Tools RDF Metadata Cataloguing

An implementation of a full RDF system including parsing of XML syntax, storage, model, query language and a server interface.

    Top: Reference: Libraries: Library and Information Science: Technical Services: Cataloguing: Metadata: RDF


  • Wilbur Lisp RDF Toolkit - A toolkit for RDF and DAML written in rdf Common Lisp metadata providing model manipulation and parsing of rdf RDF/XML.
  • RDFStore - Perl API for RDF Storage - A pure perl RDF API providing storage, querying and manipulation tools of RDF models and parsing of RDF/XML.
  • CARA Perl RDF API - A pure perl RDF system providing storage and RDF/XML parsing.
  • Mozquery - This tool uses ASRDF, a terse notation based rdf on the tools outliner scheme, to convert RDF statements rdf in full RDF-XML syntax tools with support for data rdf typing and i18n.
  • ICS-FORTH RDFSuite - A suite of high-level, scalable tools for the tools Semantic Web. Comprises of VRP, the Validating RDF tools Parser, RSSDB, the RDF Schema Specific DB and tools an Interpreter for RQL, the RDF Query Language
  • W3C RDF Validation Service - A full RDF Validation Service - for use with any rdf RDF, not just RSS 1.0
  • BlogPlanet - Allows for reading RSS/RDF/Atom-Feeds any Java-enabled mobile phone.
  • RDF Gateway by Intellidimension - A semantic query service for distributed data. The gateway gives tools applications the ability to perform powerful deductive queries across multiple tools sources of structured data. Applications interface with the gateway through tools a simple, SQL-style language (RDFQL
  • Web Resource Application Framework - A perl system implementing the RDF API using rdf it for describing the data, interface and code.
  • ARP: Another RDF Parser - A modern Java based RDF/XML parser compliant with tools latest XML and RDF updates including validation of tools many syntax aspects.
  • RDFDB: An RDF Database - An implementation of a full RDF system including parsing of XML syntax, storage, model, query language and a server interface.
  • KAON Semantic Web toolkit - A Java RDF and Semantic Web toolkit with parsing, persistent storage, inferencing and querying.
  • FRODO RDFSViz - A visualization tool for RDF Schema ontologies.
  • Rx4RDF - Information on this application stack for building RDF-based rdf applications. Also tools has details on Rhizome which is rdf a Semantic Web-enabled, Wiki-like tools content management system.
  • PerlRDF - Parser, storage, and query language for RDF.
  • Redland - An RDF Application Framework - A C library that provides an implementation of rdf the RDF tools model, allowing it to be manipulated, rdf queried and stored via tools APIS in Perl, rdf Python, Tcl and Java.
  • RDF API for PHP (Bizer) - A pure PHP library for parsing, manipulating and serializing RDF.
  • Jena Semantic Web Toolkit - A Java system for RDF providing support for tools manipulating RDF rdf models, parsing RDF/XML and N3, persistent tools storage with Sleepycat DB rdf and many SQL backends, tools querying using RDQL and inference rdf support.
  • Sesame: RDF Schema Querying and Storage - An RDF Schema-based Repository and Querying facility. tools Supports expressive querying of RDF data and schema tools information using an OQL-style query language called RQL. tools The site has demos of the storage facility tools and the query engine.

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