Anarcha-Feminism Anarchism Politics

The libertarian socialist (anarcho-syndicalist) movement long fought against women's oppression. And many prominent figures in the women's movement were anarcho-syndicalists.

    Top: Society: Politics: Anarchism


See Also:
Editor's Picks:

Anarcha-Feminism and Gender Anarchy Resource Page* - A collection of links and essays on topics such as: the anarcha-feminist movement, self defense, body issues, trans inclusiveness, radical queers, and women in prison. Includes a messageboard. - Anarcha-Feminism* - Anarcha-Feminist links, history, biographies, articles, essays, interviews, and online texts from the Mid-Atlantic Infoshop.

  • Anarchism and Women's Liberation - Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM)\\'s collection of articles on anarcha-feminism women\'s liberation anarcha-feminism and related issues.
  • anarchobabe's fempages - Articles and discussions from around the world arguing anarcha-feminism that feminism, feminist theories, and women\\'s rights issues anarcha-feminism are important to the anarchist movement. Includes anarcha-feminism links to books, magazines, poems, and women\'s prison anarcha-feminism support.
  • Anarcha-feminism: Fight Patriarchy! - Includes an extensive set of links about and by anarcha-feminists.
  • Individualist Feminist Compendium - 19th century Individualist Feminist fiction and nonfiction.
  • Anarchism and American Traditions - Essay by Voltairine de Cleyre, from The Memory Hole archives. anarcha-feminism Also contains a brief introduction about de Cleyre.
  • Anarres Books Essays - A 1975 essay entitled "The Question is not politics \\'Organisation or politics no organisation?\\' but \\'what sort of politics organisation?\\'. And the same politics goes for structure" about politics Feminism and Anarchist organization.
  • Anarcha-feminist Health: Brighton Collective - Group of UK anarcha-feminists dedicated to fighting the anarchism patriarchal medical establishment and keeping women healthy.
  • Spunk Library's Anarcha Feminism - A collection of predominantly contemporary essays by various anarchism anarchist feminist anarchism authors.
  • Sarah's Web Page - Personal anarcha-feminist page with essays on feminism, anarchism, protests, animal rights, etc. Contains links to other radical sites.
  • Getting Louder Everyday zine - The anarcha-feminist zine, Getting Louder Everyday, and the anarchism anarchist cheap politics vegan food zine, We Need To anarchism Eat. Includes ordering politics info and links to anarchism other anarchist, feminist, and queer sites.
  • Social Anarchism/Toward a General Theory of Anarchafeminism - Essay by Howard J. Ehrlich.
  • AnarchaFeminism (Anarchist Feminism) - Anarchism and women\\'s liberation page. An Anarchist look anarchism at the fight for women\\'s liberation, feminism and anarchism in particular the struggle in Ireland.
  • Dora Marsden - "The Stirner of Feminism" ? - Individualist/archist/egoist Dora Marsden\\'s biography and development as a thinker. Discusses her view that communal anarchism is not feasible and that a just society should prioritize individual interests and rights.
  • Deal With It - An anti-sexist anarchist men\'s journal; archives and submission politics information.
  • The Wemoon's Army - An international collective that deconstructs patriarchy and politics capitalism in anarcha-feminism creative and direct ways. Dedicated to politics a future in which anarcha-feminism we all thrive. Pro-revolution. politics Pro-earth.
  • Transsexual Anarchy - Profile, poetry, and design for a transgender flag.
  • A History of Fighting for Women's Freedom - The libertarian socialist (anarcho-syndicalist) movement long fought against politics women\\'s oppression. And many prominent figures in the politics women's movement were anarcho-syndicalists.
  • Against Patriarchy - Working towards the elimination of male privilege through dialogue, education, and inspiring action. Provides a forum for the annual conference of the same name.
  • Canadian Anarchist Feminist Musings - This site is an exploration of the erasure anarcha-feminism of women from history, theory, and art, and anarcha-feminism the suppression of ideas and thoughts which conflict anarcha-feminism with the corporate/capitalist agenda.
  • Anarchist Graphics: Feminism - Copyright-free anarcha-feminist images from
  • Goldman Collected Works - A collection of complete Emma Goldman texts from anarcha-feminism her books, essays, letters and articles.
  • L'Internationale Anarchoféministe (IAF) - Official site of the Anarchafeminist International (AFI). Manifesto, politics links, and anarcha-feminism convention reports in English and Norwegian.

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