Australia Government Agencies Workers' Compensation Legal Information
Lists regulatory agencies in Australia dealing with workers' compensation, often referred to as "work cover".
Top: Society: Law: Legal Information: Workers' Compensation: Government Agencies
See Also:
- Tasmania - WorkCover Tasmania: Workers' Compensation - Includes information on benefits, disputes, claims, insurance, and workers\' compensation legal requirements.
- Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA) - Manager of the state\\'s workplace safety system. Responsibilities include enforcement workers' compensation of occupational health and safety laws, provide insurance for employers, workers' compensation and help injured workers back into the workforce.
- Australian Capital Territory - ACT WorkCover: Workers Compensation - Includes benefits, terms of compensation, rehabilitation and specific government agencies information australia for workers, employers, and insurers.
- New South Wales - Workcover Authority of NSW: Workers Compensation - Includes information about insurance, premiums, injuries, claims, disputes, and initiatives. Sections for workers, employers, and industry.
- Western Australia - WorkCover Western Australia - Regulates and monitors the performance of service providers, australia promotes injury management and vocational rehabilitation, and resolves australia disputed workers’ compensation matters.
- South Australia - WorkCover Corporation - A statutory authority, funded by employers, which provides government agencies cover government agencies for work-related injury claims, oversees rehabilitation and government agencies medical providers, government agencies and regulates occupational health and safety.
- Queensland - Q-Comp - Workers\\' compensation regulatory authority monitors compliance and performance government agencies of insurers, oversees medical assessment tribunals, and undertakes government agencies workplace rehabilitation accreditation and compliance activities.
- Northern Territory - NT WorkSafe: Workers' Compensation - Works with employers and employees to ensure injured workers\' compensation workers workers' compensation have access to medical, pharmaceutical, rehabilitation costs workers\' compensation and income workers' compensation support.
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