Ethnography Cultural Anthropology Anthropology Social Sciences

The Silicon Valley Cultures Project is a ten year anthropological study of the identities and cultures of the people living and working in the Silicon Valley region.

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology


See Also:
  • Blackfoot - Profile of the Great Plains tribe of the ethnography United States ethnography and Canada.
  • Bradshaw Foundation: The Unambal - Excerpts from Andreas Lommel\\'s 1938 account of the Unambal people cultural anthropology of northwestern Australia, including pictures of Wandjina rock paintings.
  • Yakut - The Yakut people live in Siberia in the basin of the Middle Lena River and the Aldan and Vilyuy rivers.
  • Lapps - An analysis of an ethnolinguistic group inhabiting an area that ethnography extends from the Kola Peninsula in northwestern Russia over the ethnography northernmost part of Finland to the Arctic coast of Norway, ethnography and through Scandinavia.
  • Hausa - A ethnography on the Hausa people of Africa.
  • Twi (Ashanti) - A ethnographic report on a African chiefdom.
  • Maya Pages - Provides original cultural material on the Mayan Indians. anthropology Contains information of current struggles, menu of topics, anthropology and links.
  • Copper Eskimo - An ethography of a group of arctic foragers.
  • Cuna - An ethnolinguistic group located mainly in eastern Panama.
  • Kurd - An ethnolinguistic group inhabiting the mountainous crescent that extends cultural anthropology from the Euphrates River in northern Syria and Turkey to cultural anthropology Kermanshah in Iran.
  • Yanomamo Reader for HRAF - A ethnography that discusses variation in Yanomamö economic anthropology activities at ethnography cross-cultural, regional, and individual comparative levels.
  • Yanoamo - A tribal society living in Venezuela and Brazil ethnography that subsists off hunting and gathering and horticulture.
  • Lozi - Profile of interrelated ethnic groups located along the Zambezi ethnography River in Barotse Province of western Zambia.
  • Ganda - A ethnography on a group that lives on anthropology the shores of Lake Victoria.
  • Guarani - An ethnography of a culture in Paraguay whose subsistence was originally based on slash-and-burn agriculture.
  • Santal - An ethnography of one of the largest ethnic anthropology groups in India.
  • Wolof - A ethnography of a large ethnic group located cultural anthropology mainly ethnography in the western part of the former cultural anthropology French West ethnography African colony of Senegal.
  • Bororo - A ethnographic description of a group of Ge-language speakers, are found in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil.
  • Ethnographic Studies Internet Resource Page - A collection of ethnographic resources provided by the American Folklife ethnography Center, Library of Congress.
  • Ifugao - Ethnographic summary of a group of indigenous mountain ethnography peoples of cultural anthropology northern Luzon, in the Philippine Islands.
  • Maithil Brahmans: An Online Ethnography - Details from Carolyn Brown Heinz\\'s research in the ethnography Mithila region anthropology of North India.
  • Peoples and Cultures of the Kingdom of Biffeche - Describes Biffeche Fula (Peulh), Sereer (Ndut), Wolof, Moor, and European ethnography peoples and cultural practices in the small Kingdom of Biffeche ethnography on the Senegal River between Mauritania and Senegal. Features news ethnography and information for visitors.
  • Tzeltal - A ethnographic analysis of a Native American ethnic ethnography group concentrated anthropology in the central highlands of the ethnography State of Chiapas, Mexico.
  • Cagaba - A group of four Chibchan-speaking tribes located in ethnography the Sierra cultural anthropology Nevada de Santa Marta, a mountain ethnography massif in northern Colombia
  • Cultural Profiles Project - An archive of thumbnail sketch ethnographies that provide an overview anthropology of life and customs in the profiled country.
  • Tlingit - An ethnographic report on American Indian people living anthropology on the anthropology southeastern coast and islands of Alaska.
  • Klamath - The ethnography of a Native American ethnic group located in cultural anthropology southwestern Oregon.
  • Social Context and the Limits on Symbolic Meanings - A ethnographic report that discusses the symbolism of ethnography the Sixth anthropology Festival of Pacific Arts held in ethnography Rarotonga, The Cook Islands, anthropology during October 1992.
  • Qurna History Project - Features information on the culture and heritage of cultural anthropology the cultural anthropology village on the west bank at Luxor, cultural anthropology Egypt.
  • Andamans - Isolated group of foragers living on the Andaman anthropology Islands.
  • Azande - A report on the Azande pastoralists of Africa.
  • Tikopia - Ethnography of one of the British Solomon Islands anthropology whose culture cultural anthropology traditionally subsisted by fishing, collecting, and anthropology horticulture.
  • Tarahumara - A culture summary of a people who inhabit cultural anthropology the cultural anthropology Sierra Madre Mountains of the State of cultural anthropology Chihuahua in cultural anthropology Northwest Mexico.
  • Central Thai - Ethnographic report on the people of Central Thailand.
  • Social Organisation, Economy Development - A doctoral student\\'s ethnographic research in a Pakistani village, with anthropology weekly updates from the field.
  • The Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - Provides an ethnographic study by Patty Gray of ethnography the Chukotka. Contains map, facts, reindeer research, aid ethnography efforts, scientific research, and archive.
  • Truk - Ethnography and culture history of a formerly isolated population living anthropology on a atoll of the Central Caroline Islands in Micronesia anthropology is located in the Pacific Ocean
  • Chukchee - Ethnographic description of a people who live in ethnography the extreme ethnography northeastern reaches of Siberia, partly within ethnography the Arctic Circle.
  • Dogon - A report on the Dogon pastoral society of cultural anthropology Uganda.
  • Okavango Delta Peoples of Botswana - The Okavango Delta Peoples: their history and culture, ethnography and the challenges they face due to rapid ethnography economic development and social change.
  • Taiwan Hokkien - A cultural summary of the Hokkien-speaking peasant villagers ethnography of Taiwan.
  • Somali - A ethnography of this predominantly nomadic pastoralists ethnography living in the northern part of the Somali ethnography Democratic Republic in northeastern Africa.
  • Last Refuge: Waorani - A photo gallery of the Waorani, a horticultural anthropology society Amazonian cultural anthropology tribe found in Ecuador. Features short anthropology articles and references.
  • Bahia Brazilians - An ethnographic analysis of the inhabitants of the city of Bahia (Salvador), the capital of the state of Bahia in eastern Brazil.
  • Hopi - An ethnography of a tribe who live on anthropology a reservation cultural anthropology of nearly 4,000 square miles in anthropology northeastern Arizona.
  • List of Ethnic Units - A directory of links to thumbnail sketch ethnographies anthropology of West African cultures.
  • Masai - A ethnographic summary of the famous warrior pastoralists anthropology of East Africa.
  • West New Britain Web Page - Description of research conducted by Dorothy and David Counts in West New Britain between 1966 and 1985. Features reports and links to related sites.
  • Ona - A Native American ethnic group formerly occupying most of the ethnography large island of Tierra del Fuego.
  • The Songs of the Ancestors - A Comparative Study of Bashiic Folklore - Full-text version of the book by Deszo Benedek cultural anthropology of the culture of the Yami, a people cultural anthropology of Malayo-Polynesian stock living in Taiwan.
  • CSAC's Ethnographics Gallery - A directory of reports and cultural summaries from the University of Kent.
  • Pawnee - A ethnographic report on a Plains Indian ethnic group of cultural anthropology the Caddoan linguistic stock.
  • Mataco - An ethnographic report on a Native American ethnic anthropology group located anthropology in the western part of the anthropology Argentine-Bolivian Gran Chaco.
  • Amhara - A ethnographic report on the Amhara people of ethnography Africa.
  • Sinhalese - A ethnographic report on the dominant ethnic group of Sri Lanka (Ceylon).
  • Garo - Ethnography of a agricultural society that lives in cultural anthropology the ethnography Garo Hills in the state of Meghalaya cultural anthropology in northeastern ethnography India.
  • Toradja - A ethnographic analysis of a culture that inhabits the high cultural anthropology mountain ranges and interior valleys of Central Celebes Island of cultural anthropology Indonesia.
  • Serbs - An ethnography and culture history of the Serbian anthropology people.
  • Baka Pygmies - Culture and music of a people in the rain forests anthropology of Cameroon. Includes the fieldwork and the initiation in the anthropology forest of a young Italian ethnomusicologist.
  • Kapauku - Ethnography of a Papuan ethnic group located in ethnography the west-central part of the Central Highlands of ethnography Western New Guinea (now West Irian).
  • The Transforming Leader: A Meta-Ethnographic Analysis - The author describes a method to conduct an ethnography interpretive synthesis anthropology of qualitative research and other secondary ethnography sources as a counterpart anthropology to meta-analysis for quantitative ethnography research.
  • Silicon Valley Cultures Project - The Silicon Valley Cultures Project is a ten year anthropological study of the identities and cultures of the people living and working in the Silicon Valley region.
  • Libyan Bedouin - An ethnographic summary of the nomadic and partially sedentarized Bedouin ethnography living in the Libyan Desert.
  • Ojibwa - A cultural summary of an American Indian ethnolinguistic group centered about the upper Great Lakes in both Canada and the United States.
  • Lau - Ethnography of the people living in Lau or anthropology Eastern Archipelago cultural anthropology of the Fiji Islands.
  • Iroquois - An ethnography and ethnohistoric report on the North anthropology Eastern United anthropology States people.
  • Bemba - A short ethnography on the Bemba of Africa.
  • Peabody Museum-Lewis and Clark - Provides ethnography of Lewis and Clark, Native American cultural anthropology objects, ethnography and the American quest for commerce, and cultural anthropology science.
  • Pygmies - A ethnographic summary of several various groups of cultural anthropology hunter-gatherers of the Ituri Forest of West Africa.
  • Ethnography and Health Care - An article describing how ethnography can be used cultural anthropology to ethnography study the social aspects of health care cultural anthropology delivery.
  • Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative - Full-text ethnographic materials from Central Asia in PDF and MP3 cultural anthropology formats [English, Turkish]. Features description of the collection and links cultural anthropology to related sites.
  • Kanuri - A report on the dominant ethnic group anthropology of Bornu Province in northeastern Nigeria.
  • Korea - An ethnographic analysis of the earliest of the anthropology present-day nations ethnography of the world.
  • Trobriands - Ethnography of an island culture who traditionally subsisted anthropology off fishing cultural anthropology and horticulture.
  • Native Planet NGO - A resource for studying indigenous cultures, Eco-tourism, documentaries, and travel information. Contains volunteer information, aid projects, photos, and stories.
  • Tucano - An ethnography of a group of horticulturalists who cultural anthropology live ethnography in the northwestern Amazon region.
  • Tiv - A profile of a African ethnic group that cultural anthropology is anthropology primarily dependent on agriculture for subsistence.
  • Iban - Ethnography of a riverine group of rice anthropology cultivators inhabiting the interior hill country of anthropology Sarawak (Malaysia) and parts of Indonesian Borneo.
  • Center for the Ethnography of Everyday Life - Cultural anthropologists studying working families in the United anthropology States.
  • Aranda - Ethnography and culture history of one of the anthropology largest Aboriginal cultural anthropology groups in central Australia.
  • Bush Negroes - An ethnographic account of the descendants of Black cultural anthropology slaves anthropology brought as plantation laborers from Africa to cultural anthropology Surinam in anthropology northeastern South America.
  • Ethnographic Research - A description of the Ethnographic Method that includes ethnography a discussion of key concepts and a glossary ethnography of terms.
  • Aymara - An ethnographic description of a people located mainly cultural anthropology on the Bolivian and Peruvian altiplano, centering about cultural anthropology Lake Titicaca.
  • Khasi - A ethnographic report on a group that lives in northeastern anthropology India in the District of the United Khasi and Jaintia anthropology Hills.
  • Shluh - A profile of the Shluh who belong to anthropology the Masmuda anthropology branch of sedentary Berbers inhabiting the anthropology Grand-Atlas and Anti-Atlas Mountains.
  • Highland Scots - An ethnographic report on an isolated and culturally conservative people ethnography of the Western Highlands of Scotland.

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