Evidence Based Medicine Medicine Health United Kingdom
A bulletin providing updates on the effectiveness of health interventions. Subscribe to the paper version(free) or view the full text published articles online.
Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Health: Medicine: Evidence Based Medicine
See Also:
- Top/Health/Resources/Professional/Evidence Based Healthcare
- Top/Health/Medicine/Evidence Based Medicine
Editor's Picks:
National Institute for Clinical Excellence - Special Health Authority with the task of systematically appraising health interventions and producing national guidance on effectiveness. Full details of evidence and appraisal process are supplied.
- Scottish Intensive Care Society: Evidence-Based Medicine Group - Features critically appraised topics, details of completed and current projects, and an explanation of terms.
- Health Evidence Bulletins - Wales - A collaboration between public health organisations, healthcare providers evidence based medicine and libraries, publishing results of randomised controlled trials evidence based medicine and observational studies into health and disease.
- Centre for Evidence-based Mental Health - Undertaking research and providing educational resources for clinician, evidence based medicine evidence based medicine with details of workshops and a programme to evidence based medicine evidence based medicine download. Attached to the Department of Psychiatry at evidence based medicine evidence based medicine Oxford University.
- National Prescribing Centre - Produces publications providing evidence-based reviews of medicines and medicine prescribing-related issues. evidence based medicine Includes bulletins and lists of topics.
- Continuing Professional Development Centre - The Health Sciences Programme at Oxford University offers health post-graduate and short courses in the research methods health and applications of evidence-based healthcare.
- EBOC: Evidence-Based On-Call - Collection of summaries and critical appraisals regarding common medicine on-call medical conditions, with definitions and a list medicine of the specialties covered.
- Centre for Reviews and Dissemination - Provides the National Health Service with information on the effectiveness of treatments and the delivery and organisation of health care. Includes a bi-monthly bulletin based on systematic review.
- Bandolier - Monthly independent journal about evidence-based healthcare, written by medicine Oxford scientists health for healthcare professionals and consumers. Current medicine and archived articles can health be downloaded.
- Oxford Pain Internet Site - Systematic reviews of pain management. Knowledge base and examples of evidence based medicine.
- Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health - Providing an educational programme for health professionals, with tutorial notes evidence based medicine and a list of publications. Associated with Great Ormond Street evidence based medicine Hospital, London.
- Evidence - Publication focusing on clinically effective practice, with past health issues available for free download. From the School health of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Wales.
- Centre for Evidence-based Dentistry - Promoting the international use of this methodology, with evidence based medicine tools, resources and tutorials. Associated with the Institute evidence based medicine of Health Sciences in Oxford.
- Teaching and Learning Resources for Evidence Based Practice - The Middlesex Hospital provides educational support materials, including health a detailed evidence based medicine teaching plan, for nurses and Allied health Health professionals.
- Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility - Based at the University of Birmingham and helping health care evidence based medicine workers in the West Midlands to access and interpret research evidence based medicine evidence. Includes summaries of completed requests.
- SEEK: Sheffield Evidence for Effectiveness and Knowledge - Gateway to electronic resources, databases, and clinical guidelines health for policy health makers, clinicians and researchers. Provided by health the University of Sheffield, health United Kingdom.
- Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine - Provides workshops, resources and background information for healthcare health professionals, with health research tools and educational material to health download. Based at Nuffield health Department of Clinical Medicine, health Oxford.
- Effectiveness Matters - A bulletin providing updates on the effectiveness of evidence based medicine health health interventions. Subscribe to the paper version(free) or evidence based medicine health view the full text published articles online.
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