King James Version Only Debate Textual Studies References and Tools Bible

Defends the Byzantine Text, while distancing it from the Textus Receptus, as more reliable than modern, eclectic critical editions of the New Testament.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Bible: References and Tools: Textual Studies

King James Version Only Debate

See Also:
  • Should Creationists Abandon the King James Version? - Henry Morris\' essay defending the KJV and advocating its use.
  • When the Bible Becomes an Idol - Argues problems with the "King James Version Only" references and tools view.
  • The King James Only Movement - Includes several articles and dialogues. This website is king james version king james version only debate only debate by the author James White.
  • An Understandable History of the Bible - Online book traces the history of the Authorized Version and textual studies compares it to modern translations. Written by Samuel C. textual studies Gipp; published by Chick Publications.
  • AV1611 King James Bible Page - Advocates inerrancy of the King James Version, argues king james version textual studies only debate that modern versions and the Critical Text have king textual studies james version only debate serious corruptions. Articles, verse comparisons, and FAQs.
  • KJV - Articles, resources, and topical studies defending and teaching king james version textual studies only debate from the King James Version.
  • The KJV-Only Issue - Various articles on the subject; "Questions for KJV-only supporters;" argues king james version only debate against the KJV-Only position.
  • Chick Publications: Bible Versions Information Center - FAQs and articles and tracts promoting the KJV.
  • Another King James Bible Believer - Articles by Will Kinney supporting the KJV.
  • Is Your Modern Translation Corrupt? - Article by James R. White, responding to charges references and tools king james version only debate from KJV-Only advocates.
  • Glossary of Biblical English - Definitions of terms and phrases used in the references and tools textual studies KJV, with citations.
  • Thy Word is Truth - Articles on the Bible version issue and other topics.
  • King James Bible Controversy - Many articles and annotated links promoting the KJV.
  • Bible Versions Discussion Board - Forum for discussing pro- and con- KJV positions.
  • New Age Bible Versions - Verse comparison excerpts from the book New Age Bible Versions.
  • Baptist 1611 - Forum and chat about the KJV and related topics.
  • The English Bible - Lecture given in 1859, published in 1863, by a prominent professor on the linguistic suitability of the authorized version of 1611. Recommends against updating it and opposes English re-translation.
  • Dial the Truth Ministries - Many articles and online tracts promoting the KJV textual studies and arguing against the use of modern versions.
  • Floyd Nolen Jones - Original downloadable books, Bible study tapes in MP3 references and tools king james version only debate format, and chronological charts that advocate the King references and tools king james version only debate James Version.
  • The King James Version Defended - Online text of the book by Edward F. Hills.
  • The Case for Byzantine Priority - Defends the Byzantine Text, while distancing it from the Textus textual studies Receptus, as more reliable than modern, eclectic critical editions of textual studies the New Testament.
  • Dispensational King James Bible - Argues that the King James Version is the references and tools inerrant word of God, from a Mid-Acts dispensational references and tools position.
  • The Majority Text Society - News, articles and links advocating use of the majority text textual studies of the Greek New Testament; membership information.
  • Why I Do Not Think the King James Bible Is the Best Translation Available Today - Article by Daniel B. Wallace, detailing problems with king james version references and tools only debate the Greek text from which the King James king references and tools james version only debate Version was translated.
  • - Extensive resources promoting the perfection and authority of the KJV. references and tools Also includes material relating to other doctrines.
  • The King James Only Resource Center - Argues "King James Onlyism" is a "falsehood."
  • Bible Issues - From Learn the King James Bible. Articles references and tools addressing various aspects of the KJV debate from references and tools a pro-KJV position.

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