Diamond Sutra Sutras Teachings Zen

"Like a meteor, like darkness, as a flickering lamp, An illusion, like hoar-frost or a bubble, Like clouds, a flash of lightning, or a dream: So is all conditioned existence to be seen."

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Lineages: Zen: Teachings: Sutras

Diamond Sutra

  • The Diamond Sutra - Abridged - A greatly abridged version by George Boeree, Ph.D., diamond sutra that removes the heavily repetitive aspects of the diamond sutra original, which came from the oral tradition.
  • The Diamond Sutra - Translated by A. F. Price and Wong Mou-Lam.
  • Diamond Sutra - Published by the DaeJang Gyong Research Institute of diamond sutra Haein-sa Monastery, Korea.

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