Music Humor Politics

Follow Nobody and his Band, The Running Mates, on the campaign trail to the White house using music, and humor.

    Top: Society: Politics: Humor


  • The Capitol Steps Home Page - Music and political satire by The Capitol Steps, music the Washington-based troupe of Congressional staffers turned songwriters.
  • The Extremely Unofficial Rush Limbaugh Parody Archives - Several Real Audio and wav recordings of parody songs heard music on Rush Limbaugh
  • The "Vicious Liberals" Political Parodies - Several Real Audio parody recordings targeting the political right and music talk radio hosts.
  • Paul Shanklin Parodies - Voice impersonator Paul Shanklin has become famous for politics his accurate portrayals of Bill Clinton, James Carville, politics and Ross Perot among other political figures. This politics is his homepage.
  • Nobody for President - Follow Nobody and his Band, The Running Mates, music on the campaign trail to the White house music using music, and humor.
  • Centre for Political Song - Promotes awareness of and research into political song; includes an music online archive, information about events, and contact details. [Glasgow music Caledonian University, Scotland]

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