Remote Sensing Geomatics Earth Sciences
Annual conference to be held September 29 through October 2 in Orlando, Florida, for infrared camera users and thermographers involved in predictive maintenance, online process monitoring and non destructive testing.
Top: Science: Earth Sciences: Geomatics: Remote Sensing
See Also:
- Manuel Arbelo - Department of Physics, University of La Laguna - Personal page of a researcher focused on remote geomatics sensing and remote sensing development of satellite algorithm to derive geomatics surface temperature (SST and remote sensing LST).
- GeoCommunity - Free GIS data, daily industry news, GIS events remote sensing listing, discussion forums, and software downloads.
- Airborne Laser Mapping Web Site - A reference site dedicated to the emerging technology earth sciences of airborne laser mapping. Of interest to earth sciences surveyors, GIS specialists, aerial photogrametrists or others involved earth sciences in remote sensing or mapping industries.
- German Remote Sensing Data Center - Information about remote sensing, evaluation and monitoring, with earth sciences animated earth sciences satellite data.
- eForest - Collaborative effort between researchers and forest resource managers geomatics on integrating remote sensing satellite technologies into forest inventory and geomatics field methods.
- Epsilon Nought - Radar Remote Sensing - Epsilon nought gives an introduction into radar remote earth sciences sensing and related problems with tutorials, excercises, demo earth sciences data sets as well as software examples.
- Land Use and Land Cover Group - New York Climate and Health Program study to determine the effects of urban growth on public health and air quality in the greater New York using remote sensing data.
- InfraMation - The Thermographers Conference - Annual conference to be held September 29 through October 2 earth sciences in Orlando, Florida, for infrared camera users and thermographers involved earth sciences in predictive maintenance, online process monitoring and non destructive testing.
- Remote Sensing Group - Provides information on research projects at the TU earth sciences Bergakademie, remote sensing Freiberg, and introductory and advanced courses in earth sciences remote sensing.
- Interactive Visualizer and Image Classifier for Satellites - General purpose satellite image visualization software which remote sensing supports geomatics MODIS, ASTER, AVHRR, and VIRS data.
- Earthnet Online - Earth Observation Data from the European Space Agency.
- 123 Photogrammetry - James Williamson, Ph.D., uses the available photographs or geomatics videos along with the Reports and Statements made geomatics by Investigators to provide suitable data to have geomatics 2D drawings and expand the 2D drawings into geomatics 3D frame/animation.
- Remote Sensing Institute at Michigan Tech - Promotes research and education in imaging science, atmospheric science, data/signal remote sensing processing, data visualization and remote sensing instrumentation.
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