Beekeeping Livestock Agriculture and Forestry
Offer a variety of courses and seminars on organic/ecological beekeeping and apitherapy. Information on courses, qualifications and accreditation. [German/English]
Top: Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Livestock: Beekeeping
See Also:
- Top/Business/Food and Related Products/Sweeteners/Honey
- Top/Shopping/Food/Sweeteners/Honey
- Top/Shopping/Health/Nutrition/Supplements/Bee Products
- Top/Science/Agriculture/Animals/Insects/Bees
- Bio-Bee Biological Systems - Produces the bumblebee Bombus terrestis for pollination, and beekeeping insects and beekeeping wasps for the biocontrol of agricultural beekeeping insect pests.
- Brushy Mountain Bee Farm - Has a catalog of beekeeper supplies and beekeeping agriculture and forestry beekeeping equipment online with secure shopping. North Carolina.
- Trichilia ABC - Consultant on beekeeping in temperate and tropical climates, including how agriculture and forestry to get started, hive products, apitherapy, pollen analysis, top-bar hives, agriculture and forestry and absconding of colonies. Contact details.
- Glenn Apiaries - Breeding honeybees for high honey production and disease resistance in southern California.
- International Honey Exporter's Organization - The IHEO aims to defend the price of beekeeping the honey, affording pay the beekeepers a fair beekeeping price without neglecting the buyers.
- Draper's Super Bee Apiaries, Inc. - Beekeeping supplies and honey.
- Latshaw Apiaries - Specializing in the production of instrumentally inseminated cordovan beekeeping Italian breeder agriculture and forestry queens.
- Indiana Honey Farm - Supplier of nucs, and honey. How to articles, and a swarm removal directory.
- Herb Isaac Sales - Bulk suppliers of Canadian honey. Also supply livestock commercial beekeeping equipment (new and used) and bees. livestock On-line catalog and contact details.
- NCSU Apiculture Program - Beekeeping information and resources with emaphasis on North Carolina.
- Ruhl Bee Supply - Suppliers of bees, honey, beeswax, books, equipment, tools livestock and candle livestock making equipment. Online shopping and livestock details of their Oregon livestock base.
- Bee-Yond wonderful bee farm - Supplier of beekeeping equipment, nucs and honey. (Georgia, USA.)
- Adee Honey Farms - Large beekeeping business in the US. Information agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry about pollination service, honey and wax products, and agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry includes honey recipes.
- Nawax - Slovak company with candles and other products from beeswax. Also agriculture and forestry has basic appliances for beekeepers.
- De Waterwilg - Beefarm in Belgium offering visits. Information on honey and livestock other bee products. (Dutch, French and English.)
- Wooten's Golden Queens - Breeder and supplier of queen honeybees.
- Thiele und Thiele Consult - Offer a variety of courses and seminars on organic/ecological beekeeping and apitherapy. Information on courses, qualifications and accreditation. [German/English]
- Bee Care - Specialists in support for beekeepers, consulting, bee products, agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry software services and apiary management. Information for beekeepers agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry and the public.
- Rossman Apiaries Inc. - Sales of packaged bees and Cypress beekeeping equipment. Georgia, USA.
- Olivarez Honey Bees - Supplier of queen honeybees, and package bees.
- The Beekeeping Page - An introduction to beekeeping and honey products from agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry a hobbyist beekeeper in Pennsylvania. Includes a agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry year's diary.
- Apis Mellifera Carnica - Slovenian suppliers of Carniolan Queen bees. Information about the breed, livestock and ordering instructions. (Multi-lingual)
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