Religion and Spirituality Society
Religion is a social phenomenon involving systems of shared practices, views, symbols, and moral values. Spirituality focuses on personal connections perceived non-physical phenomena, with or without the direct influence of a religion or a set of organizationally imposed views. Please see the category FAQ for more detail on the category and editing in it.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality
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See Also:
- Top/Society/Issues/Church-State Relations
- Top/Kids and Teens/People and Society/Religion and Spirituality
- World Religions and 101 Cults - Contains descriptions and personal commentary of religions, cults, sects, denominations, the occult, Freemasonry, and the New Age.
- Belief System Selector - Online questionnaire that rates religions by their compatibility with your religion and spirituality beliefs.
- Serenity Beach - Online spiritual retreat for encouragement, healing, spiritual growth.
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