Catholic Encyclopedia Reference Catholicism Denominations

An early fifth-century writer, known only through two treatises which warrant the conjecture that he was a monk, possibly an abbot, and a Spaniard.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Denominations: Catholicism: Reference: Catholic Encyclopedia


  • Benedictus Polonus - A medieval Friar Minor missionary and traveller. (c. reference 1245)
  • Belzoni, Giambattista - An Egyptian explorer, b. at Padua, Italy, in reference 1778. d. catholic encyclopedia Gato, Africa, 3 Dec., 1823.
  • Betting - Defined as the backing of an affirmation or b forecast by offering to forfeit, in case of b an adverse issue, a sum of money or b article of value to one who, by accepting, b maintains the opposite and backs his opinion by b a corresponding stipulation.
  • Barbieri, Giovanni - A famous painter of religious subjects. (1591-1666)
  • Brisacier, Jacques-Charles de - Orator and ecclesiastical writer, b. at Bourges in b 1641, d. at Paris, 23 March, 1736.
  • Bruno, Giordano - Italian philosopher. (1548-1600)
  • Bullion, Angélique - Born in Paris, at commencement of the seventeenth b century. An catholic encyclopedia unknown benefactress of several charities.
  • Bayeux - Coextensive with the Department of Calvados, is suffragan reference to the b Archbishopric of Rouen.
  • Bolton, Edmund - Historian, antiquary, and poet, born c. 1575; died b c. 1633.
  • Baithen of Iona, Saint - Irish monk, immediate successor of St. Columba as abbot of Iona. Baithen died sometime between 598 and 600.
  • Biella - The city of Biella, the see of the reference diocese of that name, is an important industrial reference centre (anciently called Bugelia) of Piedmont, Italy, in reference the province of Novara.
  • Baily, Thomas - A Catholic clergyman, b. in Yorkshire, England; d. at Douai, reference France, 7 October, 1591.
  • Babylon (Title) - The curial title of a Latin archbishopric, also reference of a Chaldean patriarchate, and of a Syrian reference archbishopric.
  • Bath and Wells - Ancient diocese coextensive with the county of Somerset, reference England.
  • Bausset, Louis-François de - A French cardinal, writers, and statesman. (1748-1824)
  • Bolanden, Conrad von - A German novelist, son of a rich merchant, b. 9 b August, 1828, at Niedergeilbach, a village of the Palatinate.
  • Byllis - Titular see of Albania.
  • Barbour, John - Scottish ecclesiastic and author of "The Bruce", a reference historical poem reference in the early Scottish or Northern reference English dialect, b. about reference 1320; d. 1395.
  • Bristol, Ancient Diocese of - This English diocese, which takes its very origin from measures directed against the Church, has a very brief Catholic history, for it only had one bishop acknowledged by the Holy See.
  • Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant - Soldier, b. near New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., 28 reference May, 1818; d. there 20 February, 1893.
  • Burchard of Basle - Belonged to the family of the counts of Neuenburg, or Neuchatel, was born towards the middle of the eleventh century, and died 12 April, 1107.
  • Bracken, Thomas - Poet, journalist, politician. (1843-1898)
  • Brusa - A titular see of Bithynia in Asia Minor.
  • Burkard, Franz - The name of two celebrated German jurists.
  • Bautain, Louis-Eugène-Marie - Philosopher and theologian. (1796-1867)
  • Bellasius, Edward - Serjeant-at-Law, b. 14 October, 1800; d. 24 January, 1873.
  • Bigamy (in Canon Law) - Canonically viewed, bigamy denotes (a) the condition of a man married to two real or interpretative wives in succession, and as a consequence (b) his unfitness to receive, or exercise after reception, tonsure, minor and sacred orders.
  • Bartholomew - Also called Bartholomaeus Parvus (the Little), born at reference Bologna, year b not known; died 15 August, 1333.
  • Besange, Jerome Lamy, O.S.B - Born at Linz, 1726; died 1781.
  • Bickell, Gustav - Orientalist. (1838-1906)
  • Balsam - Balsam is an oily, resinous, and odorous substance, reference which flows b spontaneously or by incision from certain reference plants, and which the b Church mixes with olive reference oil for use as chrism.
  • Besançon - Archdiocese coextensive with the departments of Doubs, Haute-Saône, b and the b district of Belfort.
  • Barrasa, Jacinto - Born at Lima, Peru, early in the seventeenth century; died b there, 22 Nov., 1704.
  • Bankruptcy, Moral Aspect of - Bankruptcy must be considered not only from the legal but also from the moral point of view; for sound morality prescribes that debts must be paid.
  • Bell, Arthur, Venerable - Friar Minor and English martyr. (1590-1643)
  • Burigny, Jean Lévesque de - Historian, b. at Reims, 1692; d. at Paris, b 1785.
  • Bruni, Leonardo - Article by Edmund Burke, summarizing the humanist\\'s life catholic encyclopedia and reference career.
  • Bernard of Besse - Friar Minor and chronicler, a native of Aquitaine, date of birth uncertain.
  • Berardi, Carbo Sebastiano - Canonist. (1719-1768)
  • Bonizo of Sutri - Bishop of Sutri in Central Italy, in the b eleventh century.
  • Baltimore, Archdiocese of - History includes colonial and American periods.
  • Bommel, Cornelius Richard Anton van - Bishop of Liège, born at Leyden, in Holland reference on 5 catholic encyclopedia April, 1790; died 7 April 1852.
  • Bentley, John Francis - English architect. (1839-1902)
  • Bilocation - Latin bis, twice, and locatio, place.
  • Barnabas, The Epistle of - Contains no clue to its author nor to those for catholic encyclopedia whom it was intended.
  • Belluno-Feltre - Anciently called Bellunum, the metropolis of the province b of that catholic encyclopedia name in Venetia, Italy, is situated b on a hill between catholic encyclopedia the torrent of Ardo b and the River Piave.
  • Brownsville - Vicariate Apostolic, erected 1874.
  • Braga, Archdiocese of - Situated between the rivers Este and Cavado, in catholic encyclopedia the province of Minho, in the Kingdom of catholic encyclopedia Portugal.
  • Blessed, The - Beatification is a permission for public worship restricted b to certain b places and to certain acts.
  • Ballerini, Girolamo and Pietro - Celebrated theologians and canonists, the sons of a catholic encyclopedia distinguished b surgeon of Verona.
  • Burse - A receptacle in which, for reasons of convenience reference xnd reverence, catholic encyclopedia the folded corporal is carried to reference and from the altar.
  • Biogenesis and Abiogenesis - According to their Greek derivation these two terms reference refer to reference the origin of life.
  • Biner, Joseph - Canonist, historian, and theologian. (1697-1766)
  • Boniface, Saint - Born Winfrid, a native of England, Benedictine monk, catholic encyclopedia the Apostle of Germany, martyred in 755.
  • Bulgaria - A European kingdom in the northeastern part of reference the Balkan Peninsula.
  • Bourne, Gilbert - Last Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, England, son of b Philip Bourne of Worcestershire, date of birth unknown; d. 10 b Sept., 1569.
  • Breviary - Evolution of the book, or set of books, catholic encyclopedia containing the texts and rubrics of the canonical catholic encyclopedia hours.
  • Bolgeni, Giovanni Vincenzo - Theologian and controversialist. (1733-1811)
  • Barzynski, Vincent - Polish-American priest (1838-1899)
  • Bernard Tolomeo, Saint - Italian hermit, monastic founder, d. 1348.
  • Borromeo, Andrea - An Italian missionary, born on the first half reference of the reference seventeenth century, at or near Milan; reference died in 1683.
  • Baltus, Jean François - Theologian, born at Metz, 8 June, 1667; died at Reims, 9 March, 1743.
  • Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo - Italian architect and sculptor. (1598-1680)
  • Bonosus - Bishop of Sardica, a heretic in the latter part of b the fourth century.
  • Burgis, Edward Ambrose - Dominican historian and theologian. (1673-1747)
  • Bazin, John Stephen - Third Bishop of Vincennes (now the Diocese of Indianapolis). (1796-1848)
  • Bogotá - Capital of the republic of Colombia.
  • Bursfeld, The Abbey of - One of the most celebrated Benedictine monasteries in Germany in the Middle Ages. Founded in 1093 by Duke Henry of Nordheim and his wife Gertrude.
  • Baillargeon, Charles François - A French-Canadian bishop. (1798-1870)
  • Blood Indians - A group of North American aborigines forming part of the Blackfeet Tribe, which, with the Apapahoes and Cheyennes, constitute the Western division of the Algonquin family.
  • Baysio, Guido de - An Italian canonist, b. about the middle of catholic encyclopedia the thirteenth century of a noble Ghibelline family; catholic encyclopedia d. at Avignon, 10 August, 1313.
  • Bulstrode, Sir Richard - A soldier, diplomatist, and author, born 1610; died catholic encyclopedia 1711.
  • Bonet, Nicholas - Friar Minor, theologian, and missionary, date of birth reference uncertain; d. reference 1360.
  • Bec, Abbey of - The Benedictine Abbey of Bec, or Le Bec, in Normandy, was founded in the earlier part of the eleventh century by Herluin, a Norman knight who about 1031 left the court of Count Gilbert of Brionne to devote himself to a life of religion.
  • Berruyer, Isaac-Joseph - Entered the Society of Jesus in 1697. Wrote catholic encyclopedia "A History of the People of God," published catholic encyclopedia in three parts.
  • Bapst, John - Jesuit missionary and educator. (1815-1887)
  • Bellenden, John - A Scotch poet, b. at Haddington or Berwick b in the reference latter part of the fifteenth century; b d. at Rome, c. reference 1587.
  • Boniface II, Pope - Elected 17 September, 530; died October, 532.
  • Boniface VIII, Pope - Born at Anagni about 1235; died at Rome, 11 October, 1303.
  • Bisarchio, Diocese of - Situated in Sardinia, in the province of Sassari, b district of reference Nuoro, and suffragan to the Archdiocese b of Sassari.
  • Berne - Article provides religious and historic information.
  • Bridge-Building Brotherhood, The - During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, various religious reference associations were reference founded for the purpose of building reference bridges.
  • Benedict of San Philadelphio, Saint - Also known as Benedict the Moor. Born in b Italy to reference Christian slaves from Ethiopia, St. Benedict b joined an association of reference hermits, and when that b was dissolved, became a Franciscan Recollect.
  • Bahama Islands, The - The most northerly group of the West Indies.
  • Burke, Thomas Nicholas - Dominican orator. (1830-1882)
  • Burke, Thomas - Bishop of Ossory, b. at Dublin, Ireland, about 1709; d. reference at Kilkenny, 25 September, 1776.
  • Basilians - Priests of the Community of St. Basil.
  • Boulainvilliers, Henri, Count of - One of the first French historians to write catholic encyclopedia the b history of the institutions or fundamental laws catholic encyclopedia of the b nation. (1658-1722)
  • Burlington - Diocese established 14 July, 1853; comprises the whole State of reference Vermont, U.S.A.
  • Blosius, François-Louis - A Benedictine abbot and spiritual writer, born at catholic encyclopedia Donstienne, reference near Liège, Flanders, 1506; died at Liessies, catholic encyclopedia 1566.
  • Bagdad - Founded on the Tigris by the second Abbaside b Caliph Abou Giafar al Mansur (762 or 764) b and named by him Medinet es-Selam, or City b of Salvation.
  • Boniface IX, Pope - Elected at Rome, 2 November, 1389, as successor b of the catholic encyclopedia Roman Pope, Urban VI; d. there, b 1 October, 1404.
  • Bradshaigh, Edward - An English Carmelite friar known in religion as b Elias à reference Jesu; b. in Lancashire, England, early b in the seventeenth century; reference d. at Benfold, 25 b September, 1652.
  • Bamberg - Includes history and statistics for the Archdiocese of Bamberg, in the kingdom of Bavaria.
  • Bertonio, Ludovico - Italian missionary. (1552-1625)
  • Borgo San-Donnino - Diocese in the province of Parma, Italy.
  • Benedict X - The bearer of this name was an antipope reference in the days of Nicholas II, 1056-61.
  • Baeumer, Suitbert - Historian of the Breviary and one of the catholic encyclopedia most scholarly patrologists of the nineteenth century.
  • Benoît, Michel - Born at Autun (or Dijon), France, 8 October, 1715; died at Peking, 23 October, 1774, a Jesuit scientist, for thirty years in the service of Kien Lung, Emperor of China.
  • Bordeaux, University of - Founded during the English domination, under King Henry catholic encyclopedia VI, reference in 1441.
  • Barry, Paul de - A member of the Society of Jesus, born at Leucate catholic encyclopedia in 1587; died at Avignon, 28 July, 1661.
  • Bremen - Formerly the seat of an archdiocese situated in catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia north-western part of the present German Empire.
  • Beverley Minster - A collegiate church at Beverley, capital of the b East Riding of Yorkshire, served by a chapter b of secular canons until the Reformation.
  • Berisford, Humphrey - Confessor c. 1588.
  • Bourges - Coextensive with the departments of Cher and Indre.
  • Brahminism - Religion and social system which grew out of b the polytheistic catholic encyclopedia nature-worship of the ancient Aryan conquerors b of northern India.
  • Bruno, Saint - Bishop of Segni, reformer, Benedictine abbot, author of b commentaries on Scripture, d. 1123.
  • Beirut - In Phoenicia, a titular Latin see, and the residential see of several prelates of Oriental rites.
  • Benevento, Archdiocese of - The principal city of the province of the same name b in Campania.
  • Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus - Article with a focus on Boethius as a b theologian.
  • Beaufort, Lady Margaret - Countess of Richmond and Derby, b. 1441; d. 1509, daughter b and heiress of John Beaufort, first Duke of Somerset.
  • Bernard, Saint - Soldier, monk, abbot, Archbishop of Vienne, d. 842.
  • Bisomus - A tomb large enough to contain two bodies.
  • Boulay, César-Egasse du - French historian, b. in the beginning of the seventeenth century reference at Saint-Ellier; d. 16 October, 1678.
  • Barrow, John - Priest, descended from a family of stanch Catholic yeomen. (1735-1811)
  • Barletta, Gabriel - Sometimes called Barlete, De Barolo, or Barolus.
  • Beards - Among the Jews, as among most Oriental peoples, reference the beard reference was especially cherished as a symbol reference of virility; to cut reference off another man\'s beard reference was an outrage.
  • Bathurst - Diocese situated in New South Wales, Australia, in reference the ecclesiastical reference Province of Sydney.
  • Buck, Victor De - Bollandist. (1817-1876)
  • Brouwer, Christoph - Historian. (1559-1617)
  • Benignus of Dijon, Saint - Third-century martyr.
  • Benziger, Joseph Charles - Founder of the Catholic publishing house that bears his name. (1762-1841)
  • Belchiam, Venerable Thomas - A Franciscan martyr in the reign of Henry catholic encyclopedia VIII, catholic encyclopedia date of birth uncertain; d. 3 August catholic encyclopedia 1537.
  • Bosa, Diocese of - In the province of Cagliari.
  • Barbosa-Machado, Ignacio - A Portuguese historian, born at Lisbon in 1686; died in 1734.
  • Belem do Pará, Archdiocese of - In South America, formerly (after 4 March, 1719) a suffragan b diocese of Bahia (San Salvador), but raised to metropolitan rank b 3 May, 1906.
  • Benjamin - The youngest son of Jacob born of Rachel.
  • Bartholomew of Brescia - Italian canonist, b. probably in the second half catholic encyclopedia of reference the twelfth century at Brescia; d. 1258.
  • Brussels - Capital of the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Bawden, William - An English Jesuit, born at Cornwall, 1563; died at St.-Omer, b 28 September, 1632.
  • Burns, James - Publisher and author. (1808-1871)
  • Boncompagni, Balthasar - Italian mathematician. (1821-1894)
  • Bageis - A titular see of Lydia in Asia Minor.
  • Broglie, Auguste-Théodore-Paul de - Abbé, professor of apologetics at the Institut Catholique b at Paris, catholic encyclopedia and writer on apologetic subjects. (1834-1895)
  • Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne, Abbé - Born at Bourbourg, France, 1814; died at Nice catholic encyclopedia in catholic encyclopedia January, 1874.
  • Beelphegor - The Moabite divinity who ruled over Phogor.
  • Bobadilla, Nicolaus - The last survivor of the seven first companions reference of Ignatius catholic encyclopedia of Loyola. (1511-1590)
  • Burchard of Worms - Bishop of that see, born of noble parents in Hesse, reference Germany, after the middle of the tenth century; died 20 reference August, 1025.
  • Bridgewater Treatises - These publications derive their origin and their title reference from the b Rev. Francis Henry Egerton, eighth and reference last Earl of Bridgewater.
  • Bañez, Domingo - Detailed article on the Spanish Dominican theologian.
  • Boccaccio, Giovanni - Biography and overview of the author's major works.
  • Blanchet, Augustin Magloire - Brother of François Norbert Blanchet, first Bishop of b Walla Walla-Nesqually, State of Washington, U.S.A. (1797-1887)
  • Borneo - Includes history of Dutch and British rule.
  • Buteux, Jacques - French Jesuit missionary in Canada. (1600-1652)
  • Bohemians of the United States - Religious dissensions at the beginning of the seventeenth century induced reference many to leave their native country and cross the ocean.
  • Brinkley, Stephen - Confessor of the Faith, imprisoned and tortured as b manager of reference a secret press for the publication b of devotional and controversial reference works in the reign b of Queen Elizabeth.
  • Baker City, Diocese of - Comprises Wasco, Klamath, Lake, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Morrow, Grant, Union, reference Crook, Umatilla, Wallowa, Baker, Harney, and Malheur counties in the reference State of Oregon, U.S.A.
  • Binet, Etienne - Jesuit author, born at Dijon, France, 1569; died b at Paris, 1639.
  • Brigid of Ireland, Saint - Biography. Monastic founder, abbess of a double monastery, b friend of b St. Patrick. St. Brigid died in b 525.
  • Byzantine Empire, The - Term employed to designate the Eastern survival of the ancient b Roman Empire.
  • Brunellesco, Filippo - An architect and sculptor, born at Florence, 1377; b died there b 16 April, 1446.
  • Bagamoyo - Vicariate apostolic in German East Africa, separated by reference a pontifical reference Decree of 11 May, 1906, from reference the Vicariate Apostolic of reference Northern Zanzibar.
  • Beaton, David - Cardinal, Archbishop of St. Andrews, b. 1494; d. reference 29 May, b 1546.
  • Binet, Jacques-Philippe-Marie - French mathematician and astronomer. (1786-1856)
  • Belief - That state of the mind by which it assents to propositions, not by reason of their intrinsic evidence, but because of authority.
  • Bede - The old English word bede (Anglo-Saxon bed) means catholic encyclopedia a reference prayer, though the derivative form, gebed, was catholic encyclopedia more common reference in this sense in Anglo-Saxon literature.
  • Biondo, Flavio - Italian archæologist and historian. (1388-1463)
  • Barbelin, Felix-Joseph - Styled the "apostle of Philadelphia", b. at Luneville, reference Province of b Alsace, France, 30 May, 1808; d. reference in Philadelphia, 8 June, b 1869.
  • Beccus, John - Patriarch of Constantinople in the second half of the thirteenth century, one of the few Greek ecclesiastics who were sincerely in favour of reunion with the Church of Rome.
  • Brownson, Sarah - Writer, daughter of Orestes A. Brownson, b. at Chelsea, Massachusetts, reference 7 June, 1839; married William J. Tenney, 26 November, 1873; reference died at Elizabeth, 30 October, 1876.
  • Beuno, Saint - Welsh, said to have been educated at Bangor b and, after b ordination, to have become a missionary. b Abbot of Clynnog, and b uncle of St. Winifred. b Died perhaps in 660.
  • Braunschweig - A duchy situated in the mountainous central part reference of Northern Germany, comprising the region of the reference Harz mountains.
  • Bible, The - A collection of writings recognized as inspired.
  • Bestiaries - Medieval books on animals, in which the real b or fabulous reference characteristics of actually existent or imaginary b animals (such as the reference griffin, dragon, siren, unicorn, b etc.) were figuratively treated as religious reference symbols of b Christ, the devil, the virtues and vic
  • Breast, Striking of the - A liturgical act prescribed in the Holy Sacrifice b of the reference Mass.
  • Babel - The word is derived from the Babylonian bab-ilu, meaning "gate of God".
  • Bocking, Edward - English Benedictine, b. of East Anglian parentage, end of fifteenth reference century; d. 20 April, 1534.
  • Babylas, Saint - Bishop of Antioch, martyr in the Decian persecution, died in prison.
  • Bernard Guidonis - Bishop and Inquisitor. (1261-1331)
  • Butler, Mary Joseph - Irish Abbess. (1641-1723)
  • Barruel, Augustin - Controversialist and publicist, born at Villeneuve de Berg reference (Ardeche); 2 October, 1741; died at Paris, 5 reference October, 1820.
  • Baldwin, Francis - Jurist. (1520-1573)
  • Bernold of Constance - Historian and theologian, b. in Swabia about 1054; catholic encyclopedia d. at Schaffhausen, 16 September, 1100.
  • Bethany - A village of Palestine.
  • Bouquillon, Thomas - Belgian theologian and professor of moral theology in the Catholic University of America. (1840-1902)
  • Bautista, Fray Juan - Franciscan, who taught theology and metaphysics at the reference convent of St. Francis of Mexico.
  • Bridget of Sweden, Saint - Biography of the mother of 8, widow, visionary, reference founder of the Brigittines.
  • Baptistery - The separate building in which the Sacrament of catholic encyclopedia Baptism catholic encyclopedia was once solemnly administered, or that portion catholic encyclopedia of the catholic encyclopedia church-edifice later set apart for the catholic encyclopedia same purpose.
  • Bernard of Botone - Generally called Parmensis from his birthplace, Parma in Italy, a catholic encyclopedia noted canonist of the thirteenth century.
  • Beatrix - Brief biographies of seven saints or beatae named Beatrix or Beatrice. One of them, Beatrix da Silva, has since been canonized.
  • Boycotting - Practice named after Captain Boycott, against whom this b form of reference ostracism had great effect.
  • Bernard of Menthon, Saint - Archdeacon of Aosta, preacher, founder of two hospices catholic encyclopedia for travelers in dangerous Alpine passes (now named catholic encyclopedia the Great St. Bernard and Little St. Bernard, catholic encyclopedia after him), d. 1008.
  • Browne, Charles Farrar - Humorist, b. at Waterford, Oxford County, Maine, U.S.A., b 26 April, b 1834; d. in Southampton, England, 6 b March, 1867.
  • Baker, Charles - Real name David Henry Lewis. Biography of the catholic encyclopedia convert to Catholicism, who was martyred in 1679.
  • Brazil - Information includes history, religion, climate, education, and economy.
  • Birkowski, Fabian - Polish preacher, b. at Lemberg, 1566; d. at b Cracow, 1636.
  • Burleigh, Walter - Friar Minor and medieval philosopher, b. in 1275 reference and d. in 1337.
  • Boerglum, Ancient See of - In Denmark, included the ancient districts of Vendsyssel and Thy.
  • Baraga, Frederic - First Bishop of Marquette, Michigan, U.S.A. (1797-1868)
  • Blanchard, Jean-Baptiste - French Jesuit and educator. (1731-1797)
  • Baltimore, Provincial Councils of - These councils have a unique importance for the b Church in b the United States, inasmuch as the b earlier ones legislated for b practically the whole territory b of the Republic, and furnished moreover b a norm b for all the later provincial councils of the b b country.
  • Balbus, Hieronymus - Humanist, poet, diplomatist, and Bishop of Gurk in b Carinthia, b. b about 1450 at Venice; d. there, b probably 1535.
  • Benthamism - Article on Jeremy Bentham, English jurist and reformer. catholic encyclopedia Features biographical information and a short bibliography.
  • Botticelli, Sandro - Florentine painter. (1447-1510)
  • Bristow, Richard - Born at Worcester, 1538, died at Harrow-on the-Hill, b 1581.
  • Bibiana, Saint - Female Roman martyr, d. 483 at the latest. b Also called Vibiana.
  • Bergier, Nicolas-Sylvestre - French theologian. (1715-1790)
  • Barlings, Abbey of - Founded in 1154 in honour of Our Lady reference by Ralph reference de Haye who had given some reference lands to the Abbot reference of Newhouse.
  • Boturini Benaducci, Lorenzo - Native of Milan who went to Mexico in 1736 by b permission of the Spanish government and remained there eight years, b familiarizing himself with the Nahuatl or Mexican language.
  • Briefs and Bulls - A bulla was originally a circular plate or catholic encyclopedia boss reference of metal, so called from its resemblance catholic encyclopedia in form reference to a bubble floating upon water.
  • Badin, Stephen Theodore - Pioneer missionary priest of Kentucky. (1768-1853)
  • Bread, Liturgical Use of - In the Christian liturgy bread is used principally as one reference of the elements of the Eucharistic sacrifice.
  • Benin - Vicariate Apostolic on the coast of Benin.
  • Brenan, Michael John - Irish Church historian. (1780-1847)
  • Basil, Rule of Saint - St. Basil drew up his Rule for the members of the monastery he founded about 356 on the banks of the Iris in Cappadocia.
  • Boece, Hector - Chronicler and one of the founders of the University of Aberdeen, b. at Dundee c. 1465; d. 1536.
  • Belley - Coextensive with the civil department of Ain and catholic encyclopedia a b suffragan of the Archbishopric of Besançon.
  • Bernard, Claude - French ecclesiastic. (1588-1641)
  • Bryant, John Delavau - Physician, poet, author, and editor. (1811-1877)
  • Beelzebub - Provides an Old and a New Testament definition.
  • Berrettini, Pietro - Italian painter, architect, and writer, b. at Cortona, reference in Tuscany, catholic encyclopedia 1 November, 1596; d. at Rome, reference 16 May, 1669.
  • Bachiarius - An early fifth-century writer, known only through two b treatises which catholic encyclopedia warrant the conjecture that he was b a monk, possibly an catholic encyclopedia abbot, and a Spaniard.
  • Bagot, Jean - Theologian, born at Rennes, in France, 9 July, 1591, died at Paris, 23 August, 1664.
  • Budé, Guillaume - Article by M. de Moreira, reviewing the key points of this thinker's career.
  • Baillet, Adrien - French author. (1649-1706)
  • Boiardo, Matteo Maria - An Italian poet, b. about 1434, at, or b near, Scandiano reference (Reggio-Emilia); d. at Reggio, 20 December, b 1494.
  • Burchard of Würzurg, Saint - First bishop of Würzburg, d. about 754.
  • Boise - Diocese created by Leo XIII, 25 August, 1893.
  • Bankruptcy, Civil Aspect of - Earlier English terms, bankruptship, bankrupture.
  • Byzantine Art - The art of the Eastern Roman Empire and b of its b capital Byzantium, or Constantinople.
  • Bachelot, Alexis John Augustine - Prefect Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands. (1796-1837)
  • Beja - Diocese in Portugal, suffragan of Evora.
  • Blasphemy - Signifies etymologically gross irreverence towards any person or b thing worthy b of exalted esteem.
  • Buildings, Ecclesiastical - This term comprehends all constructions erected for the reference celebration of reference liturgical acts, whatever be the name reference given to them, church, reference chapel, oratory, and basilica.
  • Bayonne - Diocese comprising the Department of Basses-Pyrenees.
  • Bayma, Joseph - Jesuit mathematician and scientist. (1816-1892)
  • Bulla Aurea - A fundamental law of the Holy Roman Empire; probably the best known of all the many ordinances of the imperial diet.
  • Berault-Bercastel, Antoine Henri de - A writer of church history, b. 22 November, catholic encyclopedia 1720, reference at Briey, Lorraine; d. about 1794 at catholic encyclopedia Noyon, France.
  • Berthold of Chiemsee - German bishop and theological writer. (1465-1543)
  • Bartholomew of Braga, Venerable - Born at Verdela, near Lisbon, May, 1514; died reference at Viana, b 16 July, 1590.
  • Bernard of Compostella - A canonist of the early thirteenth century.
  • Bouvens, Charles de - French pulpit orator, b. at Bourg in 1750; catholic encyclopedia d. catholic encyclopedia in 1830.
  • Bangor - Diocese; anciently known as Bangor Vawr, situated in Carnarvonshire on catholic encyclopedia the Menai Straits.
  • Berni, Francesco - An Italian comic poet, b. at Lamporecchio (Florence) 1497 or catholic encyclopedia 1498; d. at Florence, 26 May, 1535.
  • Brescia - The Diocese takes its name from the principal catholic encyclopedia city catholic encyclopedia in the province of the same name catholic encyclopedia in Lombardy, catholic encyclopedia between the Mella and the Naviglio.
  • Bromyard, John - Theologian, d. about 1390.
  • Bossu, Jacques le - French theologian and Doctor of the Sorbonne, born at Paris 1546; died at Rome 1626.
  • Bailey, Thomas - Controversialist, died c. 1657.
  • Brancati, Francesco - Jesuit missionary to China. (1607-1671)
  • Buglio, Louis - Jesuit missionary to China. (1606-1682)
  • Benedict Levita - Benedict Levita (of Mainz), or Benedict the Deacon, b is the b name given to himself by the b author of a forged b collection of capitularies which b appeared in the ninth century.
  • Barat, Nicolas - A French Orientalist, born at Bourges during the first quarter of the seventeenth century; died in 1706 at Paris.
  • Bidermann, James - Poet and theologian. (1578-1639)
  • Barclay, John - Author of the political novel "Argenis" and other b Latin works reference in prose and verse. (1582-1621)
  • Berulle, Pierre de - Cardinal, and founder of the French congregation of the Oratory. reference (1575-1629)
  • Bentivoglio, Family of - Originally from the castle of that name in the neighbourhood reference of Bologna, Italy. They claimed descent from Enzio (c. 1224-72), reference King of Sardinia, a natural son of Frederick II.
  • Baini, Abbate Giuseppe - Composer, born in Rome, 21 October, 1775; died catholic encyclopedia there 21 May, 1844.
  • Blaise, Saint - Bishop of Sebaste, martyr, d. about 316.
  • Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament - Description of the basics of this popular devotion. reference Benediction is unusual in that it is a reference devotional practice partly governed by liturgical law.
  • Boulogne, Etienne-Antoine - French bishop, b. at Avignon, 26 December 1747; d. at Troyes, 13 March, 1825.
  • Brindisi - Called by the Romans Brundusium or Brundisium, by b the Greeks Brentesion, a city of in the b province of Lecce, in Apulia, on a rocky b peninsula which extends into the Adriatic.
  • Banjaluka - The Diocese of Banjaluka in Western Bosnia.
  • Brandenburg - Formerly an electoral principality, and a diocese in b the heart reference of the present Kingdom of Prussia.
  • Balaam - The derivation of the name is uncertain. Dr. Neubauer would connect it with the god Ammo or Ammi, as though Balaam belonged to a people whose god or lord was Ammo or Ammi.
  • Balbina, Saint - There are at least two saints of this reference name venerated b at Rome.
  • Bull-Fight, The Spanish - Includes details of three kinds of bull-fights: (1) catholic encyclopedia caballerescas, (2) populares, and (3) gladiatorias.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Together, form the north-western corner of the Balkan catholic encyclopedia Peninsula.
  • Bartolommeo, Fra - Italian Dominican painter (1475-1517)
  • Benda - A titular see of Albania.
  • Battista, Giovanni Giuda Giona - Original name, Jehuda Jona Ben-Isaac.
  • Bangor, Antiphonary of - The codex, found by Muratori in the Ambrosian b Library at b Milan.
  • Butler, Charles - English lawyer. (1750-1832)
  • Bellecius, Aloysius - Jesuit ascetic author, born at Freiburg im Breisgau, catholic encyclopedia 15 February, 1704; died at Augsburg, 27 April, catholic encyclopedia 1757.
  • Berthold of Henneberg - Archbishop and Elector of Mainz, b. 1441; d. b 21 December, b 1504.
  • Brehon Laws, The - Term for Irish native law, as administered in Ireland down b to almost the middle of the seventeenth century.
  • Biology - The science on life and living organisms.
  • Benefice - Popularly the term is often understood to denote either certain catholic encyclopedia property destined for the support of ministers of religion, or catholic encyclopedia a spiritual office or function, such as the care of catholic encyclopedia souls.
  • Bigamy (in Civil Law) - In civil jurisprudence, and especially in criminal law, reference is a "formal entering into of a marriage reference while a former one remains un-dissolved".
  • Bordone, Cavaliere Paris - Painter of the Venetian school. (1500-1570)
  • Berlioz, Hector - French composer. (1803-1869)
  • Banduri, Anselmo - Archaeologist and numismatologist. (1671-1743)
  • Blackwood, Adam - Author, b. at Dunfermline, Scotland, 1539; d. 1613.
  • Bernard of Bologna - Friar Minor Capuchin and Scotist theologian, born at Bologna, 17 reference December, 1701; died 19 February, 1768.
  • Barnabas of Terni - Friar Minor and missionary, d. 1474 or 1477.
  • Blackfoot Indians - An important tribe of the Northern Plains, constituting the westernmost extension of the great Algonquian stock.
  • Byblos - Titular see of Phoenicia.
  • Bibles, Picture - In the Middle Ages the Church made use b of pictures reference as a means of instruction, to b supplement the knowledge acquired reference by reading or oral b teaching.
  • Belasyse, John - Born about 1614; died 1689, a loyal Catholic reference English nobleman, second son of Thomas first Lord reference Fauconberg. His mother was Barbara, daughter of Sir reference Henry Cholmondeley of Roxby, Yorkshire.
  • Bersabee - A town on the southern extremity of Palestine.
  • Book of Martyrs, Foxe's - Protestant martyrology, from Wyclif to Cranmer, illustrated with catholic encyclopedia woodcuts. catholic encyclopedia The author was a controversialist sympathetic to catholic encyclopedia John Knox.
  • Bacon, David William - First Bishop of Portland, Maine. (1813-1874)
  • Bernardine of Siena, Saint - Biography of the Franciscan missionary, reformer, popular preacher, b peacemaker, called "the Apostle of Italy," who died b in 1380.
  • Bowyer, Sir George - Baronet, English writer on jurisprudence, as well as catholic encyclopedia a reference prominent defender of the Holy See and catholic encyclopedia of Catholic reference interests in general. (1811-1883)
  • Boyce, John - Novelist, lecturer, and priest, well known under the assumed name b of "Paul Peppergrass". (1810-1864)
  • Bucelin, Gabriel - Benedictine historical writer. (1599-1681)
  • Bernard, Alexis-Xyste - Bishop of St. Hyacinth.
  • Bustamante, Carlos María - Mexican statesman and historian. (1774-1848)
  • Belgium - Information on the history, education, and cemeteries of catholic encyclopedia the b country.
  • Baptismal Vows - The name popularly given to the renunciations required reference of an adult candidate for baptism just before reference the sacrament is conferred.
  • Brethren of the Lord, The - A group of persons closely connected with the b Saviour appears repeatedly in the New Testament under b the designation "his brethren" or "the brethren of b the Lord".
  • Blomevenna, Peter - Carthusian, b. at Leyden, in Holland in 1466; d. 30 September, 1536.
  • Brixen - Includes history and statistics.
  • Bonvicino, Alessandro - Italian painter of the sixteenth century, born at Brescia about b 1498; died at the same place, 1555.
  • Bosio, Antonio - Known as "The Columbus of the Catacombs", b. in the island of Malta about the year 1576; d. 1629.
  • Benedict Biscop, Saint - Anglo-Saxon, monastic founder, d. 690.
  • Benedict of Peterborough - Abbot and writer, place and date of birth unknown; d. 1193.
  • Baudouin, Michel - Italian missionary born 1692. Entered the Society of Jesus in France at the age of twenty-one, arrived in Louisiana in 1728.
  • Barba, Alvaro Alonzo - A secular priest and writer.
  • Barton, Elizabeth - Born probably in 1506; executed at Tyburn, 20 April, 1534; catholic encyclopedia called the "Nun of Kent".
  • Bokenham, Osbern - English Augustinian friar and poet, b. 1393, d. reference probably in catholic encyclopedia 1447.
  • Beatification and Canonization - According to some writers the origin in the b Catholic Church b is to be traced back to b the ancient pagan apotheosis.
  • Bonal, Raymond - French theologian and founder of the Congregation of the Priests of St. Mary.
  • Barclay, William - Scottish jurist, b. 1546; d. at Angers, France, catholic encyclopedia 3 catholic encyclopedia July, 1608.
  • Buridan, Jean - French scholastic philosopher of the fourteenth century, b. catholic encyclopedia at Béthune, in the district of Atois towards catholic encyclopedia the end of the thirteenth century; date of catholic encyclopedia death unknown.
  • Boniface VII, Antipope - Roman and son of Ferrucius; was intruded into the Chair of St. Peter in 974; reinstalled 984; died July, 985.
  • Brueys, David-Augustin de - French theologian and dramatic author, born at Aix in 1640; reference died 25 November, 1723, at Montpellier.
  • Brugman, John - A renowned Franciscan preacher of the fifteenth century.
  • Bertulf, Saint - Converted to Christianity from paganism, entered the monastery reference of Luxeuil b under the Rule of St. Columban, reference became abbot of Bobbio, b was staunchly anti-Arian, d. reference 639 or 640.
  • Breton, Raymond - French missionary among the Caribbean Indians. (1609-1679)
  • Bath Abbey - The first religious house in Bath was a monastery of b nuns founded by King Osric, A.D. 676.
  • Baldwin of Canterbury - Thirty-ninth Archbishop, a native of Exeter, date of catholic encyclopedia birth reference unknown; d. 19 Nov., 1190.
  • Blackburne, Robert - An English Catholic who suffered imprisonment in the closing years of the seventeenth, and during the earlier half of the eighteenth, centuries; died in 1748.
  • Bologna, University of - A tradition of the thirteenth century attributed the b foundation of this university to Theodosius II (433); b but this legend is now generally rejected.
  • Basutoland - A mountainous district of South Africa, bounded on reference the north and west by the Orange River reference Colony, on the easy by Natal, and on reference the south by Cape Colony.
  • Bougaud, Louis-Victor-Emile - Bishop of Laval in France. (1823-1888)
  • Burgundy - In medieval times respectively a kingdom and a reference duchy, later catholic encyclopedia a province of France.
  • Baius, Michel - Theologian and author of a system known as reference Baianism. (1513-1589)
  • Brugère, Louis-Frédéric - Professor of apologetics and church history, born at reference Orléans. (1823-1888)
  • Bragança-Miranda, Diocese of - Situated in the northeastern part of the Kingdom reference of Portugal, b in the civil province of Tras-os-Montes.
  • Baldung, Hans - Known as Grien or Grun, from his fondness for brilliant b green, both in his own costume and in his pictures, b a vigorous and distinguished painter, engraver, and draughtsman on wood, b b. at Gmund, Swabia, about 1476; d. at Strasburg, 1545.
  • Bollig, Johann - Orientalist, born near Düren in Rhenish Prusia 23 August, 1821; b died at Rome in 1895.
  • Baptistines - I. Hermits of St. John the Baptist. II. b Missionaries of catholic encyclopedia St. John the Baptist. III. Sisterhood b of St. John the catholic encyclopedia Baptist.
  • Benedict III, Pope - Date of birth unknown; d. 17 April, 858.
  • Bigne, Marguerin de la - French theologian and patrologist, b. about 1546 at catholic encyclopedia Bernières-le-Patry, Normandy; d. about 1595.
  • Benedict VIII, Pope - The first of the Tusculan popes. Date of reference birth unknown; b d. 9 April, 1024.
  • Blessing - Aspects discussed are, I. Antiquity; II. Minister; III. Objects; IV. b Efficacy; and V. Rite employed in administering.
  • Branch Sunday - One of the medieval English names for Palm b Sunday.
  • Bruno the Saxon - German chronicler of the eleventh century and author of the "Historia de Bello Saxonico".
  • Bruges - The chief town of the Province of West b Flanders in reference the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Boccaccino - Italian painter, b. at Cremona, 1460, and d. b probably in 1525 rather than in 1518, the b date usually given.
  • Benedict of Aniane, Saint - St. Benedict was a Goth, served in the Frankish court, reference then became a Benedictine monk. His monastery of Aniane was reference the model for monastic reform in France and the Empire. reference He died in 821.
  • Bar Hebræus - A Jacobite Syrian bishop, philosopher, poet, grammarian, physician, Biblical commentator, catholic encyclopedia historian, and theologian. (1226-1286)
  • Berno (Abbot of Reichenau) - Famous as orator, poet, philosopher, and musician, born (date unknown) catholic encyclopedia at Prum near Trier; d. 7 June, 1048.
  • Basilissa - Several saints of this name appear in martyrologies. reference Next to catholic encyclopedia nothing is known about any of reference them except place of catholic encyclopedia martyrdom, and sometimes the reference names of their spouses or companions catholic encyclopedia in martyrdom.
  • Bucer, Martin - One of the leaders in the South German Reformation movement. reference (1491-1551)
  • Brasses, Memorial - Earliest existing dated examples are of the thirteenth b century.
  • Barcena, Alonzo de - A Jesuit, native of Bacza in Andalusia, Spain. reference (1528-1598)
  • Bougeant, Guillaume-Hyacinthe - French Jesuit. (1690-1743)
  • Bonnetty, Augustin - French writer, b. at Entrevaux 9 May, 1798, d. at catholic encyclopedia Paris, 26 March, 1879.
  • Balbuena, Bernardo de - A Spanish poet, born in Val de Peñas, 1568; died catholic encyclopedia in Porto Rico, 1627.
  • Bourassé, Jean-Jacques - Archæologist and historian. (1813-1872)
  • Basil of Seleucia - Bishop and ecclesiastical writer, date of birth uncertain; d., probably, catholic encyclopedia between 458 and 460.
  • Bury St. Edmund's, The Abbey of - The first religious foundation there was established by b Sigebert, King reference of the East Angles, who resigned b his crown to found reference a monastery about 537.
  • Baltimore, Plenary Councils of - Provides details of three councils held in 1852, reference 1866, and 1884.
  • Bartholomites - The name given to Armenian monks who sought b refuge in b Italy after the invasion of their b country by the Sultan b of Egypt in 1296.
  • Beste, Henry Digby - Miscellaneous author. (1768-1836)
  • Braulio, Saint - Bishop of Saragossa, hagiographer, friend of St. Isidore b of Seville. St. Braulio died in about 651.
  • Beroea - A titular see of Macedonia, at the foot catholic encyclopedia of catholic encyclopedia Mount Bermios.
  • Bonnechose, Henri-Marie-Gaston Boisnormand de - Cardinal and senator, b. at Paris, 1800; d. 1883.
  • Baumgartner, Alexander - Swiss poet and writer. (1841-1910)
  • Brassicanus, Johann Ludwig - Younger brother of Johann Alexander, went to Vienna with his reference brother in 1524 and likewise won distinction both as a reference philologist and jurist.
  • Blyssen, Heinrich - Principal work, "De uno geminoque sacrae eucharistiae synaxeos salubriter percipiendae catholic encyclopedia ritu ac usu" was published (Ingolstadt, 1585) when he was catholic encyclopedia provincial of Austria.
  • Battaglini, Marco - A historian of the councils, b. at Rimini, reference Italy, 25 March, 1645; d. at Cesena, 19 reference September, 1717.
  • Balme, Henry - A Franciscan theologian, born at Genera, date uncertain; reference d. 23 b February, 1439.
  • Bacon, Nathaniel - Better know under the assumed name of Southwell, b a Jesuit reference priest and bibliographer, b. in the b county of Norfolk, England, reference in 1598; d. at b Rome, 2 Dec., 1676.
  • Baalbek - Town in Syria; also called Heliopolis.
  • Bourgoing, François - Third Superior general of the Congregation of the Oratory in reference France and one of the en early companions of Cardinal reference de BÈrulle, the founder of the French Oratorians. (1585-1662)
  • Biblia Pauperum - A collection of pictures representing scenes from Jesus\\' life with reference the corresponding prophetic types.
  • Borgia, Stefano - Italian cardinal, theologian, antiquarian, and historian. (1731-1804)
  • Bancel, Louis - Born at Valence, 1628; died at Avignon, 1685.
  • Bethel - An ancient Cansanitish town.
  • Beristain y Martin de Souza, José Mariano - Mexican bibliographer, b. in Puebla, Mexico, 22 May, 1756; d. at Mexico, 23 March, 1817.
  • Berruguete, Alonso - For his mastery of the arts of painting, b sculpture, and catholic encyclopedia architecture, sometimes called the Spanish Michelangelo, b b. at Paredes de catholic encyclopedia Nava, in Castile, about b 1480; d. at Toledo, 1561.
  • Baldi, Bernardino - An Italian poet and savant, b. at Urbino, 5 June, catholic encyclopedia 1553; d. at the same place, 10 October, 1617.
  • Balmes, Jaime Luciano - Philosopher and publicist, b. at Vich, Spain, 28 August, 1810; reference d. there, 9 July, 1848.
  • Baldachium of the Altar - A dome-like canopy in wood, stone, or metal, erected over catholic encyclopedia the high altar of larger churches, generally supported on four catholic encyclopedia columns, though sometimes suspended by chains from the roof.
  • Buckfast Abbey - Foundation date unknown, but long before the Norman b Conquest.
  • Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne - French bishop and orator. (1627-1704)
  • Becquerel, Antoine-César - French physicist, b. at Chatillon-sur-Loing (Loiret), 7 March, b 1788; d. b at Paris, 18 January, 1878.
  • Brieuc, Saint - Celtic monk and priest, companion of St. Iltud. catholic encyclopedia Brieuc died in about 502.
  • Baronius, Venerable Cesare - Cardinal and ecclesiastical historian. (1538-1607)
  • Biel, Gabriel - Lengthy article on the last of the Scholastics. Biel, the reference first professor of theology at Tübingen, was a nominalist. He reference died in 1495.
  • Brigidines, Institute of the - Established by Most Rev. Dr. Delaney, Bishop of reference Kildare and reference Leighlin, at Tullow, Co. Carlow, Ireland, reference in 1807.
  • Bedford, Henry - Writer and educator. (1816-1903)
  • Bari - An archdiocese situated in the province of the reference same name, catholic encyclopedia in Apulia, Southern Italy.
  • Battle Abbey - Founded by William the Conqueror on the site reference of the catholic encyclopedia Battle of Senlae or Hastings (1066).
  • Breviary, Reform of the Roman - Article on the 1911-1913 revamping of the breviary b so as to allow recitation of all of b the Psalter each week. Feasts were also ranked b according to liturgical importance, and some offices were b no longer obligatory or were even suppressed.
  • Book of Common Prayer - Includes history and contents.
  • Bedingfeld, Frances - Superioress of the English Institute of Mary. (1616-1704)
  • Barca - A titular see of Cyrenaica in Northern Africa.
  • Bible Societies - Established for the purpose of publishing and propagating the Bible in all parts of the world.
  • Baal, Baalim - A word which belongs to the oldest stock b of the Semite vocabulary and primarily means "lord", b "owner".
  • Barral, Louis-Mathias, Count de - Archbishop of Tours, France, born 26 April, 1746, at Grenoble; reference died 7 June, 1816, at Paris.
  • Bolivia - Includes history, geography, education, church, and government information.
  • Babenstuber, Ludwig - German philosopher and theologian; vice-chancellor of the University b of Salzburg; catholic encyclopedia born 1660 at Teining in Bavaria; b died 5 April, 1726, catholic encyclopedia at the Benedictine monastery b of Ettal.
  • Bollandists, The - An association of ecclesiastical scholars engaged in editing the Acta catholic encyclopedia Sanctorum.
  • Benedictus, The (Canticle of Zachary) - One of the three great canticles in the opening chapters of this Gospel, the other two being the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis.
  • Berengarius of Tours - Born at Tours about 999; died on the catholic encyclopedia island of St. Cosme, near that city, in catholic encyclopedia 1088.
  • Bernardine of Fossa, Blessed - Italian Franciscan, missionary, historian, biographer, d. 1503.
  • Beyerlinck, Lawrence - Belgian theologian and ecclesiastical writer. (1578-1627)
  • Bourgade, François - French missionary and philosopher. (1806-1866)
  • Belgrade and Smederevo - Titular (united) sees of Servia.
  • Boniface III, Pope - Roman elected to succeed Sabinian after an interregnum b of nearly catholic encyclopedia a year; he was consecrated 19 b February, 607; d. 12 catholic encyclopedia November of the same b year.
  • Bedard, Pierre - French-Canadian lawyer and member of the Assembly of Lower Canada, b b. at Charlesbourg near Quebec, 13 November, 1762; d. at b Three Rivers, 26 April 1829.
  • Binterim, Anton Joseph - A theologian of repute and for fifty years reference parish priest of Bilk. (1779-1855)
  • Brigittines - Founded in 1346 by St. Brigit, or Bridget, reference of Sweden b at Vadstena in the Diocese of reference Linköping.
  • Bartholomew of Edessa - Syrian apologist and polemical writer.
  • Barbastro - Suffragan diocese of the Spanish province of Huesca.
  • Borgess, Caspar Henry - Third Bishop of Detroit, Michigan. (1824-1890)
  • Barnabas, Saint - Originally Joseph, styled an Apostle in Holy Scripture, catholic encyclopedia and, b like St. Paul, ranked by the Church catholic encyclopedia with the b Twelve, though not one of them.
  • Breviary, Aberdeen - Described as the Sarum Office in a Scottish reference form.
  • Bedingfeld, Henry, Sir - Knight; b. 1509; d. 1583.
  • Breda - Diocese situated in the Dutch province of Brabant b and suffragan of Utrecht.
  • Bartolozzi, Francesco - An engraver, etcher, and painter, b. at Florence, catholic encyclopedia 1727; reference d. at Lisbon, 1815.
  • Basil, Liturgy of Saint - Several Oriental liturgies, or at least several anaphoras, have been reference attributed to the great St. Basil, Bishop of Cæsarea in reference Cappadocia from 370 to 379.
  • Bourdon, Jean - First engineer-in-chief and land-surveyor in the colony of catholic encyclopedia New reference France, and the first attorney-general of the catholic encyclopedia Conseil Superieur. reference (1612-1668)
  • Bengy, Anatole de - A martyr of the French Commune. (1824-1871)
  • Blandina, Saint - Virgin and martyr, d. at Lyons in 177.
  • Burke, Edmund - First Vicar Apostolic of Nova Scotia. (1753-1820)
  • Bourget, Ignace - First Bishop of Montreal and titular Archbishop of b Martianopolis. (1799-1885)
  • Boeri, Petrus - A french benedictine canonist and bishop, b. during the first catholic encyclopedia quarter of the fourteenth century at Laredorte.
  • Bartholomew of Braganca - Born about 1200; died 1 July, 1271.
  • Bernini, Domenico - Son of Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini.
  • Bellini - Giacomo (Jacopo) Bellini, father of Gentile and Giovanni b Bellini. Teacher catholic encyclopedia of his sons who were the b chief founders of the catholic encyclopedia Venetian school of painting.
  • Bellamy, Jerome - A sympathizer with Mary Queen of Scots.
  • Bohemia - Crown province of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, which until b 1526 was an independent kingdom.
  • Buonarroti, Michelangelo - Italian sculptor, painter, and architect. (1475-1564)
  • Bonaventure, Saint - Biobibliographical essay on the Franciscan theologian and Doctor b of the b Church, d. 1274.
  • Boniface I, Pope Saint - Consecrated the same day as the antipope Eulalius. Both were catholic encyclopedia ordered to leave Rome. Eulalius took over St. John Lateran catholic encyclopedia on Holy Saturday, after which the emperor refused to consider catholic encyclopedia his claim. Boniface died in 422.
  • Bonet, Juan Pablo - Spanish priest and one of the first to give attention to the education of the deaf and dumb, b. towards the end of the sixteenth century.
  • Barco Centenera, Martin del - A secular priest, in 1572 accompanied as chaplain, reference the expedition of Juan Ortiz de Zárate to reference the Rio de La Plata.
  • Byzantine Architecture - A mixed style, i.e. a style composed of catholic encyclopedia Graeco-Roman and Oriental elements which, in earlier centuries, catholic encyclopedia cannot be clearly separated.
  • Barbus, Paulus - Italian philosopher and theologian, died at Cremona, 4 catholic encyclopedia August, catholic encyclopedia 1494.
  • Benedicti, Jean - A Franciscan theologian of the sixteenth century belonging to the catholic encyclopedia Observantine Province of Tours and Poitiers.
  • Baptismal Font - A basin or vase, serving as a receptacle catholic encyclopedia for baptismal water in which the candidate for catholic encyclopedia baptism is immersed, or over which he is catholic encyclopedia washed, in the ceremony of Christian initiation.
  • Balderic (Baudry) - A monk of Liège, a writer and teacher b of the b twelfth century, b. date unknown, at b Florennes in Belgium; d. b about 1157.
  • Baltasar - The Greek and Latin name for Belshazzar, which b is the Hebrew equivalent for Bel­sarra­usur, i.e., "May b Bel protect the king".
  • Biot, Jean-Baptiste - Physicist and mathematician. (1774-1862)
  • Byrne, William - Missionary and educator. (1780-1833)
  • Bodone - A titular see of Albania.
  • Blane, Saint - Nephew of St. Cathan. Blane studied in Ireland b under SS. catholic encyclopedia Comgall and Kenneth, became a monk, b went to Scotland, became catholic encyclopedia a bishop of the b Picts, died 590.
  • Bernardines, The - Title of certain sisters of the order of reference Cîteaux who at the end of the sixteenth reference and in the seventeenth century, made energetic efforts reference to restore the primitive observance of their rule.
  • Buckley, Sir Patrick Alphonsus - Irish soldier, lawyer, statesman, and judge. (1841-1896)
  • Branly, Edouard - Nineteenth century French physicist.
  • Burckmair, Hans - Painter of the Swabian school. (1473-1531)
  • Bethlehem - An architectural term used in the Ethiopic Church reference for the oven or bakehouse for baking the reference Korban or Eucharistic bread.
  • Bernard of Pavia - Canonist and bishop. (d. 1213)
  • Bribery - The payment or the promise of money or other lucrative consideration to induce another, while under the obligation of acting without any view to private emolument, to act as the briber shall prescribe.
  • Bouvet, Joachim - Jesuit missionary. (d. 1732)
  • Bengtsson, Jöns Oxenstjerna - Archbishop of Upsala, Sweden, b. 1417; d. in 1467.
  • Bye-Altar - An altar that is subordinate to the central catholic encyclopedia or b high altar.
  • Baluze, Etienne - French scholar and historian. (1630-1718)
  • Benadir - Prefecture Apostolic in Africa.
  • Boniface VI, Pope - A Roman, elected in 896 by the Roman catholic encyclopedia faction b in a popular tumult, to succeed Formosus.
  • Byzantine Literature - The four cultural elements included are the Greek, the Christian, the Roman, and the Oriental.
  • Buskins - Ceremonial stockings of silk, sometimes interwoven with gold reference threads, and even heavily embroidered, worn by the reference celebrant of a pontifical Mass.
  • Baunard, Louis - Educator, b. at Bellgarde (Loiret), France, in 1828.
  • Bologna - The principal city in the province of the same name, Italy.
  • Batavia - Vicariate Apostolic of Batavia.
  • Berenger, Pierre - A French writer who flourished about the middle catholic encyclopedia of catholic encyclopedia the twelfth century.
  • Basilinopolis - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Blessed Sacrament, Sisters of the - Founded in 1889 by Katharine Drexel.
  • Bordeaux - Archdiocese; comprises the entire department of the Gironde reference and was established conformably to the Concordat of reference 1802.
  • Boisgelin, Jean de Dieu-Raymond de Cucé de - French prelate and cardinal. (1732-1804)
  • Begnudelli-Basso, Francesco Antonio - A canonist who lived at the end of catholic encyclopedia the seventeenth century.
  • Brosse, Jean-Baptiste de la - A Jesuit missionary, born 1724 at Magnac, Angoumois, catholic encyclopedia France; died 1782.
  • Barac - The deliverer of the Israelites from the power catholic encyclopedia of b the Chanaanites under the judgeship of Debbora.
  • Baert, François - Bollandist, born at Ypres, 25 August, 1651; died catholic encyclopedia at Antwerp, 27 October, 1719.
  • Blanchet, Franç Norbert - Missionary and first Archbishop of Oregon City, U.S.A. (1795-1883)
  • Beseleel - Describes two people known by this name.
  • Bertha - Brief biographies of five holy women of this catholic encyclopedia name: b two saints; two beatae; and one Bertha catholic encyclopedia who is b commonly called a saint but there catholic encyclopedia is no evidence b of a cultus surrounding her.
  • Brendan, Saint - Article on St. Brendan of Ardfert and Clonfert, catholic encyclopedia also reference known as Brendan the Voyager. Monastic founder, catholic encyclopedia d. 577. reference About half of the article is catholic encyclopedia devoted to St. reference Brendan's famous voyage.
  • Barron, Edward - Irish missionary. (1801-1854)
  • Belleville - Diocese comprising part of southern Illinois.
  • Bessel, Johann Franz - Benedictine, abbot, and historian. (1672-1749)
  • Brownson, Orestes Augustus - Philosopher, essayist, reviewer, b. at Stockbridge, Vermont, U.S.A., b 16 September, reference 1803; d. at Detroit, Michigan, 17 b April, 1876.
  • Becker, Thomas Andrew - Sixth Bishop of Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A.
  • Brogan, Saint - Article discusses several saints of this name.
  • Basins, Ecclesiastical Use of - Extensively used in the Jewish Ritual and were catholic encyclopedia in early use in Christian churches for ablutions catholic encyclopedia and to receive lamp-drippings.
  • Birinus (Berin), Saint - Confessor, first Bishop of Dorchester, Apostle of Wessex, d. 650.
  • Baines, Peter Augustine - Titular Bishop of Siga. (1787-1843)
  • Bonne-Espérance, The Abbey of - Situated near Binche, province of Hainault, Diocese of catholic encyclopedia Tournai, catholic encyclopedia Belgium.
  • Bells - Article covers origin, benediction, uses, archaeology and inscriptions, reference and points b of law.
  • Berach, Saint - A disciple of St. Kevin. Abbot of Cluain catholic encyclopedia Coirpthe, catholic encyclopedia now called Kilbarry or Termonbarry in the catholic encyclopedia saint\'s honor. catholic encyclopedia St. Berach died in 595.
  • Bastiat, Claude-Frédéric - A French economist, b. at Mugron, a small reference city in catholic encyclopedia the Department of Landes, 29 June, reference 1801; d. at Rome, catholic encyclopedia 24 December, 1850.
  • Borgognone, Ambrogio - Italian painter and architect, b. Milan, c. 1455, b d. at Milan, 1523.
  • Baumgartner, Gallus Jacob - A Swiss statesman, b. 18 October, 1797, at Altstätten, Switzerland; b d. 12 July, 1869, at St. Gallen.
  • Benedict IX, Pope - The nephew of his two immediate predecessors.
  • Brumidi, Constantino - An Italian-American historical painter, celebrated for his fresco catholic encyclopedia work in the Capitol at Washington. (1805-1880)
  • Brus, Anton - Archbishop of Prague. (1518-1580)
  • Bullarium - A term commonly applied to a collection of bulls and other analogous papal documents.
  • Barlaam and Josaphat - Main characters of a seventh-century Christian legend. Barlaam, reference a hermit, converted the prince Josaphat to Christianity, reference despite the efforts of Josaphat\\'s father Abenner to reference prevent such a thing. Although Barlaam and Josaphat reference are included in the Roman Mart
  • Brunner, Sebastian - A versatile and voluminous writer. (1814-1893)
  • Barreira, Balthasar - A Portuguese Jesuit missionary, born at Lisbon, 1531; b died 1612.
  • Bervanger, Martin de - A French priest, founder of charitable institutions. (1795-1865)
  • Bedford, Gunning S. - Medical writer and teacher. (1806-1870)
  • Bruno of Querfurt, Saint - Courtier, monk, missionary archbishop, hagiographer, martyr. Called the catholic encyclopedia Second catholic encyclopedia Apostle of the Prussians.
  • Bardesanes and Bardesanites - Syrian Gnostic or, more correctly, a Syrian poet, astrologist, and catholic encyclopedia philosopher, d. 222, at Edessa.
  • British Columbia - The westernmost province of the Dominion of Canada.
  • Borrus, Christopher - Missionary, mathematician, and astronomer. (1583-1632)
  • Boré, Eugène - French Orientalist. (1809-1878)
  • Buil, Bernardo - Spanish Franciscan.
  • Beauvais - A suffragan diocese of the archiepiscopal See of reference Reims.
  • Burial, Christian - The interment of a deceased person with ecclesiastical reference rites in consecrated ground.
  • Brantôme, Seigneur de Bourdeille, Pierre de - French writer of memoirs, b. in 1539, or b a little catholic encyclopedia later; d. 15 July, 1614.
  • Blenkinsop - Details of four people with this name.
  • Bacchylus - Bishop of Corinth.
  • Berlanga, Fray Tomás de - Bishop of Panama, b. at Berlanga in Spain, date uncertain; d. there 8 August, 1551.
  • Backer, Augustin de - Bibliographer, born at Antwerp, Belgium, 18 July, 1809; reference died at catholic encyclopedia Liège, 1 December, 1873.
  • Brady, William Maziere - Ecclesiastical writer, b. in Dublin, 8 January, 1825; reference d. in Rome, 19 March, 1894.
  • Ballerini, Antonio - Jesuit theologian. (1805-1881)
  • Barros, João de - Historian, b. in Portugal, 1496; d. 20 October, catholic encyclopedia 1570.
  • Bartholomew of Lucca - Historian, b. about 1227 at Lucca; d. about 1327.
  • Behaim, Martin - A German cartographer and navigator. (1459-1507)
  • Barquisimeto - Diocese in Venezuela, South America.
  • Berlin - Capital of the German Empire and of the b Kingdom of b Prussia.
  • Bagshaw, Christopher - Convert, priest, prisoner for the Faith, and a prominent figure reference in the controversies between Catholic priests and the reign of reference Elizabeth.
  • Blemmida, Nicephorus - A learned monk and writer of the Green catholic encyclopedia Church, b. about 1198, at Constantinople; d. 1272.
  • Blessing, Apostolic - The popes very often delegated to others the b power to catholic encyclopedia give this blessing in answer to b petitions from princes, at catholic encyclopedia the close of missions, b and on such occasions.
  • Bostra - Titular see of Syria.
  • Bodin, Jean - Article by Georges Goyau. Notes the philosopher\\'s relation b to the political and religious order of his b time.
  • Blastares, Matthew - A monk of the Order of St. Basil, living in b the fourteenth century, who applied himself to the study of b theology and canon law.
  • Basilica - The term can indicate either the architectural style catholic encyclopedia of a church, or its canonical status.
  • Bartholomew of Pisa - Friar Minor and chronicler.
  • Betharan - A city of the Amorrhites in the valley-plain catholic encyclopedia east of the Jordan.
  • Benedict VI, Pope - Benedict, Cardinal-Deacon of St. Theodore, a Roman and catholic encyclopedia the son of Hildebrand, was elected as the catholic encyclopedia successor of John XIII.
  • Bauberger, Wilhelm - German physician, novelist, and poet, b. at Thannhausen in Swabian catholic encyclopedia Bavaria, 3 March, 1809; d. at the same place, 8 catholic encyclopedia February, 1883.
  • Baptista Varani, Blessed - Poor Clare and ascetical writer. She died in catholic encyclopedia 1527.
  • Benedictine Order - Comprises monks living under the Rule of St. reference Benedict, and b commonly known as "black monks".
  • Bessarion, Johannes - Article on this 15th-century Byzantine scholar, by U. Benigni.
  • Bergamo - The city, called by the ancients Bergonum, is capital of catholic encyclopedia the province of that name in Lombardy.
  • Budweis - A diocese situated in Southern Bohemia, suffragan to the Archdiocese catholic encyclopedia of Prague.
  • Banns of Marriage - In general the ecclesiastical announcement of the names b of persons b contemplating marriage.
  • Benignus, Saint - Known as "Patrick\\'s psalm-singer," Irish missionary, musician, bishop, catholic encyclopedia legislator, b d. 467.
  • Bethlehemites - Military and hospitaller orders.
  • Barry, John - U.S. Navy Captain. (1745-1803)
  • Berthold of Reichenau - Benedictine monk and chronicler of the Abbey of Reichenau on catholic encyclopedia the Lake of Constance; d. probably in 1088.
  • Basle, Council of - Convoked by Pope Martin V in 1431, closed b at Lausanne b in 1449.
  • Benedict XII, Pope - Third of the Avignon popes. (1334-1342)
  • Bergen, Ancient See of - The diocese included the Provinces of Nordre and catholic encyclopedia Sondre catholic encyclopedia Bergenhus, and the district of Sondmor in catholic encyclopedia the Province catholic encyclopedia of Romsdal.
  • Barrande, Joachim - French palæontologist. (1799-1883)
  • Bembo, Pietro - Italian scholar and Cardinal, b. of a noble b family at Venice, 20 May, 1470; d. at b Rome, 18 January, 1547.
  • Baccanceld - This meeting was rather a witenagemot, or Parliament, reference than an b ecclesiastical synod, presided over by Wihtred, reference King of Kent.
  • Benard, Laurent - Chief founder of the Maurist Congregation of the reference Benedictine Order, b. at Nevers, 1573; d. at reference Paris, 1620.
  • Bravo, Francisco - As far as known, author of the first catholic encyclopedia book on medicine printed in America.
  • Beroth - A city in Chanaan, one of the confederation reference of cities under the headship of Gabaon.
  • Bosch, Peter van der - Bollandist, born at Brussels, 19 October, 1686; died catholic encyclopedia 14 reference November, 1736.
  • Bréhal, Jean - French Dominican theologian of the convent of Evreux; b died c. catholic encyclopedia 1479.
  • Beaune, Renaud de - A French Bishop, b. in 1527, at Tours; b d. 1606 in Paris.
  • Bartholi, Francesco della Rossa - Friar Minor and chronicler, died c. 1372.
  • Basil of Amasea - Bishop and Martyr.
  • Broglie, Maurice-Jean de - Born in Paris, 5 September, 1766; d. there, 20 June, 1821.
  • Ball, Mother Frances Mary Teresa - Born in Dublin 9 January, 1794; died 19 May, 1861; reference foundress of the Irish Branch of the Institute of the reference Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Bernier, Etienne-Alexandre - French Bishop. (1762-1806)
  • Busembaum, Hermann - Jesuit moral theologian. (1600-1668)
  • Berenice - A titular see of Egypt which was situated catholic encyclopedia at b the end of Major Syrtis where Bengazi catholic encyclopedia stands today.
  • Blathmac, Saint - Irish monk, martyred at Iona in about 835. In Latinized b form, he is sometimes called Florentius. His life was written b in Latin hexameter by Strabo.
  • Brentano, Klemens Maria - German poet. (1778-1842)
  • Beckx, Pierre-Jean - Twenty-second General of the Society of Jesus, born catholic encyclopedia at Sichem, Belgium, 8 February, 1795; died at catholic encyclopedia Rome, 4 March, 1887.
  • Bourdaloue, Louis - French Jesuit preacher. (1632-1704)
  • Bercheure, Pierre - French Benedictine. (1290-1362)
  • Boulanger, André de - French monk and preacher, b. at Paris in b 1578; d. b 27 September, 1657.
  • Beugnot, Auguste-Arthur, Count - French historian and statesman. (1797-1865)
  • Bicknor, Alexander - Archbishop of Dublin, date of birth unknown; d. b 1349.
  • Bianconi, Charles - Merchant and philanthropist. (1785-1875)
  • Beelen, Ian Theodor - Exegete and Orientalist. (1807-1884)
  • Berlage, Anton - Dogmatic theologian. (1805-1881)
  • Balderic - Bishop of Dol, in France, chronicler, b. about b 1050; d. reference 7 January, 1130.
  • Baker, David Augustine - Benedictine mystic and ascetic writer. (1575-1641)
  • Brumoy, Pierre - French Jesuit humanist. (1704-1742)
  • Buston, Thomas Stephen - Jesuit missionary and author. (1549-1619)
  • Bernard of Luxemburg - Dominican theologian, controversialist, and Inquisitor. (d. 1535)
  • Bakócz, Thomas - Cardinal and statesman, b. about 1442, in the village of b Erdoed, county Szatmar, Northeastern Hungary; d. 15 June, 1521.
  • Barcos, Martin de - French theologian of the Jansenist School. (1600-1678)
  • Banaias - The name of several men mentioned in the Bible.
  • Bubastis - A titular see of Lower Egypt.
  • Brondel, John Baptist - First Bishop of Helena, Montana, U.S.A. (1842-1903)
  • Baldwin - Archbishop of Trier and Elector of the Holy reference Roman Empire, born 1285; died 1354.
  • Bonald, Louis-Jacques-Maurice de - Cardinal, b. at Millau, in Rouergue, 30 October, b 1787, d. at Lyons, 25 Feb., 1870.
  • Burma - Before its annexation by the British, Burma consisted of the reference kingdoms of Ava and Pegu.
  • Bonfrère, Jacques - Biblical scholar, born at Dinant, Belgium, 12 April, 1573; died at Tournai, 9 May, 1642.
  • Bova - Situated in the civil province of Reggio,in Calabria, Italy, suffragan to the Archdiocese of Reggio.
  • Betanzos, Fray Domingo - A Dominican missionary, d. at Valladolid, Sept., 1549.
  • Bridaine, Jacques - Preacher, b. at Chusclan, France, 21 March, 1701; d. at reference Roquemaure, 22 December, 1767.
  • Besoldus, Christopher - A German jurist and publicist. (1577-1638)
  • Boucher, Pierre - Born at Lagny, a village near Mortagne in the Perche, catholic encyclopedia France, 1622, died at Boucherville, 1717.
  • Braga, Councils of - Offers details of several councils held here.
  • Badius, Raphael - A Florentine Dominican of the seventeenth century.
  • Bishop, William - The first superior in England in episcopal orders catholic encyclopedia since reference the old hierarchy died out in the catholic encyclopedia reign of reference Elizabeth, born c. 1553 at Brailes catholic encyclopedia in Warwickshire, where reference his family continued to reside catholic encyclopedia until recent times; d. reference 16 April, 1624.
  • Beauregard, Jean-Nicolas - French pulpit orator. (1733-1794)
  • Britius, Francis - An orientalist, and a monk of Rennes in reference Brittany; date reference of birth and death unknown.
  • Brooklyn - Comprises the counties of Kings, Queens, Nassau, and b Suffolk, or all of Long Island, in the b State of New York, U.S.A.
  • Bucharest - Comprises the Kingdom of Rumania.
  • Bassein - The birthplace of St. Gonsalo Garcia, the only Indian saint, catholic encyclopedia who was a companion of St. Philip de las Casas, catholic encyclopedia the first native of America to be canonized.
  • Baradæus, Jacob - A Syrian Monophysite bishop, born in Tella, towards b the end reference of the fifth or the beginning b of the sixth century, reference died in 578.
  • Brown, William - A naval officer of the Republic of Argentina. (1777-1857)
  • Beads, Use of, at Prayers - Essay on chaplets, rosaries, prayer ropes, prayer cords. Brief treatment catholic encyclopedia of the use of beads in prayer by non-Christians.
  • Bouquet, Martin - Benedictine of the Congregation of St.-Maur. (1685-1754)
  • Brookby, Anthony - Friar Minor and English martyr, died 19 July reference 1537.
  • Bauny, Etienne - Theologian, b. in 1564 at Mouzon, Ardennes, France; d. 3 December, 1649, at Saint Pol de Léon.
  • Bohemian Brethren - "Bohemian Brethren" and "Moravian Brethren" are the current b popular designation of the Unitas Fratrum founded in b Bohemia in 1457, renewed by Count Zinzendorf in b 1722.
  • Bede, The Venerable - Benedictine monk, priest, historian, Doctor of the Church, b d. 735.
  • Benedict VII, Pope - Date of birth unknown; d. c. October, 983.
  • Boecken, Placidus - A German Benedictine, canonist, and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Salzburg. (1690-1752)
  • Bobbio, Abbey and Diocese of - Suffragan to the Archiepiscopal See of Genoa.
  • Badajoz - The Latin name Pax, or Civitas Pacensis, was given to b this district because it was thought to be the Pax b Julia or Pax Augusta of the Romans.
  • Baptista Mantuanus, Blessed - Carmelite, Renaissance poet, d. 1516.
  • Buffalo - Diocese established 23 April, 1847 in the state of New York.
  • Boiano - Diocese in the province of Benevento, Italy, suffragan reference to the b Archbishopric of Benevento.
  • Bayer, Adèle - Eldest daughter of Andrew Parmentier, b. in Belgium, 4 July, reference 1814, and d. in Brooklyn, New York, 22 January, 1892.
  • Bona, Giovanni - Cardinal and author. (1609-1674)
  • Beschefer, Theodore - Jesuit missionary in Canada. (1630-1711)
  • Billy, Jacques de - French patristic scholar, theologian, jurist, linguist, and a reference Benedictine abbot. (1535-1581)
  • Boyle Abbey - Irish Cistercian house.
  • Baron, Bonaventura - Irish Franciscan theologian, philosopher, and writer of Latin catholic encyclopedia prose b and verse. (1610-1696)
  • Botulph, Saint - Or Botolph. Founder and abbot of Icanhoe, d. about 680.
  • Behaim, Albert von - Known also as Albertus Bohemus.
  • Betrothal - In the Catholic Church, a deliberate and free, reference mutual, true catholic encyclopedia promise, externally expressed, of future marriage reference between determinate and fit catholic encyclopedia persons.
  • Bombay - The Archdiocese of Bombay comprises the Island of Bombay with catholic encyclopedia several outlying churches in the neighbouring Island of Salsette.
  • Bridgett, Thomas Edward - Priest and author. (1829-1899)
  • Baron, Vincent - Dominican theologian and preacher. (1604-1674)
  • Betanzos, Fray Pedro de - A Franciscan missionary, b. at Betanzos in Galicia; d. at Chomez, Nicaragua, 1570.
  • Butler, Alban - Seventeenth-century English Catholic.
  • Bouhours, Dominique - French Jesuit author. (1632-1702)
  • Bologna, Giovanni da - Flemish Renaissance sculptor, b. at Douai, in Flanders, catholic encyclopedia about 1524; d. at Florence in 1608.
  • Benedict of Nursia, Saint - Long article on the founder of Western monasticism, catholic encyclopedia and on his Rule.
  • Basle-Lugano - Composed of the two Dioceses of Basle and b Lugano which b are united only by having a b bishop in common.
  • Bacon, John - An English Carmelite and theologian, born towards the end of the thirteenth century.
  • Berti, Giovanni Lorenzo - Italian theologian, b. 28 May, 1696, at Sarravezza, Tuscany; d. catholic encyclopedia 26 March, 1766, at Pisa.
  • Boni Homines - This name was popularly given to at least reference three religious b orders in the Church.
  • Brisacier, Jean de - Controversialist, b. at Blois, France, 9 June, 1592; catholic encyclopedia entered catholic encyclopedia the Society of Jesus in 1619, d. catholic encyclopedia at Blois, catholic encyclopedia 10 September, 1668.
  • Babylonia - Includes geography, history, and biblical references.
  • Benedict XIV, Pope - Reigned 1740-58.
  • Benedict Joseph Labre, Saint - Frenchman, longed to be a monk but spent catholic encyclopedia the reference last thirteen years of his life as catholic encyclopedia a pilgrim. reference He died in 1783.
  • Biard, Pierre - Jesuit missionary, born at Grenoble, France, 1576; died at Avignon, reference 17 November, 1622.
  • Brittain, Thomas Lewis - Born near Chester, England, 1744; died at Hartpury b Court, 1827.
  • Balde, Jacob - A German poet. (1604-1668)
  • Butler, Sir William Francis - Irish general and writer. (1838-1910)
  • Berard of Carbio, Saint - Franciscan martyr, d. 1220.
  • Barcelona, University of - An outgrowth of the ecclesiastical schools founded in b the eleventh century.
  • Benkert, Franz Georg - German theologian and historical writer. (1790-1859)
  • Benedictional - A book containing a collection of benedictions or blessings in reference use in the Church.
  • Belsunce de Castelmoron, Henri François Xavier de - Bishop of Marseilles. (1671-1755)
  • Balbinus, Boleslaus - A Jesuit historian of Bohemia. (1621-1688)
  • Bonner, Edmund - Bishop of London, b. about 1500; d. 1569.
  • Belloy, Jean-Baptiste de - Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris. (1709-1808)
  • Bination - The offering up of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass reference twice on the same day by the same celebrant.
  • Bayeu y Subias, Francisco - Born at Saragossa, 9 March, 1734; died Madrid, catholic encyclopedia 4 catholic encyclopedia August, 1795, a distinguished religious and historical catholic encyclopedia painter.
  • Benedict XIII, Pope - Reigned 1724-1730.
  • Barjesus - False prophet mentioned in the New Testament.
  • Buttress - A pilaster, pier, or body of masonry projecting beyond the main face of the wall and intended to strengthen the wall at particular points.
  • Bralion, Nicolas de - French Oratorian and ecclesiastical writer, born at Chars-en-Vexin, catholic encyclopedia France, c. 1600; died at Paris, 11 May catholic encyclopedia 1672.
  • Bouillon, Cardinal de - French prelate and diplomat. (1643-1715)
  • Bailloquet, Pierre - French missionary to Canadian Indians. (1612-1692)
  • Balsamon, Theodore - A canonist of the Greek Church, born in the second b half of the twelfth century at Constantinople; died there, after b 1195.
  • Buffier, Claude - Philosopher and author. (1661-1737)
  • Blyth, Francis - English Carmelite, reviser of the Douay Bible, born reference c. 1705; b d. in London, 11 December 1772.
  • Bayley, James Roosevelt - First Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A.; eighth Archbishop of catholic encyclopedia Baltimore, Maryland. (1814-1877)
  • Brischar, Johann Nepomucene - Church historian, born at Horb in Würtemberg in b 1819, studied catholic encyclopedia theology at the University of Tubingen, b was appointed parish priest catholic encyclopedia of Buhl near Rottenburg b in 1853, where he died in catholic encyclopedia 1897.
  • Besoigne, Jérôme - A Jansenist writer, b. at Paris, 1686; d. reference 1763.
  • Beguines & Beghards - As early as the commencement of the twelfth b century there catholic encyclopedia were women in the Netherlands who b lived alone, and without catholic encyclopedia taking vows devoted themselves b to prayer and good works.
  • Bassianus - Bishop of Ephesus (444-448).
  • Barry, Patrick - Horticulturist. (1816-1890)
  • Braun, Placidus - Bavarian historian. (1756-1829)
  • Bruyas, Jacques - French missionary to the Iroquois. (1635-1712)
  • Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe - Detailed article by Adolf Muller on the Jesuit catholic encyclopedia mathematician reference and philosopher.
  • Bradshaw, Henry - English Benedictine and poet, b. in the City catholic encyclopedia of Chester, England, date unknown; d. 1513.
  • Bonal, François de - Bishop of Clermont, b. 1734 at the castle of Bonal, near Agen; d. at Munich, 1800.
  • Barocco Style - A debased application to architecture of Renaissance features.
  • Brück, Heinrich - Ecclesiastical historian and bishop, born at Bingen, 25 b October, 1831; died 4 November, 1903.
  • Bianchini, Francesco - A student of the natural sciences, and historian. (1662-1729)
  • Brillmacher, Peter Michael - Born at Cologne in 1542, died at Mainz, 25 August, b 1595.
  • Berissa - A titular see of Pontus Polemoniacus, in Asia catholic encyclopedia Minor.
  • Babinet, Jacques - French physicist. (1794-1872)
  • Bassi, Matthew of - Founder of the Capuchins. (1495-1552)
  • Bernardine of Feltre, Blessed - Italian Franciscan missionary, died 1494. Of little note b as an author. Best remembered for his b monti di pietà, a type of charitable lender b similar to pawnbrokers.
  • Boso - First Bishop of Merseburg, in the present Prussian Province of Saxony, and Apostle of the Wends, d. November, 970.
  • Berington, Charles - Titular Bishop of Hiero-Caesarea, b. at Stock, Essex, reference England, 1748; b d. 8 June, 1798.
  • Bridgewater, John - Known also as Aquapontanus, historian of the Catholic reference confessors under catholic encyclopedia Queen Elizabeth, born in Yorkshire about reference 1532; died probably at catholic encyclopedia Trier, about 1596.
  • Biblical Commission, The - A committee of cardinals at Rome who, with the assistance catholic encyclopedia of consultors, have to secure the observance of the prescriptions catholic encyclopedia contained in the Encyclical "Providentissimus Deus" for the proper interpretation catholic encyclopedia and defence of Sacred Scripture.
  • Bedlam - A London hospital originally intended for the poor catholic encyclopedia suffering from any ailment and for such as catholic encyclopedia might have no other lodging, hence its name, catholic encyclopedia Bethlehem, in Hebrew, the "house of bread."
  • Belial - Found frequently as a personal name in the Vulgate and catholic encyclopedia various English translations of the Bible, is commonly used as catholic encyclopedia a synonym of Satan, or the personification of evil.
  • Bethany Beyond the Jordan - In the text of St. John\\'s Gospel, i, 28, the catholic encyclopedia author locates the event of Our Lord\\'s baptism by St. catholic encyclopedia John the Baptist at Bethany across the Jordan and there catholic encyclopedia is herein a celebrated variant.
  • Boniface IV, Pope Saint - Transformed the Pantheon into a Christian church, died reference in 615.
  • Bunderius, Joannes - Flemish theologian and controversialist. (1482-1557)
  • Birth, The Defect of - Illegitimacy, a canonical impediment to ordination.
  • Biblical Antiquities - Details domestic, political, and sacred antiquities.
  • Brugière, Pierre - A French priest, Jansenist, and juror. (1730-1803)
  • Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Third Marquess of - Born at Mountstuart, Bute, 12 September, 1847; d. at Dumfries House, Ayrshire, 9 October, 1900.
  • Boniface Association - The object of the association is to maintain what the catholic encyclopedia Catholic church possesses in those regions where Catholics are few catholic encyclopedia in number, to found and support missions and schools, and catholic encyclopedia to erect churches, parish-houses, and schools for Catholics in the catholic encyclopedia Protestan
  • Belin, Albert (Jean) - French prelate and writer, b. in Besançon early in the catholic encyclopedia seventeenth century; d. 29 April, 1677.
  • Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques - French numismatologist and writer, b. at Cassis (Provence), 1716; d. b in Paris, 1795.
  • Bonn, University of - An academy founded at Bonn in 1777 by Max Friedrich, Prince-Archbishop of Cologne.
  • Basil the Great, Saint - Biographical article on the Bishop of Caesarea, who is one b of the Cappadocian Fathers, Doctor of the Church, and brother b of St. Gregory of Nyssa.
  • Busiris - A titular see taking its title from one of the b many Egyptian cities of the same name.
  • Bentney, William - An English Jesuit priest born in Cheshire, 1609; died 30 October, 1692.
  • Bradley, Denis Mary - First Bishop of Manchester, New Hampshire, U.S.A. (1846-1903)
  • Broglie, Jacques-Victor-Albert, Duc de - French statesman and historian. (1821-1901)
  • Barbosa, Agostino - A noted canonist, b. at Guimaraens, Portugal, in b 1589; consecrated in Rome, 22 March, 1649, Bishop b of Ugento in Otranto, Italy, died seven months b later.
  • Braille, Louis - French educator and inventorof the system of writing in raised or relief points for the blind. (1809-1852)
  • Benedict IV, Pope - A Roman and the son of Mammalus, became reference pope in b the first half of 900.
  • Bielski, Marcin - Polish chronicler. (1495-1575)
  • Briand, Joseph Olivier - Seventh Bishop of Quebec, b. in 1715 at Plérin, Brittany; b d. 25 June, 1794.
  • Bourke, Ulick Joseph - Irish scholar and writer. (1829-1887)
  • Bagnorea - A diocese situated in the district of Viterbo, catholic encyclopedia Italy, and immediately subject to the Holy See.
  • Bishop - The title of an ecclesiastical dignitary who possesses the fullness catholic encyclopedia of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief catholic encyclopedia pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope.
  • Birnbaum, Heinrich - Carthusian monk, b. in 1403; d. 19 February, catholic encyclopedia 1473.
  • Barthel, Johann Caspar - A German canonist. (1697-1771)
  • Broughton, Richard - Catholic priest and antiquary, claiming descent from the reference Broughtons of catholic encyclopedia Lancashire.
  • Bellings, Sir Richard - Irish historian, b. near Dublin early in the reference seventeenth century; reference d. in 1677.
  • Briçonnet - Includes three people with this name.
  • Benzoni, Girolamo - Writer, born at Milan about 1519.
  • Barradas, Sebastião - A Portuguese exegete and preacher, born at Lisbon reference in 1543; b died at Coimbra in 1615.
  • Boston - Archdiocese; comprises Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Plymouth reference counties in the State of Massachusetts, U.S.A.
  • Barcelona - One of the suffragan dioceses of the Archdiocese b of Tarragona.
  • Bainbridge, Christopher - Archbishop of York, and Cardinal. (1464-1514)
  • Breslau - Prince-Bishopric seated at Breslau, on the River Oder in the catholic encyclopedia Prussian Province of Silesia.
  • Bonald, Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise, Vicompte de - French statesman, writer, and philosopher. (1754-1840)
  • Birtha - A titular see of Osrhaene.
  • Bianchini, Giuseppe - Italian Oratorian, Biblical, historical, and liturgical scholar. (1704-1764)
  • Brancati di Lauria, Francesco Lorenzo - Cardinal, Minor conventual, and theologian. (1612-1693)
  • Bar-Kepha, Moses - Jacobite bishop and writer. (813-903)
  • Borras, Francisco Nicolás - Spanish painter, born at Cocentaina, 1530; died at Gandia, 1610.
  • Beckedorff, George Philipp Ludolf von - Studied theology at Jena, then medicine at Göttingen, reference obtained the b degree of doctor in 1799.
  • Berington, Joseph - Catholic writer. (1743-1827)
  • Betanzos, Juan de - Composed the first catechism known in the Quichua catholic encyclopedia language.
  • Beaulieu Abbey - A Cistercian house in Hampshire, one of the reference three monasteries b founded by King John (c. 1204) reference and peopled by thirty b monks from Cîteaux.
  • Baader, Franz Xaver von - German philosopher, born at Munich, 1765; died 23 b May, 1841.
  • Bassett, Joshua - Convert and controversialist, Master of Sidney Sussex College, born about 1641, at Lynn Regis, where his father was a merchant; died in London, in 1720.
  • Benedictbeurn, Abbey of - Tradition, as well as manuscripts dating as far back as catholic encyclopedia the tenth century, ascribe its foundation in the year 740, catholic encyclopedia to three brothers of noble birth, named Lanfrid, Wulfram, and catholic encyclopedia Eliland, acting under the influence of St. Boniface, who was catholic encyclopedia then preaching th
  • Berosus - The name of a native historian of Babylonia and a catholic encyclopedia priest of the great god Bel (Bel-Marduk).
  • Benno II - Bishop of Osnabrück.
  • Bibbiena - Bernardo Dovizi, an Italian Cardinal and comedy-writer, known b best by catholic encyclopedia the name of the town Bibbiena, b where he was born catholic encyclopedia 4 Aug., 1470; d. b at Rome, 9 Nov., 1520.
  • Belmont, François Vachon de - Fifth superior of the Sulpicians at Montreal, b. at Grenoble, catholic encyclopedia France, 1645; d. 1732.
  • Bartholomaeus Anglicus - Thirteenth-century Franciscan encyclopedist.
  • Bonagratia of Bergamo - Friar Minor, theologian, and canonist, date of birth unknown; d. b at Munich, 1343.
  • Berthier, Guillaume-François - A Jesuit professor and writer, born at Issoudun, b 1704; died at Bourges, 1782.
  • Baudeau, Nicolas - Regular Canon and economist, b. at Amboise, France, reference 25 April, 1730; d. in 1792.
  • Barlow, William Rudesind - Third son of Sir Alexander Barlow of Barlow Hall, date of birth uncertain; d. at Douai, 19 Sept., 1656.
  • Bettiah - Prefecture Apostolic in northern India.
  • Barrientos, Lopez de - Spanish Dominican bishop, patriot, and diplomat. (1382-1469)
  • Banim, John and Michael - Brothers and writers from Kilkenny, Ireland.
  • Bruel, Joachim - A theologian and historian, born early in the b seventeenth century catholic encyclopedia at Vorst, a village of the b province of Brabant, Belgium, catholic encyclopedia died 29 June, 1653.
  • Barbara, Saint - Legendary virgin and martyr, first mentioned in the catholic encyclopedia early seventh century. Alleged to have died in catholic encyclopedia the third or fourth century, but date is catholic encyclopedia uncertain and place of martyrdom varies.
  • Baldovinetti, Alesso - A notable Florentine painter, b. in Florence, 14 October, 1427; d. there, 29 August, 1499.
  • Beauvais, Gilles-François-de - Jesuit writer and preacher, born at Mans, France, b 7 July, catholic encyclopedia 1693; died probably at Paris about b 1773.
  • Byrne, Richard - U.S. Civil War hero. (1832-1864)
  • Barber Family, The - Daniel Barber, soldier of the Revolution, Episcopalian minister reference and convert. reference (1756-1834) Virgil Horace Barber, son of reference Daniel. (1782-1847)
  • Borgo San-Sepolcro - Diocese situated in the province of Arezzo, Tuscany, reference Italy.
  • Berryer, Pierre-Antoine - French advocate, orator, and statesman. (1790-1868)
  • Bolzano, Bernhard - Austrian mathematician and philosopher, b. at Prague, 5 October, 1781; b d. 18 December, 1848.
  • Bethdagon - Name of two cities in Palestine.
  • Bethsan - A city within Issachar, but assigned to Manasses, b later Scythopolis, reference now the village Beisan.
  • Baruch - The disciple of Jeremiah, and the traditional author catholic encyclopedia of b the deuto-canonical book, which bears his name.
  • Bachmann, Paul - Catholic theological controversialist, born at Chemnitz, Saxony, about 1466.
  • Bernard of Cluny - A Benedictine monk of the first half of the twelfth catholic encyclopedia century, poet, satirist, and hymn-writer, author of "On the Contempt catholic encyclopedia of the World".
  • Beccaria, Giovanni Battista - Physicist. (1716-1781)
  • Bouix, Marie Dominique - French canonists. (1808-1870)
  • Benavides, Fray Alonzo - Archbishop of Goa in the Portuguese Indies.
  • Bonaparte, Charles-Lucien-Jules-Laurent - Prince of Canino and Musignano, and ornithologist. (1803-1857)
  • Boniface of Savoy - Forty-sixth Archbishop of Canterbury and son of Thomas, Count of reference Savoy, date of birth uncertain; d. in Savoy, 14 July, reference 1270.
  • Barbalissos - A titular see of Mesopotamia.
  • Buddhism - The religious, monastic system, founded c. 500 B.C. b on the reference basis of pantheistic Brahminism.
  • Boso (Breakspear) - Third English Cardinal, date of birth uncertain, d. b at Rome, catholic encyclopedia about 1181.
  • Borromini, Francesco - Architect and sculptor; born 25 September, 1599, at reference Bissone; died by his own hand 1 August, reference 1667, at Rome.
  • Brant, Sebastian - Short biography of the German humanist and poet.
  • Bethulia - The city whose deliverance by Judith, when besieged b by Holofernes, forms the subject of the Book b of Judith.
  • Brenach, Saint - Fifth-century Irish missionary to Wales and a contemporary reference of St. Patrick.
  • Baldred, Saint - Two saints of this name have the same catholic encyclopedia feast day. One was a Celt; the other, catholic encyclopedia and Englishman.
  • Baker, Francis Asbury - American priest and convert. (1820-1865)
  • Bavaria, The Kingdom of - Named after the German tribe called Boiarii.
  • Byrd, William - Article examining life, sacred and secular music, and catholic encyclopedia related composers.
  • Baglioni, Giovanni, Cavaliere - Known as the "Deaf Man of the Barozzo", reference a painter reference of distinction, b. in Rome, 1571; reference d. there 1644.
  • Brisbane - Provides history and religious statistics.
  • Borromeo, Society of Saint Charles - A German Catholic association for the encouragement and diffusion of reference edifying, instructive, and entertaining literature.
  • Brassicanus, Johann Alexander - German humanist, born probably at Cannstatt, 1500; died at Vienna, b 25 November, 1539.
  • Berland, Pierre - Archbishop of Bordeaux. (1375-1457)
  • Bon Secours, Institutes of - Congregations of nursing sisters whose object is to reference take care b of both rich and poor patients reference in their own homes.
  • Belgrado, Giacopo - Italian Jesuit and natural philosopher. (1704-1789)
  • Bartholomew, Saint - Mentioned in the lists of apostles in the Synoptic Gospels catholic encyclopedia and in Acts, thought to be identical with Nathaniel (mentioned catholic encyclopedia only in the Gospel of John).
  • Brewer, Heinrich - German historian, born at Puffendorf in Germany, 6 reference September, 1640; died at the same place about reference 1713.
  • Bernini, Giuseppe Maria - A Capuchin missionary and Orientalist, b. near Carignan catholic encyclopedia in b Piedmont; d. in Hindustan in 1753.
  • Bethsaida - Details the city, pool, and titular see of b this name.
  • Ballarat - One of the three suffragan dioceses of the catholic encyclopedia ecclesiastical reference province of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Bramante, Donato - Italian architect and painter, b. about 1444 at reference Monte Asdrualdo; d. in Rome, 11 March, 1514.
  • Baptists - A Protestant denomination which exists chiefly in English reference speaking countries catholic encyclopedia and owes its name to its reference characteristic doctrine and practice catholic encyclopedia regarding baptism.
  • Balue, Jean - A French cardinal, b. probably c. 1421, in b Poitou; d. reference 5 October, 1491, at Ripatransone.
  • Bertrand, Pierre - Article covers a French Cardinal, theologian, and canonist, b. 1280 catholic encyclopedia at Annonay in Vivarais, and a French cardinal, nephew of catholic encyclopedia the foregoing, whose name he adopted, b. in 1279, at catholic encyclopedia Colombier in Vivarais.
  • Brunner, Francis de Sales - Founder of the Swiss-American congregation of the Benedictines. reference (1795-1859)
  • Baston, Guillaume-André-Réné - A French theologian, b. at Rouen, 29 November, 1741; d. at Saint-Laurent, 26 September, 1825.
  • Bernis, François-Joachim-Pierre de - A French cardinal and statesman, b. 1715 at b Saint-Marcel-d\'Ardèche; d. catholic encyclopedia at Rome, 1794.
  • Brindholm, Ven. Edmund - Martyr and parish priest of Our Lady\\'s Church b at Calais, reference accused of being concerned in a b plot to betray Calais reference to the French.
  • Beatitudes, The Eight - The solemn blessings which mark the opening of the Sermon b on the Mount.
  • Beauvais, Jean-Baptiste-Charles-Marie de - A French bishop, b. at Cherbourg, 17 October, 1731; d. reference at Paris, 4 April, 1790.
  • Bas-relief - A sculpture executed upon and attached to a b flat surface.
  • Burgos - Since the tenth century an episcopal see of reference Spain, to reference which in the eleventh century the reference ancient Sees of Oca reference and Valpuesta were transferred.
  • Bourchier, Thomas - Cardinal, born 1406; died 1486.
  • Berthold of Ratisbon - Franciscan of the monastery of that city and reference the most reference powerful preacher of repentance in the reference thirteenth century, b. about reference 1210; d. at Ratisbon, reference 14 December, 1272.
  • Birmingham - One of the thirteen dioceses erected by the Apostolic Letter b of Pius IX, 27 September, 1850, which restored a hierarchy b to the Catholic church in England.
  • Badia, Tommaso - Cardinal, author, papal legate, born at Modena, 1483; died at reference Rome, 6 September, 1547.
  • Baconian System of Philosophy, The - Essay takes a look at this system and its relation to theology and the beliefs of the Catholic church.
  • Beaton, James - Archbishop of Glasgow. (1517-1603)
  • Bartolocci, Giulio - A Cistercian monk and learned Hebrew scholar, b. at Celleno b in the old kingdom of Naples, 1 April, 1613; d. b at Rome, 19 October, 1687.
  • Bangor Abbey - The name of two famous monastic establishments in catholic encyclopedia Ireland catholic encyclopedia and England.
  • Bernal, Agostino - Spanish theologian. (1587-1642)
  • Balanaea - A titular see of Syria.
  • Bertinoro - Anciently called Forum Truentinorum, and, at the time catholic encyclopedia of b the Gothic war, Petra Honorii, whence the catholic encyclopedia present name, b is a small city in Romagna, catholic encyclopedia province of Forli, b Italy.
  • Bathilde, Saint - A runaway slave who became the wife of King Clovis II. Upon widowhood, she founded monasteries and proved herself a capable regent. She died in 680.
  • Bothrys - A titular see situated in Phoenicia.
  • Bouvier, Jean-Baptiste - Bishop of Le Mans, theologian. (1783-1854)
  • Biretta - A square cap with three ridges or peaks reference on its upper surface, worn by clerics of reference all grades from cardinals downwards.
  • Bracton, Henry de - English juridical writer, born probably in King John\\'s reign and reference died about four years before the close of that of reference Henry III.
  • Birds (in Symbolism) - The dove, eagle, pelican, phoenix, and peacock are included.
  • Bercharius, Saint - Abbot of Hautvillers, founder, stabbed to death by b one of b his monks in 696.
  • Brunforte, Ugolino - Friar Minor and chronicler, born c. 1262; died c. 1348.
  • Buenos Aires - The federal capital of the Argentine Republic.
  • Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de - Explorer, discoverer of the Pacific Ocean from the b west coast reference of Central America. (1475-1517)
  • Boy-Bishop - The custom of electing a boy-bishop on the reference feast of St. Nicholas dates from very early reference times, and was in vogue in most Catholic reference countries, but chiefly in England.
  • Baegert, John Jacob - Missionary and ethnographer. (1717-1777)
  • Bandello, Matteo - Writer, born at Castelnuovo di Scrivia in Piedmont, b Italy, in 1480; died Bishop of Agen, France, b in 1565.
  • Brookes, James - Last Catholic Bishop of Gloucester, England. (1512-1560)
  • Barrow, William, Venerable - An English Jesuit martyr, born in Lancashire, in 1609, died 30 June, 1679.
  • Bona Mors Confraternity, The - Founded 1648, in the Church of the Gesu, catholic encyclopedia by catholic encyclopedia Father Vincent Carrafa, seventh General of the catholic encyclopedia Society of catholic encyclopedia Jesus, and approved by the Sovereign catholic encyclopedia Pontiffs Innocent X catholic encyclopedia and Alexander VII.
  • Benefit of Clergy - The exemption from the jurisdiction of the secular catholic encyclopedia courts, catholic encyclopedia which in England, in the Middle Ages, catholic encyclopedia was accorded catholic encyclopedia to clergymen.
  • Buss, Franz Joseph, Ritter von - Jurist, b. 23 March, 1803 at Zell in Baden; d. catholic encyclopedia 31 January, 1878, at Freiburg im Breisgau.
  • Bois-le-Duc - Diocese lies within the Dutch province of Brabant, reference and is suffragan to Utrecht.
  • Basilides - Martyrs bearing this name are mentioned in the reference old martyrologies b on three different days, namely, on reference 10, 12, and 28 b June.
  • Bourdeilles, Hélie de - Archbishop of Tours and Cardinal, b., probably, towards 1323; d. b 5 July, 1484.
  • Berthold - Bishop, Apostle of the Livonians, killed 24 July, b 1198, in catholic encyclopedia a crusade against the pagan Livonians b who threatened destruction to catholic encyclopedia all Christians that lived b in their territory.
  • Bedini, Cajetan - Italian Cardinal and diplomat. (1806-1864)
  • Bouillart, Jacques - Benedictine monk of the Congregation of St. Maur. reference (1669-1726)
  • Burgoa, Francisco - Historical and geographical writer. Born at Oaxaca about catholic encyclopedia 1600; d. at Teopozotlan in 1681.
  • Busée, Pierre - Jesuit theologian. (1540-1587)
  • Bard, Henry - An English soldier and diplomat, b. 1604; d. reference 1660.
  • Bianchi, Giovanni Antonio - Friar Minor and theologian. (1686-1768)
  • Bartoli, Daniello - Historian and littérateur, born at Ferrara, 12 February, b 1608; died b in Rome, 12 January, 1685.
  • Bathe, William - Irishman, Jesuit, wrote educational books on music and b language. He died in 1614.
  • Bolsec, Jérôme-Hermès - A theologian and physician, b. probably at Paris, date unknown; d. at Lyons c. 1584.
  • Blanc, Anthony - Fifth Bishop, and first Archbishop, of New Orleans, b La., U.S.A. catholic encyclopedia (1792-1860)
  • Brunetière, Ferdinand - French critic and professor, born at Toulon, 19 July, 1849; b died at Paris, 9 December, 1906.
  • Bartholomew of San Concordio - Canonist, and man of letters, b. at San Concordia, near Pisa about 1260; d. at Pisa, 11 June, 1347.
  • Baroccio, Federigo - Italian painter and engraver. (1528-1612)
  • Bressani, Francesco Giuseppe - Italian missionary to the Indians. (1612-1672)
  • Beatific Vision - The immediate knowledge of God which the angelic catholic encyclopedia spirits b and the souls of the just enjoy catholic encyclopedia in Heaven.
  • Benedict V, Pope - Date of birth unknown; died 4 July, 965.
  • Barbarigo, Giovanni Francesco - Italian Cardinal, nephew of Blessed Gregorio Barbarigo (1625-97), reference born in b 1658 at Venice; died in 1730.
  • Bebian, Roch-Amboise-Auguste - Sent to France, committed to the care of b his godfather, the Abbé Sicard, the well-known educator b of the deaf and dumb.
  • Bruté de Rémur, Simon William Gabriel - First Bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, (now Indianapolis). (1779-1839)
  • Byrne, Andrew - Bishop of Little Rock, Arkansas. (1802-1862)
  • Brancaccio - An ancient and illustrious Neapolitan family, from which the "Brancas" of France were descended.
  • Benedict XI, Pope Blessed - Elected unanimously, author of Scriptural commentaries, d. 1304.
  • Beschi, Costanzo Giuseppe - Though primarily a missionary, better know as one of the b classical writers of Tamil literature. (1680-1746)
  • Boniface V, Pope - A Neapolitan who succeeded Deusdedit after a vacancy catholic encyclopedia of more than a year; consecrated 23 December, catholic encyclopedia 619.
  • Baden - The Grand Duchy of Baden is situated in the southwestern catholic encyclopedia part of the German Empire.
  • Barre, Antoine-Lefebvre, Sieur de la - Tenth French Governor-General of Canada, b. at Paris in 1622; d. in 1690.
  • Boileau-Despréaux, Nicholas - French poet. (1636-1711)
  • Barnabites - The popular name of a religious order which catholic encyclopedia is canonically known by the title, given to catholic encyclopedia it by Pope Paul III in 1535, of catholic encyclopedia Regular Clerics of St. Paul.
  • Brogny, Jean-Allarmet de - French Cardinal. (1342-1426)
  • Backx, Peter Hubert Evermode - Ordained priest 17 March, 1832, considered the second reference founder of the Norbertine Abbey of Tongerloo.
  • Black Fast, The - This form of fasting, the most rigorous in catholic encyclopedia the b history of church legislation, was marked by catholic encyclopedia austerity regarding b the quantity and quality of food catholic encyclopedia permitted on fasting b days as well as the catholic encyclopedia time wherein such food b might be legitimately taken.
  • Bertin, Saint - Monk living under the Rule of St. Columban, missionary to the Morini, monastic founder, abbot of St. Omer, d. about 709.
  • Blois - Coextensive with the civil department of Loir-et-Cher and a suffragan b of Paris.
  • Belfry - The upper part of the tower or steeple of a b church, for the reception of the bells; or a detached b tower containing bells, as the campanile of the Italians.
  • Bismarck, Diocese of - In North Dakota, this diocese was erected on catholic encyclopedia 31 December, 1909, and is suffragan to the catholic encyclopedia Archdiocese of St. Paul, Minnesota.
  • Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God - The founder of this religious institution, was born b 8 March, reference 1495, at Montemor Novo, in Portugal.
  • Brignon, John - Member of the Society of Jesus. Born at St. Malo catholic encyclopedia in 1629; died at Paris, 12 June, 1712.
  • Binius, Severin - Historian and critic. (1573-1641)
  • Becan, Martin - Controversialist, born at Hilvarenbeck, Brabant, Holland, 6 January, 1563; died reference at Vienna, 24 January, 1624.
  • Bernward, Saint - Bishop of Hildesheim, d. 1022.
  • Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint - Article on the life and works of this twelfth-century Cistercian and Doctor of the Church.
  • Balearic Isles - A group in the western part of the reference Mediterranean belonging catholic encyclopedia to Spain and consisting of four reference larger islands, Majorca, Minorca, catholic encyclopedia Iviza, and Formentera, and reference eleven smaller islands of rocky formation.
  • Brunn - Suffragan diocese of the Archdiocese of Olmutz, embracing the south-western part of Moravia.
  • Bovino - Diocese in the province of Foggia, Italy, suffragan reference to the b Archdiocese of Benevento.
  • Borromeo, Federico - Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan, cousin and successor of St. Charles Borromeo. (1564-1631)
  • Burnett, Peter Hardeman - First American Governor of California. (1807-1895)
  • Berchtold, Blessed - Abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of Engelberg in Switzerland, died reference 1197.
  • Batteux, Charles - Abbé and writer on philosophy and aesthetics, b. near Vouziers, catholic encyclopedia France, 6 May, 1713; d. at Paris, 14 July, 1780.
  • Berno - Apostle of the Obotrites, in the latter half catholic encyclopedia of the twelfth century.
  • Billick, Eberhard - German theologian, opponent of the Reformation, born 1499 or 1500 b at Cologne; died there 12 January, 1557.
  • Benedict I, Pope - A Roman and the son of Boniface, and catholic encyclopedia was called Bonosus by the Greeks.
  • Baptism - One of the Seven Sacraments of the Christian Church; frequently called the "first sacrament", the "door of the sacraments", and the "door of the Church".
  • Benedict II, Pope Saint - A Roman, he was pope for a little catholic encyclopedia less than eleven months, and died in 685. catholic encyclopedia Account of his pontificate.
  • Bellarini, John - Barnabite theologian, b. at Castelnuovo, Italy, in 1552; b d. at b Milan, 27 August, 1630.
  • Baines, Ralph - Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, England, b. at Knowsthorp, Yorks, reference date of birth uncertain; d. 18 November, 1559.
  • Bril, Paulus - Flemish painter and engraver, born at Antwerp, 1556; reference died in Rome, 7 October, 1626.
  • Beatitudes, Mount of - Name given to the place where the "Sermon b on the b Mount", was delivered.
  • Boisil, Saint - Abbot of Melrose, renowned for prophetic gifts, taught catholic encyclopedia St. Cuthbert. St. Boisil died in 664.
  • Bienville, Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de - French Governor of Louisiana and founder of New b Orleans. (1680-1767)
  • Benettis, Jeremiah - Friar Minor Capuchin and historical writer, d. in 1774.
  • Benedict, Rule of Saint - Lengthy article on the text of the Rule and its reference composition, some analysis, and practical application.
  • Beardsley, Aubrey - Biography of the daring English illustrator.

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