Library and Information Science Libraries Reference
Offers overview of library and information studies resources on the Internet with lists of electronic journals and newsletters, and electronic texts, subject guides, and links.
Top: Reference: Libraries
Library and Information Science
- - Hosts a variety of library and library science libraries related sites.
- Library Juice - Archived e-zine for librarians, library and information science libraries students which included discussions, commentary, announcements, humor, web libraries links and news affecting the library world.
- Libraries FAQ - A collection of basic information regarding libraries and librarianship, and library and information science an introductory guide to library resources on the Internet.
- Planning and Building Libraries - Information and resources for architects, librarians, design consultants, library and information science and students interested in planning and building libraries.
- Emerald for Librarians - Discussion and information forum for librarianship and information libraries management.
- - Resources and links for paraprofessionals working in libraries.
- WebJunction - An online community where library staff meet to library and information library and information science science share ideas, solve problems, take online courses, and library and library and information science information science have fun.
- Library Underground - A guide to alternative library culture on the libraries Web.
- LISWiki - A free and open library and information science library and information science encyclopedia. Built using the Wiki software, meaning that library and information science anyone can contribute.
- Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information - Deals with all aspects of electronic publishing and reference includes print libraries and non-print materials, periodical articles, monographs reference and individual chapters in libraries collected works.
- Information Today, Inc: The Librarian Is In and Online - Jessamyn West reviews the current state of librarianship.
- Information Today, Inc. - Computers in Libraries Magazine - A monthly magazine that provides coverage of the reference news and reference issues in the field of library reference information technology. Focuses on reference the practical application of reference technology in community, school, academic, and reference special libraries.
- SLA Ontario - Librarians' Resource Center - A selective collection of resources compiled to facilitate reference information search reference and retrieval. Organized into reference sources, reference subject-specific resources, and professional reference development.
- Those Darned Users! - Article by Jessamyn West explaining how to serve reference library users without sacrificing safety, privacy, or sanity.
- ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science - Glossary of library terminology designed as a reference library and information library and information science science resource for library and information science professionals, university, library and library and information science information science library and general readers.
- Top Technology Trends for Libraries: Y2K - Discussion about some technological issues that have a good chance reference of affecting libraries in the next few years.
- Documents in Information Science (DoIS) - Database of articles and conference proceedings published in library and information science electronic format in the area of library and library and information science information Science. Contains articles and papers some of library and information science which are full-text.
- U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) - Advises the executive and legislative branches on national libraries library and reference information policies and plans.
- Public Library Networking Focus - Contributes to strategic, policy-making, awareness raising and development library and information reference science activities in public library networking and lifelong learning. library and reference information science Has projects, resources, publications, and presentations.
- Revealweb - Database of accessible resources available to disabled people in the libraries UK. Offers braille, moon, digital talking books and large print. libraries Includes news and events section.
- Library and Information Studies Resources - Offers overview of library and information studies resources on the library and information science Internet with lists of electronic journals and newsletters, and electronic library and information science texts, subject guides, and links.
- - Covers list of forthcoming training programs, workshops, conferences, and seminars. Provides a variety of useful resources for library professionals.
- InfoEthics - Ethical codes, case studies and resources, for librarians reference and information library and information science professionals.
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