Ethnobotany Botany Biology

Alphabetical listing by scientific name. Includes brief descriptions of usage and identifies cultures in which each plant is of interest.

    Top: Science: Biology: Botany


See Also:
  • Ethnobotany - Access Excellence - Defines the science, explains plant classification, offers articles on medicinal and food plants of Central and South America, and proposes classroom activities for high-school biology students.
  • Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine - An open access, online journal of ethnosciences. Includes topics in medicinal and cultural uses of plants.
  • Plant Interactions - A scientific resource for information on biodiversity, conservation, plant utilization, indigenous knowledge systems and culture.
  • - Articles, Message Board, Links, A Modern Herbal...
  • Ethnobotany and Paleoethnobotany Bibliography - A comprehensive bibliography of ethnobotanical literature, listed by ethnobotany author and biology subject grouping.
  • People and Plants - A partnership between the WWF and UNESCO, in ethnobotany association with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, producing ethnobotany a programme of capacity-building in ethnobotany applied to ethnobotany conservation and the sustainable use of plant resources.
  • The Hidden Gifts of Nature by Sigrid Leger - Description of plant usage by the San people ethnobotany in West Bushmanland (Namibia) for food, medicine, tools, ethnobotany and decoration.
  • Hawaiian Ethnobotany Online Database - A database of plants traditionally used in Hawaiian culture, with specific information on medicinal and non-medicinal uses. Listed by Hawaiian names or by species names.
  • Ethnobotany of the Middle Columbia River Native Americans - Traditional uses of native plants in central Washington ethnobotany state. Includes subsistence patterns, land use, fibers, ethnobotany textiles, and building materials.
  • International Society for Ethnopharmacology - The Journal of Ethnopharmacology, which publishes papers on medicinal and biology other useful indigenous plants as well as their bioactive compounds.
  • Flora Celtica - A database of flora in the Celtic countries biology and regions botany of Europe. It includes traditional biology knowledge and uses of botany plants.
  • Ethnobotany Bibliography - A suggested introductory reading list from the Centre botany for Economic biology Botany, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, botany London.
  • Dr. Andrew Weil - Brief biography of the doctor for whom psilocybe biology weilii was biology named. Includes comments on his biology research and data on biology the chemical components of biology the mushroom.
  • Minnesota Ethnobotany - Describes both food and medicinal uses of plants, listed alphabetically by scientific name.
  • Research Department, Missouri Botanical Garden - Describes current research, including ethnobotany, medicinal botany, traditional ethnobotany uses of biology plants, and bioprospecting. Also: research ethnobotany policy, discoveries, DNA-banking, Chatham biology Fellowship, staff, and links.
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge Prior Art Database - An index and search engine of existing Internet-based, botany public domain botany documentation concerning indigenous knowledge and plant botany species uses.
  • Andrographis Home - News, literature and research specific to Andrographis paniculata, botany found primarily botany in India. Includes distribution, cultivation botany and pharmacological information.
  • Ethnobotany Research and Applications E-Journal - A free online journal of current research in ethnobotany.
  • Society of Ethnobiology - A nonprofit professional organization dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of botany the relationships of plants and animals with human cultures worldwide.
  • A Library of Western Amazonia Ethnobotany, Shamanism and Ayahuasca - A variety of articles exploring ethnobotany and shamanic biology healing practices botany in western Amazonia.
  • Amazon Conservation Team - Works in partnership with indigenous people in conserving biology biodiversity, health, and culture in tropical America.
  • Society for Economic Botany - Fosters scientific research, education, and related activities on ethnobotany the past, present, and future uses of plants, ethnobotany and the relationship between plants and people.
  • Laboratory of Ethnobotany - Houses collections of domesticated plants from around the world as well as specimens recovered from archaeological sites. Laboratory reports available for download in Adobe .pdf format, sorted by report number or locale.
  • Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases - Search plants by chemical, activity or ethnobotanical use. botany Includes list of browsable databases and rainforest botany information.
  • The African Journal of Ethnobiology - AJE is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of botany ethnoscientific information and related activities providing access to books, full botany text articles, research reports and abstracts.
  • Tropical Plant Database - Searchable list of plants from the Amazon rainforest, by common or botanical name, action, ailment, properties or ethnic uses.
  • Flora Ontario Integrated Botanical Information System - FOIBIS is a searchable database of more than 4700 species, botany including vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. It includes information on botany ethnobotanical uses.
  • A Certain Herb Called Coca - A study of coca\\'s role in Andean society ethnobotany and its biology under-valuation by scholars.
  • Ethnobotany Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. - A list of courses available, information for students botany and a recommended reading list.
  • Sacred Earth Ethnobotany - Articles, resources, and links.
  • Ethnobotany - Information from Wikipedia on this branch of botany biology that studies ethnobotany the relationships that exist between people biology and plants.
  • Medicinal plants - Provides photographs and descriptions of a range of plants believed botany to have medicinal properties. Almost all our present medicines are botany derived from research on medicinal plants.
  • Mongabay Ethnobotany Blog - A news blog on ethnobotany from an environmental biology science and ethnobotany conservation news site.
  • Machiguenga - An ethnobotanical study of eastern Peru.
  • Quanah Parker/Peyote - Brief history of Parker\\'s role in the spread of Christian peyotism. Includes plant description and recommended reading list.
  • Economic Importance and Ethnobotany of Palm Trees - Includes articles on the various ethnobotanical uses of biology palm trees.
  • Patalkot - The ethnobotanical work of Dr. Deepak Acharya, including botany full text botany of papers and pictures of Patalkot botany valley, India.
  • Ethnomedicinals for Research and Development - Information on the use of herbs and other botany natural products biology in biochemistry, pharmacology, and traditional medicine.
  • Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary - Alphabetical listing by scientific name. Includes brief descriptions of biology usage and identifies cultures in which each plant is of biology interest.
  • Ethnobotanical Leaflets - An international web journal for ethnobotanical research articles.
  • Plants for a Future - Resource centre for edible, medicinal, and other useful ethnobotany plants.
  • Ethnobotany Program at the University of Kent at Canterbury - Describes the Master of Science courses, staff, projects ethnobotany and funding. Includes contact information for applicants ethnobotany or inquiries.
  • Central Africa Medicinal Plants Database - A searchable and browsable medicinal plant database for uses of botany traditional veterinarian and human medicines in Africa.
  • Center for International Ethnomedicinal Education and Research - Ethnobotanical resource directory includes discussion forum, listserve, project botany and online course information, as well as articles, botany publications, schools and societies of interest.
  • Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge - Describes healing plants used by northern Plains Indians, biology including photos. biology Also contains links to databases, biology books, and teacher resources.
  • Psilocybe cubensis/Psilocybe subcubensis - Materia medica of the psychoactive mushroom used by ethnobotany natives of subtropical regions.
  • Centre for Economic Botany - Based at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, carrying botany out research biology and providing an identification service.
  • By the Prophet of the Earth - Ethnobotany of the Pima - A complete online version of the original printed biology book by L.S.M. Curtin.

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