom, In - The US changes the code name of its bbc news military bbc news build-up in the Middle East following objections bbc news in the bbc news Muslim world.
  • Peace Rally Opposes US Strikes - Hundreds attended a rally in Glasgow to express opposition to any military strike by the United States in the wake of the terror attacks.
  • Repay US with Peace Urges Mallon - Peace will repay the United States for its news and media bbc news support for the Northern Ireland process, says acting news and media bbc news Deputy First Minister Seamus Mallon.
  • UN Agency Reviews Airline Security - The International Civil Aviation Organisation discusses new security measures on september 11, 2001 flights, following the US terror attacks.
  • Should the Towers be Rebuilt? - New Yorkers are already debating whether to redevelop the devastated World Trade Center site, or create a memorial to the thousands who died.
  • Hollywood Studios 'On Terror Alert' - The celluloid world of Hollywood faces real fear after the FBI reportedly warned of terror threats to film studios including Universal.
  • Hollywood 'Changed Forever' - The terrorist attacks on New York will forever news and media bbc news change the workings of Hollywood movies, says British news and media bbc news director Mike Figgis.
  • Iraq Urges US Restraint - Iraq\\'s foreign minister warns the US against using bbc news the attack on New York as an excuse bbc news to strike Iraq.
  • MPs Debate 'Act of War' - Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says "turning the other cheek" would news and media raise new dangers during the Commons debate on the US news and media attacks.
  • Pakistan Refuses to Open Borders - Pakistan says it will not open its border september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 with Afghanistan to new refugees despite a plea september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
  • Attacks to Cost Lloyd's £1.3bn - Lloyd\\'s of London, the world\\'s biggest insurance market, has said september 11, 2001 the terrorist attacks on the US will cost it an september 11, 2001 estimated £1.3bn.
  • Fears Grow for US Economy - The US economy was \\'sluggish\\' even before the september 11, 2001 bbc news attacks in New York and Washington, the Federal september 11, 2001 bbc news Reserve warns.
  • US Markets Could Reopen Friday - The chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Grasso, september 11, 2001 states he hopes US stock markets will open no later september 11, 2001 than the Monday after the incidents.
  • Robots Aid New York Rescue Workers - Robots are being used to search for victims amid the rubble of the World Trade Center.
  • World Airlines Resume US Flights - International carriers rebuilt their services to the US september 11, 2001 news and media as American skies were opened to foreign aircraft.
  • Wave of Patriotism Sweeps Grieving US - A renewed patriotic fervour emerges as Americans come september 11, 2001 news and media to terms with the attacks on their country.
  • US Airlines Lose 40,000 More Jobs - American Airlines and United Airlines announced lay-offs for september 11, 2001 news and media 40,000 employees as the US aviation crisis deepened september 11, 2001 news and media with declining air traffic.
  • Pope Brings Message of Peace - Pope John Paul urges the use of peaceful means to bbc news settle conflicts as he begins a historic visit to Central bbc news Asia.
  • Britons Warned About Travel to Pakistan - UK residents are being advised to avoid travelling to Pakistan news and media in the light of heightened tension since the US terrorist news and media attacks.
  • Africans Condolences and Caution - Thoughts on the bomb attacks, from Africans around news and media september 11, 2001 the world.
  • Fear Closes Islamic Schools - A number of Islamic schools in Britain were news and media bbc news shut amid anti-Muslim threats following the attacks in news and media bbc news America.
  • Is Bush up to the Job? - The BBC\\'s Paul Reynolds reports on George W. Bush\'s first september 11, 2001 real presidential test.
  • Mental Legacy of Terror Strike - Survivors of the US terrorist attacks, and relatives september 11, 2001 of those who died, face a struggle against september 11, 2001 stress and depression, say experts.
  • Australia Links Asylum Policy to US Attack - An Australian minister says terrorist attacks on the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 US justify the hardline stance on blocking asylum september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 seekers trying to enter the country.
  • Why We Need Conspiracy Theories - Conspiracy theories are flourishing in the wake of the US news and media terror attacks, and experts say this is only natural.
  • Century of Biological and Chemical Weapons - Poison gas has been used in a dozen different campaigns around the world, and militants may be next, the BBC reports.
  • Israel Denies Iraqi Terror Attack Link - Israel\\'s military intelligence chief says there is no evidence of bbc news a link between the US terror attacks and Iraq.
  • Pakistan Sticks by Taleban Ties - Pakistan rules out cutting links with the bbc news Taleban september 11, 2001 in Afghanistan, saying it would damage the bbc news aid effort.
  • FBI Probes ISPs for Clues - The FBI scoured e-mail accounts for clues as to who bbc news might have been behind the attacks on New York City bbc news and Washington.
  • UK Airports at a Glance - Details of flights in and out of the UK\\'s airports news and media following the terrorist attacks on the US.
  • Children Taught 'Reality' of Disaster - A head teacher is concerned that pupils might confuse the news and media real-life attacks in the United States with video games and news and media movies.
  • UK on High Security Alert - Security at key buildings in the UK, including airports, government buildings, military bases and financial institutions was stepped up in the wake of the terrorist attacks in New York.
  • Insurers 'Face Claims of $15bn' - Financial experts believe the terrorist strikes in the US are the single most expensive man-made disaster in history.
  • Belfast Mosque Attacked as Fears Rise - Bricks were thrown at a mosque in south september 11, 2001 bbc news Belfast, as fear of attacks spread through the september 11, 2001 bbc news Muslim community in the Irish Republic.
  • UK to see US Battle Plans - The UK Government is to learn details of how the bbc news US aims to hit back at those it believes were bbc news behind the atrocities in New York and Washington.
  • US Resolute on Bin Laden Hunt - Washington says it has enough evidence against Osama news and media bbc news Bin Laden, as it prepares for possible military news and media bbc news action against Afghanistan.
  • British Families Fear the Worst - Hopes are fading among the families of Britons bbc news who september 11, 2001 are still missing following the terrorist attacks bbc news in the september 11, 2001 United States, reports the BBC.
  • Analysis: Who are the Taleban? - BBC News Online looks at the history and september 11, 2001 background of the Taleban movement that has ruled september 11, 2001 much of Afghanistan for the last four years.
  • Families Fear Loved Ones Dead - The death of a fourth Irish victim of september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 the terror attacks in New York is confirmed september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 as the expected death toll continues to rise.
  • Analysis: Pakistan's Dilemma - President Musharraf has pledged support for the US, but many september 11, 2001 in his country are strongly supportive of Osama Bin Laden, september 11, 2001 reports the BBC.
  • 'A Prayer for our Fallen' - Emotional performances by Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel september 11, 2001 were the highlights of a telethon to benefit september 11, 2001 victims of the US attacks, reports the BBC.
  • Moscow: US May Use Tajik Airport - Reports from Russia say the defence minister, Sergei Ivanov, has said the airport in Tajikistan could be made available to the United States Air Force.
  • US Security Hits Mexican Economy - Business leaders in Mexico warn that heightened security on the bbc news border with the US threatens vital border industries.
  • Aerospace Firms Ready for Fallout - The aerospace industry in Wales is braced for news and media september 11, 2001 possible cutbacks as leading firms announce major cutbacks news and media september 11, 2001 after the US terror attacks.
  • Pakistani Hospitals on Alert - Emergency measures are ordered in hospitals in south-west Pakistan in bbc news anticipation of a possible attack by the US on Afghanistan.
  • The Cult of Bin Laden - BBC Middle East Correspondent Frank Gardner explains why bbc news Osama news and media Bin Laden is becoming a cult hero bbc news in his news and media home country.
  • At a Veterinary M*A*S*H - As cranes, bulldozers and human muscle excavate the bbc news rubble news and media of the World Trade Center, it is bbc news the scores news and media of rescue dogs some are banking bbc news on to direct news and media them to survivors.
  • UK Rates Cut to 1960s Levels - The Bank of England cuts interest rates to their lowest bbc news level since 1964, despite a sharp and unexpected rise in bbc news inflation.
  • Blow to New York Survivor Hopes - Reports of a dramatic rescue of five firefighters september 11, 2001 bbc news in New York prove untrue, dealing a blow september 11, 2001 bbc news to hopes of finding more survivors.
  • Blair's War Team - The prime minister has a handfull of key bbc news people advising him on the military and political bbc news consequences of his reactions to the New York bbc news atrocities.
  • Blair Pledges Action Against Terror - The UK prime minister warns that worldwide action news and media bbc news must be taken to defeat terrorists before they news and media bbc news have the chance to use nuclear weapons.
  • Iranian Leader: No Help for US - Ayatollah Khamenei says Iran will play no part in an september 11, 2001 attack on Afghanistan, accusing the US of seeking to exploit september 11, 2001 the current crisis for its own ends.
  • Gulf State Reviews Taleban Ties - The United Arab Emirates considers whether to cut september 11, 2001 bbc news its ties with the Taleban rulers of Afghanistan september 11, 2001 bbc news in the wake of terror attacks on the september 11, 2001 bbc news US.
  • The Global Economic Impact - Looks at Wall Street closing, global markets swinging wildly, and surges in oil prices.
  • Satellites Capture Attack Aftermath - Looks at how the damage caused by the news and media news and media attacks in New York and Washington is clearly news and media news and media visible from space.
  • Bin Laden's Options - Terror suspect Osama Bin Laden has many options news and media in fleeing from justice, explains the BBC.
  • Guide to Military Strength - A guide to the forces that might be bbc news used against Osama Bin Laden's forces in Afghanistan.
  • Pakistanis Pray for US Victims - Special Friday prayers have taken place at mosques news and media september 11, 2001 in Pakistan for those killed in Tuesday\\'s attacks news and media september 11, 2001 in Washington and New York.
  • Middle East: Anti-terrorism Coalition - Throughout the region many leaders have condemned the attacks on bbc news the US and pledged varying degrees of support.
  • Anti-US Protests in Indonesia - Protesters in three Indonesian cities have staged demonstrations bbc news against any US military strikes on Afghanistan.
  • French Forget Grudges in US Crisis - France appears to have put its traditional grievances september 11, 2001 against the US aside as its people and september 11, 2001 politicians make clear their desire to help.
  • Arrest Warrant for 'Bin Laden Deputy' - Interpol issues a high-priority warrant for Egyptian militant Ayman al-Zawahri, september 11, 2001 thought to be chief ideologue of Osama Bin Laden\'s al-Qaeda september 11, 2001 group.
  • Bush Says US is at War - The US president says the "barbarians" who have bbc news declared war on the American people have chosen bbc news their own destruction.
  • A Waning Taste for Revenge? - Are some Americans disappointed not to have seen september 11, 2001 bbc news swifter retaliation against those blamed for the 11 september 11, 2001 bbc news September terror attacks, the BBC asks.
  • Call for Caution Over Military Action - International development secretary Clare Short warns against taking news and media news and media military action which would harm Afghan civilians.
  • Terror Attacks: Lib Dem Views - Two senior Liberal Democrat peers give BBC News Online their september 11, 2001 views on last week\'s atrocities and their wider implications.
  • War Without Warfare - Report by the BBC\\'s Tom Carver, who watched bbc news the Pentagon burn on Tuesday.
  • Asian Casualties Mount in New York - Hundreds of Asian nationals are feared dead after september 11, 2001 news and media the attacks in New York and Washington as september 11, 2001 news and media casualty figures begin to trickle in.
  • US Slump Could be 'Steep but Short' - Economists think the US economy could bounce back september 11, 2001 quickly from the effects of the attacks, but september 11, 2001 the rest of the world may not.
  • The Military Position - Looks at the forces of Afghanistan and the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 "coalition".
  • EU Weighs Response to US Strikes - European Union leaders prepared to hold an extraordinary news and media summit on Friday to discuss their response to news and media the attacks on the US.
  • Police Probe UK Terrorist Link - Scotland Yard investigates reports that 11 of the news and media news and media suicide hijackers involved in the US attacks may news and media news and media have passed through British airports.
  • Europe Mourns with US - Europe fell silent for three minutes in a mark of news and media respect for those who died in the attacks on New news and media York and Washington.
  • Travellers Face Heathrow Backlog - Officials at London\\'s Heathrow Airport warn that the backlog caused bbc news by the US hijackings will not be cleared until Thursday.
  • Military Options: Tory Viewpoints - Conservatives Sir Malcolm Rifkind and John Maples give september 11, 2001 news and media BBC News Online their views on the way september 11, 2001 news and media ahead following the US terror attacks.
  • Central Banks Promise Support - The US Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and bbc news the Japanese and Swiss central banks, pledged to bbc news help prevent financial instability.
  • Yemen Rounds up Muslim Extremists - Suspected followers of Osama Bin Laden are among september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 dozens arrested as Yemen seeks to co-operate with september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 the US.
  • Plaid Chief Supports Terrorism Justice - Ieuan Wyn Jones addresses Plaid Cymru\\'s annual conference september 11, 2001 and says those responsible for \\'evil deeds\\' must september 11, 2001 be brought to justice.
  • Profile: British Airways - British Airways battles to pull itself out of september 11, 2001 a slump as management troubles in the past september 11, 2001 give way to an economic slowdown.
  • 'We Ran For Our Lives' - A businessman from London recounts his frantic escape bbc news from bbc news the World Trade Center after two airliners bbc news slammed into bbc news the New York landmark.
  • UK Shares Hit Four-Year Low - The FTSE falls heavily amid increased investor concern september 11, 2001 over the outlook for airlines and the extent september 11, 2001 of any US retaliation for last week\\'s terrorist september 11, 2001 attacks.
  • New Chief to Battle US Terror - Pennsylvania\\'s Governor is appointed director of the new Office of news and media Homeland Security, to co-ordinate domestic security in the US.
  • The Refugee Crisis: How Should the World React? - There could be starvation in Afghanistan on an epic scale. september 11, 2001 How can the international community deal with the humanitarian crisis? september 11, 2001 Public can comment.
  • Tension and Courtesy in Islamabad - The likelihood of American military action is causing news and media september 11, 2001 widespread anxiety in Pakistan, says the BBC\\'s Hugh news and media september 11, 2001 Sykes.
  • Short Shrift for Reticence - Clare Short\\'s warning that it would be "intolerable" bbc news for more innocent people to be killed in bbc news a terror response is typical of her straight-talking bbc news style, says the BBC.
  • Action to Contain Market Crisis - Governments, central banks and other authorities pledge to september 11, 2001 help avoid financial chaos, but concerted action could september 11, 2001 still be some way off.
  • Children 'Need to Talk' About Attacks - Parents and teachers must allow children to talk through the horrific events in the United States, psychologists say.
  • WHO Warns of Bio-Weapons Risk - The World Health Organisation says governments should not underestimate the bbc news risks of a biological attack and urges clear contingency plans.
  • Airline Reservations Slump - Demand for airline seats crumbled, just as carriers news and media news and media resumed normal services to the US after the news and media news and media terrorist attacks.
  • Oxfam Warns of Afghan Starvation - Oxfam issues a warning that governments must take responsibility for thousands in Afghanistan threatened by hunger.
  • Police Extend Terror Quiz - Police in the UK are given more time news and media to question three people arrested in connection with news and media the terrorist attacks in the US.
  • Tearful Messages for Attack Victims - Almost 40,000 people have now been to Grosvenor Square Park in London to mourn those killed in the US suicide attacks.
  • Bone Marrow Dashed Across the Atlantic - One of the first Britons to leave the bbc news US september 11, 2001 following the terror attacks was a hospital bbc news manager on september 11, 2001 a mercy mission for a transplant bbc news patient.
  • NY Faces up to Future Without Rudy - One figure has come to symbolise the US\\'s determination - september 11, 2001 NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Yet his traumatised city is september 11, 2001 already contemplating a future without "Rudy the Rock" and reluctantly september 11, 2001 electing his successor, reports the BBC.
  • Spy Satellites Search for Bin Laden - Top secret US spy satellites are given new news and media bbc news orders to concentrate on Afghanistan in the hope news and media bbc news of tracking down Osama Bin Laden.
  • Attacks 'No Excuse for Racist Violence' - Yusuf Islam, formerly singer Cat Stevens, says racism news and media september 11, 2001 against Muslims should not be allowed to flourish news and media september 11, 2001 following the US attacks.
  • Bush Weighs Response Options - Discusses the fact President Bush may find he has limited options in responding to the orchestrated attacks on the United States.
  • Q&A: The Threat from Bio-Terrorism - How real is the threat of biological agents september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 being unleashed on the UK population, asks the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 BBC.
  • Muslim Community Targets Racial Tension - Community leaders met in Manchester amid fears that news and media september 11, 2001 Muslims in Britain face racial hatred after the news and media september 11, 2001 terror attacks on America.
  • Spotlight on Failed US Intelligence - Report on serious questions being raised about the failure of US intelligence to thwart the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
  • New York Gets Back to Business - The New York Stock Exchange is reopening six news and media news and media days after the World Trade Center attack, amid news and media news and media fears of a world recession.
  • New York Returns to Work - New York\\'s financial district prepares to re-open amid bbc news calls for "patriotic" buying to support the faltering bbc news US stock market.
  • Analysis: Building a Coalition - The BBC\\'s Barnaby Mason examines the American attempt bbc news to news and media build an international alliance to help root bbc news out those news and media behind the devastating attacks.
  • Racist Attack on Afghan Taxi Driver - Police investigate a serious racial attack on an bbc news Afghan news and media taxi driver in London in which remarks bbc news were made news and media about the atrocities in the US.
  • Massive US Hunt for Attackers - Thousands of police were deployed across the US to track news and media down those responsible for Tuesday\\'s unprecedented day of terror from news and media the air.
  • Military Options: SNP Viewpoints - BBC News Online asks two Scottish National Party september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 defence experts for their views on the government\\'s september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 handling of the situation so far and the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 options ahead.
  • News Online Users Message for Bush - Contributors to a two-hour special edition of the news and media bbc news BBC\\'s Talking Point programme, broadcast live on radio news and media bbc news and the internet, offer sharply divided opinion on news and media bbc news what President Bush's next step should be.
  • British Death Toll Nears 100 - Tony Blair says the US terrorist attacks will bbc news touch september 11, 2001 every UK community, amid fears several hundred bbc news Britons may september 11, 2001 have been killed.
  • Saddam Criticises US Rescue Efforts - President Saddam Hussein of Iraq has said his bbc news country bbc news would have offered help for the relief bbc news effort in bbc news the United States if it had bbc news been asked.
  • Search Engines Swamped - Internet users turned en masse to search engines for information on the US hijack attacks.
  • Legal Implications of Retaliation - The BBC\\'s Barnaby Mason considers what any military bbc news action taken by the US would mean in bbc news international law.
  • Britain Unites in Show of Grief - Thousands gathered across the UK for religious services honouring victims bbc news in the US, with many silent tributes also being paid.
  • Day of Terror at a Glance - Charts the sequence of destruction which struck terror news and media september 11, 2001 into the heart of the United States.
  • Dollar's Solid Image Threatened - Looks at the dollar\\'s sharp falls against world news and media news and media currencies, the potential for a period of weakness, news and media news and media and the possibility of it losing its reputation news and media news and media as a safe haven.
  • Blair Condemns Terrorist 'Evil' - Prime Minister Tony Blair attacks the "new evil" of mass bbc news terrorism as UK security is stepped up after a series bbc news of attacks on the US.
  • Shares Tumble Again - Leading share indexes on both sides of the Atlantic have closed at new lows, due to growing economic and military fears.
  • UK Muslims Fear Revenge Attacks - A Muslim leader says his community is afraid september 11, 2001 of reprisals following the terrorist attacks in the september 11, 2001 United States.
  • Papers Salute New York Stock Exchange - Tuesday\\'s papers discuss one of the most emotionally charged days news and media in the 209-year history of the New York Stock Exchange.
  • Insurers Face Record Claims - The incidents in New York are destined to bbc news hit september 11, 2001 the insurance world hard, with claims expected bbc news to total september 11, 2001 as much as $15 billion.
  • Will US Consumer Confidence Fade? - Some economists fear that Americans will become more thrifty after the terrorist attacks in the US, to the detriment of the economy.
  • US Attacks Shock South Asia - South Asian nations spoke out against the devastating attacks on the United States, as they stepped up security around US installations.
  • Stars in Global Charity Telethon - A TV event to raise money in the news and media september 11, 2001 wake of the US attacks, featuring some of news and media september 11, 2001 the biggest names in showbiz, is screened around news and media september 11, 2001 the world.
  • Letter From Afghanistan - An Afghan who is trapped at the Pakistan border makes a plea to the United States in a letter smuggled out to the BBC.
  • Airlines Suspend Sri Lanka Flights - Gulf Air and Emirates suspended services to Sri september 11, 2001 bbc news Lanka after a massive increase in war-risk insurance september 11, 2001 bbc news on flights to Colombo.
  • Fiancée Recounts Skyscraper Call - The fiancée of a British man missing in bbc news the news and media World Trade Center describes speaking to him bbc news on the news and media phone as the catastrophe unfolded.
  • Profile: Donald Rumsfeld - US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is co-ordinating perhaps the most difficult and complicated campaign in history, reports the BBC.
  • Tokyo Markets Set for Cautious Opening - Shares are expected to open lower in Tokyo, news and media bbc news following a late downturn on Wall Street, where news and media bbc news prices stabilised after Monday's turmoil, reports the BBC.
  • America at War: What Role Should the UK Have? - George Bush and Tony Blair have both declared war on the terrorists. How far should the UK\'s involvement go? Public can comment.
  • US Trials of Muslims Delayed - US judges delay trials of Muslims for fear of jurors\\' bias amid a wave of anger over last week\'s suicide attacks.
  • Bosnia 'Destabilised by Bin Laden Slur' - International officials in Bosnia blame Croat and Serb september 11, 2001 hardliners for destabilising the country with allegations about september 11, 2001 Osama Bin Laden's links with the Bosnian authorities.
  • America's Invisible Enemy - Washington says it is at war but the bbc news strategy, bbc news which took it to victory against Iraq, bbc news could lead bbc news to disaster now.
  • Afghanistan's Clandestine Army - A revolutionary group run by Afghan women finds itself in bbc news the media spotlight following the terror attacks against the US.
  • Blair Bolsters US Campaign - The UK prime minister arrives in Washington to discuss the US terror attacks with President Bush.
  • Solemn Traders Return to Wall Street - Six days after the terrorist attacks on New september 11, 2001 York and Washington, Wall Street returned to work, september 11, 2001 shaken, but solemn and determined.
  • US Offers Airlines $15bn Aid - The US agrees $15bn rescue package for the airline industry news and media which is suffering a sharp decline in trade since the news and media terror attacks.
  • US Under Attack: Your Eyewitness Accounts - A collection of eyewitness accounts from users of the BBC september 11, 2001 site.
  • UK Relatives Grieve in New York - Families of Britons missing after the US terror september 11, 2001 strikes struggle to come to terms with their september 11, 2001 loss as they visit New York.
  • London Mourns America's Dead - Hundreds of people converge on the US Embassy in central London to pay their respects to those killed in the New York and Washington attacks.
  • Northwest Airlines Cuts 10,000 Jobs - America\\'s fourth largest airline becomes the latest major bbc news carrier september 11, 2001 to announce wholesale redundancies as the industry\'s bbc news crisis deepens.
  • Award Shows Postponed - The Emmys and the Latin Grammys were both september 11, 2001 bbc news postponed indefinitely after the wave of terrorist attacks september 11, 2001 bbc news in the US.
  • South Asian Games Postponed - Pakistan has postponed the South Asian Games, which news and media september 11, 2001 were due to be held in the capital, news and media september 11, 2001 Islamabad, next month.
  • US Exports Slump - US exports in July took their biggest dive news and media news and media in a decade, hinting that the country\\'s economy news and media news and media was slowing sharply well before last week's attacks.
  • Wait Goes on for Relatives and Friends - Friends and relatives of Britons missing following the terrorist attacks september 11, 2001 in the United States, are anxiously waiting for news of september 11, 2001 their loved ones.
  • Blair Meets African Reformers - British Prime Minister Tony Blair met six African september 11, 2001 news and media leaders, but the talks were overshadowed by the september 11, 2001 news and media attacks on the US.
  • Finding that Blitz Spirit - The World Trade Center was synonymous with business, but thousands of people lived in its extensive shadow. The devastation has brought neighbours closer together, reports the BBC.
  • Afghans Place Hopes in UN - The BBC\\'s Afghanistan correspondent Kate Clark finds Afghans increasingly hopeful september 11, 2001 that the UN can help them return to a peaceful september 11, 2001 life.
  • Germany Backs Military Action - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder pledges to support the US bbc news in news and media the fight against terrorism, while the government bbc news considers tighter news and media rules on religious groups.
  • Afghans Torch US Embassy - Pro-Taleban demonstrators set fire to cars and buildings september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 in the vacant US embassy compound in the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 Afghan capital, Kabul.
  • Kennedy Will Urge Caution in Terror War - Charles Kennedy will close the Liberal Democrat conference with a fresh call for caution in the West\\'s response to the US terror attacks, reports the BBC.
  • Iran Condemns Attacks on US - Iran\\'s Supreme Leader says last week\\'s strikes on bbc news the US are "catastrophic acts" but warns against bbc news a military assault on Afghanistan.
  • Letter for a Missing Friend - Reports on the anxious wait for the loved september 11, 2001 bbc news ones of those who worked in the World september 11, 2001 bbc news Trade Center, with many phone lines still jammed, september 11, 2001 bbc news and millions desperate for news.
  • Carter Cancels Bangladesh Visit - Former US President, Jimmy Carter, calls off plans bbc news to september 11, 2001 take part in monitoring the general election bbc news in Bangladesh september 11, 2001 because of the terror strikes.
  • India Angered by Musharraf 'Tirade' - India reacts to remarks by Pakistani President Pervez september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 Musharraf telling Delhi to "lay off" exploiting the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 current crisis in his country.
  • US Hunt Closes in on Plotters - Links to Osama Bin Laden remain elusive as bbc news US september 11, 2001 investigators pursue new leads in the wake bbc news of the september 11, 2001 suicide attacks.
  • Analysis: Catching Bin Laden - How feasible would it be for the United september 11, 2001 bbc news States to capture its "prime suspect" in last september 11, 2001 bbc news week's attacks, Osama Bin Laden, asks the BBC.
  • EU Opens Emergency Summit - UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is in Brussels for a september 11, 2001 special EU meeting on the aftermath of the suicide attacks september 11, 2001 in the US.
  • UK Experts Offer Forensics Help - A British expert in disaster investigations offered to september 11, 2001 send a team to the US to help september 11, 2001 to identify the victims of terrorist attacks.
  • Terrorist Toll on the UK Economy - As America reels from the attacks on New bbc news York, news and media the UK economy starts to fear the bbc news impact on news and media business and consumers.
  • Lockerbie Father Calls for Restraint - The father of a victim of the Lockerbie news and media disaster urged the prime minister to use caution news and media in how reprisals were carried out for the news and media US terror attacks.
  • Fear and Loathing in the U.S. - Some people are seeing the New York and news and media bbc news Washington attacks as a historical turning point and news and media bbc news the end of apparent U.S. invulnerability.
  • The SAS: Primed for Action - The Special Air Service could soon be on its most september 11, 2001 dangerous mission yet following the terror attacks in the US, september 11, 2001 reports the BBC.
  • FBI Widens the Net - The FBI says it is looking for nearly news and media bbc news 200 people in connection with last week\\'s terror news and media bbc news attacks in the US, as first criminal charges news and media bbc news are filed.
  • FBI 'Ignored Leads' - French and German media say the FBI failed bbc news to bbc news follow up important leads, but German prosecutors bbc news say an bbc news Iranian's warnings were groundless.
  • Turkey Rattled by Conflict Fears - Turkey\\'s markets plummet as investor flee over fears bbc news it september 11, 2001 may be pulled into a prolonged conflict bbc news making it september 11, 2001 a target for terrorist reprisals.
  • Iran Weighs up its Options - The attacks on New York and Washington raise news and media the possibility that Iran might side with the news and media US in the fight against terrorism.
  • Karachi Tense in Calm Before Storm - Pakistan\\'s commercial capital, battered by a decade of terrible violence, news and media fears the worst as it anticipates an attack on Afghanistan.
  • US Flights Return to Scotland - Passengers from flights bound for the United States and Canada are being accommodated in hotels around Scotland.
  • Survivor's Family Die in Tragic Twist - An Irish survivor fled the World Trade Centre only to bbc news discover that his sister and niece were on board one bbc news of the doomed jets.
  • Q&A: Striking Back - Days after the US suffered the world\\'s worst news and media terrorist attack, the world is expecting a strong news and media military response from Washington.
  • Afghan Exodus Still Growing - The number of people fleeing troubled Afghanistan tops one million, as fears grow of US attacks on the country.
  • Will American Resolve Last a War? - Do the Americans really have the stomach for war? The bbc news BBC\\'s William Horsley examines the mood of the nation as bbc news it gears up for battle.
  • Straw Seeks Iran Anti-Terror Backing - UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is visiting Iran, hoping to gain support for the international fight against terrorism.
  • IRA to Intensify Talks on Arms - The IRA says it is to step up talks with bbc news the arms body in an effort to speed up progress bbc news towards resolving the weapons issue.
  • India and Pakistan Watch Afghanistan - The BBC\\'s Mike Wooldridge examines how the emerging situation in bbc news Afghanistan is likely to affect relations between India and Pakistan.
  • Britain Falls Silent to Honour Victims - People around the UK observed a three-minute silence in a bbc news Europe-wide show of solidarity for victims of the US terror bbc news attacks.
  • Pigs' Heads Left at Islamic Centre - Ten pigs\\' heads were left outside an Islamic centre in news and media Exeter following the terrorist attacks in the United States.
  • Bush Vows Victory as US Mourns - President Bush says America will "lead the world bbc news to victory" over terrorism, as the flight box bbc news of the airliner crashed in Pennsylvania is found.
  • Confiscated Hand Luggage on Show - Thousands of household items such as nail files bbc news are impounded at Heathrow in security sweeps prompted bbc news by the US terror attacks.
  • Gaming Industry to Review Content - The gaming industry is reviewing its content in bbc news the september 11, 2001 wake of the attacks on the US, bbc news but observers september 11, 2001 say long-term change is unlikely.
  • UK Religious Leaders Urge Restraint - America\\'s response to Tuesday\\'s attacks should be "considered" and "just", news and media say British religious leaders.
  • Nations Unite in Mourning - Reports how countries throughout the world are uniting bbc news in mourning on Friday in honour of those bbc news killed in the US terror attacks.
  • Blair Targets World Terrorism - UK Prime Minister Tony Blair insists the war bbc news against september 11, 2001 terrorism extends beyond targeting the Saudi-born dissident bbc news Osama Bin september 11, 2001 Laden.
  • Net Surge for News Sites - Reports how the New York attacks sent record bbc news numbers of surfers to news websites, causing many bbc news to be unable to access them.
  • Victims' Families to Get Compensation - Lawyers help the suicide attack victims\\' relatives obtain death certificates, allowing them to apply for financial support.
  • Travelling: Concerned, Need Advice? - Practical advice, contact numbers, and details of new security arrangements following the attacks on America.
  • Kashmiri Protests Against US Action - A general strike in Indian-administered Kashmir turned violent as Muslims took to the streets to protest against possible US attacks on Afghanistan.
  • Eyewitness: Taleban Prepare for US Attack - The BBC\\'s John Simpson, thought to be the september 11, 2001 bbc news only western reporter in Taleban-controlled Afghanistan, reports on september 11, 2001 bbc news the mood there.
  • Macau Arrests 'Not Linked' to US Attack - Police in Macau say five Pakistani men arrested at the september 11, 2001 weekend are part of a crime group and not linked september 11, 2001 to possible attacks on US targets in Hong Kong.
  • Russia Talks to Afghan Opposition - Russia makes no secret of its support for september 11, 2001 the Afghan opposition as top-level talks are held september 11, 2001 over the border in Tajikistan.
  • World Shock at US Attacks - The attacks on New York and Washington shocked september 11, 2001 news and media the world and boosted calls for joint efforts september 11, 2001 news and media to fight terrorism.
  • A Significant Step for Russia - Russian President Putin\\'s pledge of support for the september 11, 2001 US would have been unthinkable just a few september 11, 2001 weeks ago, the BBC's Caroline Wyatt reports.
  • Shares and Dollar Dive - The dollar and European stocks fall, while oil bbc news prices rise, as worries grow over the repercussions bbc news of the attack on the US, reports the bbc news BBC.
  • Bin Laden Extradition Raised - Afghanistan\\'s ruling Taleban militia say they will study any evidence of Osama bin Laden\\'s involvement in the US terror attacks, but ruled out an immediate handover.
  • The Gulf Weighs up War - The BBC\\'s Julia Wheeler in the Gulf looks news and media news and media at how people are reacting to a war news and media news and media which may kill innocent Muslims, and jeopardize business.
  • UK Foreign Secretary to Visit Iran - UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says he will make an historic visit to Iran as Tony Blair arrives in Brussels for a summit of EU leaders.
  • US Pakistan Sign Debt Deal - An agreement to reschedule Pakistan\\'s nearly $400m of bbc news debt bbc news to the United States has been signed bbc news in Islamabad.
  • How Far Can Arab States Co-Operate? - President Bush may find there are limits to Arab co-operation as he attempts to build a coalition against terrorism, reports the BBC.
  • Battle to Open Markets on Time - Several major obstacles need to be overcome if bbc news America\\'s stock markets are to re-open as planned, bbc news reports the BBC.
  • Iraq Hails Attack on US - Report on Iraq celebrating what it calls \\'America\\'s september 11, 2001 bbc news humiliation\\', saying the US is paying the price september 11, 2001 bbc news for its 'arrogant and stupid policy'.
  • Former SAS Chief's Retaliation Warning - Retired SAS chief General Michael Rose said any news and media bbc news military response to the US terror attacks must news and media bbc news avoid alienating "middle ground Arabs".
  • EU Considers Aid for Airlines - EU finance ministers will consider relaxing tough rules bbc news on bbc news state aid to airlines, as the industry bbc news suffers following bbc news the attacks on the US.
  • New York at Risk of Flooding - Engineers worn that the foundations of the bombed World Trade Center are at risk of collapse, which would allow the Hudson River to flood the New York subway.
  • What is Terrorism? - Who is a "terrorist" and who is a news and media bbc news "freedom-fighter"? Barnaby Mason re-opens the debate.
  • Mixed Response in the Mid-East - Looks at reactions to the attacks on the bbc news US, news and media which have been mixed in a region bbc news where American news and media policy is perceived as unfairly supportive bbc news of Israel.
  • Taleban Seize Afghan Food Aid - Afghanistan\\'s ruling Taleban confiscated 1,400 tonnes of food aid, as the UN braced itself for a massive humanitarian crisis.
  • Germany Releases US Attack Suspect - Police in Hamburg released a man held over the attacks september 11, 2001 on the United States, but there were new arrests in september 11, 2001 Brussels and Rotterdam.
  • Tajikistan's New-Found Fame - Journalists are descending on Afghanistan\\'s little-known neighbour to september 11, 2001 bbc news report on how it will react if the september 11, 2001 bbc news US launches an attack on the Taleban.
  • Designers Pull out of Fashion Week - Six British designers pulled out of London Fashion september 11, 2001 news and media Week following the US terror attacks, but organisers september 11, 2001 news and media pledged the event will go ahead.
  • Asia Fears Economic Fallout - Asia\\'s business community fears for the huge implications bbc news of september 11, 2001 a US recession on their economy, following bbc news the attacks.
  • Japan Joins Economic Support Drive - Japan eases monetary policy, joining a global drive bbc news to bbc news see-off recession and calm markets following last bbc news week\'s terrorist bbc news attacks.
  • The 'Forgotten' Victims - Their story has been almost lost in the bbc news coverage september 11, 2001 of the World Trade Center attack, but bbc news the friends september 11, 2001 and relatives of those who worked bbc news at New York\\'s september 11, 2001 highest restaurant are devastated at bbc news their loss, reports the september 11, 2001 BBC.
  • Terror Attacks 'Will Hit House Prices' - The US terror attacks and subsequent international uncertainty september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 will affect the UK housing market, experts warn.
  • Bring Afghans Together Urges UN official - A senior United Nations official has urged the United States and its allies to bring Afghans into its coalition against Osama bin Laden.
  • World Trade Center Memorial Plan - The last standing wall of the World Trade Center may bbc news be preserved as a memorial to those who died in bbc news the devastating attacks on the US.
  • Cantor Grieves for Lost Staff - Cantor Fitzgerald is one of hundreds of firms news and media september 11, 2001 that is mourning the loss of friends, colleagues news and media september 11, 2001 and staff after the attacks on the World news and media september 11, 2001 Trade Center.
  • Afghan Exodus Gathers Pace - Thousands of refugees defied border closures to escape the threat of US strikes, as the Taleban delayed a decision on extraditing Osama Bin Laden.
  • Military Action: Labour Viewpoints - Two key Labour Party figures tell BBC News bbc news Online september 11, 2001 what action is needed in response to bbc news the terrorist september 11, 2001 attacks on America.
  • Developing States Face Credit Fears - Developing nations may face difficulty borrowing in international markets as investors shun risk in the aftermath of the attack, warns Standard and Poor's.
  • How the World Trade Center Fell - Looks at the design of the towers, how bbc news they saved lives by surviving the initial impact, bbc news and questions why emergency workers were not evacuated bbc news before the collapse.
  • Saudi Statement in Full - Full text of the Saudi Arabian Government\\'s statement bbc news on september 11, 2001 the breaking off of diplomatic relations with bbc news the Taleban.
  • What is the Future for Skyscrapers? - The attacks on the World Trade Center highlight the vulnerability news and media of high buildings, but will we fall out of love news and media with the skyscraper, asks the BBC.
  • UK's Stern Foreign Policy Test - Tony Blair pledges to stand "shoulder to shoulder" news and media with the US, but a foreign policy expert news and media warns of far-reaching implications.
  • Town Tackles Racial Tensions - Community leaders and local policymakers in riot-hit Oldham news and media meet to discuss racial problems in the north-west news and media town.
  • Stock Markets Brace for Testing Day - Markets faced another challenging day after Wall Street plunged on its first day back after the terrorist attacks on the US.
  • London Shares Claw Back at Close - The FTSE 100 index manages to claw its news and media september 11, 2001 way back from five-year lows seen earlier as news and media september 11, 2001 a deal to save the airlines looks close news and media september 11, 2001 to fruition.
  • UK Foreign Secretary Meets Israeli PM - UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw begins a meeting bbc news with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, despite an bbc news earlier row over Mr Straw's comments.
  • Europe Hunts for US Clues - Investigators tried to establish the European link to september 11, 2001 the US tragedy, amid reports of separate threats september 11, 2001 to US targets on the continent.
  • Musicians Pay Tribute to US Victims - Artists across the music industry paid tribute to the victims september 11, 2001 of the US terrorist attacks in the US.
  • FBI Seek Bin Laden Links in Africa - The FBI steps up its hunt across Africa for suspects september 11, 2001 and clues in their investigation into the attacks in New september 11, 2001 York and Washington.
  • Iran to be Shown Terror Evidence - The UK foreign secretary says Iran will be bbc news given bbc news documents showing Osama Bin Laden\\'s involvement in bbc news the terror bbc news attacks on the US.
  • Counsellors' 'Harrowing Task' - Bereavement counsellors comforting families of Britons killed in the US terror strikes have spoken of the scale of their task.
  • Military Action: Plaid Cymru Viewpoints - Two key Plaid Cymru figures tell BBC News Online what action is needed in response to the terrorist attacks on America.
  • Indian Muslim Leader Warns of Protests - The chief cleric of India\\'s largest mosque warns the US september 11, 2001 not to attack Afghanistan without proof of its role in september 11, 2001 last Tuesday's events.
  • Thousands Feared Dead - Looks at factual and estimated figures for the september 11, 2001 number of dead.
  • Top US Policymakers Say 'Wait' - Eager to do something, US lawmakers are instead september 11, 2001 told to sit tight while economic analysts figure september 11, 2001 out what lies in wait for the economy.
  • Heartbreaking Work to List UK Dead - Britain\\'s ambassador to Washington says his staff are news and media working round the clock to help relatives of news and media the UK victims of the US attacks.
  • US Promises Airline Bail-out - The Bush administration comes to the aid of America\\'s stricken news and media airlines, as carriers around the world make swinging cutbacks, reports news and media the BBC.
  • Bush Condemns US 'Revenge Attacks' - President Bush called for an end to violence against US news and media Muslims, and the FBI warned that physical and verbal abuse news and media will not be tolerated.
  • Q&A: The Outlook for Europe's Airlines - European airlines are fighting for financial aid in bbc news a bbc news bid to survive an economic slowdown and bbc news the fall-out bbc news from the recent attacks on the bbc news US.
  • US Split on Bin Laden Evidence - Mixed signals emerge over how much of its september 11, 2001 evidence against Osama Bin Laden the US will september 11, 2001 release, the BBC's Jon Leyne reports.
  • US Says Russia Rules Nothing Out - A senior US diplomat says Russia may not oppose a news and media strike against Afghanistan from Central Asia, as he continues to news and media argue for missile defence.
  • 'Shoot-down' Order was Given - President Bush acknowledges he ordered any rogue airliners bbc news to september 11, 2001 be shot down after the attacks on bbc news New York september 11, 2001 and Washington.
  • US Plans Wide-Ranging Response - The military build-up is part of a package september 11, 2001 news and media of measures the US will use to fight september 11, 2001 news and media international terrorism, says BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus.
  • Task Force Youngster 'Ready' for Battle - A teenage sailor with the Royal Navy task force heading bbc news for the Middle East tells her family she is afraid bbc news but ready to go into battle.
  • Aid Pledged for Scots Victims - The Scottish Executive pledged financial help for the september 11, 2001 bbc news families of Scots victims of the American terrorist september 11, 2001 bbc news attacks, if it was required.
  • Is the UK Prepared? - The attacks on the US a fortnight ago made the unthinkable imaginable. The UK is now strengthening its defences against chemical and biological attack, reports the BBC.
  • Analysis: Afghanistan's Future - Islamic affairs analyst Roger Hardy examines whether or not President Bush is committed to the overthrow of the Taleban.
  • Relief for Stranded Passengers - The backlog of passengers waiting to fly to bbc news the US began to clear as limited transatlantic bbc news flights resumed from the UK.
  • The Day of Terror - Key stories and media from the day.
  • Algeria Tackles Islamic Militants - The Algerian military says it has killed a news and media september 11, 2001 significant number of militants, amid growing criticism over news and media september 11, 2001 official failure to root out terrorism.
  • Echoes of Another War - As details about the hijackers emerge, BBC News news and media Online\\'s Chris Summers investigates their similarities with World news and media War II kamikaze pilots.
  • US and ECB Cut Rates to Stem Panic - The European Central Bank and the US Fed bbc news cut interest rates by 0.5%, as central banks bbc news around the world moved to prevent financial panic.
  • Bomb Blast in Pakistan - At least six people were killed in a september 11, 2001 bomb explosion in the Pakistani town of Sialkot, september 11, 2001 near the Indian border.
  • US Warns of Long Campaign - Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says there will be news and media september 11, 2001 no single co-ordinated assault at the start of news and media september 11, 2001 President Bush's fight against global terrorism.
  • Holes in US Airport Security - A BBC News Online reader says new security news and media controls at US airports are failing to pick news and media up potentially dangerous objects. Includes user submitted experiences.
  • Attacks Scuttle Business Deals - The chaos created by the attack on the World Trade news and media Center has tabled some high-profile business deals in the US.
  • Taleban Demand Proof on Bin Laden - The leader of Afghanistan\\'s Taleban regime tells a meeting of bbc news senior clerics that Osama Bin Laden will not be extradited bbc news without evidence.
  • NATO Backs US - Nato declares that the attack on the US news and media news and media is an attack on the entire 19-nation alliance, news and media news and media and it will provide support if Washington requests news and media news and media it.
  • The Survivors' Stories - A collection of eyewitness accounts from survivors of the attacks.
  • Missile Defence: Will Plans be Revised? - The events in New York and Washington put bbc news defence, and particularly missile defence, to the top bbc news of the US agenda.
  • US Attacks Stun TUC - BBC News Online\\'s Nick Assinder tells of the news and media news and media shock at the TUC conference as news of news and media news and media the attacks on the World Trade Centre breaks.
  • Mother Mourns for Lost Son - A British woman talks about coping with the death of her son in the New York terror attacks.
  • Tony Blair Interview: Transcript in Full - A full transcript of Tony Blair interviewed on news and media september 11, 2001 BBC\\'s World Service\\'s Newshour on Tuesday about the news and media september 11, 2001 UK\\'s role following last week\\'s terror attacks in news and media september 11, 2001 the US.
  • US Terror Threat Remains - The US steps up security following a warning from senior officials that associates of the hijackers could still be at large.
  • Sorrow and Anger Marks Asia's Response - Asian leaders offered support to America after the attack, though the Malaysian PM counseled against taking revenge.
  • Aviation Firms Axe 26,000 Jobs - The round of sector job cuts reaches firms including Air bbc news Canada, Shorts, and Delta, which warns over becoming an \'economic bbc news casualty'.
  • How Hard is it to Fly an Airliner? - BBC News Online looks at what is involved september 11, 2001 bbc news in learning to fly a large modern airliner.
  • Rescuers on US Stand-by - A British rescue team was on stand-by to september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 travel to America to help in the search september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 for survivors after a series of terror attacks september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 on the US.
  • Budget Airlines Cut Fares - Ryanair and Easyjet say price-cuts, not state subsidy, bbc news are the answer to the crisis facing the bbc news air travel industry.
  • 'Our Purpose as a Nation is Firm' - Full copy of the speech in which American news and media news and media President Bush speaks of a "kinship of grief" news and media news and media and a "unity against terror" at a memorial news and media news and media service in Washington DC.
  • Mosque Attacked in Australia - Molotov cocktails have been thrown at a mosque bbc news in eastern Australia as anti-Arab sentiment simmers in bbc news the wake of the attacks.
  • Flight Aid for Attack Victims' Relatives - Relatives of UK victims of the terror attacks on the World Trade Center will receive financial help from the government to visit New York.
  • New York: City of Sirens - The BBC\\'s Greg Barrow reports on how New news and media Yorkers have been coping with the tragedy that news and media has befallen them.
  • Financial Ties Across the Waters - The rivalries between the world\\'s great financial institutions news and media bbc news belies the international nature of centres such as news and media bbc news Wall Street and the City, reports the BBC.
  • Analysis: Pakistan's Role in US plans - Looks at the implications of Pakistan\\'s agreement to september 11, 2001 news and media co-operate with the US in its campaign against september 11, 2001 news and media Osama Bin Laden.
  • Duncan Smith Targets Crime-Terror Link - The new Tory leader calls for war to news and media be declared on the criminal activities that help news and media to fund terrorism at home and abroad.
  • Airlines Receive $15bn Aid Boost - President Bush signs into law a $15bn rescue bbc news package bbc news for the US airline industry, which has bbc news seen a bbc news sharp decline in trade after the bbc news terror attacks.
  • US Bolsters Anti-Taleban Alliance - The former king of Afghanistan meets a delegation september 11, 2001 of US congressmen to discuss plans for a september 11, 2001 government to replace the Taleban.
  • US Missile Cash for Anti-Terror War - Money from the US missile defence programme is being switched news and media to bolster the fight against terrorism.
  • US Prepares for War - The BBC\\'s defence correspondent examines preparations by the bbc news Bush administration, which is emphasising the military campaign bbc news will be a long one.
  • How Fear Will Change our Shopping Habits - Consumer tastes are set to change as a news and media news and media result of the attacks on the World Trade news and media news and media Center and general feelings of insecurity.
  • Reflection Replaces Heathrow Buzz - The frantic activity normally evident at Britain\\'s busiest airport was replaced by an orderly calm as travellers awaited the first flights back to the US.
  • EU Woos Iran With Coalition Deal - Senior European Union officials hold talks in Tehran september 11, 2001 bbc news on global co-operation against terrorism, but Iran\\'s supreme september 11, 2001 bbc news leader condemns US plans, reports the BBC.
  • Airline Insurance Deal 'Not Subsidy' - Chancellor Gordon Brown says the deal reached on insurance for UK airlines is not a precursor to wide-ranging state aid.
  • Saudi King promises US full support - King Fahd assures America of his co-operation in the fight news and media against terrorism, but many Saudis are not so supportive.
  • African Press on 'Day of Infamy' - Newspapers across the continent had an outpouring of sympathy for september 11, 2001 the United States, tempered with criticism and fear for the september 11, 2001 future.
  • What Does it all Mean? - As the world tries to come to terms bbc news with news and media Tuesday\\'s bomb attacks in the United States, bbc news the BBC news and media asks a panel of Newsnight guests bbc news how these events news and media will shape the world's future.
  • Chirac: Fighting Terror a Priority - President Chirac says France will not stand aside september 11, 2001 in an international campaign against terrorism, but has september 11, 2001 yet to determine its contribution.
  • Travel Experts Deny 'Vulture tourism' - The UK travel industry denies cynical tourists are bbc news flocking to airlines and hoteliers hit by the bbc news US attacks to demand severe discounts.
  • Call for African Pact Against Terrorism - The President of Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, calls for Africa to september 11, 2001 ensure that African countries are not used as bases for september 11, 2001 terrorist networks.
  • Pilgrimage to Scene of Devastation - British families mourning relatives killed in the US terrorist attacks began the pilgrimage to the scene of devastation in New York.
  • USA: The End of Innocence? - Tom Carver sees a change in the American psyche following news and media the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
  • Bin Laden 'Hidden by Taleban' - A Taleban official says Saudi-born militant Osama Bin news and media Laden is being kept at a secret location news and media in Afghanistan for his own safety.
  • US Shocked by Terror Attacks - Thousands are feared dead after devastating attacks on news and media september 11, 2001 the USA\\'s financial and military centres in New news and media september 11, 2001 York and Washington.
  • Bin Laden 'Will be Eradicated' - UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has said he bbc news has seen evidence of an "incontrovertible link" between bbc news Osama Bin Laden and the US terror attacks.
  • Bush Seeks Muslim Support - BBC diplomatic correspondent Barnaby Mason says President Bush seeks Muslim bbc news support, but risks offence by calling the war against terrorism bbc news a "crusade".
  • Karachi Protest Against US - Thousands of religious students in the Pakistani city september 11, 2001 bbc news of Karachi protested at possible military action by september 11, 2001 bbc news the US against Afghanistan.
  • US Showbusiness Shuts Down - Reports how the US entertainment industry all but news and media september 11, 2001 shut down in the wake of the terrorist news and media september 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.
  • Rescuers Struggle at Pentagon - Officials reopen the US defence department, where fires september 11, 2001 bbc news finally appear to have been put out.
  • Wall Street Stabilises - US stocks closed down slightly as the world\\'s september 11, 2001 bbc news markets slowly regained stability amid new central bank september 11, 2001 bbc news efforts to support the economy.
  • Air Passengers Face Tighter Security - European air travellers will have to get used to much bbc news higher security levels following last week\\'s terror attacks on the bbc news US, reports the BBC.
  • Lockerbie Memories Flood Back - BBC News Online Scotland looks back at the september 11, 2001 Lockerbie terrorist bombing and compares that to the september 11, 2001 massive air attack on the US.
  • UK Firms Assess Human Costs - Reports on UK banks continuing to account for september 11, 2001 US staff following the World Trade Center attack, september 11, 2001 as officials say the British death toll could september 11, 2001 run into hundreds.
  • Britons Tell of New York Horror - Britons in New York tell of their shock bbc news and disbelief as two planes crash into the bbc news twin towers of the World Trade Center.
  • Egypt Helps US Anti-terror Campaign - Egypt promises to co-operate in the American investigation into the news and media recent terror attacks, which may have been committed by its news and media nationals.
  • Analysis: Bush Wins America's Approval - BBC Washington correspondent Paul Reynolds analyses George Bush\\'s news and media news and media high approval ratings, and wonders how long it news and media news and media can last.
  • One Desperate Search Among Many - Focuses on a woman searching for her fiancé, september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 missing after the attacks in New York.
  • Giza Pyramids Aida Cancelled - A huge production of Aida, to be held september 11, 2001 bbc news in the shadow of the pyramids in Egypt, september 11, 2001 bbc news is scrapped after the US attacks.
  • BBC 'Regrets' Question Time Upset - The BBC said it regretted any offence caused by a Question Time special on the US terrorist attacks.
  • Japanese Opinion Backs Defence Changes - Opinion polls in Japan indicate a boost in september 11, 2001 public support for a change to Japan\\'s pacifist september 11, 2001 constitution in the wake of the attacks on september 11, 2001 the US.
  • Stock Markets' Torrid Week - Share traders count their losses at the end news and media news and media of an extremely volatile week with few expecting news and media news and media an upswing when trading resumes.
  • Game Withdrawn After Attacks - A computer game in which players try to bbc news defend the World Trade Center from kamikaze pilots bbc news has been withdrawn.
  • Koizumi Pledges Japanese Support - The Japanese prime minister meets President George W Bush in september 11, 2001 Washington, a day after seeing the devastation in New York september 11, 2001 for himself.
  • Congress Backs $20bn Aid Package - US Congress recommends massive support for relief and news and media september 11, 2001 investigation as America donates millions of dollars to news and media september 11, 2001 the victims and aid groups.
  • Bush Urges US Back to Work - President Bush encouraged Americans to get the economy bbc news back september 11, 2001 to normality, but brace themselves for a bbc news long crusade september 11, 2001 against "evildoers."
  • Japan's Slowdown to Hit Asia - The IMF says Japan\\'s economy will shrink, with serious consequences september 11, 2001 for Asia and the rest of the world.
  • Chechens Accused of Terrorism Links - The chief spokesman of Russia\\'s internal security service september 11, 2001 says a recent upsurge in fighting in Chechnya september 11, 2001 was linked to last week\\'s attacks in the september 11, 2001 US.
  • Bin Laden's Strong Links to Britain - Osama Bin Laden is one in a long september 11, 2001 line of Muslim militant extremists with strong connections september 11, 2001 to the UK, reports the BBC.
  • Afghanistan's Turbulent History - The overthrow of Afghanistan\\'s King Mohammad Zahir Shah news and media in 1973 sparked a chain of events that news and media have led to the desperate state that now news and media exists, reports the BBC.
  • Hollywood Sent Back to Cutting Room - Arnold Schwarzenegger\\'s new movie was postponed and pop groups withdrew cover art after Tuesday\'s attacks in New York.
  • Analysis: Afghanistan's Northern Alliance - BBC News Online\\'s Fiona Symon examines the different news and media components that make up the Afghan Northern Alliance.
  • Bush Calls Attacks 'Acts of War' - President Bush vows to rally the world against Tuesday\\'s attackers, and Nato pledges collective assistance if the US responds militarily.
  • Has Economic Crisis been Avoided? - BBC News Online assesses claims that action by central banks bbc news can help the world shrug off the economic fallout of bbc news the attacks on the US.
  • Markets Await Direction From US - Financial markets remained listless in afternoon trade, as the lack news and media of a lead from Wall Street deterred investors from trading.
  • Security Alerts Spread from US - Article looking at countries around the world responding bbc news to the attacks by tightening security, especially at bbc news military bases, airports, and embassies.
  • EU Must Act Fast on Terror - Blunkett - UK Home Secretary David Blunkett presses the European news and media Union to act quickly in introducing a raft news and media of new counter-terrorism measures.
  • Europe Faces Economic Slowdown - The IMF warns that Europe will find it difficult to september 11, 2001 avoid a sharp economic slowdown, hit by the tech sector september 11, 2001 collapse and weak consumer demand.
  • Scramble for Safety - More details emerged of how members of the news and media bbc news US administration first learned of Tuesday\\'s attacks and news and media bbc news were taken to secure shelters.
  • US Box Office Rallies - Sports drama Hardball, starring Keanu Reeves, tops the news and media september 11, 2001 US box office as the country returns to news and media september 11, 2001 its cinema screens.
  • Saudi Arabia Warns of West-Islam Split - Saudi ambassador to London Ghazi Algosaibi says it news and media bbc news would be "very dangerous" for world stability if news and media bbc news the west is perceived as waging war against news and media bbc news Islam.
  • Attacks Aftermath: Russia Repositions - Following the attacks on the US, Russia is news and media bbc news in a unique position to understand the horror news and media bbc news of terrorism, and to make diplomatic manoeuvres, reports news and media bbc news the BBC.
  • Indonesian Muslims Wary of Bush Promises - A senior Muslim figure in Indonesia says he news and media september 11, 2001 is not satisfied with US assurances that its news and media september 11, 2001 anti-terrorist campaign is not anti-Muslim.
  • Powell Welcomes Russian Support - US Secretary of State Colin Powell welcomes Russia\\'s news and media september 11, 2001 offer of air bases for a possible news and media september 11, 2001 military operation against Afghanistan.
  • British Airways Cuts 7,000 jobs - British Airways axes a further 5,200 jobs on news and media top of the 1,800 announced before last week\\'s news and media terror attacks in the US.
  • Labour 'Unease' at Retaliation Plans - Labour backbenchers express concern about the UK\\'s involvement in the campaign against terrorism launched after the US attacks.
  • Manila Hotel Raid Over US Attacks - An hotel in the Philippines was raided as bbc news police news and media searched for three Omani nationals in connection bbc news with the news and media terror attacks in the US.
  • NI Mourns Terror Attack Victims - Thousands of people across Northern Ireland observed a bbc news three-minute september 11, 2001 silence for those killed in the United bbc news States.
  • Identifying the Victims - The task of identifying victims of the New York attacks news and media is a complex and painstaking one which may take months news and media to complete, reports the BBC.
  • UK Growth 'To Fall Sharply' - A leading think tank warns that the UK september 11, 2001 economy will be hit hard by the terrorist september 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.
  • Flag Tribute to US Terror Victim - Brighton football fans dedicated a new flag to september 11, 2001 bbc news a victim of the terrorist strikes on the september 11, 2001 bbc news World Trade Center in New York.
  • Pilots Back Passenger Screening - Airline pilots want a security system, designed to bbc news stop suspect passengers before they board planes, to bbc news be installed at UK airports.
  • Stocks Slashed as Panic Hits - Global stock markets edged back up from record bbc news lows hit during Friday, though losses for the bbc news week remain disastrous.
  • Bin Laden Divides Arab Opinion - The Arab world is having trouble coming to september 11, 2001 news and media terms with the issue of who was behind september 11, 2001 news and media Tuesday's attacks in the US, reports the BBC.
  • A Warm New York Welcome - BBC News Online\\'s Ryan Dilley talks to New Yorkers welcoming UK Prime Minister Tony Blair to a city devastated by terrorist attacks.
  • A Week on: How is the World Coping? - It\\'s now seven days since the attacks on news and media september 11, 2001 the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. What news and media september 11, 2001 will the long-term effects of those horrific scenes news and media september 11, 2001 be? How are you coping with the aftermath news and media september 11, 2001 of September 11 2001?
  • Saddam Tells West 'Be Wise' - Iraq sends its first condolences to the victims of the news and media US terror strikes, but President Saddam Hussein warns Western leaders news and media to get conclusive proof before retaliation.
  • Tension Grips West Bank Towns - Israeli troops surrounded the West Bank towns of september 11, 2001 bbc news Jenin and Jericho, amid signs of imminent high-level september 11, 2001 bbc news talks. Includes information about potential links to the september 11, 2001 bbc news US attacks.
  • Turkey Opens Airspace to US - The Turkish Government agrees to a US request news and media news and media to use its airspace and airports for any news and media news and media military response to the terror attacks.
  • Somalia Rejects Bin Laden Link - Somalia\\'s government says it will not offer sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden after suggestions that he may flee there.
  • India Says Taleban Recall Kashmir Militants - India\\'s Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh says the Taleban leadership is september 11, 2001 calling on Afghan fighters in Kashmir to return home ahead september 11, 2001 of a possible US military attack.
  • A Community Under Siege - The attacks launched against the US have nurtured news and media bbc news a sense of unity and defiance. But one news and media bbc news group is at risk of becoming a focus news and media bbc news for the nation's anger.
  • US Airport Security Under Fire - Looks at the holes in US airport security, exposed by the four simultaneous hijackings.
  • Attacks Force TV News Dilemmas - The terrorist attacks on New York and Washington bbc news force bbc news difficult decisions for TV news executives, reports bbc news the BBC.
  • Suspect's Father Defends Son - The father of Egyptian hijacker suspect Mohammed Atta has fiercely september 11, 2001 denied that his son could have been involved in the september 11, 2001 attacks.
  • Bush Ponders Hits on Terror Chiefs - A ban on US involvement in assassinations overseas bbc news may be lifted as it targets those behind bbc news last week\'s attacks.
  • 'Bangladeshis Killed in US Tragedy' - At least 50 Bangladeshis were killed in the bbc news attack news and media on the World Trade Center in New bbc news York according news and media to the Dhaka government.
  • Man with Penknife Sparks Plane Alert - A British man carrying a penknife caused a september 11, 2001 news and media massive security alert after slipping through airport safety september 11, 2001 news and media checks and onto a plane.
  • Woman Learned to Fly with Terror Suspect - A West Midlands woman spent months at a flying school news and media alongside one of the men suspected of being behind the news and media US terror attacks, reports the BBC.
  • US tragedy: You gave your views - Listen to and read the views given in september 11, 2001 bbc news a two-hour special programme on what the US september 11, 2001 bbc news terrorism disaster means for the world.
  • Opec 'Resists Urge to Boost Oil Prices' - Fears over wider political tensions have prompted oil producers to maintain output levels despite falling crude prices, reports say.
  • Grappling with Global Grief - Article looking at responses and grief across the world.
  • US Economy in Freefall - The IMF warns that the US economy, once bbc news the news and media engine of world economic growth, is slowing bbc news sharply, with news and media global consequences.
  • The Taleban Military Machine - BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Marcos examines possible US september 11, 2001 strategies for attacking the Taleban.
  • Eurozone Growth Slows to a Crawl - Economic growth in the 12 countries that have bbc news adopted the euro slides to 0.1%, but many bbc news analysts still say recession will be avoided, despite bbc news the attacks.
  • Day of Remembrance for US Victims - The victims of the World Trade Center and news and media Pentagon attacks are remembered in church services across news and media the UK.
  • Support for the Mourning - The difficult task of comforting and helping British september 11, 2001 families who lost loved ones in the World september 11, 2001 Trade Center attack is now well underway in september 11, 2001 New York, reports the BBC.
  • Africa's Sorrow Over US Terror Attacks - Political leaders in Africa spoke of their shock news and media at the attacks, but some of their citizens news and media expressed anti-American sentiments.
  • British Dead 'Nearer 200' - Officials revise the number of Britons believed dead in the US terror attacks as the UK culture secretary prepares to visit New York.
  • Wolfowitz: Key US Hawk - BBC News Online profiles Paul Wolfowitz, one of news and media the firmest US advocates of decisive military action.
  • Unions Plead for UK Airline Aid - Unions are to meet the UK government to bbc news ask bbc news for state help in staving off redundancies bbc news in the bbc news troubled aviation industry.
  • World Trade Centre Helplines - A list of helpline numbers provided by companies bbc news that were based in the World Trade Centre.
  • Pakistan Shuts Kabul Embassy - Pakistan withdrew its entire diplomatic staff from the bbc news Afghan september 11, 2001 capital as US preparations for possible military bbc news strikes continued.
  • Concorde's Return Set to Go Ahead - Concorde is set to resume passenger flights to New York news and media next month despite the terror attacks in the city and news and media job losses.
  • The Trail to Bin Laden - US and UK leaders are convinced that Osama Bin Laden was involved in the attacks on New York and Washington, but hard evidence may be elusive.
  • Blair Strides World Stage - BBC Political Editor Andrew Marr says Tony Blair\\'s news and media news and media world role really has made the UK prime news and media news and media minister a bridge between America and Europe.
  • British Death Toll Approaches 100 - Tony Blair says the US terrorist attacks would september 11, 2001 "touch every community here", as the UK death september 11, 2001 toll was likely to rise to several hundred.
  • Plane Crash Touches Pennsylvania - The United Airlines crash in Pennsylvania shocked local bbc news residents, but also enhanced their sense of community, bbc news reports Kevin Anderson.
  • Afghan Opium Prices 'Crash' - UN officials in Pakistan say the price of september 11, 2001 news and media Afghan opium has collapsed following the terror attacks september 11, 2001 news and media on the United States.
  • Iraq Denies Role in US Attacks - Iraq\\'s foreign minister defends his country after charges september 11, 2001 that a Baghdad official met one of the september 11, 2001 hijackers of last week's US air strikes.
  • Ukraine Will Open Airspace to US - A senior official in Kiev has said that bbc news Ukraine will allow United States military cargo aircraft bbc news to use its airspace.
  • Europe Tries to Trace its Victims - Almost a week after the attacks on the news and media bbc news US, European countries are still struggling to identify news and media bbc news how many of their citizens have died.
  • Sudan 'Safe from US Attack' - Sudan\\'s Vice President reassures those who fear strikes on Sudan, where Osama Bin Laden was based until 1996.
  • UN Pulls out of Somalia - The UN withdraws its international staff from Somalia september 11, 2001 bbc news because it cannot insure flights to Mogadishu a september 11, 2001 bbc news day after anti-US protests there.
  • Attacks on US: World Round-up - BBC News Online rounds up the main stories from around september 11, 2001 the world on the reverberations from the catastrophic terrorist attacks september 11, 2001 in the US.
  • Carrier Sets Sail for Unknown War - The giant USS Theodore Roosevelt prepared to leave news and media september 11, 2001 for the Mediterranean, but no-one yet knows exactly news and media september 11, 2001 what its mission may be.
  • More Arrests in US Terror Probe - US authorities detained two more people amid reports that the news and media FBI was searching for two of the hijackers in the news and media weeks before the attacks.
  • Shanghai Group Condemns Attacks - Prime ministers of Russia, China and four Central Asian states bbc news underlined the need for united efforts to fight international terrorism.
  • Nikkei Reverses Early Gains - Looks at stock market activity and changes across news and media news and media the World, after the incidents.
  • Pakistan Warns of 'Destruction' - President Musharraf says Pakistan is facing its worst bbc news crisis bbc news for 30 years over its support for bbc news the US bbc news action against Osama Bin Laden.
  • Afghan Neighbours Key to US Success - Reports why Washington needs Afghanistan\\'s northern neighbours to september 11, 2001 mount a successful operation against the Taleban.
  • AOL Cuts Targets After Attack - The US media giant AOL Time Warner warns it will news and media suffer in the aftermath of 11 September due to a news and media deeper slowdown in advertising.
  • US Security Angers Mali's Merchants - New security measures at the US embassy in bbc news Bamako september 11, 2001 anger nearby merchants who are losing business bbc news and say september 11, 2001 they are now enemies of the bbc news US.
  • Embassies Act on Pakistan Unrest - Western embassies in Pakistan order the families of news and media diplomats and non-essential staff to leave the capital, news and media Islamabad.
  • Millions Watch Attacks on Live TV - Article looking at how the terrorist attacks are set to news and media go down as one of the most momentous and watched news and media live news stories.
  • EU Finance Ministers in Crisis Talks - As stock markets crash and the airline industry bbc news pleads for aid, European finance ministers are meeting bbc news to hammer out ways of restoring confidence.
  • Tourists Shun Shakespeare's Birthplace - Stratford-upon-Avon counts the cost of fewer overseas tourists coming to news and media the UK following the US terror attacks.
  • Clinton Ordered Bin Laden Killing - Former US President Bill Clinton admits his administration september 11, 2001 news and media tried and failed to assassinate Osama Bin Laden september 11, 2001 news and media in 1998.
  • Syria Cautions EU on Terror Fight - Syria will only support an international anti-terror campaign bbc news if it is clearly defined and spares civilians, bbc news it tells the European Union.
  • Q&A: The Wall Street Plunge - The New York stock market has suffered one bbc news of september 11, 2001 its worst days\\' trading in history. BBC bbc news News Online september 11, 2001 asks whether the plunge is cause bbc news for concern.
  • UK Airlines 'Will Continue Flying' - The government reaches a compromise with insurers to september 11, 2001 news and media allow British airlines to keep flying despite a september 11, 2001 news and media massive hike in war cover premiums.
  • Plaid Delegates Debate Global Crisis - Plaid Cymru chief executive Karl Davies says the news and media US terrorist attacks have cast a "sombre shadow" news and media over the party's annual conference.
  • Attack Fallout Hits Europe - Across Europe security was tightened and events were news and media september 11, 2001 cancelled, while people gathered to pay their respects news and media september 11, 2001 to those who died in the US.
  • Investors Seek Safe Havens - Many private investors were already having a torrid september 11, 2001 bbc news time, and then America was attacked, creating further september 11, 2001 bbc news turbulence in the markets, reports the BBC.
  • Airline Job Fears After Attacks - The UK air industry faces increased costs and bbc news the news and media possibility of job cuts in the wake bbc news of the news and media US terror attacks.
  • Asia Suffers Tourism Downturn - Asia\\'s economies are bracing themselves for a downturn bbc news in tourism, an industry worth billions of dollars.
  • Bereaved Relatives 'Still in Shock' - Families of Britons missing after the US terror strikes are struggling to accept their relatives may be dead, according to UK counsellors.
  • How Serious a Threat is Biological Warfare? - Governments have been warned to prepare for possible biological or bbc news chemical attacks. In the USA, crop-spraying planes have been banned. bbc news How can nations protect themselves against this new terror, asks bbc news the BBC. Includes user submitted comments.
  • Sombre Proms Reflect Public Grief - The British and US national anthems were played bbc news at news and media a subdued Last Night of the Proms bbc news in tribute news and media to the victims of the terror bbc news attacks.
  • Giuliani Firm Among the Ruins - Mayor Rudy Giuliani demonstrates his powers of leadership as New news and media York struggles after the terrorist attack on the World Trade news and media Center.
  • Updike Bears Witness to Attacks - Pulitzer Prize-winning author John Updike describes what he september 11, 2001 saw of the New York attack as he september 11, 2001 watched in shock from a relative\\'s house in september 11, 2001 Brooklyn.
  • Q & A: Airport Security - In the wake of the US terror attacks bbc news the BBC asked David Learmount, of Flight International bbc news magazine, how airport security could be improved.
  • Bomb Blast Movie Pulled - The film Swordfish, which features the explosion of september 11, 2001 bbc news a building by terrorists, is to be withdrawn september 11, 2001 bbc news from UK cinemas.
  • UK Arrests Over US Terror Attacks - Three men and a woman were arrested in news and media Britain in connection with the terrorist attacks on news and media the World Trade Center in New York.
  • Airlines Face 'Economic Abyss' - US lawmakers urge the government to take swift action to support airlines amid fresh indications the industry is fast running out of money.
  • UK to Monitor Islamic Group - The activities of an Islamic activist group are being monitored by the home secretary to check they do not stir up unrest.
  • UK Rescuers Stood Down - A British rescue team which offered to aid bbc news the bbc news search for survivors after terror attacks on bbc news the US bbc news has been told it is not bbc news required.
  • Parliament to be Recalled - Parliament will be recalled early so MPs can september 11, 2001 hear a statement from the prime minister about september 11, 2001 the current international crisis.
  • A Fearfully Unique Occasion - It is hard to think of a single occasion since the second world war when the House of Commons has been so united, so grieving, or so fearful, reports Nick Assinder.
  • Offers of Help Flood In - Thousands of well-wishers have been offering help and condolences following the US terror attacks.
  • US 'Revenge Attacks' Alarm India - India\\'s prime minister calls President George W Bush to express news and media concern over attacks on Indians living in the US.
  • Hospitals Await Rescue Progress - The rush of casualties expected by New York hospitals failed bbc news to arrive as expected on the day after the tragedy.
  • Bin Laden: US Banned List - The full list of organisations, people and groups september 11, 2001 news and media the US says are linked to the Osama september 11, 2001 news and media Bin Laden network.
  • Kabul Braces for US Attack - Afghans braced for a retaliatory operation by the bbc news United news and media States following the terrorist attacks in New bbc news York and news and media Washington.
  • Stars Rewrite Work After US Attack - Television shows including Friends are reportedly rewritten, while rock bands september 11, 2001 rework their music in the wake of the attacks on september 11, 2001 the US.
  • EU Acts on Terrorism - Europe considers new measures in the fight against terrorism, including bbc news an EU-wide arrest warrant.
  • Kenyan Bomb Survivor Advises 'Togetherness' - A survivor of the 1998 attack tells BBC News Online that the US victims should stick together to pull through.
  • Analysis: Bush Hits the Right note - The BBC\\'s Rob Watson examines how the speeches news and media september 11, 2001 of a president renowned for verbal gaffes have news and media september 11, 2001 been carefully crafted since the terror attacks on news and media september 11, 2001 America.
  • Three-minute Silence Across Europe - Europeans were asked to fall silent on Friday news and media to honour the US dead, as foreign ministers news and media pledged to stand by America in its "darkest news and media hour".
  • Second US Arrest in Terror Probe - US authorities detained a second man amid reports that the FBI was searching for two of the hijackers in the weeks before the attacks.
  • New York Loses Hope for Survivors - New York\\'s police commissioner gives the bleakest assessment yet of finding survivors in the rubble that was once the World Trade Center.
  • Taleban Leader Protests Bin Laden's Innocence - The text of a message from the Taleban\\'s bbc news supreme news and media leader, in which he protests Bin Laden\'s bbc news innocence.
  • Pakistan Exchanges Stay Closed - Pakistan\\'s stock markets, closed amid fears of the implications of bbc news US reprisals for terrorist attacks, are to re-open on Monday.
  • 'They Told Us We Were Safe' - A survivor of the World Trade Center attack news and media says office workers were told their building was news and media safe after the first explosion.
  • US Companies Warn on Profits - Nearly 30 US companies have issued profits warnings bbc news in the wake of the massive attacks on bbc news the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
  • US Stock Markets Rebound - America\\'s leading stock markets end the week on bbc news a bbc news high, as they claw back some of bbc news the ground bbc news lost in last week's historic declines.
  • African Media Points Way for Bush - After the pan-continental outpouring of sympathy for the US that immediately followed the 11 September terrorist attacks, African media began to offer advice to Washington.
  • Spotlight on 'Special Relationship' - Looks at the relationship between the UK and september 11, 2001 news and media the US, and its definition in conflict.
  • More Disruption for US Flights - The US opened, and then partially closed, its news and media bbc news airspace to international flights, causing confusion among airlines news and media bbc news around the world.
  • The Pentagon and the Press - The US Defence Department starts to clamp down september 11, 2001 news and media on information, and the press want to ensure september 11, 2001 news and media more access than it had during the Gulf september 11, 2001 news and media War.
  • Through the Eyes of Children - Looks at what children are making of the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 disturbing images of the attacks in the USA.
  • Dramatic Developments on the World Stage - The BBC\\'s diplomatic correspondent Barnaby Mason examines how news and media bbc news international diplomatic relations have been redrawn after the news and media bbc news US attacks.
  • Pakistani Traders Wary - Financial market regulators in Pakistan are about to bbc news decide whether the country\\'s stock markets should reopen bbc news for trading on Thursday.
  • Analysis: Pakistan's Tough Choice - The events of last week in the US have pushed bbc news Pakistan into choosing between its old ally, the United States, bbc news and its closest neighbour, Afghanistan.
  • US Aims Beyond Bin Laden - The American defense secretary says the capture of bbc news Osama Bin Laden will be just "one step" bbc news in the fight against terrorism.
  • Back to work: What now for Wall Street? - Can Wall Street recover from the attacks in september 11, 2001 New York and Washington? And will the global september 11, 2001 economy be pushed into recession? Send us your september 11, 2001 views.
  • An Eye for an Eye - As Americans struggle to comprehend the tragedy which bbc news befell their country last week, some fear a bbc news desire for revenge has gripped the nation.
  • Jackson Plans Record for Attack Victims - Michael Jackson and leading pop stars are to news and media news and media record a song to raise millions of dollars news and media news and media for families of victims of the US suicide news and media news and media attacks.
  • Algeria 'Gives US Terror List' - Reports say that Algeria has handed over two bbc news lists bbc news of people it considers possible terrorists to bbc news the US, bbc news some of whom may have links bbc news to Osama Bin bbc news Laden.
  • Europe Mourns: How Have the US Attacks Affected You? - First hand accounts of loss, and how the bbc news tragedy news and media has affected people, from users.
  • Indians Desperate for News - The BBC\\'s Daniel Lak looks at the impact bbc news of bbc news the tragedy in New York on family bbc news and friends bbc news of victims in India.
  • UK Aid Workers Warn of Famine - Two British aid workers withdrawn from Afghanistan for fear of military strikes warn that starvation is facing its people.
  • Blair Pledges Solidarity with US - The UK prime minister reaffirms his vow of september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 support for the United States as he meets september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 with President George W Bush in Washington.
  • Pakistan's Exchanges Re-Open - Pakistan\\'s stock markets resumed trading after a week-long news and media news and media closure, and fell steeply amid fears about the news and media news and media impact of any military action.
  • UK Joins Global Charity Telethon - A TV event to raise money in the september 11, 2001 wake of the US attacks, featuring some of september 11, 2001 the biggest names in showbiz, is to be september 11, 2001 screened in the UK.
  • Bin Laden's Middle Class Killers - BBC correspondent Matt Frei meets the family of news and media one of the men suspected of the terror news and media hijacking in America.
  • The Hijack Suspects - The FBI release photos of the 19 suspected news and media hijackers of the four US planes seized during news and media the 11 September attacks on New York and news and media Washington.
  • Relatives' Desperate Poster Appeal - Clutching photos, thousands of distraught families took to the streets of New York to search for loved ones missing since the attack.
  • US 'Planned Attack on Taleban' - The BBC is told that the US was planning military bbc news action against Osama bin Laden and the Taleban even before bbc news last week's attacks.
  • US Rejects Bin Laden Ruling - The US demands that Osama Bin Laden be september 11, 2001 handed over to "responsible authorities", rejecting an apparent september 11, 2001 Taleban compromise move.
  • Security Increased at NI Airports - Security at Northern Ireland\\'s two main airports was news and media news and media stepped up in the aftermath of terrorist attacks news and media news and media in America.
  • O'Neill Sees Recovery Ahead - The US Treasury Secretary voices confidence that the september 11, 2001 economy can pull through, but others see storm september 11, 2001 clouds gathering, following the attacks.
  • Market Turmoil after US Attacks - Report looking at the effects, including stock markets bbc news plummeting, bbc news oil and gold prices surging, and the bbc news dollar suffering.
  • Survivor Who Ignored Advice - WTC disaster survivor Richard Wadja says that he bbc news was told to return to his desk minutes bbc news before it was blown to pieces.
  • UK Firms Fear Human Losses - UK firms continue to look for their US-based september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 staff after the World Trade Center attack, as september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 officials say the British death toll could run september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 into hundreds.
  • Nineteen Hijack Suspects Named - The US named 19 people suspected of being september 11, 2001 news and media the hijackers, as police around the world worked september 11, 2001 news and media to find the organisers of the attacks.
  • Muslim Leaders Debate Race Hate - Muslim communities in Manchester fear the repercussions of the US terror attacks could lead to violence on their own doorstep.
  • UK Police in Attack Manhunt - UK anti-terrorist police are working with the FBI september 11, 2001 bbc news to track down accomplices of those who were september 11, 2001 bbc news behind the US attacks.
  • Disaster Planning Saves Wall Street - As stock markets prepare to restart trading, the bbc news rapid bbc news recovery of the financial system is largely bbc news thanks to bbc news minute contingency planning.
  • Taleban Tense as US Seeks Targets - The BBC\\'s John Simpson analyses why the Taleban\\'s september 11, 2001 news and media relationship with Osama Bin Laden could be its september 11, 2001 news and media undoing.
  • Bush Tells Nation to 'Be Ready' - US President Bush prepares what is seen as the most news and media crucial speech of his presidency as Americans demand action against news and media terror.
  • Arafat Fears New Israeli Attacks - Palestinians were warned by Yasser Arafat not to news and media news and media provoke Israeli attacks in the wake of the news and media news and media tragedies in America.
  • Europe Cautious Over US Response - As the US prepares its response to the attacks on New York and Washington, Europe stops short of full support.
  • Terror Attacks Shares Probe - EU finance ministers launch an investigation into a bbc news flurry news and media of trading in airline and insurance shares bbc news shortly before news and media the US suicide attacks.
  • UK Backs Terror Cash Clampdown - UK Chancellor Gordon Brown says Britain will back bbc news a UN resolution calling on all nations to bbc news clamp down on financing groups suspected of bbc news terrorism.
  • UK Minister Under Pressure in Algeria - A British minister tells the Algerian Government that bbc news the september 11, 2001 UK cannot act against terrorist suspects living bbc news there without september 11, 2001 having firm evidence.
  • Allies Boost US Confidence - Nato\\'s declaration of support does not mean the news and media bbc news US will launch a knee-jerk war, writes the news and media bbc news BBC's Paul Adams.
  • Middle East Media Split Over Attacks - The media in the Middle East has divided news and media september 11, 2001 along predictable lines in its reaction to the news and media september 11, 2001 attacks on targets in the United States.
  • Afghanistan - A Tough Military Option - Eurasia analyst Malcolm Haslett assesses the difficulty the United States news and media is likely to face if it decides to launch a news and media strike against Afghanistan.
  • Tajikistan Shuts Out Afghans - After talks with Russia, Tajikistan closes its border to Afghan september 11, 2001 refugees who are fleeing their homeland for fear of US september 11, 2001 retaliatory strikes.
  • Wall Street Mourns Lost Colleagues - Some of the biggest names in finance struggled september 11, 2001 to come to terms with human losses experienced september 11, 2001 in the terrorist attacks on the US.
  • US Legal Chief Seeks Tougher Laws - US Attorney-General John Ashcroft wants new powers to tap phones and harsher penalties for assisting terrorism.
  • Analysis: Bush Rises to the Occasion - President Bush silences critics by delivering a forceful bbc news speech to Congress, setting out his plans for bbc news tackling terrorism, reports the BBC.
  • A Life Less Extraordinary - New Yorkers are trying to re-establish their old september 11, 2001 routines after the terror attacks on their city, september 11, 2001 writes BBC News Online's Jonathan Duffy.
  • A Day of Remembrance - As Europe honours the victims of terrorism in bbc news the bbc news US, Paul Coffey tells BBC News Online bbc news Scotland of bbc news the emotions in Glasgow.
  • Airlines Bankruptcy Warning - Airlines could go bankrupt in the wake of news and media the attacks in the US, hit by the news and media cost of disruptions, tight security and a fall news and media in demand for tickets, the BBC reports.
  • SNP Delegates Remember US Victims - The Scottish National Party\\'s conference opened with a motion of bbc news condolence for victims of the terrorist attacks in the US.
  • Day of Mourning - Millions of people across the world joined in news and media september 11, 2001 remembrance services for those who died in the news and media september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US. At 1100 BST news and media september 11, 2001 people across Europe observed three minutes\\' silence to news and media september 11, 2001 honour the dead.
  • When parliament has been recalled - A look at other times of national and news and media bbc news international crisis when parliament has been recalled.
  • IMF Meeting 'To be Called Off' - Germany\\'s finance ministry says the IMF and World september 11, 2001 news and media Bank annual meetings late this month are now september 11, 2001 news and media virtually certain to be cancelled.
  • Pakistan Investors Prepare for Trouble - Multinationals take precautions to protect their operations in news and media Pakistan and the Middle East as the prospect news and media of military conflict increases.
  • Islam: Faith Under Fire - The US attacks have caused simmering Western "Islamaphobia" to boil september 11, 2001 over into anti-Muslim violence and hate, reports the BBC.
  • Providing 'Emotional First Aid' - Psychiatrist Colin Murray Parkes has just returned from bbc news New september 11, 2001 York, where he lent an hand to bbc news hold for september 11, 2001 the bereaved British families.
  • Tower Survivor's 78th Floor Escape - A Fermanagh man who survived the World Trade september 11, 2001 bbc news Center attack is among those featured in BBC september 11, 2001 bbc news NI\\'s Spotlight programme on the Irish American community september 11, 2001 bbc news in New York.
  • Kenya Mourns with US - Kenya held a special memorial service in Nairobi september 11, 2001 for victims of the US attacks, attended by september 11, 2001 thousands, including President Moi.
  • Turkish Army on High Alert - Turkey says it has placed its armed forces on high alert in preparation for any possible military action by the United States.
  • Europe Tightens Security - Investigations, arrests, and tougher checks at airports and news and media bbc news public buildings are all part of the new news and media bbc news world ushered in by the US attacks, says news and media bbc news Colin Blane.
  • EU Leaders Open Emergency Summit - European Union leaders meeting in Brussels are expected to reaffirm news and media their support for the United States.
  • Japan to Revise Laws to Aid US - The Japanese prime minister orders a review of news and media laws restricting the military support Japan can offer news and media to the United States.
  • Virus Exploits Terror Attacks - A malicious virus is capitalising on the strong september 11, 2001 feelings triggered by the attacks in New York, september 11, 2001 reports the BBC.
  • Strain on 'Heroic Rescuers' - Report on rescuers risking their lives searching through bbc news the bbc news wreckage of New York\'s World Trade Center bbc news for survivors.
  • US Targets Somali Group - Fears grow in Somalia of some kind of news and media bbc news US military action after a Somali group is news and media bbc news named by the US administration as having links news and media bbc news to terrorism.
  • Analysis: Role of the Elite Troops - Defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus explains why special forces september 11, 2001 are likely to play a key role in september 11, 2001 any ground offensive in Afghanistan.
  • Airbus Freezes Expansion Plans - European defence giant EADS has postponed production expansion news and media bbc news plans at Airbus due to the poor outlook news and media bbc news for the airline sector.
  • Indian Markets Crash - Indian stocks hit an eight-year low as investors september 11, 2001 sell heavily amid fears of a US strike september 11, 2001 on Afghanistan.
  • Congressmen Back Lifting Pakistan Sanctions - The heads of the foreign relations committees in the US Congress support easing sanctions against Pakistan following its pledge to help the US fight terrorism.
  • Bush Shortens Asia Trip - The White House says President Bush is cutting news and media news and media short a trip to Asia next month in news and media news and media view of the crisis over the attacks on news and media news and media New York and Washington.
  • Towers Removed from Simulator - A new edition of Microsoft\\'s flight simulator computer september 11, 2001 game will not include the twin towers of september 11, 2001 the World Trade Center.
  • US Military Threats Dismissed - The Taleban\\'s supreme leader rejected US threats of bbc news action, as Osama Bin Laden reportedly urged Pakistan\\'s bbc news Muslims to fight "the American crusade".
  • Bush Sides with the Doves - The BBC\\'s Jon Leyne describes how the coalition builders are news and media winning the war in George W Bush's administration.
  • Scanner 'Could Boost Air Security' - A scanning device developed in Britain could revolutionise news and media news and media air security, detecting ceramic knives and other concealed news and media news and media weapons.
  • Attacks Force Big Brother Dilemma - Producers of reality TV show Big Brother around the world decided whether to tell contestants about the US attacks.
  • When Will Military Action Begin? - Defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus assesses when the US september 11, 2001 might begin military retaliation.
  • Afghan Challenge Awaits US Military - The BBC\\'s George Arney listens to Pakistan analysts\\' bbc news views september 11, 2001 on a possible US invasion of Afghanistan, bbc news where those september 11, 2001 who have gone before have failed.
  • Analysis: What Now For The World Economy? - The debate now is not about whether there\\'ll bbc news be a downturn but how steep it will bbc news be and how long it will last, says bbc news BBC business editor Jeff Randall.
  • Morocco Deports 'Bin Laden Ally' - The Moroccan Government ignores an extradition request from bbc news Algeria bbc news for one of its nationals and deports bbc news him to bbc news Paris.
  • Arab-Americans Fear Backlash - Report on the Arab and Muslim communities of september 11, 2001 the US living in fear in the wake september 11, 2001 of the attacks on the World Trade Centre september 11, 2001 and the Pentagon.
  • Developing States Worried - Governments and companies in less industrialised nations fear bbc news the september 11, 2001 economic implications of the terrorist attacks in bbc news the US.
  • Islamic Groups Warn of Indonesia Violence - Radical Islamic groups warn they will attack American september 11, 2001 targets in Indonesia if the US takes military september 11, 2001 action against Afghanistan.
  • UK Buildings Evacuated - Workers in many high profile buildings in the bbc news UK september 11, 2001 were evacuated following the terror attacks in bbc news the US.
  • New Yorkers go to the Polls - New Yorkers are electing a new mayor to news and media news and media lead a city devastated by terrorist attacks, but news and media news and media many feel the incumbent Rudolph Giuliani should keep news and media news and media the post.
  • Safer Air Travel: Should Pilots be Armed? - After the recent terrorist attacks in the United bbc news States the way we travel by airplane could bbc news be changed forever. Should pilots or other cabin bbc news staff be armed, asks the BBC. Includes user bbc news submitted comments.
  • Terrorist Finance Under Scrutiny - The UK Government will strengthen money laundering laws bbc news and news and media target terrorist bank accounts in the wake bbc news of last news and media week's attacks on the US.
  • Profit Warnings Multiply for US Firms - Over 30 US companies have issued profits warnings bbc news in the wake of the massive attacks on bbc news the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
  • Worldwide Hunt for Hijack Plotters - Thousands of FBI agents are piecing together the september 11, 2001 bbc news jigsaw which they hope will enable them to september 11, 2001 bbc news catch the killers who plotted the horrific US september 11, 2001 bbc news attacks, reports the BBC.
  • Britons Tell of Miraculous Escapes - British businessmen describe their terror as they escaped september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 in New York.
  • US Gets Bangladesh Backing - Bangladesh\\'s caretaker government agrees to a request by bbc news the bbc news US for logistical support in the event bbc news of an bbc news attack on Afghanistan.
  • Belfast Paramedic Recalls US Terror - A Belfast paramedic tells how he treated the injured victims september 11, 2001 of the US terror attack in New York which left september 11, 2001 thousands dead.
  • Fighting Fires, Not Rubble - After searching the ruins of "ground zero", the men of news and media fire engine Ladder Six have returned to normal duties for news and media the first time without their missing colleagues.
  • Terror Cells 'Operating in UK' - Supporters of Osama Bin Laden may have helped september 11, 2001 bbc news plan attacks on the US from London, according september 11, 2001 bbc news to reports.
  • Akamai Founder Killed in Hijack - One of the founders of Akamai Technologies, a bbc news provider of content delivery services, has been killed bbc news in the attacks on the US.
  • We Share Grief, Blair Tells America - BBC News Online\\'s Nick Assinder hears the UK prime minister\\'s news and media address at a memorial service in New York.
  • Analysis: Afghan Ruling on Bin Laden - The BBC\\'s Islamic affairs analyst, Roger Hardy, examines september 11, 2001 bbc news the significance of the clerics\\' decision to ask september 11, 2001 bbc news the Saudi-born radical to leave the country.
  • UK Pays its Respects - Britons pay their respects to the victims of the US news and media terror attacks with a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace.
  • Q&A: Learning to Fly a Plane - BBC News Online speaks to an instructor at bbc news Florida\\'s news and media biggest pilot training centre, looking at how bbc news the US news and media airline hijackers learnt to take control bbc news of, and fly, news and media the planes.
  • Flight Passengers Hailed as Heroes - The FBI praises passengers believed to have fought september 11, 2001 bbc news with the hijackers on Flight 93 before it september 11, 2001 bbc news crashed in Pennsylvania.
  • Sanctions Boost for Pakistan Economy - The lifting of US sanctions should provide a much-needed boost september 11, 2001 for Pakistan\\'s ailing economy, but more still needs to be september 11, 2001 done, reports the BBC.
  • '190 dead' in Pentagon Attack - Hopes faded of finding more survivors at the bbc news Pentagon september 11, 2001 after it was hit by an airliner bbc news during the september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
  • Bomb Threat Forces Virgin Diversion - A Virgin Airlines\\' Boeing 747 was forced to bbc news make september 11, 2001 an unscheduled landing in Canada after a bbc news bomb scare.
  • Divided Nation: Divided Response - As America mourns its dead, the BBC\\'s Jerusalem september 11, 2001 correspondent Orla Guerin looks at how Israelis and september 11, 2001 Palestinians have reacted to the bloodshed.
  • Insurance Costs 'Incalculable' - Bewildered insurers start to count the cost of bbc news the US attacks, and seem to be facing bbc news the most expensive man-made disaster in history.
  • Scotland's Leaders United in Sorrow - Political leaders in Scotland speak as one when they make september 11, 2001 public their sorrow for the victims of the US attacks.
  • Afghan Crisis Points up Pakistani Divisions - Pakistan can only guess at the long-term effects news and media of the Afghan crisis which has already brought news and media dismay to pro-democracy activists, reports the BBC.
  • Airlines Call for State Aid - British Airways and Virgin Atlantic lead calls for fair treatment september 11, 2001 from government, as the US rushed to the aid of september 11, 2001 its crisis-hit airline industry.
  • Surfers Choose Bin Laden Over Sex - Osama Bin Laden and the World Trade Center news and media bbc news replaced sex and Britney Spears as the most news and media bbc news popular internet searches.
  • UK Airlines 'Need Government Aid' - The UK\\'s airline industry wants government money to safeguard jobs bbc news made vulnerable after the US terror attacks.
  • America Widens 'Crusade' on Terror - President Bush and his senior officials say terrorist networks in news and media up to 60 countries could be targeted following Tuesday\'s airborn news and media suicide attacks.
  • US Fears Grow of Biological Attack - Crop-sprayers are grounded amid concerns terrorists might be planning to news and media launch an attack using chemical or biological weapons.
  • What Now for British Airways? - Around the world, airlines are cutting jobs, mothballing planes and news and media issue profit warnings, so can BA escape the storm, asks news and media the BBC.
  • Pakistan's Airline Under Pressure - Pakistan International Airlines has to work hard to bbc news cope september 11, 2001 with the fall-out of the crisis in bbc news neighbouring september 11, 2001 Afghanistan, reports the BBC.
  • Eyewitness: Taleban in Crisis - The BBC\\'s John Simpson, smuggled into Afghanistan dressed bbc news as bbc news a woman, finds support ebbing away from bbc news the Taleban.
  • Taleban Prepares for Battle - Afghanistan\\'s ruling Taleban warned the US that it would retaliate bbc news if a military strike was launched against its country.
  • Duncan Smith Offers National Unity - New Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith offered, "behind closed doors", help to Tony Blair in a show of unity against terrorism.
  • Pakistan Protests Turn Violent - Four people are killed in Karachi as thousands bbc news of news and media Taleban supporters protest against government support for bbc news the US.
  • Europe Starts to Count its Victims - An Irish woman and child are confirmed dead as Germany and the UK warn that many of their citizens may have died in the US attacks.
  • Donations Flood in to Terror Victims Fund - A UK charity set up to help the victims of bbc news last week\\'s terror attacks in the US has been inundated bbc news with donations, reports the BBC.
  • US Loses Spy Plane Over Afghanistan - The Americans say their forces will not get news and media trapped in Afghanistan but admit that they have news and media already lost a spy plane there.
  • Hijack 'Suspect' Alive in Morocco - A Saudi pilot initially named by the FBI september 11, 2001 news and media as one of the hijacking suspects in the september 11, 2001 news and media US terror attacks turns up in Morocco and september 11, 2001 news and media denies any involvement.
  • Will Bush's Asset Freeze Work? - The US is freezing the finances of 27 people and bbc news groups it says are linked to terrorists, but how effective bbc news can such measures be, asks the BBC.
  • UN Evacuates Afghanistan Staff - The United Nations moved staff out of Afghanistan, september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 fearing US strikes on the country after terror september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 attacks on America.
  • Sombre Mood in the City - London\\'s financial workers arrived at their offices in bbc news sombre news and media mood, after the terrible events in New bbc news York\'s financial news and media district.
  • China Demands US Attack Evidence - China asks for "concrete evidence" before it will news and media support a US military strike against those suspected news and media of involvement in last week's attacks.
  • Airlines Cut Jobs to Avoid Bankruptcy - US airlines are calling for government assistance as more than september 11, 2001 13,000 jobs are lost due to reduced public demand for september 11, 2001 flights.
  • New York Stares Terror in the Face - The BBC\\'s Stephen Evans, who was in the World Trade Center when it was attacked, reflects on New Yorkers\\' resilience in the time of crisis.
  • Transatlantic Flights Resume - Reports on two aircraft leaving Heathrow Airport for news and media bbc news the US as the first non-American airlines received news and media bbc news permission to resume transatlantic flights.
  • Russians Find New Empathy with US - Russian enmity towards America is being replaced by news and media sympathy, as Robert Parsons reports from Moscow.
  • Blair Steps up Talks on Terror Attacks - Downing Street warns "difficult decisions" lie ahead as European Union leaders announce plans for an emergency summit on Friday.
  • India Offers US Military Backing - India offered full operational backing to the US september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 in the event of military retaliation for the september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 terror attacks in New York and Washington.
  • US Attack Hits Karachi Market - The main index in Pakistan\\'s biggest stock exchange bbc news in Karachi lost nearly 50 points after the bbc news attacks in the US.
  • World Trade Center Looters Arrested - Two people, who had been working as volunteers, september 11, 2001 news and media were arrested for looting a jewellery shop in september 11, 2001 news and media the arcade under the World Trade Center.
  • Collapsing Towers Caused Seismic Shock - The hijack attacks on the World Trade Center, news and media september 11, 2001 and the towers\\' subsequent collapse, were detected by news and media september 11, 2001 earthquake monitoring stations.
  • Greens Urge US Restraint - America should hold back from any immediate vengeful september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 attacks, says the UK Green Party as its september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 conference begins.
  • Your Views and Stories - Eyewitness accounts of the horror in New York, from users of the BBC news site.
  • Bush 'Will Visit China' - A senior Chinese official says President Bush has said he bbc news will travel to China next month despite the attacks in bbc news New York and Washington.
  • UK Muslims Condemn 'Lunatic Fringe' - Mainstream Muslim leaders attack a "tiny lunatic fringe" which has bbc news expressed support for the terror attacks in the US.
  • United in Grief at St Paul's - For thousands of people gathered at St Paul\\'s september 11, 2001 bbc news for a special London service, it was a september 11, 2001 bbc news time of unity amid a tragedy so close, september 11, 2001 bbc news yet so far away.
  • Attacks Shake Oil and Gold Prices - Looks at the effects of supply fears and bbc news stock news and media market turmoil on the prices of oil bbc news and gold.
  • Extra Police to Protect Muslims - An extra 1,500 police officers will be on september 11, 2001 the streets of London over the weekend to september 11, 2001 protect Muslims from violence following the US attacks.
  • Fighting terrorism: What can be done? - The world will never be the same again, bbc news was september 11, 2001 the reaction of many to last Tuesday\\'s bbc news attacks. What september 11, 2001 measures can be taken by the bbc news secret services to september 11, 2001 stop the terrorists? Public can bbc news comment.
  • Police Chief Issues London Terror Alert - The Metropolitan Police commissioner says London is a september 11, 2001 top terrorist target as police numbers on street september 11, 2001 are boosted by 1,500.
  • Fear Grows Among UK Pakistanis - The UK\\'s Pakistani community waited anxiously for news of developments news and media in Afghanistan.
  • Osama Bin Laden's Sister is in UK - The sister of Osama Bin Laden is living news and media news and media in the UK, Whitehall sources confirm.
  • Japan Bans Bin Laden Deals - Japan says it will ban financial transactions with news and media news and media people linked to Osama Bin Laden and Afghanistan\\'s news and media news and media ruling Taleban militia.
  • 'It Doesn't Seem Real' - BBC correspondent Stephen Evans tells BBC News Online news and media september 11, 2001 what it was like to be in the news and media september 11, 2001 World Trade Center when it was attacked.
  • Tears and Unity at Palace Tribute - Thousands of Americans shed tears as they attended an emotional bbc news and unprecedented tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks bbc news at Buckingham Palace.
  • Text: Musharraf Rallies Pakistani Nation - Excerpts from Pakistan\\'s President Pervez Musharraf\\'s television address bbc news to bbc news the nation, defending his support for US bbc news policy.
  • Britons 'Should Consider' Quitting Pakistan - UK nationals are advised to consider leaving Pakistan september 11, 2001 bbc news in the light of heightened tension since the september 11, 2001 bbc news US terrorist attacks.
  • Chaos as Hundreds Queue for US Flights - Many transatlantic passengers remained stranded at UK airports news and media in spite of the resumption of flights to news and media and from the US.
  • Nato Hears US Strike Plans - The US briefs Nato allies about its global anti-terrorism drive bbc news following the attacks on New York and Washington.
  • Sellafield Security Reviewed - The security of a planned new nuclear recycling plant at Sellafield is considered amid fears about international terrorism.
  • ID Cards: Does Britain Need Them? - The UK government is considering making identity cards compulsory as part of a crackdown on terrorism. Would ID cards help track down terrorist suspects or is it an unnecessary infringement of personal liberties, asks the BBC.
  • Bin Laden's Sudan Links Remain - Despite Sudan\\'s denial that it backs international terrorism, september 11, 2001 there is still evidence of its links with september 11, 2001 ex-resident Osama Bin Laden, reports the BBC.
  • Waiting Continues for Relatives - Relatives of Britons missing after the attacks on news and media news and media the World Trade Center entered a fourth day news and media news and media without news of their loved ones.
  • Victim of 'Hate Crime' Buried - Relatives gather in Los Angeles for the funeral bbc news of an Egyptian born US citizen, thought to bbc news be a victim of the hate crimes that bbc news have spread since the terror attacks.
  • US Motor Industry Suffers Shortages - Ford will shut three plants on Monday as bbc news the news and media US auto industry faces a parts shortage bbc news following Tuesday\'s news and media attacks, reports the BBC.
  • Hope Amid the Gloom - Sunday was a chance for many New Yorkers to share bbc news their pain with God. But amid the gloom, they were bbc news told that there was cause for hope.
  • EU Leaders Back US Retaliation - European Union leaders agree that US retaliation for last week\'s suicide attacks would be "legitimate".
  • Spain Arrests Six Terror Suspects - Spanish police detain six men believed to be bbc news linked news and media to Osama Bin Laden, the chief suspect bbc news behind the news and media attacks on the US.
  • Blair Puts Pressure on Taleban - The US-led coalition against terrorism builds up pressure news and media on the Afghan Taleban rulers as Saudi Arabia, news and media their last Arab ally, severs ties.
  • 'We're Ready' Says US Air Chief - Reports how America\\'s most powerful fighter wing is "very ready" september 11, 2001 for combat flights from England, according to the base commander.
  • Heroic Britons Missing - Survivors tell of the heroic rescue efforts of bbc news Britons september 11, 2001 missing after last week\'s terror attacks on bbc news the US.
  • Aftermath of Disaster - Reports, photographs, and video footage.
  • IMF Shrugs off Recession Fears - The IMF expects the world economy to avoid bbc news recession news and media in the wake of the attacks on bbc news America, though news and media the US economy will weaken.
  • Swinney Urges Caution in Retaliation - Scottish National Party Leader John Swinney called for \\'targeted action\\' news and media against those responsible for the attacks on the US.
  • America's Day of Terror - Timeline of the day of attack, with photographs.
  • Net Closing on Terror Suspects - US President George Bush wants Osama Bin Laden "dead or news and media alive" as the worldwide investigation into the US attacks widens.
  • Powell's Challenge - Few international statesman are as highly respected at home and abroad as the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, reports the BBC.
  • Go Launches New Services - The lost-cost carrier expands its route portfolio, indicating news and media the differing fortunes of budget airlines and the news and media struggling aviation giants.
  • US Petrol Prices Slump - US petrol prices are falling, but refiners are scared to news and media stem production for fear of being labelled unpatriotic.
  • QE2 Diverted from New York Harbour - Terrorist attack on New York forced re-routing for the luxury cruise ship.
  • Week of Turmoil for Asian Markets - Attention in Asia this week focused on stock news and media news and media markets, and how US investors would react to news and media news and media the terrorist attacks on America.
  • Fighting a 'Dirty War' - As America prepares to retaliate for last week\\'s terror attacks, changes in the law might be needed to help it fight an unsavoury war, reports the BBC.
  • Sombre Proms to Reflect Public Mood - Anthems such as Rule Britannia will not be news and media news and media sung at Saturday\\'s Last Night of the Proms news and media news and media in response to the terrorist attacks on the news and media news and media US.
  • Oil Reverses Post-attack Surge - Fears of a hike in oil prices seem to have been exaggerated, as demand falls and the US government reportedly lobbies for increased output.
  • Search for Victims Continues - The anxious wait continues for the Irish and september 11, 2001 bbc news British relatives and friends of people missing after september 11, 2001 bbc news the US terror attacks, reports the BBC.
  • Nation United in Grief - BBC News Online\\'s Kevin Anderson makes an emotional bbc news return to Washington to find his fellow countrymen bbc news struggling to come to terms with Tuesday's events.
  • Cheney: Power Behind the Throne - Although not a captivating political personality, Dick Cheney\\'s september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 assured response to the US crisis has demonstrated september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 why George W Bush picked him as a september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 running mate, reports the BBC.
  • Gulf States Line Up Behind US - Gulf Arab states pledged full co-operation with Washington september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 to end global terror attacks in a move september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 certain to relieve the Americans.
  • Sri Lanka Backs US - The Sri Lankan Government has formally announced its fullest backing for the United States following the attacks in New York and Washington.
  • High-profile Victims of US Attacks - A number of celebrities and business figures were news and media news and media killed in the attacks in the US.
  • In Pictures: America Attacked - Day Two - Collection of images from the second day of events.
  • Blair Joins Tribute to British Victims - Tony Blair joins the families of the British bbc news victims september 11, 2001 of the terror attacks at a memorial bbc news service in september 11, 2001 New York.
  • Russia Pulls Back from Joint Action - Russia\\'s military moves to quash speculation that it could join news and media in any US armed retaliation for Tuesday's attack terrorist.
  • The Wild Border Town of Quetta - Thousands of Afghan refugees are likely to pour news and media news and media into the Pakistani town of Quetta, already struggling news and media news and media with poverty and tensions of its own, reports news and media news and media the BBC.
  • US Attack Hero Caught on Film - A photograph is released showing a British-born employee evacuating the World Trade Center moments before its collapse.
  • On Edge: Afghanistan's Neighbours - Afghanistan\\'s neighbours have much to be concerned about september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 in the current crisis, whatever their view of september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 the Taleban, reports the BBC.
  • Central Banks Boost Anti-Crisis Moves - The US Federal and the European Central Bank september 11, 2001 bbc news stepped up their efforts to minimise the likely september 11, 2001 bbc news economic consequences of the terrorist attacks.
  • EU Gears up to Fight Terrorism - Justice and interior ministers approve tough new anti-terrorist measures, including bbc news an EU-wide search and arrest warrant.
  • Fears of New Afghan Exodus - Iran shuts its border with Afghanistan fearing a new wave september 11, 2001 of refugees fleeing US reprisals against the Taleban and Osama september 11, 2001 Bin Laden.
  • Attacks Paralyse New York - Report in the immediate aftermath, as New Yorkers bbc news struggle to grasp the reality, after two airliners bbc news crashed into the World Trade Center\\'s twin towers, bbc news reducing them to rubble.
  • Why the Killers Threaten World Prosperity - BBC Business Editor Jeff Randall looks at the bbc news impact september 11, 2001 of the devastating terrorist attacks in the bbc news US on september 11, 2001 the world economy.
  • New York: Global Financial Centre - Article looking at the impact on stock market traders and trade.
  • US Considers UK Military Options - Tony Blair is backing President Bush\\'s desire for bbc news retaliation news and media after the US terror attacks, but what bbc news military help news and media can the UK offer, asks the bbc news BBC.
  • The Last Moments of Flight 11 - A harrowing telephone call from a flight attendant aboard one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center comes to light.
  • Asian Alerts Follow US Attacks - US military bases throughout Asia were placed on bbc news alert, and a bomb scare emptied Malaysia\'s Petronas bbc news towers.
  • Panic on the Stairs - First hand accounts of the events in New september 11, 2001 bbc news York and Washington, by BBC News Online users.
  • Pakistan 'Will Comply' on Terror - Islamabad says it will adhere to any UN news and media resolutions on terrorism following pressure from the US news and media to co-operate in any attack on Afghanistan.
  • World Trade Center: A Global Landmark - Looks at the history of the World Trade Center, past bbc news attacks on it, and the impact of its destruction.
  • Bush Visits New York Destruction - President Bush visited the devastated site of the World Trade news and media Center as America mourned the victims of the attacks.
  • New York Honours the Dead - Thousands attended a prayer service at the New York Yankees bbc news baseball stadium to remember the victims of the US bbc news terror attacks.
  • UN Braced for Refugee Flood - Plans are being drawn up to cope with news and media september 11, 2001 up to a million refugees if the US-led news and media september 11, 2001 coalition launches strikes against Afghanistan.
  • Many Flights to US Still Grounded - American authorities say only US carriers will be allowed into bbc news the country initially and two European planes are turned back bbc news en route.
  • Nostradamus Sales Shoot Up - Books on apocalyptic prophet Nostradamus, fighting terrorism and the history news and media of the World Trade Center become bestsellers.
  • Blair's Balancing Act - Tony Blair faces a difficult time seeking to keep the september 11, 2001 support of his political party and the public at large september 11, 2001 for military action against terror.
  • Financial Pain Spirals to New Sectors - The after-effects of the devastating terrorist attacks are expected to bbc news force firms from a host of sectors to warn on bbc news their profits, reports the BBC.
  • Evidence Trails Lead to Florida - The suspected perpetrators of Tuesday\\'s terrorist attacks lived in Florida september 11, 2001 for many months and trained at a local airfield, the september 11, 2001 BBC reports.
  • Taleban Chief Defends Bin Laden - The Taleban\\'s reclusive leader asserts Osama Bin Laden\\'s bbc news innocence as Kabul braces for a retaliatory operation bbc news by the United States.
  • The Complexities of Consumer Confidence - Indicators of consumer sentiment are taking a massive news and media news and media hit in the wake of the US attacks. news and media news and media But just how important are they to the news and media news and media overall economy, asks the BBC.
  • US Offers Prayers for the Dead - Tens of thousands gathered for a prayer service for victims september 11, 2001 of the US terror attacks at the New York Yankees september 11, 2001 baseball stadium.
  • Oil Prices Sink to Year Low - Oil prices, which surged after the terrorist attacks september 11, 2001 news and media on the US, collapsed in the biggest one september 11, 2001 news and media day fall since the end of the Gulf september 11, 2001 news and media crisis.
  • Rich Friends in New York - The IRA\\'s cause has always been a united Ireland, but bbc news much of the cash that funds republican groups comes from bbc news the US. So how will they fare amid the new bbc news crackdown on terrorism, asks the BBC.
  • New York Reopening for Business - Parts of New York\\'s devastated financial district reopened september 11, 2001 to allow businesses to prepare for trading on september 11, 2001 Monday.
  • Bush Calls Halt to Terror Funding - Washington moves to cut off the flow of money to bbc news Osama Bin Laden, chief suspect in the US attacks, his bbc news al-Qaeda network and other groups.
  • Analysis: Coalition Sparks Human Rights Fears - Human rights groups fear that the West\\'s drive september 11, 2001 news and media to build an anti-terrorism coalition may lead to september 11, 2001 news and media it turning a blind eye to some countries\\' september 11, 2001 news and media human rights abuses.
  • One Week On: America Reflects - America marks one week after the terror attacks news and media news and media in New York and Washington, as President Bush news and media news and media urges people to continue to give more aid.
  • Philippines Moots Anti-Terrorist Coalition - The Philippines says it wants to launch a september 11, 2001 news and media regional anti-terrorist coalition to support any retaliatory strikes september 11, 2001 news and media by the United States.
  • Church Service for US Victims - A remembrance service dedicated to the victims of bbc news the terrorist attacks in the US took place bbc news in Edinburgh.
  • Arabs Detained in Paraguay - Paraguayan prosecutors asked a judge that 11 Arabs held after news and media the recent attacks in the United States be held on news and media immigration charges.
  • Stock Markets Rally - Share prices in the United States and Europe news and media september 11, 2001 posted strong gains, recovering some of last week\\'s news and media september 11, 2001 hefty losses.
  • Spain Allows US to Use Bases - Madrid offers the United States unconditional use of its military september 11, 2001 bases in any planned retaliation for last week's attacks.
  • Blair Gives Taleban Firm Warning - Tony Blair gives the Taleban regime in Afghanistan a clear bbc news warning to hand over terrorist suspect Osama Bin Laden, or bbc news face the consequences.
  • Relatives Wait for News - A young stockbroker who called his twin as bbc news the World Trade Center was hit is among bbc news the many Britons still missing, reports the BBC.
  • Italy Ready to Retaliate Against Terrorists - The Italian defence minister has made it clear that his bbc news armed forces are ready to take part in any action bbc news that may be agreed in retaliation against the attacks on bbc news the United States.
  • Economic Fallout - The attacks on the World Trade Center and news and media news and media the Pentagon have reverberated throughout the economic, as news and media news and media well as the political and diplomatic fields.
  • Bush Appeals for Help From Allies - The US leader appealed to allies for any news and media support possible, as he met the Indonesian president, news and media head of the world's largest Muslim population.
  • Award Winner Caught in US Chaos - PJ Harvey, who won the Mercury Music Prize, news and media bbc news speaks about being stuck in Washington after the news and media bbc news US attacks.
  • Hero's Final Phone Call - Details of a phone call from a passenger bbc news preparing september 11, 2001 to attack an armed hijacker provide the bbc news clearest picture september 11, 2001 yet of the plane's final moments.
  • Afghan Refugees Tell of Their Despair - BBC News Online\\'s Daniel Lak reports on the news and media news and media plight of the Afghan refugees massing in Pakistan.
  • Aid Agencies Warn of Afghan Crisis - Aid agencies and the UN say Afghans could september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 flood out of the country in search of september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 food following the withdrawal of aid workers.
  • S Korea Mourns US victims - South Koreans marked a minute\\'s silence for the victims of the attacks in the United States.
  • Uzbekistan Ready to Help US - Uzbekistan says it is ready to discuss co-operation september 11, 2001 with the US in what it calls the september 11, 2001 struggle against international terrorism in the region.
  • Shares Plunge as Wall Street Re-opens - The Dow Jones index loses 7% of its value as september 11, 2001 Wall Street resumes trading, despite concerted intervention by international central september 11, 2001 banks.
  • Blair Builds Support for Action - UK Prime Minister Tony Blair briefs MPs and opposition leaders as the prospect of action in response to the US attacks grows.
  • Death Certificates for Missing - The relatives of those still missing after the US terror news and media attacks are offered certificates that confirm their loved ones as news and media officially dead.
  • Global Air Travel Shut Down - Air travel worldwide was heavily disrupted and many bbc news flights september 11, 2001 were cancelled, while travel firms braced themselves bbc news for a september 11, 2001 slump in tourism.
  • Missing Son Phoned from Skyscraper - Reports how a banker phoned his family in bbc news Scotland from the World Trade Center seconds after bbc news a plane crashed into the building.
  • Flight Chaos for UK Passengers - America remained shut to passengers hoping to fly september 11, 2001 bbc news from the UK following the terrorist attacks in september 11, 2001 bbc news New York and Washington.
  • Blair Warns Taleban They Must Act - Tony Blair says the global alliance against terror news and media news and media is strengthening and warns the Taleban regime that news and media news and media "our enemy's friend is our enemy".
  • Attack Heralds China-US Thaw - China\\'s response to the suicide attacks on New news and media september 11, 2001 York and Washington may lead to an easing news and media september 11, 2001 of tensions with the US.
  • Frightened Travellers 'Turn to El Al' - Israel\\'s national airline, famed for its stringent levels bbc news of september 11, 2001 security, reports a rise in business following bbc news the terror september 11, 2001 attacks on America.
  • German Business Confidence Falls - Gloomier business sentiment reflects uncertainty over the effects of the bbc news terror attacks on the US, key think-tank Ifo says.
  • Pakistan Militants Step Up Protests - Islamic hardliners across Pakistan rally against President Musharraf\\'s news and media september 11, 2001 decision to support the US in a possible news and media september 11, 2001 strike on Afghanistan.
  • Virgin Atlantic Cuts 1,200 Jobs - Virgin Atlantic is to cut 1,200 jobs in response to september 11, 2001 the aftermath of last week\'s terrorist attacks on America.
  • New Yorkers Rush to Help - New Yorkers rush to help at Chelsea Piers, news and media which has transformed from an entertainment area to news and media a disaster area.
  • Troubling Times for Afghan-Americans - Americans have been told not to vent their anger on bbc news their Muslim neighbours. But these are still troubling times for bbc news the nation\'s Afghan-Americans, reports the BBC.
  • Laser Maps Tower Rubble - Laser pulses from an aircraft produce a topographic map of bbc news the devastation in New York\'s "ground zero".
  • UN Emergency Teams in Pakistan - The UN refugee agency sends a large emergency team to news and media Pakistan as thousands of people leave their homes in news and media Afghanistan
  • Long Distance Trauma for US Students - Two US students at Scotland\\'s St Andrews University describe their bbc news horror at watching events unfold across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • US Seeks Bangladesh Assistance - The United States asks Bangladesh for the use bbc news of bbc news its ports and airports in the event bbc news of possible bbc news attacks against Afghanistan.
  • America's Day of Terror: Timeline - BBC News Online charts the sequence of destruction september 11, 2001 which struck terror into the heart of the september 11, 2001 United States.
  • Designers Pull out of Fashion Show - Several top UK designers pulled out of London Fashion Week bbc news following the terror attacks in the United States.
  • UK to Review Extradition Measures - Home Secretary David Blunkett has said he will news and media sort out the UK\\'s extradition laws in the news and media wake of the terror attacks on the US.
  • Islamic World Deplores US Losses - Religious leaders condemned the attacks against the USA bbc news during Friday prayers, although some say America and bbc news Israel may be partly to blame.
  • Farm Aid Cancelled - The Farm Aid benefit concert in aid of news and media farmers hit by the foot-and-mouth crisis was cancelled news and media in the light of events in the US.
  • US Calls up 50,000 Reservists - President Bush authorised the Pentagon to call up september 11, 2001 50,000 US reserve troops in the wake of september 11, 2001 the terrorist attacks.
  • Blair to Visit US - UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is to visit Washington and september 11, 2001 New York amid a flurry of international talks following the september 11, 2001 US terrorist attacks.
  • Analysis: Bush's Ambitious Plan - The US not only wants to find those responsible for bbc news Tuesday\\'s attacks, but is also planning a campaign against terrorism bbc news worldwide.
  • Shevardnadze Says US Can Use Georgia - The Georgian President, Eduard Shevardnadze says his country will allow the United States to use its land and air space for what he called anti-terrorist operations.
  • Aid Workers Urge Restraint - British charities and aid organisations call for restraint as the news and media US and its allies consider a response to the terror news and media attacks.
  • Eyewitness: The Twin Towers Fall - Article by BBC News Online\\'s David Schepp, who bbc news was news and media near the twin towers of the World bbc news Trade Center news and media when they collapsed.
  • Mixed Response to 'Sky Marshal' Plan - Possible plans to introduce plain-clothes agents on flights bbc news and september 11, 2001 equip airline pilots with weapons have been bbc news met with september 11, 2001 a mixed response by News Online bbc news readers.
  • Shares Gloom in Terror Aftermath - Shares fell sharply in the first day of bbc news trading september 11, 2001 in New York\\'s financial district since the bbc news devastating suicide september 11, 2001 attacks.
  • Families' Painful Search Goes On - Families searching for relatives lost in the rubble september 11, 2001 bbc news of the World Trade Center face an agonising september 11, 2001 bbc news process, reports the BBC.
  • President Putin's Promises to Washington - The BBC\\'s Russian affairs analyst examines President Putin\\'s september 11, 2001 news and media offer to help in the struggle against terrorism, september 11, 2001 news and media and what he expects in return.
  • US Orders Planes to the Gulf - More than 100 American combat aircraft are to september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 begin redeploying to the Gulf in President Bush\\'s september 11, 2001 september 11, 2001 campaign against world terrorism.
  • Bush Addresses Nation: Full Text - Text of the televised address to the nation bbc news by President Bush, in which he vowed to bbc news find those behind the devastating terror attacks.
  • How to Help the Relief Effort - BBC News Online looks at how well-wishers can september 11, 2001 bbc news help the victims of the US attacks, and september 11, 2001 bbc news those who they leave behind.
  • World Reaction in Quotes - Collection of reactions from leaders around the world bbc news to news and media the attacks, with quotes and video clips.
  • Tourism Shocked to the Core - It has long been the number one destination for overseas bbc news visitors to the US. But since the attacks, the Big bbc news Apple\'s tourism industry has gone rotten, reports the BBC.

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