Current Teachers Advaita Vedanta Religion and Spirituality

Brief biography in English with link back to the main (Dutch) pages containing full details of Satsang, Meditation, Reiki and Schedules.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Advaita Vedanta

Current Teachers

See Also:
  • Robert P. Meizer - A compilation of several hundred of his short comments on nondualist topics. (\\'Lineage\\' Nisargadatta Maharaj - Bob Adamson - John Wheeler - Bobby Meizer.)
  • Gangaji - There are on-line audio clips, videos, and extracts religion and spirituality from meetings, together with details of retreats and religion and spirituality intensives and books to be purchased. There is religion and spirituality also a listing of satsang video broadcasts on religion and spirituality cable TV around the US.
  • Adyashanti - Details of satsangs and retreats, extracts from teachings and books religion and spirituality for sale.
  • Vijai Shankar - There are a number of articles and details are provided of meetings, mainly in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Books, CDs and DVDs may be purchased.
  • Mooji - Disciple of Sri Poonja conducting satsangs in the advaita vedanta UK current teachers and Ireland. This site contains dialogues, a advaita vedanta brief biography, current teachers pictures and a schedule of satsangs advaita vedanta and retreats.
  • Philip Renard - Influenced by a number of teachers but principally in the religion and spirituality lineage of Atmananda Krishna Menon and Alexander Smit, he teaches religion and spirituality in the Netherlands (Bilthoven) but his site has a parallel religion and spirituality stream in English, where there are a number of articles, religion and spirituality including a ser
  • Dr. Narendra Tuli - Introductory and advanced Vedanta courses on the prasthAna traya with current teachers commentaries by Adi Shankaracharya. There are also details of his current teachers English translations of the Bhagavad Gita and Brahmasutra commentaries of current teachers Adi Shankaracharya and H.H. Swami Vidyananda
  • Neelam - Sri Poonja lineage. There are details of her advaita vedanta retreats, principally in California.
  • Dasarath - A disciple of Sri Poonja, Dasarath Davidson founded advaita vedanta the current teachers organization \\'WisdomWork\\' where he provides courses on advaita vedanta leadership skills, current teachers stress management etc. but satsangs in advaita vedanta the tradition of current teachers Papaji and Ramana Maharshi are advaita vedanta also arranged.
  • Pamela Wilson - disciple of Robert Adams, H W L Poonja advaita vedanta and Neelam. The site has biographical information, schedule advaita vedanta of satsangs and weekend retreats and tapes may advaita vedanta be purchased. A book of satsang extracts \\'On advaita vedanta Being a Mountain\' is due out in 2003.
  • Felipe Oliveira - a disciple of John Wheeler and Bob Adamson. current teachers There are numberous essays, which may be read current teachers on-line or downloaded as a PDF booklet. There current teachers is also a link to his poetry site.
  • Charlie Hayes - Correspondence, Audios, Essays, Books and Links from Charlie advaita vedanta Hayes, current teachers a former professional racing driver, who is advaita vedanta influenced by current teachers the Navnath sampradAya. Charlie offers frequent advaita vedanta meetings and personal current teachers consultations at his home in advaita vedanta Enid, Oklahoma.
  • The White Guru - Reported to be \\'one of the few remaining direct disciples religion and spirituality of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj\\', this teacher is based \\'somewhere in religion and spirituality the Kullu Valley\\'. There is an essay on \\'Meditation\\', quotes religion and spirituality from Nisargadatta, a \\'visitor report\\', some photos and a contact religion and spirituality form.
  • Jivanjili - One in None Sacha Center. Articles, dialogues, and advaita vedanta quotations, current teachers from this disciple of ShantiMayi, whose teaching advaita vedanta accords special current teachers significance to the Gayatri Mantra.
  • Stephen Wingate - Hosts talks (in Arlington, Massachusetts, USA) on nonduality advaita vedanta in religion and spirituality the tradition of Nisargadatta Maharaj, "Sailor" Bob advaita vedanta Adamson, and religion and spirituality John Wheeler. Provides essays, poems, and advaita vedanta dialogues. Correspondence and religion and spirituality dialogues are invited.
  • David Waldman - Teaching in the tradition of Ramana Maharshi, satsangs current teachers and religion and spirituality retreats are offered in Oregon, USA. Brief current teachers biographies and religion and spirituality excerpts from satsangs provided; CDs, tapes current teachers and videos may religion and spirituality be purchased.
  • John Sherman - The River Ganga Foundation supports the work of John Sherman to develop and teach the self-inquiry method of Ramana Maharshi.
  • Francis Lucille - A disciple of Jean Klein and a spiritual religion and spirituality teacher of advaita. This web site contains details religion and spirituality of his retreats, and extracts from dialogues and religion and spirituality tapes, videos and CDs which may be purchased.
  • Joan Tollifson - Teacher and writer in traditions of Advaita and religion and spirituality religion and spirituality Zen. Information about her books, details of meetings, religion and spirituality religion and spirituality an essay and list of recommended books.
  • Timothy Schoorel - A disciple of Osho, later influenced by Alexander religion and spirituality current teachers Smit, he gives satsangs principally in the Netherlands. religion and spirituality current teachers The website contains the complete electronic transcript of religion and spirituality current teachers his book 'The 7 Principles of Freedom'.
  • Sheilan - \\'The Infinite Living Teaching\\'. Influenced by Ramana Maharshi,Ramesh advaita vedanta Balsekar and Wayne Liquorman, Sheilan teaches in the advaita vedanta Seattle Washington area. The site contains some of advaita vedanta her own articles and selected quotations from other advaita vedanta sources.
  • Mokshananda - A disciple of Gurumayi and Adyashanti, he teaches, current teachers together advaita vedanta with Marlies Cocheret at Free Water Sangha current teachers in Santa advaita vedanta Cruz CA.
  • Umi - Umi Foundation - Events calendar; questions and answers advaita vedanta on a variety of topics; books and CDs.
  • Floyd Henderson - arranges retreats one-on-one, for couples or for groups. Telephone sessions current teachers also available. Retreats are based in Texas.
  • Nathan Spoon - Nathan\\'s background includes other traditions such as tantra, religion and spirituality Kashmir Shaivism and Kundalini yoga but he now religion and spirituality teaches Advaita at the Ganapati-Advaita Ashram in Charlotte, religion and spirituality NC. His web log addresses such topics as religion and spirituality practice and self-enquiry.
  • Roger Linden - Teaches in London and Southern England. Includes a religion and spirituality current teachers short essay, a biography and a diary of religion and spirituality current teachers meetings.
  • Jean-Pierre Gomez - A disciple of \\'Sailor\\' Bob Adamson, giving talks in Sedona, Arizona. There are lots of dialogues at his website, including a free e-book.
  • Wolfgang Bernard - Platonic dialogue style e-mail teaching based on the principles of nonduality common to Advaita Vedanta, Zen, and Sufism.
  • Andrew Cohen - The official site, containing details of his teaching and of advaita vedanta the magazine \\'What is Enlightenment\\'; schedules of retreats etc., articles, advaita vedanta audio and video clips.
  • Karl Renz - Interview and autobiography; details of schedule; paintings and photographs.
  • Metta Zetty - Awakening Into Awareness - Non-dual thoughts and letters current teachers on religion and spirituality a vast range of topics, together with current teachers mailing lists, religion and spirituality and tapes, and details of forthcoming current teachers events.
  • Éric Baret - Influenced by Jean Klein and Kashmir Shaivism. Gives current teachers talks current teachers in Europe and Canada. Site contains details current teachers of these current teachers together with extracts from dialogues.
  • Sundance Burke - Spirituality, Advaita Vedanta, current teacher and author of \\'Free Spirit: current teachers A Guide to Enlightened Being\\' provides free videos, articles on current teachers Advaita and enlightenment, details of Advaita satsang events and free current teachers newsletters.
  • Madhukar - Disciple of Sri Poonja. Site contains schedule of advaita vedanta retreats around the world, letters, meeting excerpts, articles advaita vedanta and interviews (some in German).
  • Katie Davis - Spirituality, Advaita Vedanta, current teacher and author of current teachers \\'Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment\\' provides free current teachers videos, published articles on Advaita and enlightenment, details current teachers of Advaita satsang events and free newsletters.
  • Jon Bernie - Details of satsangs, meditation retreats and extracts from current teachers the teachings of this student of Adyashanti. Based current teachers in San Francisco.
  • Isaac Shapiro - A student of Sri Poonja, the site contains biographical information, pictures, interview, letters, poems, audio clips, book extracts and links. There is a schedule of satsangs and retreats throughout the US, Australia and Europe.
  • Ramesh Balsekar - Purchase CDs and DVDs of his daily talks.
  • Richard Sylvester - Influenced by Tony Parsons and now teaching in religion and spirituality religion and spirituality the UK. Includes an edited transcript of an religion and spirituality religion and spirituality interview and extracts from his forthcoming book "I religion and spirituality religion and spirituality Hope You Die Soon - Words About Non-duality religion and spirituality religion and spirituality And Liberation" which will be published by Non-duality religion and spirituality religion and spirituality Pre
  • Aja - Aja Thomas, aka Aja Acharya, founded the Atma current teachers Institute in Portland, Oregon, where he teaches traditional current teachers Advaita along with Sanskrit; author of the book: current teachers \\'In This Moment! - Teachings on the Nature current teachers of Consciousness\\'. The site offers some of his current teachers writings,
  • Annette Nibley - a disciple of John Wheeler and Stephen Wingate. advaita vedanta There is a large number of essays and advaita vedanta dialogues on a wide range of topics. Regular advaita vedanta meetings are held in Mill Valley, California and advaita vedanta there are details of these and other, special advaita vedanta events.
  • V.V.Brahmam - Advaita teacher, founder and president of the Bhagavan advaita vedanta Sri current teachers Ramana Maharshi Ashram, Tadpatri, Andhra Pradesh, India. advaita vedanta Site features current teachers many hours of audio and video advaita vedanta recordings of satsang current teachers and several texts.
  • Chuck Hillig - A consulting marriage and family therapist in California current teachers and author of several acclaimed books on enlightenement. current teachers He is also a professional speaker and may current teachers be booked for a number of presentations, that current teachers can be scheduled for 30 mins or 1/2 current teachers day duration.
  • Ramesh Balsekar and Wayne Liquorman - The Advaita Fellowship - main entry in Advaita category.
  • Stuart Schwartz - A disciple of Robert Adams, Stuart gives satsang religion and spirituality current teachers in New York and Boston as well as religion and spirituality current teachers personal sessions. The site contains details of these, religion and spirituality current teachers an interview, notes and endorsements. CDs of satsangs religion and spirituality current teachers may be purchased.
  • John Wheeler - Talks on non-duality in the tradition of Nisargadatta current teachers Maharaj religion and spirituality and Bob Adamson. Based at Santa Cruz, current teachers California.
  • Tony Parsons - There are extracts from his books and meetings, current teachers including several in audio. Also, details of talks current teachers (around the UK and in Amsterdam, Munich and current teachers Paris) and retreats in Wales.
  • Premananda - Writings, short stories, interview and poetry of Premananda, current teachers aka John David, influenced by Sri Poonja, Ramana current teachers Maharshi and Osho. Also edited talks (Real Player) current teachers and schedule of satsangs.
  • John Greven - Guided by Bob Adamson and John Wheeler, he religion and spirituality religion and spirituality is the author of \\'Oneness\\' and \\'Living in religion and spirituality religion and spirituality Silence\\'. There are a number of essays, extracts religion and spirituality religion and spirituality from the new book and endorsements, an audio religion and spirituality religion and spirituality file of talks and (pending) details of forthcoming religion and spirituality religion and spirituality talks (he is based in Eni
  • Jeff Foster - Life Without A Centre - writings, dialogues, meeting current teachers dates, religion and spirituality book information, quotations from other writers.
  • Norman Scrimshaw - A disciple of Adyashanti (whose influences are Zen advaita vedanta as current teachers well as Advaita), based in Campton, New advaita vedanta Hampshire. There current teachers are details of satsangs and retreats, advaita vedanta audio and video current teachers clips and a little written advaita vedanta material.
  • Lynda Cole - Nondual therapy, group satsang, retreats based on teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Ramana Maharshi, Adyashanti; in Vancouver, North America, Europe; provides individual sessions in person or by phone.
  • Catherine Ingram - Details of retreats, extracts from dialogues (including several current teachers RealAudio advaita vedanta files), and tapes and CDs to buy.
  • Burt Harding - The Awareness Foundation - A teacher of Advaita Vedanta in the lineage current teachers of Ramana Maharshi, based on direct experience of current teachers awakening. He reminds people of what they already current teachers know in their hearts. Biography, book, tapes, schedule.
  • OM C. Parkin - A disciple of Gangaji,OM contributes regular articles to religion and spirituality current teachers the twice-yearly \\'Advaita Journal\\' (only in German at religion and spirituality current teachers present) and has retreats in Europe. The Java-powered religion and spirituality current teachers site includes a number of interviews, articles and religion and spirituality current teachers responses to questions.
  • Swami Virajeshwara - Scientist\\'s search for Truth. Information about this teacher religion and spirituality and his gurus; several essays; details about the religion and spirituality Hamsa Ashram and events; publications and photo gallery.
  • Scott Kiloby - teaches in New Harmony and Evansville, Indiana. In religion and spirituality addition to details of his meetings and retreats, religion and spirituality there are many essays, quotations and videos (which religion and spirituality can be viewed free of charge). He also religion and spirituality holds frequent, free meetings via Skype.
  • Nathan Gill - Nathan is a teacher of Neo-Advaita in London. religion and spirituality advaita vedanta Brief biography and details of forthcoming meetings. The religion and spirituality advaita vedanta full text of his booklet \\'Clarity\\', explaining his religion and spirituality advaita vedanta enlightenment (non-)experience may be downloaded.
  • Peter & Pearl Sumner - Counselling and spiritual teaching at Fremantle, Perth, Australia, advaita vedanta based advaita vedanta upon Eckhart Tolle\\'s \\'The Power of Now\\'. advaita vedanta Fees apply advaita vedanta for all aspects. Free daily quotes advaita vedanta from enlightened teachers advaita vedanta available by email.
  • Randall Friend - A disciple of "Sailor" Bob Adamson, Randall is now holding current teachers talks on Non-duality in \\'Second Life\\', the on-line 3D virtual current teachers world - This web log contains details of the current teachers meetings together with many essays on various topics in
  • 'Sailor' Bob Adamson - Details of meetings (in Melbourne, Australia). His book current teachers and CDs may be purchased and there are current teachers reviews, extracts and transcripts from meetings and emails. current teachers \'Sailor\' Bob is a disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj.
  • Bodhi Avasa - Lives in Wales in the UK but holds religion and spirituality satsangs in Europe, US and Canada. Details of religion and spirituality these together with essays, poems and letters. Videos religion and spirituality and CD-ROMs may also be purchased.
  • Florian Tathagata - A disciple of Isaac Shapiro. Includes a schedule current teachers of advaita vedanta satsangs; retreats in Germany, India and Mallorca; current teachers details of advaita vedanta books and CDs. Also downloads of current teachers mp3 files, video advaita vedanta and articles. Note that many current teachers of these are in advaita vedanta German.
  • Halina Pytlasinska - Schedule of meetings; essays and interviews with other current teachers neo-Advaitin religion and spirituality teachers.
  • Greg Goode - Greg is a Doctor of Western philosophy as current teachers well religion and spirituality as a self-realised teacher of Advaita and current teachers Buddhism and religion and spirituality is equally at home with all current teachers approaches. He is religion and spirituality a qualified Philosophical Counsellor in current teachers New York, where he religion and spirituality also holds satsangs.
  • Unmani - Liza Hyde - Neo-Advaita teacher based in London, UK; site contains religion and spirituality brief extracts from her book, details of meetings religion and spirituality and retreats and a few links.
  • Nirmala - Satsang schedule (US and Canada). Free e-books of religion and spirituality current teachers satsang transcripts and non-dual poetry. This student of religion and spirituality current teachers Neelam and Adyashanti points to the Heart, the religion and spirituality current teachers truest source of wisdom.
  • Marlies Cocheret - A disciple of Osho and Adyashanti, she teaches, advaita vedanta together current teachers with Mokshananda at Free Water Sangha in advaita vedanta Santa Cruz current teachers CA.
  • Surya - Brief biography in English with link back to the main (Dutch) pages containing full details of Satsang, Meditation, Reiki and Schedules.
  • Arjuna - The Living Essence Foundation - details of schedules; religion and spirituality current teachers transcripts of dialogues; books and tapes.
  • Rupert Spira - a student of Francis Lucille, the website is entitled \\'Contemplating religion and spirituality the Nature of Experience\\' and provides details of meetings in religion and spirituality Shropshire and London. A number of talks (meditations) may be religion and spirituality downloaded or purchased on CD.
  • James Braha - A disciple of Bob Adamson and author of advaita vedanta a advaita vedanta book - "Living Reality" - on his advaita vedanta experience of advaita vedanta 5 weeks spent with Bob discussing advaita vedanta non-duality. James teaches advaita vedanta near Sarasota in Florida.
  • Brian Qara - Disciple of Gangaji, in the lineage of Ramana current teachers Maharshi religion and spirituality and influenced by Osho. Satsang schedule, meeting current teachers excerpts, audio religion and spirituality clips, writings, and letters of awakening.

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