Judicial Litigation Reform Law Reform Legal Information
Dedicated to improving the judiciary by removing political considerations from the judicial selection process and by ensuring that the process of disciplining and removing judges is effective and meaningful.
Top: Society: Law: Legal Information: Law Reform: Litigation Reform
- Citizens for Independent Courts - Working to help ensure that state and federal law reform courts litigation reform remain independent institutions that dispense justice fairly.
- Justice for Sale - Frontline investigation of whether cash contributions to judicial law reform political litigation reform campaigns is corrupting America's courts.
- Center for Judicial Independence - American Judicature Society
- How to Sue a Judge - How to Sue a Judge Without Using a Lawyer
- Jail 4 Judges - Judicial Accountability Initiative Law
- Bush v. Gore - Argues that the election represented the theft of a presidential litigation reform election by unelected judges, and was simply the latest episode litigation reform in a 200 year-old judicial crime wave.
- The Constitution Project -- Home Page - Nonprofit Constitution Project promotes bipartisan consensus on the judicial death penalty and wrongful executions, the importance of judicial independent courts, and constitutional amendments. See our judicial public education materials and our member lists of judicial prominent citizens.
- Black Deeds in Black Robes - Discusses mistakes and misconduct by judges and prosecutors.
- Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. - Dedicated to improving the judiciary by removing political litigation reform considerations law reform from the judicial selection process and litigation reform by ensuring law reform that the process of disciplining and litigation reform removing judges is law reform effective and meaningful.
- Judicial Independence and Accountability Symposium - USC Symposium
- On Judicial Activism by Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain - Judge O\\'Scannlain of the 9th Circuit Court of litigation reform Appeals law reform makes his case against activist interpretations of litigation reform the law.
- Save Our Courts - News on judicial nominations to federal courts. Formed law reform "to law reform oppose the Bush administration\\'s extremist nominees to law reform the federal law reform courts." Contains newsletter, list of partners, law reform and records of law reform nominees.
- Citizens for Legal Responsibility - Dedicated to exposing attorney and judicial misconduct.
- PopularSovereignty.Org - Links to articles and commentary alleging judicial usurpation litigation reform of litigation reform politics.
- National Center for State Courts - Seeking to improve the administration of justice through leadership and service to courts around the world.
- Document - Folio Infobase - Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges
- Canadian Justice Review Board (CJRP) - Monitors court system to ensure decisions based on judicial law rather than politics. Contains articles, book judicial reviews, current events, and a discussion board.
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