Outdoor Safety
Learn how to be safe around the water, how to prevent bug and insect bites, and winter snow activities. Games, coloring pages, and recipes.
Top: Kids and Teens: Health: Safety: Outdoor Safety
- Lids On Kids - Talks about helmet safety and answers questions about safety helmet use outdoor safety while skiing and snowboarding. Includes games safety and puzzles, articles, and outdoor safety information about how to safety get started in snow sports.
- Make Sid Seagull Sun Smart - Help Sid the Seagull be sun smart with health this color outdoor safety and cut-out activity sheet. [Requires Adobe health reader.][PDF]
- Camping and Woods Safety - Learn how to have a safe camping trip. Includes packing health tips, bugs and poison ivy, campfires, wild animals, and what health to do if you get lost.
- Camping Basics - TeensHealth offers survival tips and camping necessities. Includes what to safety pack, what to wear, and keeping the campsite safe.
- How to Be Safe When You're in the Sun - Learn about safety in the heat and sun. Includes how sunburns happen, what SPF means, drinking enough water, and heat exhaustion.
- Lanakids - Learn how to be safe around the water, safety how to outdoor safety prevent bug and insect bites, and safety winter snow activities. Games, outdoor safety coloring pages, and recipes.
- Keeping Your Cool in the Cold and Snow - Find out how to protect yourself from cold-weather outdoor safety hazards. TeensHealth article includes frostbite, hypothermia, and carbon outdoor safety monoxide poisoning.
- Injuryfreezone - Gives safety tips for kids and teens on outdoor safety biking, snow sports, and water activities. Includes proper outdoor safety training, assessing abilities, knowing the environment, and developing outdoor safety a positive attitude.
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