Personal Homepages People Society
A diverse collection of interests in church and public affairs, family history, higher education and psychological research, Australian native plants and general information.
Top: Society: People: Personal Homepages
See Also:
- Top/Society/Genealogy/Surnames/B
- Top/Arts/Online Writing/Journals/Personal/B
- Top/Home/Family/Family Websites/B
- Top/Society/People/Personal Homepages/Anonymous/B
- Top/Society/People/Personal Homepages/Weblogs/B
- Blackwell, Clay - Includes artwork, pumpkin carving, patriotism, genealogy, Christianity, Malcolm X.
- Berg, Owen - Personal information, religion, opinions and links.
- Bsaibes, Ramzi - Offer current projects and achievements.
- Bonsey, Peter - The English Gardner - Includes photographs, gardens, and ramblings.
- Birn, Martin - Provides a short profile, contact details and personal links. Also personal homepages available in Dutch.
- Bottieri, Jr., Joseph B. - This web site is a compilation of Joe\\'s people personal thoughts on business, work ethics, attitudes, manners, people morals, taxes, RVs and camping, relationships, equal rights, people comics, religion, and his careers.
- Baars, Mark and Sandra - Includes a photo gallery and links.
- Bean, Russell - Contains personal information, pictures, and a Curriculum Vitae.
- Bain, Scott - Family pictures, renovation projects, innovations, challenges, scenery, cows, b how to b be really cheap, getting good value, b and self reliance.
- Bowden, Peter - Offers book reviews, personal information, and business ventures.
- Bhaskar, Rajnish - Lord of the Moon - Thoughts on the peace process in Northern Ireland, b science fiction, annual reviews, general discussions, some downloads b and the Amiga computer.
- Bandopadhyay, Tushar - Includes personal information, a resume and a photo gallery.
- Butler, Sean and Kelly - Information and photos from trips and races.
- Bowers, Scott P. - Includes a portfolio, a resume, and personal information.
- Brimhall, Laura - About the author and her friends.
- Blake, Paul - Personal information about this person running for the Florida Senate b including pictures and links.
- Boylan, Chris - Includes a weblog, pictures, radio, and links.
- Badshah, Ashique Husain Saifee - Pictures and resume.
- Banks, Gregory - WheelMan's Place - About the author. Includes his poetry, prose, artwork b and his people favorite books.
- Bednarz, Eric - Professional jazz bassist and amateur Linux programmer from b the Netherlands. Contains weblog, binaries and contact details.
- Briggs, Kim - Photographs, songs, poems, biographical and computer-related information and links.
- Blash, Douglas M. - Includes travel log and personal pictures.
- Batchelar, Bob- Batchmo's Place - Web presence of a Vietnam, Korea, and Europe serviceman while in the USAF Security Service.
- Bleasdale, Jon - Offers pictures, family tree, and fantasy football.
- Binde, Melissa D. - Includes perosnal information, humor, artwork, and information on b the Galapagos people Islands.
- Bestor, Dan - Contains resume, music lists, and pictures.
- Berthiaume, Jeffrey B. - Contains personal information, case studies, and resume.
- Buracas, Antanas - Professor - Includes a biography and favourite links.
- Bremer, Jeff - Jeff\\'s favorite links, games to play, words of wisdom and people a search engine to search the site.
- Banger, Samir - Includes personal information and music.
- Barbaresi, Laura - Includes cosplay, pictures and artwork.
- Bowen, Tyler - Brief personal information, friends, interests, and photo albums.
- Barth, Christopher - Includes personal information, a resume, and a portfolio.
- Bastien, Doug - Provides personal interests, pictures, academic and professional information.
- Basini, Justin - Offers information on work, family, current projects, latest news, recent photos and articles.
- Bauck, Håvar - Includes his interests, photographs from living in Africa, b curriculum vitae, personal homepages and links to various interviews he\\'s b given and favorite websites. personal homepages Located in Oslo, Norway.
- Boon, Tony - Contains pictures, illusions, aerogel, and tricks.
- Brookson, Charles - Genealogy, mobile radio and security information, as well as personal links.
- Bhatti, Munir - Includes writing and cooking.
- Bidlingmeyer, Jennifer - Includes resume, a page on interests, friends, a book page and an art gallery.
- Borbely, Markus - Biography of Markus and link to his computer personal homepages artwork.
- Balding, Kevin - Kevin\\'s thoughts on balding, his autobiography, music and film reviews and his favorite sports.
- Brannan, Stuart - An internet newsletter/journal/scrapbook.
- Banack, Cory - Includes a resume, friends, activism, and links.
- Banerjee, Arnab - Includes personal information, photographs, articles, and links.
- Besch, Tobias - Personal information, photos, detailed resume, interests, and links.
- Backman, Anthony - Anthony\\'s acting and business resumes. Links to b Everquest and his ongoing campaign there.
- Batterman, Katie - Includes personal information, writings, and links.
- Brinner, Benjamin - Offers pictures and stories from world travels.
- Bradfuhrer, Christopher G. - Personal information, friends, pictures, links and interests.
- Benc, Rado - Contains photos and personal documents.
- Bautro, Jowelle - The Elysium - Contains personal information, a portfolio, and pictures.
- Bernadus, Kevin - Includes a personal profile and photos.
- Bukhari, Syed Ali Hasan - Includes resume, picture gallery, ringtones, songs for download, an article on Islamic banking and an introduction to ecommerce.
- Barz, Bob - Includes photographs, nutrition, a resume, and links.
- Boussarhane, Mohammed - Personal information, resume, pictures and regional information about Morocco.
- Baenen, Chuck - Includes a resume and links.
- Brueckmann, Rob - Information, related links and pages on Star Wars, people biology, health, and tree frogs.
- Bakhsh, Rizwan - Brief personal information and links.
- Bisht, Chandan Singh - Picture, and brief notes on friends, work and hobbies.
- Bowyer, Richard - Contains information on medicine and surgery and also people contains genealogy personal homepages pages on his family including a people family tree.
- Bakke, Peat - Includes a weblog, information on his interests in media and b computers and contact information.
- Ballam, Chris - Includes a photo, his resume and contact information.
- Blackley, Darren - Contains photos and personal information.
- Boltz, Ingo - Contains resume and personal information.
- Bhatia, Jasmeet Singh - Includes personal information, pictures, and chat.
- Brogan, Chris - Contains information about the author, four sample short personal homepages stories, personal homepages a monthly zine, a link to the personal homepages author\'s personal personal homepages journal, and his wedding registry.
- Belleville, Michael - A FAQ about the author and a photo people gallery.
- Borino, Ron and Rhonda - Includes links to their respective professional pages.
- Bach, G. E. - AP05 - Artwork and postcards for sale. Also includes original writings.
- Busse, Dirk - Includes personal information, gardening, cars, and links. [English personal homepages and German]
- Braithwaite, Don - Includes personal information, links to favorite sites and people photographs of friends.
- Bindler, Ed - Blu Archer - Includes a portfolio, projects, personal information, and a personal homepages resume.
- Bakarbessy-Brower, Marga - Poetry, pictures and recipes.
- Behnke, Mike - Offers information on family, animals, and job.
- Brueckner, Scott - Tips on C programming and Java programming.
- Beckwith, Roger - Offers many paintings of a wide range of subjects; from personal homepages British steam trains to roses.
- Banerjee, Sandeepan - A listing and links to his recent publications people and research.
- Burwin, Mike - Contains genealogy, music, family, treasure hunting, and history.
- Brennan, Ann - LadyAnn - Includes resume, poem, Microsoft Windows resources and links.
- Ballard, Matt - Movie reviews, personal information and links from Matt.
- Blanc, Pierre - Teutoburgo - Contains open source java applets and applications, and personal homepages chess games.
- Bouton, Nick - Nick's photo, video and DVD albums.
- Brasile, Charles - Contains family photos and information, as well as personal homepages home restoration projects.
- Bullard, Geoff - Features information and links relating to musicians and performing artists, people guitars and amplifiers, audio and vinyl, and other personal interests people including web design.
- Benjamin, Richard - issue 4 - Scrapbook, artwork, information about him and links.
- Bonavolta, Claudio - Includes personal information, photographs, and motorcycling. [English and French]
- Balderas, Scott - Pictures of kids and author.
- Buckley, Charles - Includes drawings, paintings, and family.
- Blackie, Barbara and Chadwick, Chad - The Blackwick Pages - Links to art and image galleries, sounds, written b works, and personal homepages other interests.
- Boake, Garry E. - Contains drawings and animations of dragons, personal information personal homepages and contact details.
- Belotta, Jorge R - Foreign language specialist, cultural awareness, organizational communication and b consulting, international relations, cultural liaison.
- Birchwood, Hector - Includes cartoon, essays, and a Curriculum Vitae.
- Bowker, Alan - Offers information on world travel, family, friends, Stanley Kubrick and people Dolby labs.
- Bullen, Peter R - Travelogues from his trips in India, links to other Bullen\\'s around the world. Also some web pages he\'s designed and a resume.
- Burhani, Hussain - Contains links to his home and photos of personal homepages his people family and friends, and resume.
- Barton, Pete - Offers family information, and pictures.
- Bullas, John - Brief personal information, pictures and links to car people sites.
- Billesbach, Chris - The Place - Personal information, pictures, and links.
- Beswick, David - A diverse collection of interests in church and public affairs, family history, higher education and psychological research, Australian native plants and general information.
- Beasley, Amber - Personal home page about the author. Contains pictures b and links people to her favorite television shows, and b movies.
- Beitelspacher, Joshua - Contains personal information, java games, sample computer programs, and papers b on a wide variety of subjects.
- Blivens, Bobby and Jennifer - Family and wedding photos, resumes and the Blivens\\' personal homepages favorite links.
- Barclay, Frans and Christina - Includes personal information, photographs, and travel.
- Blackey, Robert - Photos of Omega Institute staff members, trips to personal homepages Bali, b and friends.
- Bachman, Frank - Personal information, pictures, hobbies and links.
- Boucher, Katie - My Internet Place - Personal information, favorites, pictures, and quotes.
- Bering, CB - A journey through topics that CB Bering studies personal homepages and is interested in.
- Badger, Jason - Personal information and photo gallery, with voice-over demo personal homepages downloads and lighting portfolio.
- Buculei, Nicolae - Provides links, contact information, downloads, and a biography personal homepages of the author.
- Basden, Alastair - Includes recipes, wedding photos, information on physics and christianity.
- Bunyard, Brad - Offers pictures, CV, and projects.
- Ball, Richard - Offers family and vacation photos, pets, and book excerpts.
- Bohoris, Christos - Includes a Curriculum Vitae, publications, and interests.
- Burlowski, Tim - TimBu - Links, reviews, and pictures of family and friends.
- Bey, Ajeenah - About the author\\'s life, things that get her mad and links to her favorite pages.
- Bansal, Deepak - Personal and family information, links and a guest-book.
- Baugh, Adrian - Includes photography and climbing-related material.
- Booth, Rob - Contains work, politics, computers, and news.
- Briscoe , Ian - Personal information, photographs, musical interests, links and a guest-book.
- Burnett, Marisa - Personal information, bands, jokes, and links.
- Boettinger, Steve - Genealogy of Steve and his wife, and links b to information people about Golden Retrievers, his local lacrosse b team, and the Cantonsville people Knolls area.
- Bellowmoon, Dick - One man\\'s view on how to be a b successful pick personal homepages up artist.
- Brandt, Christine - A personal site/blog which follows the mis-adventures of people a Navy wife and S/WAHM. Contains photographs and people a blog.
- Burnside, Lee - Page of Infinite Sadness - Texas Tech physics department systems administrator. Pictures, people news, links, personal homepages free software information and Linux.
- Benedetti, Mike - Biography, writings, and interviews.
- Barkataki, Sharad - Sharad's resume and journal with pictures.
- Burwell, Bob - Includes a travelogue from an overland trip to Australia and personal homepages India in 1966, personal interests, family photos and Project Roots.
- Brumme, Stephan - Includes personal information, programming, games, and links.
- Boyes, Jim - Provides information about the family and personal and professional interests.
- Breitenbach, Zach - Includes personal information, photo galleries, opinion on God, spoof sound files, a word unscrambler, a weightlifting calculator and games.
- Bowles, Tamsin - Includes biography with pictures, webcam, slideshow, pictures of personal homepages mosaics people and links directory.
- Barrington, Rebecca - Offers seventies style drawings and photos.
- Bratcher, Carl - Biography, news, weblog, and photo gallery.
- Brewbaker, Matthew - Includes autobiography, photos, information on family and friends.
- Bottaro, Andre - An overview of the author\\'s scientific and technical b work in people Grenoble Research labs as well as b a descriptive list of people web sites he currently b maintains.
- Butler, Dylan - Provides information about web design and logos as people well as contact information, a personal portfolio, and people a resume.
- Berna, Tracy - Includes essays, pictures, personal information, and links.
- Burleson, Lisa May - Photos, friends, family, ramblings, and quotes.
- Brondsema, Dave - Information, pictures and links.
- Baroody, Michael - About Roody and his photo album. Also home to personal homepages the Finger Lakes Fantasy Football League.
- Barton, Gary Michael - Includes personal information, photographs, interests, and genealogy.
- Belushi, Alfonso - Includes his secrets and links.
- Bellotto, Nicola - Offers information on academics, job and interests.
- Bruce, Cam - Includes a resume, pictures, a weblog, and links.
- Bird, Stephen Michael - Computer science minilectures.
- Bateson, Helen - Personal information, pictures, and links.
- Bonertz, Andreas - Includes photos from travels in Germany and the United States, games and links.
- Burr, Robert and Nichole - Photos of friends, family, and vacations.
- Bobadilla, Mike - Mr Kleen's Hideaway - How he got the name Mr. Kleen, links b to Yosemite, b the Claudia Springs Winery and photos.
- Behrendt, Aaron - Includes photographs, thoughts, and links.
- Bhulawala, Vipual - Includes photographs, a diary, and links.
- Bearman, Andrew - Contains photos and contact information.
- Boichon, Bertrand - Circum Vitae and links.
- Blok, Håvard Rast - Includes travel, a Curriculum Vitae, and recipes.
- Byrne, Katy - The Hairball - Includes chat and personal information.
- Blomgren, Henric - Includes a curriculum vitae, a biography, technology articles, a photo gallery, and links.
- Bucila, Cristian Ioan - Personal biography, links to Cristian\\'s school and his friend\'s pages and a photo gallery.
- Bonnel, Céline and Hervé - Includes news, adventures, and their wedding. [English and b French]
- Buten, Max - Pictures from visits to Bali, Boston, Cambodia, Crete, France, Malaysia, Maui, Morocco, Thailand including thumbnails, enlargements, and commentary.
- Breckenridge, Alan - Information about the author and his family.
- Botto, Richard - Contains pictures and information about Razor Magazine publisher personal homepages Richard Botto.
- Bertagnolli, Lee and Julie - Offers pictures of places around the country, and b special events.
- Bauer, John - Personal information, writings, opinions, pictures and links.
- Brandestini, Nick - Includes personal information, pictures, and links.
- Borsboom, Emanuel - Personal information, resume, photos and links.
- Balaa, Talal T. - Includes a resume, research, and links.
- Bahadur, Nitin - About Nitin, music and his photo gallery. people Also, information on how to study abroad, and people links about IT-BHU.
- Bratt, Bill - Includes education, religion, web design, and links.
- Brandon, Bruce - Miles To Go Travel Photography - A collection of over-the-road photos taken in the personal homepages US b and Ireland. A calendar and personal photographs personal homepages also track b the travels of this long-haul truck personal homepages driver.
- Burghardt, Krzysztof - A Computer Science student from Muszyna, Poland. Includes people his free personal homepages software projects for download, curriculum vitae, people articles, and photographs.
- Baykshtis, Yurgis - Contains personal information, family and friends photo album.
- Brenton, Daniel - TruthWerks - Contains personal and professional information.
- Bossom, Andrew - Contains pictures, personal information, and web diary.
- Broekman, Richard - Interests and online references.
- Baer, Lynne - Lair of the Baer - A collage of photos and her favorite links.
- Beddoe, Wally - Contains personal information and photographs.
- Butler, Bill - Durango - Contains information on the origin of the Grand people Canyon, evolution of the Colorado river and people mathematical analysis of popular games.
- Bobis, Matthew - Offers pictures, school information and jokes.
- Byrd, Marcus - Includes hobbies, and personal information.
- Basu, Uttiya - A biography, his interests, photographs of his travels b to Southeast Asian countries and of family and b friends, and a weblog.
- Benson, Glen - Offers music, physics, electronics, hypnosis, digital recording, robotics people and programming.
- Barker, Graham - Contains cow photos, 3D photography, poems, parables, navel fluff collection and survey, true stories of a cave adventure and finding peace, and a cow screensaver.
- Barbee, Jesse - Includes art, greeting cards, and interests.
- Becking, Sarah and Jason - Contains photos including wedding photos, information about local sports events and weather and some jokes specific to the university of Kansas as well as links and contact information.
- Brandon, Ron - Photo galleries including scenic pictures, arts and crafts, Brandon ancestors, b and three galleries of current Brandon Family members.
- Bischoff, Gregg - Includes personal information, programming, and projects.
- Bowie, John and Jessica - Jordan and Bowie genealogy, their golden retriever, Greek personal homepages life, personal homepages their school Louisiana Tech and lots of personal homepages pictures.
- Broad, Andrew - Andrew\\'s biography, his published papers and information on Sinclair ZX b Spectrum. Also pages about David Bowie and tennis.
- Batty, Peter - Includes information about his home town, photo albums, information on people events and reviews of gadgets and toys.
- Ben-Nun, Avi - Provides personal information and links.
- Buhlert, Cora - Personal biography, essays, poetry, weblog and links.
- Ban, E.G. - Dedicated to the study of deterministic history. It people deals mainly people with basic historical elements: civilizations, cultures, people agriculture and husbandry.
- Buell, Randy - Campfire on the Web - Pages about the US Army, Boy Scouts, social work, and b graphics.
- Buemi, Antonio - Includes a resume, picture galleries and family tree b with biographies.
- Blom, Chris - Swedish teen writing about life, rap music and partying.
- BeauSoleil, Bobby - Bobby\\'s story with information about his music and links to personal homepages related pages.
- Bhatt, Beejay - Includes four personal photo galleries.
- Balasundaram, Sarath - Provides personal information, research, resume and photos.
- Bink, Kristi - About Kristi, her friends and pets. Includes pictures and her favorite links.
- Blaylock, Jeff - Original photography, hiking and travel information for his favorite destinations, b links, and his resume.
- Buten, Bobby - Bobopolis - Home of Letter People, Cincinnati Reds, the Big b Giant Tree from Hell, Mario Butts, and Chunks.
- Barkman, Mike - Icarus Ascending - Computers, discussion, information, news and a photo gallery.
- Butt, Sajjad - Includes his history, Circum Vitae, portfolio, photos and contact details.
- Bustos, David - Useful Unix commands and Scheme style guide.
- Brauer, Cameron - Offers sections dedicated to home, work and play.
- Blyler, Andy - Pictures and brief personal information.
- Brenton, Daniel - Weblog on the meaning of the universe, biography, b articles, and links.
- Babin, Anne - Includes genealogy, family and historical photographs, interests, favorite b links, and people GFWC Tennessee Federation newsletters.
- Bradiceanu, Cristian - Work, projects, pictures, weblog, and links from a b Romanian living personal homepages and working in Doha, Qatar.
- Bartmes, Andrew - Tri-D Chess Rules, arcade machines and emulation. Also links about U.S. History, Andrew\'s rants and his resume.
- Boehm, Ali - Movies, pictures, surfing, and professional information.
- Bamford, David - Pictures, news and personal information.
- Bangoy, Mary Grace Chavez - Personal information, news, and a guest-book.
- Biemann, Ursula - Includes personal information, art, and videos.
- Bhardwaj, Manu - Includes personal information, writings, pictures, and projects.
- Bansal, Sachin - Contains personal information, family, and friends.
- Babazadeh, Farhad - Information for those with the same last name, b biography and photographs.
- Balmer, Dieter - Information about author, friends and relatives.
- Bolivar, Al - Includes humorous stories, photos, a web cam, and people links.
- Barlow, Jack - Personal page with pictures, message board, and links to games.
- Bhargava, Rishi - Information on themselves, friends and family, pictures, and links.
- Brej, Charlie - Includes pictures, open source projects, links and lego.
- Boyle, James - Includes personal information, essays, and links.
- Batzer, John - Includes family, weight loss, and a resume.
- Belin, Gilles - A soccer playing, movie going, international sort of people guy.
- Bacia, Bartosz - Includes philosophy, martial arts, and politics.
- Boulis, Marlene - Cottage Grove - Information on her marriage, family, spirituality, health and fitness, angels, people and links.
- Barre, Mike - From Redlands, CA., includes a portal, favorite links, as well b as pictures of his family, friends, and recent adventures.
- Beart, Pilgrim and Sarah - Offers contact information and resume.
- Berlau Jr, Don - About Don and NASCA racing. Also a message board personal homepages and chat room.
- Borger, Faith - Includes pictures, personal information, and links.
- Babiak, Clive - Pictures of life, and other family members past and present.
- Beauregard, Patricia- Pattycakes' Home Page - Includes personal information, cross stitching, recipes, game walkthroughs, b and links people of interest.
- Beagley, Jeffrey - Jeffman - About Jeff, his family, pets and friends. Includes people a photo album and his favorite links.
- Bertelli, Gianluca - A Computer Science graduate from Italy. Includes notes and software personal homepages about XML, C#, Java and Linux, web site portfolio, a personal homepages resume, and photograph album.
- Biroschik, Steven J - Home movies, pictures of his daughter, his dog\\'s b diary, and people games written by the author.
- Babb, Giles - Includes pages on Joseph of Nazareth, human ecology personal homepages and people other articles sharing his religious and social personal homepages views.
- Bevin, Pete - Includes photographs and recipes.
- Blocher, Lisa - Includes personal information and photographs.
- Borup, Brian - Musical spotlight feature, musical artist\\'s autographs, family photos, b his resume, personal homepages and his book and CD collection.
- Baldwin, Edea (DeeDee) - Contains ramblings, links, pictures, creative writing, a page personal homepages on Jane Austen, and photographs and a journal personal homepages from Egypt and Israel.
- Bates, Doug - Contains photos, family and friends information, zen, art and resume.
- Baylor, Mark and April and Friends - Details about Mark Baylor, fiance April Wible, college b pictures, family people pictures, and computer related topics.
- Bose, Mayukh - Programming in several languages, including free downloads, with people picture album people and links to friends, news, sport people and entertainment.
- Blakey, Derrick - Details of the board game and t-shirts promoted people by this b man.
- Berry, Matt - Super Prom - A calendar of super prom events, photographs from people different years of the event, the story behind people super prom, a message board, and links.
- Blankenbehler, Greg - Includes personal information, pictures, and links.
- Binning, Caitlin Wright - Personal information, thoughts, pictures of friends and family, people favorites, a guest-book, and links.
- Bear, Bill - Essay about checks and balances among people, society personal homepages and b industry.
- Basset, Andre - Contains personal information, a resume, photographs, and links.
- Barta, Jerry - Reasonable Insanity - Includes poetry, prose, satires, and humour.
- Baumann, Jürg - Highlights personal information such as the author\\'s hobbies and experience people in software development, as well as family photographs.
- Braastad, Richard - Includes information on extraterrestrials, space, genealogy, as well as a personal homepages nature sanctuary located in the lower peninsula of Michigan.
- Briggs, Mark L. - Personal information, pictures, friends, portfolio and contacts.
- Blade, Zoë - Describes her reasons for being vegan, music theory people and files, and basic web design information.
- Barts, Cat - Biography and pictures.
- Boyle, Tish - Describes the writing and activities of Tish Boyle, author of people Diner Desserts, Chocolate Passion, Sensational Desserts by Francois Payard, and people a Plated Desserts trilogy.
- Brook, Benjamin - Contains holiday photos from various places around the world.
- Bartle, Richard A. - MUD related material, both game play and technical writings. b Also Richard\'s original fiction and amusing bits.
- Bedi, Vickram - Includes personal and family information, photo, and resume.
- Bredesen, Martin - Includes a weblog, a profile, and photographs.
- Berthiaume, Janet and Sheridan - Contains photos of children and grandchildren, along with b astrophotography.
- Bayer, Craig - Includes pictures, rants, movie reviews, book reviews, and personal homepages links.
- Bienia, Christian - Includes a resume, project information, hobbies and links.
- Bryant, Lewis C. - Pictures, friends, links and top ten listings.
- Bower, Kevin - All about Kevin and his work.
- Botte, Tom - Provides internet links, games and photoshop images.
- Babbage, Ben - Includes paper on plant growth regulators in the people turfgrass industry and links to friend's sites.
- Bryant, Hartsel - Information about family, work history, hobbies and interests.
- Brandt, Tobias - Daily points of interest, links, random thoughts, and his original work and pictures.
- Bettle, Karen - Includes personal information, poetry, a journal, and a personal homepages page people dedicated to Marilyn Manson.
- Balota, Cindy - Contains pictures and contact information.
- Berjikly, Armen - Includes personal information, a weblog, photographs, and links.
- Bodenburg, Reto and Olive - Includes New Zealand, photographs, and family.
- Barba, Gabriel - Includes politics, religion, and links.
- Bajpai, Peeush - Includes personal information, photographs, and family.
- Barkov, Victor - Russian journalist, author, and songwriter. Member of the people Siberian Centre of Musical-Spiritual Culture.
- Burley, Richard - Includes a Curriculum Vitae, pictures, personal information, and people links.
- Buttkowski, Barry - Resume and entropy club information.
- Badeaux, Scott - Information on occupational therapy, martial arts and personal details.
- Blosser, Christopher - Life, interests, passions and obsessions.
- Busch, Eric - Includes travel, climbing, and Korea.
- Bhat, Vinayak - Personal information, resume, course work, and projects.
- Basudev, Anant - Personal information, pictures, contact details, and links.
- Beaudet, Ian - IANB's Universe - Thoughts, news, and photos. Site is in people English and personal homepages French.
- Bollapragada, Rajesh - Includes photographs, personal information, and a resume.
- Babu, Suresh - Biography, picture, home, education, contact information, and links.
- Baptist, Sylvester - Photo Album and Sylvester's favorite links.
- Book, Matthias - Provides personal and contact details, features written travel people reports and b papers.
- Bittencourt, Ricardo - Updated research information, some main interests, and the all-new recursive people link with role playing information.
- Bajracharya, Sharad - Includes a resume, photographs, pictures, and family.
- Bernard, Halsted Mencotti - Includes personal information, a journal, travel, photographs, and favorite books.
- Barfus, Katja - Includes personal information, horses, and photographs.
- Bedwell, Jack - Includes a journal page, pictures, movie reviews, stories, people and links.
- Boeger, Peter - Offers friends and family pictures.
- Beishline, David - Photos of travel and living experiences in Europe, personal homepages interests, people and links.
- Bress, Alan - Detailed resume and pictures.
- Belakhov, Dmitry - Includes resume, project information, photography, poetry and stories.
- Bellizzi, Dave - Realm of Angmar - Copies of his CDs and his favorite links.
- Benes, Ondrej - Offers thoughts on world travels and photos.
- Bridgland, Shawn and Wendy - Brief personal information, interests, photo gallery and links.
- Burwell, Nick - Includes photographs, personal information, and links.
- Breet, Hendrik Waander - Presents weblog-like thoughts, interactive design and programming. Flash personal homepages art and javascript games.
- Berenholtz, Jim - Includes personal information and links.
- Bierschbach, Jeff - BierPub - Includes personal information and pages on his cars.
- Bliss, Mike - Provides personal interests on board games, computers and music.
- Byers, Dave - Includes art, humor, photography, and sports.
- Barbara, Oliver - A computer engineer. Includes project information, resume, photo gallery and b contact details.
- Bora, Sameer - Includes personal information and photographs.
- Barrows, Floie - Includes personal information, ramblings, and photographs.
- Berg, Eric - Adventures at Sea - Includes personal information, pictures, beer, and links.
- Berkman, Jacob - Includes personal information and news.
- Breathwick, Martin - Contact details for Martin Breathwick
- Brunkhorst, Christina - Soap opera fan fiction and journal, information about people her daughter, and her favorite links.
- Batchelor, Bob - Provides information on his books, current projects, and past work.
- Bartlnet, Carol - Contains family information, travel thoughts and photos.
- Brondel, Laurent - Audio and video files. [Requires Flash]
- Beharie, Alf - Information on film collectibles, ham radio, science and personal homepages technology, b and robot wars.
- Baletti, Roger and Andrew - Links to space exploration and things that interested b them.
- Baumgartner, Mary - Offers family and travel pictures.
- Bertel, Christine - Offers art work and movie GIF animations.
- Boggus, Kevin - Includes a journal, calendar and photos.
- Boucher, Kristie - Includes personal information, Cherokee history, and a resume.
- Boulton, Jeremy - Biography and professional information, including current and past people projects, as well as a photo album.
- Brujic, Zoran - Personal information and links.
- Beaver, Jennifer - Swedish Beauty Online - Information and pictures of friends.
- Brundage, Matt - Includes resume, writings, pictures, baseball player scores, music section with b album reviews, interests of friends, song lyrics and poetry.
- Brouhard, Ben - Photograph albums, personal information, links, and a blog.
- Benke, Lachlan James - Includes personal information and pictures of this baby.
- Blakenship, Daniel - My Life as an Oxy Moron - Includes personal information, rants, musings, and photographs.
- Bethlehem, Hayo - Dutch web designer and photography enthusiast shares his people interests.
- Burstein, Cari D. - Cari\\'s "Campaign For A Non-Browser Specific WWW", her personal homepages daytime personal homepages soaps pages, and Might and Magic pages. personal homepages Also personal homepages information about her and other interests.
- Basten, Mark - Offers information on family and faith.
- Baxter, Boone - Contains personal information, interests, and photographs.
- Brenig, Karin - Includes photographs, personal information, and links.
- Berents-Weeramuni, Heshan and Lindsey - Includes personal information, summary of a dissertation on Buddhism, and links for building Japanese gardens.
- Brodt, Peter - RPG information and links.
- Ben-Shimon, Dove and Klieger, Leslie - Includes personal information, news, and photographs.
- Burkhardt, Curt Hermann Lutz - Includes pictures, myths, darts, and recipes. [English and personal homepages Czech]
- Burgess, Billy - Brief personal information, genealogy, interests and links.
- Beale, Darren - A web designer and developer living in Leytonstone, b East London, UK. Contains personal information and photographs.
- Boguslavsky, Eugene - Personal details, pictures, information on camp Catskills, a personal homepages guest-book, personal homepages resume and links.
- Baruh, Plamen - About Plamen, his interests and his homeland, Bulgaria. b Also people in Bulgarian.
- Butosi, Ann - Resume, cat stories, newsletters, travel photos, and awards.
- Breathnachs, Sean - Includes biography, the author\\'s music and poetry as well as music links.
- Bromberger, James - Includes personal information, a Curriculum Vitae, and links.
- Banfill, George- Military Fairy - Includes photographs, programs, and personal information.
- Bosman, Guus - Daily weblog and links.
- Brofft, Andi - Click presentation of personal photos through musical slideshows.
- Berhorst, Mike - Personal information including pictures and favorite links for personal homepages English/Language personal homepages Arts lesson plans, triathlons, bodybuilding, and Ramchargers.
- Bilinski, Joe - Pictures of his house, family and friends, office b pools, and people Playstation 2 information.
- Bosold, Daniel - Personal details, pictures, opinions, past travel information, and links.
- Bossom, Jack - Includes a resume, pictures, and links.
- Best, Lonnie Lee - Lonnie\\'s pages, including personal information, chess links and Tau Kappa Epsilon.
- Brazus, Jon - Includes family news and pictures, online download reviews, people reviewed links people and his soccer schedule.
- Baccay, Arvin B. - Includes a biography, information on his interests and people some programming projects which can be downloaded.
- Buckingham, Will - Includes personal information, web design, philosophy, and creative b writing.
- Bensimon, Toby - Includes website portfolio and links to the author\'s interests.
- Bhattacharjee, Abesh - Links to Abesh's school, hobbies and personal interests.
- Brooke, Tony - Includes a resume, articles, personal information, and photographs.
- Benites, Luis - Includes a resume, anime, music, and software.
- Bashirov, Novruz - Includes personal information, photographs, family, and karate.
- Borwig, Manfred - German Japanese Love - Personal information.
- Breslin, Patrick - Includes personal details, interests and family photo album.
- Benner, Tim - Resume and information on cats, work and interests.
- Bills, David F. - David\\'s web designing projects, his portfolio and photographs of his life.
- Bower, Nathan - Includes personal information, pictures, and work.
- Bone, Conley - Offers family pictures.
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