Biofeedback Alternative Health

A resource with many internal and net links on EEG biofeedback and neurofeedback, articles, Winter Brain meeting abstracts, and tapes of lectures and workshops.

    Top: Health: Alternative


  • on Biofeedback - Collection of net links about biofeedback include information biofeedback on research, definition, applications, webzine and training biofeedback regarding this healing modality.
  • Biofeedback Network - Resources including associations, practitioners and equipment.
  • EEG Spectrum - Neurofeedback research and clinical services. Information, articles, and biofeedback case histories involving the treatment of wide variety biofeedback of disorders with biofeedback.
  • Biofeedback/Neurofeedback eGroup - The largest biofeedback and neurofeedback discussion message group biofeedback and alternative related Web resources: links to biofeedback biofeedback sites, polls, meeting announcements, alternative and biofeedback chat.
  • RA Bell Instruments Ltd - Providing free information, advice and products for biofeedback alternative treatments of many different health problems.
  • Biofeedback: The Process - Explains levels of stress, how they become chronic, alternative and the alternative role of biofeedback in relaxation.
  • Futurehealth: EEG Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Central - A resource with many internal and net links alternative on EEG health biofeedback and neurofeedback, articles, Winter Brain alternative meeting abstracts, and tapes health of lectures and workshops.
  • Neurofeedback Helps Those With Autistic Disorders, Study Finds - Research on autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) shows that neurofeedback (EEG alternative biofeedback) can remediate anomalies in brain activation, leading to symptom alternative reduction and functional improvement.
  • BCIA – Biofeedback Certification Institute of America - EEG Biofeedback certifying organization. Contains information for professionals, biofeedback and blue biofeedback print material for organizations seeking approval biofeedback for their training programs.
  • ABC News: What Is Biofeedback And When Is It Used For Pain? - Description and video about its use in patients alternative with chronic health pain.
  • Applied Neuroscience Foundation - A Dutch Foundation established in 2007 providing a conference on Brain Computer Interface technology, and a listing of professional offices for neurofeedback and related modalities.
  • Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology Meeting - Continuously running conference on neurofeedback and positive psychology. Lectures, workshops, and networking with other professionals.
  • Biofeedback - In-depth coverage of Biofeedback. Types of Biofeedback machines, techniques, EMG, temperature biofeedback, galvanic skin response, electrodermal response, electroencephalogram, brain waves, relaxation techniques, and self hypnotism.
  • EEG Info - Research, videos, training courses, provider listing, and clinician community.
  • A Symphony in the Brain - By New York Times Science writer Jim Robbins. alternative Includes excerpts and other articles by the author.
  • International Society for Neurofeedback and Research - Annual Neurofeedback Conference, publishers of the Journal of Neurotherapy.
  • Introducing the Accommotrac Vision Trainer - The "Accommotrac" is an electronic instrument used by biofeedback a doctor to teach a patient, by sight biofeedback and sound, how to voluntarily control the eye\'s biofeedback focusing muscle.
  • What is Biofeedback? - description, history, uses and how biofeedback works.
  • Psychology Today: Wired for miracles? - Article on EEG biofeedback with stories about individuals.
  • Attention, Kids: Play This Game - Wired News article on a new video game device called health a "Thoughtcaster" which can train ADD sufferers to concentrate.
  • Men's Vogue - Wired for Victory - Describes the use of neurofeedback by the Italian Soccer team.
  • Articles on Biofeedback - Reference list of empirical research on biofeedback.
  • How to Relax From an Expert - Offers both personal and Professional Biofeedback Training by biofeedback Jack Sandweiss. health Clinic start up consultations. Intensive, biofeedback weekend program for those health from out of state. biofeedback (California)
  • Zengar Institute - NeuroCare Pro - A software program and community specializing in a alternative new area biofeedback of neurofeedback technology and methods.

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