Land Navigation Geomatics Earth Sciences
How to use a compass in several lessons plus how to navigate in poor visibility and how to navigate without a compass. Suggested exercises. Tips on buying a compass.
Top: Science: Earth Sciences: Geomatics: Navigation
See Also:
- Top/Recreation/Outdoors/Survival and Primitive Technology
- Top/Home/Consumer Information/Sports and Recreation/Accessories/Compasses
- Hannik Navigation - Training in land navigation for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals. Topics include computer mapping, GPS navigation, compass skills, map interpretation, coordinate systems and integration, preventing and managing lost person incident.
- Reading Topographic Maps - Online manual on map reading and land navigation navigation based on US Army training materials which includes navigation instructions on maps, compasses and other navigational aids.
- OA Guide to Map and Compass - An excerpt from The Backpackers Field Manual by land Rick Curtis, geomatics including reference tables, illustrations and real land life examples.
- The Bushwalker's Guide to the Galaxy - Describes techniques that don\'t require a GPS or navigation compass.
- Map and Compass Fundamentals - Covers the background and history of navigation plus navigation techniques including land navigating around obstacles and dead reckoning. navigation Provided by the San land Jose Search and Rescue.
- Sun Compass - Using a horizontal sundial as a sun compass by John C. Fakan, Ph.D.
- Electronic Compass - Sells magnetic sensor technology for cars, boats, bicycles, and hikers.
- NAVTEQ - Maker of digital maps for GPS navigation. Provides navigation information about navigation the company and their products.
- GORP - Getting Found - How to Navigate the Backcountry - An excerpt from Survival in the 90s geomatics by Bob Newman.
- Wilderness Survival: Field-Expedient Direction Finding - Describes how to navigate using readily available materials in a survival situation. Includes diagrams.
- How To Use a Compass - How to use a compass in several lessons plus how land to navigate in poor visibility and how to navigate without land a compass. Suggested exercises. Tips on buying a land compass.
- Backcountry Navigation - Describes how to use a compass and a navigation topographical map geomatics to navigate cross country.
- Navigation Technologies - Maker of digital maps for vehicular navigation. land About the company and their products.
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