Misogyny On Feminism Issues Men
Antifeminist, politically incorrect, campaigning UK website dealing with men's issues such as divorce, domestic violence, justice, child custody, child support, false accusations.
Top: Society: People: Men: Issues: On Feminism
- Angry Harry - Antifeminist, politically incorrect, campaigning UK website dealing with issues men\\'s issues on feminism such as divorce, domestic violence, justice, issues child custody, child support, on feminism false accusations.
- Gangsta Misogyny: A Content Analysis of the Portrayls of Violence Against Women in Rap Music, 1987-1993 - Article presenting the results of a content analysis misogyny of gangsta issues rap music\\'s violent and misogynist lyrics. misogyny By Edward G. Armstrong, issues Murray State University.
- Misogyny on TV - Presents a list of popular American TV shows with comments misogyny on their treatment of women.
- The Troublesome Helpmate: A History of Misogyny in Literature - Excerpts from this early second wave feminist work issues which exposes the misogyny underlying much of Western issues literature. By Katherine M. Rogers
- Not a Fantasy: Racial Hatred and Misogyny in Pornography - Explains how sexism and racism are forms of misogyny social control by male-dominance, and pornography is a misogyny major tool of that social control.
- Misogyny and Respect in Robert Johnson Songs - Reviews contrasting attitudes toward women in his lyrics.
- IHateWomen.com - Quotes, chat, message boards and advice for men fed up issues with feminism.
- Domain of Patriarchy on the Internet - Information that attempts to refuting feminist claims and issues ideas.
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