Data Centers Oceanography Earth Sciences
UK national facility for preserving and distributing oceanographic and marine data. Staff have direct experience of marine data collection and analysis to ensure that the biological, chemical, physical and geophysical data handled are documented and store
Top: Science: Earth Sciences: Oceanography: Data Centers
See Also:
- Top/Science/Earth Sciences/Oceanography/Data and Information Resources
- Top/Science/Earth Sciences/Data Centers
- Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) - Japanese National Oceanographic Data Center archiving and disseminating earth sciences marine earth sciences data obtained from various Japanese marine research earth sciences institutes and earth sciences organizations. View international project links and earth sciences use J-DOSS, a earth sciences system that aims to provide earth sciences users with the
- South African Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO) - Stores, retrieves and manipulates multi-disciplinary marine information from oceanography the areas around southern Africa. Hosted by oceanography the South African CSIR Stellenbosch and funded by oceanography a number of marine organisations in South Africa oceanography and Namibia.
- Physical Oceanography.Distributed Active Archive Centre (PO.DAAC) - The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory PO.DAAC is responsible data centers for archiving and distributing data relevant to the data centers physical state of the ocean. Browse sea surface data centers temperature, sea surface topography, and ocean vector winds data centers data acquired by NASA instruments.
- NOAA Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project - Real-time data from moored ocean buoys for improved earth sciences detection, earth sciences understanding, and prediction of El Niño and earth sciences La Niña.
- Systèmes d'Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer (SISMER) - The designated National Oceanographic Data Centre for France data centers (French earth sciences NODC). Find information on data collections, project data centers news and earth sciences contacts. Activities include the compilation, safeguarding data centers and dissemination of earth sciences conventional data collected during national
- Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HNODC) - The Greek national agency for processing, archiving and earth sciences distributing data centers marine data. HNODC develops techniques for oceanographic earth sciences data processing data centers and data base maintenance. Review European earth sciences marine projects, and data centers request and submit marine data.
- National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) - The United States NODC archives and provides public access to global oceanographic and coastal data, products, and information. Popular items include beach temperatures, coastal buoy data, global sea temperature and salinity, a photo collection and the oc
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) - Enhances marine research, exploitation and development by facilitating oceanography the exchange earth sciences of oceanographic data and information between oceanography participating Member States and earth sciences by meeting the needs oceanography of users for data and information earth sciences products. View oceanography brochures and posters,
- Australian Ocean Data Centre (AODC) - A whole-of-government approach to ocean data management to data centers develop a national multi-agency data management system for data centers the ocean data resources of the partner agencies. data centers Read about the forthcoming ocean portal and BlueNet data centers - the Australian marine science dat
- Korea Oceanographic Data Center (KODC) - Provides online access to oceanographic data series, coastal oceanography oceanographic data and sea surface temperature satellite images.
- Kenya National Oceanographic Data Centre (KeNODC) - Promotes research and management of Kenya\\'s coastal resources earth sciences by providing various types of support to policy earth sciences makers, resource managers, researchers, educational institutions, NGO\\'s and earth sciences private companies on matters of oceanographic data and earth sciences information. D
- National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) - Designs, develops, operates, and maintains a United States network of earth sciences data collecting buoys and coastal stations. Search recent and historical earth sciences data and observations.
- Swedish Oceanographic Data Centre (SODC) - Delivers real-time data of ocean currents, tides and oceanography waves and earth sciences daily ice charts for the Baltic oceanography area. Hosted by the earth sciences SMHI.
- Das Deutsche Ozeanographische Datenzentrum (DOD) - The German Oceanographic Data Centre serves as a focal point for the national and international exchange of oceanographic data. Provides access to the Marine Environmental Database (MUDAB), cruise schedules and data inventories. Marine data may be request
- National Oceanographic Data Committee (NODC) - The Netherlands platform for oceanographic data exchange and data centers advisory services on oceanographic data management. Provides data centers information on research projects, research ship schedules and data centers dataset meta-data.
- British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) - UK national facility for preserving and distributing oceanographic earth sciences and marine data. Staff have direct experience of earth sciences marine data collection and analysis to ensure that earth sciences the biological, chemical, physical and geophysical data handled earth sciences are documented and store
- National Ocean Service (NOS) - One of five NOAA Line Offices, NOS works oceanography to observe, understand, and manage the United States oceanography coastal and marine resources. Provides information on environmental oceanography monitoring, coastal monitoring and assessment, water quality, biodiversity, oceanography nautical charting
- ICES Oceanographic Database and Services - The International Council for the Exploration of the oceanography Sea\\'s oceanographic earth sciences data centre. ICES coordinates and promotes oceanography marine research in the earth sciences North Atlantic. Query the oceanography cruise summary report (ROSCOP) data base earth sciences and search oceanography and download CTD, underway and water b
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