Reservoir Dogs Computer and Video Games

Preview, by Louis Bedigian: "Car chase scenes will also be a part of the experience, as will plenty of running, dodging and shooting. What else can we expect?"

    Top: Kids and Teens: Games: Computer and Video

Reservoir Dogs

See Also:
  • IGN: Reservoir Dogs - Previews, news, screenshots, and a message board.
  • GameSpy: Reservoir Dogs - Previews, news, and screenshots.
  • GameZone - Preview, by Louis Bedigian: "Car chase scenes will computer and video also be a part of the experience, as computer and video will plenty of running, dodging and shooting. What computer and video else can we expect?"
  • GameSpot - News, previews, images, videos, links, and a message computer and video games board.
  • Team Xbox - Screenshots, news, and previews.

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