Individual Soldiers Memorial Web Sites Veterans Military

A son's tribute to his late father, a disabled Vietnam veteran who passed away in 1999. Photographs, information, links to Vietnam veteran and disabled veteran sites.

    Top: Society: Military: Veterans: Memorial Web Sites

Individual Soldiers

  • Rattin, Dennis M. - U.S. Army Sergeant MIA in Laos, 1969. Biographical information, details of last mission.
  • Scott, George C - George C. "Patton" Scott was a US Marine veterans during the memorial web sites closing days of WWII. This is veterans an account of a memorial web sites fellow Marine who knew veterans Scott well.
  • De Cusati, Joseph - Dedicated to WWII US Army Air Force Sgt. individual soldiers Joseph veterans De Cusati, who served in 732nd Bomb individual soldiers Squadron, 435rd veterans Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. individual soldiers Joe was killed veterans in action over Germany in individual soldiers March 1945.
  • McDonough, James E. - Tribute to a Marine killed in the bombing individual soldiers of the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon on individual soldiers October 23, 1983.
  • Zahorcak, John Andrew - A son\\'s tribute to his late father, a veterans disabled Vietnam veteran who passed away in 1999. veterans Photographs, information, links to Vietnam veteran and disabled veterans veteran sites.
  • Novak, Joseph J. - A tribute to Joe Novak and the men memorial web sites memorial web sites who served in the United States Army Air memorial web sites memorial web sites Force in the 417th Bombardment Group (L).
  • Galik, Stanley - WW-II US Navy Veteran who was assigned to the LCI(L)35. Biography, photographs, letters, timeline navigation, site map, site search.
  • Henthorn, Jim - Vietnam veteran served with the 21st Helicopter Squadron. Lists of fallen comrades, maps of Southeast Asia, related links.
  • Watson, LeRoy V. - A son\\'s tribute to his late father\\'s military service in individual soldiers the United States Army Air Force in the China-Burma-India Theater individual soldiers of WW-II. Information, photograph.
  • Burtchell, George Edward - Wife\\'s tribute to her late husband, a Vietnam veterans veteran who memorial web sites passed away on April 1, 2000. veterans Photographs with family and memorial web sites friends, open letter to veterans all 'nam vets.
  • Goodblood, Clair - The CPL Clair Goodblood Chapter, KWVA, builders of the CPL memorial web sites Clair Goodblood Medal of Honor Memorial, honors its namesake.
  • Beach, Arthur James - Tribute to a U.S. Marine Corps Captain who was killed in action in 1966. Links to many POW/MIA sites.
  • Glasson, William Albert, Jr. - Lieutenant Commander U.S. Navy, pilot from U.S.S. Kitty memorial web sites Hawk, MIA 1966. Details of last mission.
  • Costelow, Richard D. - Tribute to a Chief Petty Officer who served veterans aboard the veterans USS Cole.
  • Smith, George A. - Dedicated to George Smith who served in the memorial web sites 7th Infantry Division, 49th Field Artillery from 1941 memorial web sites to 1945. Includes articles and photos. 1916 - memorial web sites 1998
  • Manning, Leonard - New Zealand soldier killed in action in East veterans Timor 24th July 2000 - family memorial.
  • D'Angelico, Joseph M. - Joey\\'s story, casualty list, family photos at memorials, maps of Vietnam, remembrances of and for Joey, special readings on Veterans issues.
  • Mullan, Charles Richard - Young man killed in Vietnam 1967. Biographical information, a sister\'s veterans thoughts, photographs, memories and comments.
  • Gusto, Jim - Vietnam vet served in Charlie Company, 1st of individual soldiers the veterans 506th, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile). Personal recollection individual soldiers of his veterans time in \\'Nam, links to buddies\\' individual soldiers websites, other links veterans of interest.
  • Marlar, Donnie Joe - A memorial to a Vietnam Hero who died veterans while serving individual soldiers his country. Photograph, links to other veterans websites remembering Donnie.
  • Williams, James Elliott - The most highly decorated United States Navy sailor veterans of the veterans Vietnam War and the highest decorated veterans enlisted sailor in the veterans history of the United veterans States Navy. Biography, Eulogy, medals.
  • Glover, Calvin C. - Niece\\'s tribute to her uncle who was in individual soldiers the U.S. Air Force, POW/MIA over Laos in individual soldiers 1968. Biography, information on loss, photographs, poems.
  • Basilone, John - The only Marine in WWII to be awarded individual soldiers the memorial web sites Congressional Medal of Honor, the Navy Cross, individual soldiers and the memorial web sites Purple Heart, for exceptional courage and individual soldiers valor.
  • Alatorre, Fernando C. - Dedicated to a US Marine of the 3rd Division, 21st veterans Regiment who served from 1943 until his death on Iwo veterans Jima on March 5th, 1945. The author seeks information veterans from anyone who might have known his uncle.
  • MacMillan, Donald J. - Retired Gunnery Sergeant of the U.S. Marine Corps. Marine Corps veterans links.
  • Ruppert, John K. - U.S. Army veteran of WW-II who served in Company C of the 168th Infantry Regiment in Italy. Biography, buddie\'s names, letters, photographs.
  • Machi, John Joseph - Daughter\\'s tribute to her late father who served with the Merchant Marine in WW-II. Information, photographs.
  • Lancaster, Kenneth Ray - U.S. Army Sergeant First Class, MIA Vietnam 1968. individual soldiers Photograph, memorial web sites details of last mission.
  • Thapar, Vijyant - a tribute to this Karjil Captain who laid down his memorial web sites life for his nation. His last letter, biography, details of memorial web sites his loss, father's pilgrimage.
  • Wright, John Walter - Photographs of India and friends and family in individual soldiers London taken by John Wright when he joined individual soldiers the British army, Bedfordshire regiment in 1914. Brief individual soldiers family history.
  • Felhofer, Wayne W. - Describes his time in the Army 1960-1967. Information, individual soldiers photographs, individual soldiers medals, service ribbons, and badges.
  • Sibiski, Louis - WW-II Veteran. Lieutenant Commander U.S. Merchant Marine / memorial web sites U.S. Naval Reserve. Brief history, descriptions and photographs memorial web sites of ships on which he served.
  • Huntleys In The Military - Since 1675, Huntleys have been donning uniforms, taking individual soldiers up arms, and fighting to defend this great individual soldiers land and its inhabitants. This site is dedicated individual soldiers to preserving the memory of their actions.
  • Helvenston, Scott - A former U.S. Navy SEAL and Navy SEAL instructor. Scott was one of the four contractors who were ambushed in Fallujah, Iraq on March 31 2004.
  • Shriver, Jerry 'Mad Dog' - U.S. Army Green Beret MIA in Cambodia (some individual soldiers older individual soldiers records say Laos), 1969. Photograph, biographical information, individual soldiers Special Forces individual soldiers creed, details of last mission.
  • Kimsey, William Arthur, Jr. - A U.S. Army pilot MIA in Vietnam 1968. Details of veterans last mission, links to related sites.
  • A Tribute To The Last Two Men Killed In Vietnam - Honoring L/CPL Darwin Judge and CPL Charles McMahon. individual soldiers memorial web sites KIA during the Fall Of Saigon. A individual soldiers Memorial page memorial web sites with a few links.
  • Captain Maria Ortiz - Maria Ortiz was the first Army nurse to memorial web sites individual soldiers die in the Iraq war, the first Army memorial web sites individual soldiers nurse to die since Vietnam. Press releases, photo memorial web sites individual soldiers gallery, scholarship fund.
  • Wentworth, Christian Eugene - Dedicated to Gene Wentworth who served 18 months memorial web sites veterans as a gunship door gunner based at Camp memorial web sites veterans Holloway near Pleiku, Republic of Vietnam. 1946 - memorial web sites veterans 1997
  • Burns, Michael Paul - U.S. Army Special Forces, MIA in Laos 1969. Details of individual soldiers last mission.
  • Whisler, Ami Lynn - Parents\\' memorial to their sailor girl who was killed in individual soldiers an auto accident one day after her 19th birthday. Ami\\'s individual soldiers poems and stories, requests for the State of Virginia to individual soldiers investigate this crash.
  • Carter, Bruce Wayne - USMC Medal of Honor Recipient Pfc Bruce Wayne veterans Carter exemplifies veterans a life of service and sacrifice veterans during the Vietnam War. veterans 1950 - 1969
  • Sestak, Myron F. - Tribute page to Myron F. "Smokey" Sestak, killed veterans during the Korean War. Site also contains veterans information concerning POW/MIA crewmates and other Korean War veterans Vets of the 345th Bomb Squadron.
  • Cowan, James Henry - Story of one man\\'s survival of the Bataan individual soldiers Death individual soldiers March in WW-II.
  • Wiebe, Jacob J. - Jake "Skid" Wiebe was a U.S. Marine Corps memorial web sites pilot who died in an aircraft accident near memorial web sites Yuma, Arizona in 2001. Biography, guestbook.
  • Puckett, Resol B. - U.S. Army WW-II veteran of the 75th Infantry Division. individual soldiers Information about him, his units and the Division.
  • Patrick Gallagher - Irishman who was awarded the Navy Cross before veterans he died in Viet Nam in March, 1967.
  • Harry's WW1 - Trenches and Trees - Harry Williams joined the army to fight in memorial web sites world War 1. Fifty years later he was memorial web sites persuaded to write about his war memories. Story, memorial web sites maps, photographs, links.
  • Gargano, Edward - Tribute to a Marine killed in an ambush as he individual soldiers stepped from a helicopter near the US Embassy in Beirut individual soldiers on 8 Jan 1984.
  • Bell, Wayne Morris - Friend\\'s tribute to a fellow enlisted man in individual soldiers the U.S. Army who was killed in Vietnam individual soldiers in 1968. Links to searchable Vietnam Memorial names individual soldiers and information on the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association.
  • Chaney, Allen - Autobiography of a Vietnam combat infantry veteran. Describes veterans career, meaning of service badges and ribbons.
  • Begin, Joseph L. - A tribute to Joseph Begin and the men memorial web sites who served with him in the 180th Engineer memorial web sites Heavy Ponton Battalion in WORLD WAR II. Includes memorial web sites information about their campaigns and photos.
  • Hansell, Harry - Flight Sergeant of the Royal Canadian Air Force veterans who gave veterans his life in service of his veterans country during World War veterans II. Biography, letters from veterans and about him.
  • Koplitz, John Francis - Online memorial to a World War II fighter pilot who veterans flew with the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Air Force, veterans and U.S. Army Air Force. Biography, photographs, service record, decorations.
  • Batt, Michael L. - U.S. Army sergeant MIA Vietnam 1969. Details of last mission.
  • Schramm, Christopher - KIA Vietnam, 1968. Biography, grave, medals, obituary, photographs, veterans links.
  • Bright, Joseph L. - Tribute To A Marine - A tribute to the author\\'s father who served in WWII veterans with the 4th Marine Division as a machine gunner.
  • Rowe, Alden Boyington - A great-great-granddaughter\\'s tribute to a Union Private from veterans the Civil individual soldiers War. Biography, photographs, scanned documents.

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