Europe Government Agencies Meteorology Atmospheric Sciences

Information about atmospheric conditions with links to research projects and environmental agencies. Headings in English but detail of content is only in Czech.

    Top: Science: Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences: Meteorology: Government Agencies


See Also:
  • Irish Meteorological Service - Met Éireann: Recent weather, forecasts for five days ahead, climatic data, mission statement and contacts.
  • Norwegian Meteorological Institute - Description of the organization and current research, especially government agencies into government agencies climate change. Includes forecasts for the next government agencies few days government agencies and satellite images. Also in Norwegian.
  • Icelandic Meteorological Office - Includes information about forecasts, observations, climate, and geophysics. europe Also a government agencies short history of the service and europe its present organization. Available government agencies in Icelandic.
  • Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute - Current observations, local and global forecast maps, contacts and location. meteorology [English, Flemish, French, German]
  • Finnish Meteorological Institute - Current and forecast conditions including animated satellite images, with climate europe statistics and notes on research and customized services. Also available europe in Finnish and Swedish.
  • Danish Meteorological Institute - Text-based forecasts and notes on current research. More europe detail in Danish version.
  • Guernsey Airport Meteorological Observatory - Weather forecast and climate data, services provided, history, europe and links to marine and aviation sites.
  • Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics - English-language ZAMG resources. Most of the site is europe in German.
  • The Ben Nevis Observatory - This observatory, on Scotland\\'s highest mountain, opened in 1883 and meteorology provided invaluable meteorological data for 20 years on a continuous meteorology hourly basis.
  • Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - Offers records, publications, research and customized services in meteorology, hydrology government agencies and oceanography. Notes on the organization. Also available in Swedish.
  • Jersey Meteorological Department - Forecast for the Channel Islands, climate, services provided, meteorology earthquakes, and europe webcam in St. Helier.
  • National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - Bulgaria. Map, forecasts and organizational details.
  • Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - Features duties and current weather conditions.
  • Slovenia Hydrometeorological Institute - Offers forecasts for various purposes and access by europe telephone to government agencies the forecaster on duty. Contains observations europe of weather, surface waters government agencies and air quality. Also europe in Slovenian.
  • Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia - Provides forecasts for various users, information on research government agencies and current issues, and history and structure of government agencies the service. Also available in Russian.
  • Czech Hydrometeorological Institute - Information about atmospheric conditions with links to research meteorology projects and environmental agencies. Headings in English but meteorology detail of content is only in Czech.
  • Netherlands - KNMI - The Netherlands. Description of current research. Rest of site only available in the Dutch version.
  • United Kingdom Met Office - Forecasts and data for country and the world, government agencies weather warnings, UV index, maps, marine information and government agencies satellite imagery. Describes the commercial weather and environmental government agencies services offered.
  • Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service - Current and forecast conditions. More detail in Croatian meteorology version.
  • Hellenic National Meteorological Service - Includes climate, weather forecasts, and current conditions throughout europe Greece and government agencies the rest of Europe.

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