Clubs Speed Ice Skating

    Top: Sports: Skating: Ice Skating: Speed


See Also:
  • Deventer IJsclub - All the skatingnews from Deventer, the Netherlands. On January 7, 8 and 9, 2000 "De Scheg" is hosting the Dutch Championship Distances.
  • Speed Skate New Brunswick - Located in Canada. Features news, registration information, calendar, clubs rankings, skater speed information, and related links.
  • Fredericton Amateur Speed Skating Club - Located in New Brunswick, Canada. Features coach listing, schedule, registration information, meets, results, rankings, classifieds, and related links.
  • HealthSouth Speed Skating Club - El Segundo, California speed skating club offering one session per speed week on Sunday mornings from 11:00 am until 12:45 pm. speed Head coach: Wilma Boomstra Borde.
  • CPVL - The Cercle des Patineurs de Vitesse de Liège, club in speed Belgium.
  • Ottawa Pacers Speed Skating Club - Long-track and short-track speed skating in Ontario, Canada. speed Includes news, clubs calendar, program description, photos, and related speed links.
  • London Speed Skating Club - Located in London, Ontario, Canada. Includes meeting times and location.

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