Sponsorship Poverty Relief Child Welfare Philanthropy

Children in Latin America and Asia. Information about the organization and project countries, photos and descriptions of children available to sponsor.

    Top: Society: Philanthropy: Child Welfare: Poverty Relief


  • Hugs and Smiles for Orphans - Brazilian orphans. Information about the project, message board and FAQ.
  • Project Zawadi - Provides Tanzanian children with scholarships for primary and sponsorship secondary school child welfare through sponsorship. Information on the sponsorship organization, the sponsored children, child welfare and Tanzania.
  • World Child Foundation - Children Relief Programs - Children in Vietnam. Information about the organization, photos sponsorship of waiting poverty relief children.
  • PLAN International UK - Humanitarian, international development organisation which is devoted to poverty relief providing child welfare assistance to underprivileged children in developing countries poverty relief by offering child welfare a child sponsorship service.
  • Uganda Sunrise Children's Programme - Children in Uganda. Information about the program, photos and profiles poverty relief of waiting children, financial details and news.
  • Adopt a Kid in Need (AKIN) - Educational sponsorships for children in Zambia. Description of sponsorship the organization, child welfare break-down of the cost of education sponsorship in Africa and photos child welfare of previously-sponsored children. Donate sponsorship online.
  • Children, Inc. - Children worldwide. Information about the organization and where poverty relief they work.
  • Out of Afrika - Educational sponsorships for Kenyan children. Information about sponsorship the program sponsorship and area, and biographies and photos sponsorship of children available to sponsorship sponsor.
  • Alliance for Youth Achievement - AIDS orphans and street children in Africa and Thailand. Information about the AIDS pandemic, newsletters from the field, opportunities to help and biographies and photos of children available to sponsor.
  • EveryChild - UK based charity that works to provide children sponsorship in developing countries with healthcare, education, and family sponsorship support through sponsorship programmes. Includes information on their sponsorship projects.
  • All As One - Children in Sierra Leonne and Tanzania. Description of the organization, photos and biographies of children available to sponsor, information about adoption.
  • ACORN - Orphans in Kazakhstan. No monthly fee. Information about child welfare the sponsorship program, message board, and photos of a child welfare few children sponsorship available to sponsor.
  • Save the Children - Children worldwide. Detailed information about the organization and poverty relief its sponsorship other programs, photos of children available to poverty relief sponsor.
  • World Vision India - Works with poor children providing education, food and poverty relief healthcare. child welfare Also promotes Micro Enterprise Development (MED\\'s), HIV/AIDS poverty relief projects and child welfare disaster management.
  • Children International - Children in Latin America and Asia. Information about the organization and project countries, photos and descriptions of children available to sponsor.
  • Sunbeam Children's Foundation - Sponsorship of Chinese orphans. Information about the program, poverty relief photographs of the children\\'s home, biographies of some poverty relief of the children, and a gift shop.
  • Plan USA - Children worldwide. Detailed information about field offices, links to worldwide sponsorship partners, resources for current sponsors, and biographies and photos of sponsorship children available to sponsor.
  • ChildFund International - Children worldwide. Background information about the organization and poverty relief supported sponsorship areas, FAQ, additional donation opportunities, photos of poverty relief children available sponsorship to sponsor.
  • Orphan Sponsorship International (OSI) - Orphan sponsorship and assistance in Sri Lanka, Russia, child welfare Bulgaria, and elsewhere.
  • Tibet Aid - International humanitarian relief: sponsorship of Tibetan monks, nuns, child welfare children, sponsorship and elders within Tibet and in exile. child welfare Information about sponsorship the program, biographies and photos of child welfare individuals needing support.

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