Safety Health Kids and Teens
Join Rover in games and home safety activities for kids to learn about preventing accidents and injuries. Presented by Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse.
Top: Kids and Teens: Health: Safety
Editor's Picks:
Help Keep Kids Safe - Offers safety tips and statistics for children and teens on topics ranging from firearms to food. Also includes games, contests, and a guide for parents and teachers.
- Being Safe in the Kitchen - KidsHealth tips include having an adult assistant, how health to protect kids and teens clothes, ways to keep germs out health of food, and how kids and teens to avoid burns and health spills.
- Window Safety Activity Book - Activity and coloring book telling kids how to be safe around windows, from the National Safety Council.[PDF]
- Safety Bear Coloring Book - Features printable coloring pages for kids on safety safety at home, kids and teens school, and playing outside.
- A Kids Eye Safety Guide - An interactive guide for kids to learn how kids and teens to prevent eye injury to children with safety kids and teens tips and coloring pages.
- Working Safely: Advice For Teens - Answers questions about risks, hazards, what jobs teens can\\'t have by law, how many work hours are legal, and rights and responsibilities.
- Safer Parks - Designed to help consumers learn about amusement ride safety safety. Safety tips and statistics come from safety governmental and industry sources.
- Playing It Safe on Halloween - KidsHealth tells how to see and be seen, safety why your safety costume shouldn\\'t be too long, how safety to know what houses safety to visit, and why safety an adult should check your candy.
- Reddy's Safety Zone - Reddy\\'s Riders games teach safety on bikes, scooters, and boards. safety Reddy\'s Farm has games to learn about farm safety.
- Computers Can Be a Real Pain - Find out how using computers can cause pain. Learn the kids and teens best way to sit, type, use a mouse, and when kids and teens to take breaks. From KidsHealth.
- FDA Kids - Learn about safety with food, medicine, and animals safety from the Food and Drug Administration.
- Electrical Safety World - All about how to be safe around electricity.
- New Jersey Poison Information and Education System - Fun environment to educate kids of all ages health on health, safety safety and environmental concerns like, carbon health monoxide and lead poisoning.
- Consumer Product Safety Commission - Brain Busters quiz, comic book, and activities teaching safety home, bicycle, health and outdoors safety tips for children.
- Learn About Chemicals Around the House - Join in on a house tour to learn safety about chemicals, poisons, and dangers in the home.
- Kids Stuff Let's Play it Safe - Features lessons on safety along with information about safety the police and fire departments, safety events and safety important tips and tricks. Coloring pages and activities.
- Los Angeles Fire DepartmentEarthquake Preparedness Handbook - Features guide with information on how to prepare kids and teens health for and stay safe during an earthquake.[PDF]
- Elmer the Safety Elephant - Traffic, school bus, internet, and railway safety tips kids and teens health for kids through games, activities, and stories.
- Florida Children's Safety Center - Questions and answers to help kids protect themselves safety and handle kids and teens emergencies.
- Freedom Knot - Learn a new, safe way to tie shoes safety with music, health dance, and free games. [Requires free safety Flash download.]
- CodeRedRover - Join Rover in games and home safety activities safety for kids kids and teens to learn about preventing accidents and safety injuries. Presented by kids and teens Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse.
- Amby's Fun and Learning - Activity coloring book for kids to learn safety health at home, school, and while playing.
- Protecting the Health and Safety of Working Teenagers - Explains common hazards, benefits and risks, prohibited jobs, health permitted work safety hours, how doctors help, and legal health rights.
- Ready Kids - Learn how to make an emergency supply kit, create an escape plan, and what to do in tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, or floods. Take a quiz and get a graduation certificate.
- Victoria State Emergency Service Kids Corner - Teaches kids about safety and emergencies through games, health activities, and coloring pages.
- Power Discovery Zone - Teaches kids about safety and electricity through games, activities, and safety quizzes. Explains dangers around the home, at school and in safety storms. [Requires Flash]
- 911 Safety Rage - Water, hiking, and fire safety tips brought to kids through games, activities, and stories.
- Farm Safety 4 Just Kids - Learn about preventing farm-related childhood injuries through games, safety activities, and coloring pages.
- Kitchen Safety For Young Kids - Information and tips to protect children in the kids and teens kids and teens kitchen from the oven, microwave, and appliances.
- Safe Kids Connecticut - Provides articles about at home and at play, holiday, bicycle, safety car, bus, and pedestrian safety. Includes coloring activities, games and safety quizzes.
- Safety House - Designed by Cincinnati Children\\'s Hospital Medical Center to safety help parents, grandparents, and children recognize and avoid safety household hazards.
- Disaster Preparedness - Download this coloring book and learn how to keep safe kids and teens in a fire, hurricane, flood, or earthquake.[PDF]
- Twinkle & Eyenstein's Wise Eye Web - Learn about eye safety, eye science, and the prevention of safety blindness. Includes optical illusions, guide to dog guides, and coloring safety pages.
- Safe A Rooni - Go on a scavenger hunt safari and learn health about safety. Includes buckling up, what to do health if there is a fire, being safe around health water and around the house, and exercising safely.
- Smarty Electric Safety - Smarty the Dog coloring pages offering safety tips related to health electricity and power utilities.
- Smartrisk: Youth - Canadian organization offering programs in peer leadership and sensible risk-taking kids and teens in sports and recreation. Includes photographs, articles and stories from kids and teens participants.
- Kidd Safety - Play games with Kidd Safety while learning safety tips for home and play.
- National Council on Fireworks Safety - Fireworks safety tips and information to help ensure safety the safe use of fireworks in the United safety States.
- Injury Prevention - For Kids - All sorts of animated safety information for kids. health Includes tips kids and teens for sports, water, playgrounds, home, streets, health fun in the sun, kids and teens winter weather, and other health activities.
- I'm Safe Network - Dedicated to providing information to children so they kids and teens health make smart choices and avoid unintentional injury. Games, kids and teens health activities, and coloring pages teaching safety.
- Texas Fireworks Safety - Promotes the safe and proper use of fireworks. Teaches health children and teens the importance of safe use and adult health supervision.
- Gun Safety - Explores the dangers a gun can pose and safety tells how safety to avoid them.
- - McGruff the Crime Dog and pal, Scruff, bring ideas about kids staying safe through safety puzzles, games, and coloring pages.
- Public Safety Kids - Features games and activities teaching safety tips for home, school, health and playing outdoors. From the Ohio Department of Public Safety. health [Requires free Shockwave plugin.]
- Kid Tips 101 - Promotes child safety by teaching kids the tricks bad guys safety use and how to beat them.
- National Capital Poison Center - Teaches kids and teens about household poisons, chemicals, health and dangerous plants. Poison prevention, first aid, health and information for what to do in case health of emergency.
- It's Our House Too - A virtual journey through a room as two kids and teens safety characters point out various hazards and safety items.
- Five Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries - Explains five steps to help kids be safe health playing sports. Learn what RICE means when treating health an injury.
- How Smart Are You About Cosmetics? - Try this quiz from the Food and Drug Administration, and safety learn about using eye products safely, risks from temporary tattoos, safety what ingredients are not allowed, and what hypoallergenic really means.
- Poison Prevention Website - Games, pages, and simple text help kids learn safety what poisons safety are and how to avoid them. safety Second section of web safety site provides resources for safety adults. From the Internet Public Library.
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