Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Reference Philosophy

19th leader and prophet of utilitarianism, heir to the Hume-Bentham line, and influential force in modern political theory. Author of On Liberty (1859), and Utilitarianism (1863).

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Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy* - Free online encyclopedia. Edited by James Fieser, hosted by the University of Tennessee at Martin.

  • Ockham, William of - Detailed biography of the 14th century Franciscan.
  • Democritus - 4th century BCE philosopher of Abdera who expanded reference the atomic internet encyclopedia of philosophy theory of Leucippus.
  • Aquinas, Thomas - The life and work of the major figure philosophy in scholastic reference philosophy.
  • Rights, Human - A treatment of the origins and development of reference the theory of human rights, with philosophical analysis, reference justifications, and criticisms.
  • Positivism, Legal - Theory that law is manufactured according to certain internet encyclopedia of philosophy social conventions.
  • Lucretius - Roman poet and advocate of Epicurean philosophy.
  • Symposium - Drinking-parties in Ancient Greece where the guests reclined reference on couches, reference and were crowned with garlands of reference flowers.
  • Time - Long article about questions of time discussed throughout internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy the history of philosophy.
  • Poincaré, Jules Henri - 19th century French philosopher of science.
  • Bacon, Francis - 16th century philosopher and politician.
  • Xenophanes - Eleatic school, powerful 6th century BCE critic of polytheism.
  • Skepticism, Ancient Greek - A description of skepticism in Ancient Greece, led reference by Pyrrho.
  • Roman Philosophy - Short introduction to Roman philosophy from the Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy Philosophy.
  • Lotze, Rudolf Hermann - 19th century German philosopher who criticised the pantheism reference of Hegel.
  • Xenophon - Pupil of Socrates, who contributed to the record internet encyclopedia of philosophy of his life.
  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius - 1st century BCE Roman orator and philosopher of internet encyclopedia of philosophy the New Academy.
  • Eclecticism - Group of ancient philosophers who sought to reach by selection the highest degree of probability in the search for truth.
  • Locke, John - Article on the life and work of the influential philosopher.
  • Stilpo - 4th century BCE member of the Megarean school.
  • Butler, Joseph - 18th century icon of a highly intellectualized theology.
  • Sophists - Teachers of philosophy in Ancient Greece, including Protagoras, philosophy Gorgias, Prodicus internet encyclopedia of philosophy and Hippias.
  • Paley, William - 18th century British theologian.
  • Eckhart, Meister - 13th century Dominican mystic who was almost forgotten reference until Franz reference von Baader revived his memory in reference the nineteenth century.
  • Identity Theory - Form of monistic materialism which maintains that mental philosophy states and reference brain activities are identical.
  • Gorgias - Greek sophist and rhetorician, known as "the Nihilist," internet encyclopedia of internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy born in 483 BCE.
  • Davidson, Donald - Introduction to one of the most significant philosophers reference concerned with philosophy of mind and action of reference the 20th/21st century.
  • Zeno of Elea - 5th century BCE Eleatic philosopher.
  • Damon - 5th century BCE Pythagorean philosopher of Syracuse.
  • Just War Theory - Some of those who have attempted to justify reference war include Aquinas, Grotius, and Pufendorf.
  • Warburton, William - 18th century Church of England bishop, and critic philosophy of the reference Deists.
  • Shpet, Gustav - Leading proponent of Russian transcendental phenomenology.
  • Hamilton, William - 19th century exponent of the Scottish common-sense philosophy.
  • Mill, John Stuart - 19th leader and prophet of utilitarianism, heir to internet encyclopedia of internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy the Hume-Bentham line, and influential force in modern internet encyclopedia internet encyclopedia of philosophy of philosophy political theory. Author of On Liberty (1859), and internet internet encyclopedia of philosophy encyclopedia of philosophy Utilitarianism (1863).
  • Dewey, John - Leading light of the 20th century American school internet encyclopedia of philosophy of thought known as pragmatism.
  • Helvetius, Claude Adrien - One of the 18th century Encyclopedists who held the skeptical and materialistic views common to that school of philosophy.
  • Thales - Detailed biographical essay on the Ancient Greek philosopher.
  • Truth - Philosophical theories on the nature of truth, by Bradley Dowden reference and Norman Swartz.
  • Anaxarchus - 4th century BCE philosopher of Abdera, from the philosophy school of philosophy Democritus.
  • Fichte, Immanuel Hermann - Aimed to secure a philosophical basis for the reference personality of internet encyclopedia of philosophy God.
  • Heraclitus - 5th century BCE. Presocratic Greek philosopher.
  • Aristippus - Description of the life and teachings of the philosophy philosopher Aristippus, philosophy founder of the Cyrenaic school of philosophy philosophy.
  • Cumberland, Richard - 17th century critic of Hobbes and the neo-Platonists.
  • Descartes, René - Early modern philosopher who rejected religious authority in reference the quest internet encyclopedia of philosophy for scientific and philosophical knowledge.
  • Bentham, Jeremy - Extensive article on the 18th century \\'founder\\' of internet encyclopedia of internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy utilitarianism.
  • Diogenes Laertius - 3rd century biographer of ancient Greek philosophers.
  • Humanism - Brief article on Erasmus and the Italian humanist internet encyclopedia of philosophy movement.
  • Solipsism - The doctrine of the solipsist is that existence philosophy means my philosophy existence and that of my mental philosophy states.
  • Vienna Circle - Organised the development of logical positivism in the 1920s. Included philosophy Carnap, Feigl, Frank, Gödel, Hahn, Kraft, Neurath, Waismann. Popper and philosophy Wittgenstein also had association with the Vienna Circle.
  • Diderot, Denis - The most prominent of the French Encyclopedists and one of internet encyclopedia of philosophy the leaders of the Enlightenment.
  • Herbert of Cherbury, Edward - 17th century historian, poet (brother of George), and internet encyclopedia of internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy philosopher. Sought to determine the nature and standard internet encyclopedia internet encyclopedia of philosophy of philosophy of truth, and conditions of knowledge. Precursor of internet internet encyclopedia of philosophy encyclopedia of philosophy the philosophy of Common Sense.
  • Fichte, Johann Gottlieb - One of the major figures in German philosophy in the philosophy period between Kant and Hegel.
  • Stoic Philosophy of Mind - Description of the philosophy of Mind of the internet encyclopedia of internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy Stoics, including the relationship between mind and body, internet encyclopedia internet encyclopedia of philosophy of philosophy perception, action-theory, and emotion.
  • Pyrrho - 4th century BCE founder of the Greek school reference of skepticism.
  • Spinoza, Benedict - 17th century pantheist, critic of Descartes.
  • Augustine - Extensive article on the life and work of the 4th century ecclesiastical author.
  • Hume, David - Enormously influential 18th century Scottish philosopher. Author of Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740).
  • Anaxagoras - Greek philosopher born about 500 BCE, responsible for philosophy giving philosophy a home at Athens and the philosophy first philosopher to introduce a spiritual principle which philosophy gives matter life and form.
  • Virtue Theory - View that morality is the development of or reference virtues.
  • Chinese Room Argument - John Searle\\'s thought experiment is one of the best known reference counters to claims of artificial intelligence.
  • Deism, English - Explores the deism of Hobbes, Locke, Tindal, and the influence internet encyclopedia of philosophy of Hume.
  • Berlin Circle - Group of academics who gathered round Hans Reichenbach in late philosophy 1920s and later joined up with the Vienna Circle.
  • Interventionism - Examines the nature and justifications of interfering with philosophy another polity internet encyclopedia of philosophy or choices made by individuals.
  • Timon - 3rd century BCE disciple of Pyrrho.
  • Rousseau, Jean Jacques - 18th century French author of the Social Contract, internet encyclopedia of philosophy influential during the French Revolution.
  • Beccaria, Cesare - 18th century aristocrat whose work \\'On Crimes and Punishments (1764)\\' internet encyclopedia of philosophy inspired reform in the Italian criminal justice system.
  • Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Detailed essay on the life and work of reference the 20th reference century philosopher.
  • Active Powers - The capacities of impulse and desire which lead internet encyclopedia of philosophy to or determine human action, as described by internet encyclopedia of philosophy 18th and 19th century Scottish common sense philosophy.
  • Plato - Biography and description of the philosophy of Plato.
  • Huxley, Thomas Henry - 19th century zoologist and advocate of Darwinism.
  • Deism, French - The deism of Voltaire and Rousseau.
  • Bakhtin Circle - School of Russian thought centered on the work of Bakhtin philosophy which focused on questions of signification in artistic creation.
  • Menippus - Third century BCE Greek philosopher and satirist.
  • Stoicism - Description of the system of ethics, popular in philosophy Ancient Greece, which has physics as its foundation.
  • Antisthenes - Athenian philosopher and founder of the Cynic sect who was born around 440 BCE.
  • Cyrenaics - Description of the Cyrenaic school of philosophy, which reference flourished from philosophy the 5th-3rd centuries BCE. The Cyrenaics reference were skeptics and hedonists.
  • Freud, Sigmund - Lenghty article on the father of psychoanalysis who is generally recognised as one of the most influential and authoritative thinkers of the twentieth century.
  • Theophrastus - Philosopher of the Peripatetic school, successor to Aristotle internet encyclopedia of philosophy at the Lyceum.
  • Social Contract Theory - View that morality is based on social agreements that serve internet encyclopedia of philosophy the interests of those who make the agreement.
  • Animals and Ethics - Consideration of moral status of non-human animals.
  • Husserl, Edmund - Leader of the German phenomenological movement.
  • Aenesidemus - Biography of the 1st century philosopher who defended the ten tropes of skepticism.
  • Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich - Examines the poet\'s role in the development of philosophy German Idealism.
  • Ferrier, James Frederick - The earliest absolute idealist in English philosophy.
  • Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich - 18th century German philosopher, famous for effective criticism of Kant.
  • Neoplatonism - The revival of Greek philosophy in 3rd century BCE, led by Plotinus and his disciple, Porphyry. Influenced by both Pythagoras and Plato.
  • Moral Philosophy - Introduction to ethics, with links to other articles at the IEP.
  • Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard Von - 19th century German philosopher who attempted to combine the idea philosophy of Hegel with the will of Schopenhauer in 'spiritual monism.'
  • Diogenes of Sinope - 4th cn. BCE cynic philosopher of Sinope.
  • Epicurus - 4th century BCE materialist, empiricist, and hedonist. One reference of the major philosophers of the Hellenistic period.
  • Peripatetics - Brief history of the Peripatetic doctrines.
  • Russell's Paradox - Examines self-referential linguistics used to describe properties and philosophy sets.
  • Anaximander - Greek philosopher of Miletus, born 611 BCE who thought it unnecessary to fix upon air, water, or fire as the original and primary form of body.
  • Leucippus - 5th century BCE founder of atomism.
  • Aristotle - The life and work of the 4th century reference BCE Greek philosopher.
  • Skepticism, Contemporary - Introduction to the current discussion of skepticism.
  • Empedocles - 5th century BCE philosopher who combined medical study internet encyclopedia of philosophy with Orphic mysticism.
  • Cleanthes - Stoic philosopher of Assus in Lydia, disciple of philosophy Zeno of reference Citium.
  • Epictetus - Eminent Stoic philosopher, born as a slave at Hieropolis in internet encyclopedia of philosophy Phyrgia in 55 CE.
  • Voluntarism - Theory that God or the ultimate nature of reference reality is internet encyclopedia of philosophy conceived as some form of will.
  • Parmenides - Greek philosopher and poet.
  • Hippias - Hippias was a sophist, a contemporary of Socrates, and an philosophy enthusiast for universality.
  • Shaftesbury, Earl of - Patron of John Locke
  • Emanation - The theory that all derived or secondary things internet encyclopedia of internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy flow from the primary.
  • Anaximenes - 5th century BCE Greek philosopher of Miletus who regarded \'air\' as the primary form of body.
  • Bolingbroke, Henry St. John - 18th century Tory disciple of Locke.
  • God, Western Concepts of - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on God from Socrates to Nietzsche.
  • Hodgson, Shadworth - Follower of Kant, founder of the Aristotelian Society.
  • Academy - Description of the philosophical institution founded by Plato, which advocated reference skepticism in succeeding generations.
  • Natural Law - Standards that govern human behavior objectively derived from internet encyclopedia of reference philosophy the nature of human beings.
  • Behaviorism - Theory in philosophy of mind which maintains that internet encyclopedia of internet encyclopedia of philosophy philosophy talk of mental events should be translated into internet encyclopedia internet encyclopedia of philosophy of philosophy talk about observable behavior.
  • Cudworth, Ralph - 17th century \\'Cambridge Platonist\\' who fought for preservation philosophy of religious internet encyclopedia of philosophy ideals, including divine illumination.
  • Anselm - 11th century English prelate who developed views of reference atonement and philosophy satisfaction which are still held by reference orthodox theologians.
  • Synderesis - Scholastic philosophy describes this as the principle in internet encyclopedia of philosophy moral consciousness which directs an agent to good.
  • Demonax - Philosopher of the second century CE. who tried philosophy to revive reference the philosophy of the Cynic School.
  • Carnap, Rudolf - Extensive article about his life and work, by reference Mauro Murzi.
  • Hempel, Carl Gustav - A leading member of logical positivism, the German philosophy philosopher died internet encyclopedia of philosophy in 1997.
  • Moral Luck - Andrew Latus, St. Francis Xavier University, summarizes the discussion between Thomas Nagel and Bernard Williams on the question: Can luck ever make a moral difference?
  • Encyclopedists - Group of French philosophers and men of letters who collaborated in the production of the famous Encyclopedie.
  • Berkeley, George - Influential 18th century Irish philosopher.
  • Greek Philosophy - The philosophical currents of Ancient Greek philosophy are introduced, from internet encyclopedia of philosophy the Presocratic philosophers through to Proclus.
  • Evolution - Introduces evolution through the ages, from the ancient internet encyclopedia of philosophy Greeks, through Leibniz and Descartes to Darwin and internet encyclopedia of philosophy Spencer.
  • Caird, Edward - Nineteenth century Scottish philosopher who was one of the key reference figures of the idealist movement that dominated British philosophy from reference 1870 until the mid 1920s.
  • Plotinus - 3rd century CE founder of Neo-Platonism.
  • Egoism, Psychological and Ethical - Maintains that the individual self is the motivating moral force internet encyclopedia of philosophy and the end of moral action.
  • Reichenbach, Hans - Leading German philosopher of science, and logical positivist.
  • Origen - Father of the early Church, born around 182.
  • Stirling, James Hutchison - 19th century British Idealist, Hegelian academic.
  • Diogenes of Apollonia - Pupil of Anaximenes and contemporary of Anaxagoras in the 6th cn. BCE.
  • Renaissance - Brief article on the transition between Middle Ages philosophy and modernity.
  • German Idealism - The German reaction to empiricism, including related theories of Kant, internet encyclopedia of philosophy Fichte, Hegel and others.
  • Hegelians, St. Louis - 19th century group of amateur American philosophers founded philosophy and led reference by William Torrey Harris.
  • Lombard, Peter - French scholastic theologian of the 12th century, influenced internet encyclopedia of philosophy by Abelard.
  • Solovyov, Vladimir - 19th century Russian philosopher.
  • Stephen, Leslie - 19th century British academic.
  • Euclides - 4th century BCE native of Megara, and founder of the philosophy Megarian or Eristic sect.
  • Chrysippus - Prolific stoic of Soli, and disciple of Cleanthes.
  • Prodicus - 5th century BCE sophist, possibly a mentor of Socrates
  • Hobbes, Thomas - 17th century British philosopher. Author of Leviathan (1651).
  • Protagoras - Early Greek sophist.
  • Pythagoras - The 6th century BCE philosopher.

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