Sutras Teachings Buddhism Religion and Spirituality

A collection of 423 verses containing the Buddha's essential teachings on some 305 occasions for the benefit of a wide range of human beings.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Teachings


  • Dhammapada - Full English translations of the Dhammapada.
  • Maha-Parinibbana Sutta - Sutra on the Last Days of the Buddha. sutras This sutra gives a good summary of sutras the Buddha's Teachings.
  • Samaññaphala Sutta - The Fruits of the Contemplative Life Sutra. buddhism This discourse buddhism is one of the masterpieces of buddhism the Pali Canon.
  • Lotus of the True Dharma - A sacred text of Mahayana Buddhism on the buddhism subject of the true nature of the Buddha.
  • Sabbasava Sutta - Sutra on All the Fermentations (thoughts that arise sutras in mind).
  • Anapanasati Sutta - Sutra on mindfulness of breathing.
  • Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta - Setting Rolling the Wheel of Truth.
  • Anapanasati Sutra - Discourse on the mindfulness of breathing
  • Sammaditthi Sutta - The Discourse on Right View
  • Sunakkhatta Sutta - The discourse to Sunakkhatta on craving.
  • Dhammapada - The Path Of Dhamma - The Dhammapada consists of 423 verses in Pali uttered by sutras the Buddha on some 305 occasions for the benefit of sutras a wide range of human beings.
  • The Gospel of Buddha - A 19th century compilation from a variety of teachings Buddhist texts by Paul Carus. It is modelled teachings on the New Testament. It was very teachings widely read, and was even recommended by Ceylonese teachings Buddhist leaders as a teaching tool for Buddhist teachings children.
  • Ananda Sutta - To Ananda (on Mindfulness of Breathing).
  • Dighavu-kumara Vatthu - The Story of Prince Dighavu. Translated from the teachings Pali by buddhism Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
  • Buddha's Sermons and Teachings - A version of Buddha\\'s first sermon and a sutras discussion of buddhism the nature of Nirvana.
  • Cula-Suññata Sutta - The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness.
  • Cula-Kammavibhanga Sutta - Buddhist text on how Action differentiates beings in terms of baseness and excellence.
  • Householder Sutta Page - Provides links of various Suttas on the internet.
  • Cunda Kammaraputta Sutta - Buddha\\'s teaching about ways in which one is made impure by verbal or mental actions.
  • Culasunnata Sutta - On Voidness (sunyata) - the quintessence of Buddhism.
  • Readings in Theravada Buddhism - Over 700 translated discourses by the Buddha.
  • Buddha's First Sermon - A reconstruction of Buddha\\'s first sermon. Composed at teachings least several teachings centuries after Siddhartha Gautama\\'s death, contains teachings the essence of what teachings the Buddha taught his teachings earliest disciples.
  • Sigalovada Sutta - The Discourse to Sigala -- The Layperson\'s Code of Discipline.
  • Kayagata-sati Sutta - Sutra on Mindfulness immersing in the body.
  • Maha-Cattarisaka Sutta - "The Great Forty" - a discourse on Right View.
  • Quotes from the Masters - A collection of quotes from various sutras. Indexed by author.
  • Shurangama Sutra - Text, commentaries and articles on content of the buddhism sutra and its historical background.
  • Dhammapada [Gutenberg] - A collection of verses; being one of the teachings canonical books of the Buddhists.
  • Maha-Satipatthana Sutta - The Great Frames of Reference Sutra.
  • Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra - Transalation presented in the form of a seemingly teachings mythic dialogue buddhism between the Buddha and Kishitigarbha. Includes teachings historical introduction, the text buddhism and a glossary.
  • Cula-Vedalla Sutta - The Shorter Set of Questions-and-Answers.
  • Metta Sutra - The Buddha's Words on Kindness (Metta Sutta)
  • The Lotus Sutra - Also known as the "White Lotus of the True Dharma" or "Saddharma-Pundarika Sutta". Translated by Burton Watson.
  • Maha-Nidana Sutta - The Great Causes Discourse.
  • Bhumija Sutta - The discourse to Bhumija.
  • Rathakara Sutta (Pacetana Sutta) - The Chariot Maker - Buddha\\'s parable about the straightness of wheels as corresponding to teachings the straightness of practice.
  • The Dhammapada - A collection of 423 verses containing the Buddha\\'s essential teachings on some 305 occasions for the benefit of a wide range of human beings.
  • Cula-Malunkyovada Sutta - The Shorter Instructions to Malunkya regarding the cosmos.
  • Kaccayanagotta Sutta - The sutra on right view.
  • Sallekha Sutta - The Discourse on Effacement.
  • The Anattalakkhana Sutta - A document from the Pali canon of Buddhist sutras scriptures in sutras which Buddha speaks on not-self characteristic.
  • Bhikkuni Samyutta Suttas - 10 suttas about Mara, the personification of doubt sutras and evil, sutras trying in vain to lure the sutras bhikkhunis (nuns) away from sutras their meditation spots in sutras the forest by asking them provocative sutras questions.
  • Reflections On The Three Fold Lotus Sutra - Paper by John R.A. Mayer. Presents reflections on teachings how this sutras text is applicable to issues in teachings contemporary Western philosophy. sutras Contrasts Nichiren and Tendai teachings traditions with Zen.
  • Siha Sutta - To General Siha (On Generosity). Anguttara Nikaya V.34.
  • Samyutta Nikaya - The third division of the Sutta Pitaka, contains teachings 2,889 suttas buddhism grouped into five sections (vaggas).
  • Buddhist Texts - A small collection of various Buddhist teachings and teachings sutras.
  • Upajjhatthana Sutta - Subjects for Contemplation.
  • Satipatthana Sutra - Discourse on The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.
  • Anattalakkhana Sutta - The Sermon on the Not-Self Characteristic.
  • Hiri Sutta - A sutra from the Sutta Nipata, discussing definition sutras of friendship.
  • Lankavatara Sutra - Excerpts from the Lankavatara Sutra.
  • The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law - This is the complete text in English as sutras translated by teachings H. Kern in 1884.
  • Adittapariyaya Sutta - The Fire Sermon.

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