Evidence Based Medicine
International not-for-profit organisation preparing, maintaining and promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of health care. General information, access to the Cochrane Library, guidelines, manuals and software.
Top: Health: Medicine: Evidence Based Medicine
See Also:
- Top/Reference/Libraries/Subject Specific/Medical
- Top/Health/Medicine/Reference
- Top/Health/Medicine/Research
- Top/Health/Resources/Professional/Evidence Based Healthcare
Editor's Picks:
Netting The Evidence

Cochrane Collaboration

- Progress in Evidence-Based Medicine - Assessment of where we stand in evidence-based medicine medicine as of 2008.
- Evidence-Based Medicine: Useful Tools for Decision Making - An article from the Medical Journal of Australia explains the medicine basic processes and concepts, with descriptions of common computer-assisted research medicine tools.
- EBOC: Evidence-Based On-Call - Collection of summaries and critical appraisals regarding common medicine on-call medical evidence based medicine conditions, with definitions and a list medicine of the specialties covered.
- SUMSearch - Medical search engine returning evidence-based research in categories medicine for practice health guidelines, and for systematic reviews, both medicine from PUBMED and from health DARE, including Cochrane abstracts.
- DynaMed - Medical information database of clinical topic summaries, including medicine a grading health the quality of evidence cited, designed medicine primarily for point-of-care use; health updated daily.
- InfoPOEMs - Delivers daily Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters (DailyPOEMs) by email and evidence based medicine produces the InfoRetriever database system of evidence-based information next to evidence based medicine a print newsletter "Evidence-Based Practice".
- Evidence-Based Medicine: Haute Couture or the Emperor's New Clothes? - An anesthesiologist\\'s examination of some strengths and weaknesses of evidence-based evidence based medicine medicine.
- Evidence-Based Medicine in Iberoamerica: Problems and Possible Solutions - Discussion of the applicability of evidence-based medicine in Latin American evidence based medicine countries.
- Clinical Evidence - Summarises current knowledge about the prevention and treatment of disease, health based on appraisal of systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials. health Free on-line access for physicians in the United Kingdom or health in developing countries.
- Evidence Based Calculator - Free downloadable calculator computing sensitivity and selectivity, control health event rates, numbers-needed-to-treat, and other evidence-based factors.
- Evidence based medicine: increasing, not dictating, choice - A defense of evidence-based medicine from the perspective health of women\'s health concerns.
- AHRQ: Evidence Reports - The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in medicine the United States presents summaries and assessments for medicine healthcare providers and clinicians. Documents may be viewed medicine or downloaded at no cost.
- BETs: Best Evidence Topics - A searchable database of evidence-based answers to real-life evidence based medicine medicine clinical questions, with details of courses and teaching evidence based medicine medicine material. Developed in the Emergency Department of Manchester evidence based medicine medicine Royal Infirmary, United Kingdom.
- Practical Evidence-Based Internet Resources - The American Academy of Family Physicians presents a medicine summary and health assessment of five web-based research tools. medicine Available as PDF download.
- EvidenceUpdates - Searchable best evidence database, plus tailored email alert medicine service, from health the British Medical Journal and McMaster medicine University. Free subscription required.
- General Practice Notebook: Evidence-Based Medicine - The principles and applications are explained, with examples provided for different specialties.
- Trip Database - Medical search engine with emphasis on evidence based medicine medicine (EBM) and clinical guidelines and queries, including medicine content from Cochrane and Bandolier.
- UNC Department of Internal Medicine: Critically Appraised Topics - The University of North Carolina presents an alphabetical health list of evidence based medicine clinical research topics, each with a health review of strengths and evidence based medicine weaknesses.
- ABC Health Matters: Getting Evidence-Based Treatment - Consumer guide to understanding and applying the concept.
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