Catholic Encyclopedia Reference Catholicism Denominations

The public use of creeds began in connection with baptism, in the Traditio and Redditio symboli, as a preparation for that sacrament, and in the preliminary interrogations.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Denominations: Catholicism: Reference: Catholic Encyclopedia


  • Changanacherry - Vicariate Apostolic in Travancore, India.
  • Charity, Sisters of, of St. Vincent de Paul - A congregation of women with simple vows, founded catholic encyclopedia in 1633 and devoted to corporal and spiritual catholic encyclopedia works of mercy.
  • Cuenca - Diocese in Spain.
  • Christopher, Saint - Article on this martyr, probably of the third c century. Although Christopher has been a center of c popular legend since the sixth century, all that c can be known for certain is that he c was a great martyr.
  • Choiseul, Etienne-François, Duc de - French statesman, b. 28 June, 1719; d. in catholic encyclopedia Paris 8 May, 1785.
  • Citharizum - A titular see of Armenia.
  • Colman, Saint MacCathbad - Bishop of Kilroot and a contemporary of St. catholic encyclopedia Ailbe.
  • Crotus, Johann - German Humanist, b. at Dornheim, in Thuringia, c. 1480; d. c probably at Halle, c. 1539.
  • Cosin, Edmund - Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, England.
  • Cambrai, Archdiocese of - Comprises the entire Département du Nord of France.
  • Contzen, Adam - Jesuit economist and exegete. (1573-1635)
  • Città della Pieve, Diocese of - A city of obscure origin in the province c of Perugia in Umbria, Central Italy.
  • Clement of Ireland, Saint - Also known as Clemens Scotus. Famed scholar and c teacher of c youth, died no earlier than 818.
  • Cydonia - A titular see of Crete.
  • Corsica - The third island of the Mediterranean in point of size, only Sicily and Sardinia being of greater extent.
  • Clement IX, Pope - Reigned 1667-1669.
  • Cuoq, André-Jean - Philologist, b. at LePuy, France, 1821; d. at Oka near Montreal, 1898.
  • Cowl - A hood worn in many religious orders.
  • Caron, Raymond - Franciscan friar and author, b. at Athlone, Ireland, catholic encyclopedia in c 1605; d. at Dublin, 1666.
  • Criticism, Higher - Biblical criticism in its fullest comprehension is the reference examination of the literary origins and historical values reference of the books composing the Bible, with the reference state in which these exist at the present reference day.
  • Corfu - One of the Ionian Islands, at the entrance catholic encyclopedia of the Adriatic, opposite the Albanian coast, from catholic encyclopedia which it is separated by a narrow channel.
  • Caesarius of Arles, Saint - Bishop, theologian, renowned as a popular preacher, wrote c two monastic c rules, died 543.
  • Cyclades - A group of islands in the Ægean Sea.
  • Communion of the Sick - Differs from ordinary Communion as to the class of persons c to whom it is administered, as to the dispositions with c which it may be received, and as to the place c and ceremonies of administration.
  • Cadalous - Bishop and antipope. (d.1072)
  • Coysevox, Charles-Antoine - French sculptor, b. at Lyons, 29 Sept., 1640; reference d. at Paris, 10 Oct., 1720.
  • Charity, Sisters of, of St. Elizabeth - A community founded at Newark, in 1859, by c Mother Mary reference Xavier Mehegan, who for twelve years c previously had been a reference member of the Sisters c of Charity, of St. Vincent de reference Paul in c New York.
  • Clonmacnoise, Abbey and School of - Situated on the Shannon, about half way between catholic encyclopedia Athlone c and Banagher, King's County, Ireland.
  • Castillejo, Cristóbal de - Spanish poet, b. in Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca), 1491; reference d. in reference Vienna, 12 June, 1556.
  • Curaçao - Vicariate apostolic; includes the islands of the Dutch catholic encyclopedia West Indies: Curaçao, Bonaire, and Aruba; Saba, St. catholic encyclopedia Eustatius, and the Dutch part of St. Martin catholic encyclopedia (Leeward Islands).
  • Carbery, James Joseph - Third Bishop of Hamilton, Ontario. (1823-1887)
  • Clandestinity (in Canon Law) - Strictly speaking, clandestinity signifies a matrimonial impediment introduced catholic encyclopedia by the Council of Trent to invalidate marriages catholic encyclopedia contracted at variance with the exigencies of the catholic encyclopedia decree "Tametsi", commonly so called because the first catholic encyclopedia word of the L
  • Cid, El - Popular hero of the chivalrous age of Spain, c born at Burgos c. 1040; died at Valencia, c 1099. He was given the title of seid c or cid (lord, chief) by the Moors and c that of campeador (champion) by his admiring countrymen.
  • Charlevoix, François-Xavier - Historian, b. at St-Quentin, France, 24 October, 1682, d. at catholic encyclopedia La Flèche, 1 February, 1761.
  • Conrad of Urach - Cardinal-Bishop of Porto and Santa Rufina; born about 1180; d. 1227.
  • Colle de Val d'Elsa - Diocese in Italy.
  • Cap Haïtien - Erected by Pius IX, 3 October, 1861, in catholic encyclopedia the ecclesiastical Province of Port au Prince.
  • Catherick, Venerable Edmund - Priest and martyr, born probably in Lancashire about catholic encyclopedia 1605; executed at York, 13 April, 1642.
  • Cloister - The English equivalent of the Latin word clausura (from claudere, c "to shut up").
  • Covenanters - The name given to the subscribers (practically the whole Scottish nation) of the two Covenants, the National Covenant of 1638 and the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643.
  • Caracalla - Roman Emperor, son of Septimius Severus and Julia c Domna, b. 188; d. 217.
  • Concordat - In general, a concordat means an agreement, or union of wills, on some matter.
  • Cogitosus - Sixth-century Irish monk and author.
  • Church Maintenance - The proper support of church edifices and church institutions.
  • Champs, Etienne Agard de - Theologian and author. (1613-1701)
  • Costa, Lorenzo - Ferrarese painter, b. at Ferrara in 1460; d. at Mantua reference in 1535.
  • Carneiro, Melchior - Missionary bishop. (d. 1583)
  • Coeffeteau, Nicolas - Preacher and controversialist, born 1574, at Château-du-Loir, province of Maine, catholic encyclopedia France; died Paris, 21 April, 1623.
  • Creation - Like other words of the same ending, the term creation catholic encyclopedia signifies both an action and the object or effect thereof. catholic encyclopedia Thus, in the latter sense, we speak of the "kingdoms catholic encyclopedia of creation", "the whole creation", and so on.
  • Cotiæum - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cleophas - According to the Catholic English versions the name of two persons mentioned in the New Testament. In Greek, however, the names are different, one being Cleopas, abbreviated form of Cleopatros, and the other Clopas.
  • Csanád - The Diocese includes the counties of Temes, Torontál, Krassó-Szörény, Arad, reference Csanád, and a part of Csongrád and Békés, Hungary.
  • Colonna, Giovanni Paolo - Noted church composer of the seventeenth century.
  • Cesena - The ancient Cæsena is a city of Emilia, in the province of Forli (Italy), in the former States of the Church.
  • Capgrave, John - Augustinian friar, historian, and theologian, b. at Lynn c in Norfolk, reference 21 April, 1393.
  • Clemens non Papa - Composer. (d. 1558)
  • Cornelius, Pope Saint - Had to contend with the antipope Novatian. When c persecution broke reference out, Cornelius was exiled, and he c died a martyr in reference 253.
  • Colomba of Rieti, Blessed - Third Order Dominican, intensely devoted to the Eucharist, d. 1501.
  • Charity, Sisters of, of St. Louis - Founded at Vannes in Brittany, in 1803, by Madame Molé, c née de Lamoignan, for the education of poor girls, at c the suggestion of Bishop de Pancemont, of Vannes, who was c her director.
  • Cerinthus - A Gnostic-Ebionite heretic, contemporary with St. John; against catholic encyclopedia whose errors on the divinity of Christ the catholic encyclopedia Apostle is said to have written the Fourth catholic encyclopedia Gospel.
  • Corporation - An association recognized by civil law and regarded reference in all catholic encyclopedia ordinary transactions as an individual. An reference artificial person.
  • Caulet, François-Etienne - A French bishop and Jansenist, b. at Toulouse, catholic encyclopedia 1610; catholic encyclopedia d. at Pamiers, 1680.
  • Colman, Walter - Friar Minor and English martyr: date of birth uncertain; died catholic encyclopedia in London, 1645.
  • Conrad of Leonberg - A Cistercian monk and Humanist, b. at Leonberg in Swabia in 1460; d. at Engenthal near Basle after 1520.
  • Cullen, Paul - Cardinal, Archbishop of Dublin, born at Prospect, Co. reference Kildare, Ireland, 29 April, 1803; died at Dublin, reference 24 October, 1878.
  • Categorical Imperative - A term which originated in Immanuel Kant's ethics.
  • Carabantes, José de - Friar Minor Capuchin and theologian, born in Aragon, catholic encyclopedia in catholic encyclopedia 1628; died in 1694.
  • Caeremoniale Episcoporum - A book containing the rites and ceremonies to reference be observed at Mass, Vespers, and other functions, reference by bishops and prelates of inferior rank, in reference metropolitan, cathedral, and collegiate churches.
  • Cross, Daughters of the - Belgian religious congregation.
  • Concordances of the Bible - Lists of Biblical words arranged alphabetically with indications to enable catholic encyclopedia the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible where catholic encyclopedia the words occur.
  • Cathedra - Three uses of the word are detailed.
  • Corinthians, Epistles to the - The historical and internal evidence that they were c written by St. Paul is overwhelmingly strong.
  • Caliari, Paolo - Eminent painter of the Venetian school. (1528-1588)
  • Cavagnis, Felice - Canonist, b. in Bordogna, Diocese of Bergamo, Italy, 13 January, c 1841; d. at Rome, 29 December, 1906.
  • Canticle of Canticles - One of three books of Solomon, contained in the Hebrew, c the Greek, and the Christian Canon of the Scriptures.
  • Christopher Numar of Forli - Minister General of the Friars Minor and cardinal. (d. 1528)
  • Calvary, Congregation of Our Lady of - A congregation founded at Poitiers, in 1617, by Antoinette of Orléans-Longueville.
  • Cistercians - Religious of the Order of Cîteaux, a Benedictine reform, established catholic encyclopedia at Cîteaux in 1098 by St. Robert, Abbot of Molesme catholic encyclopedia in the Diocese of Langres, for the purpose of restoring catholic encyclopedia as far as possible the literal observance of the Rule catholic encyclopedia of St. Benedict.
  • Cynewulf - That certain Anglo-Saxon poems still extant were written catholic encyclopedia by catholic encyclopedia one Cynewulf is beyond dispute, for the catholic encyclopedia author has catholic encyclopedia signed his name in them by catholic encyclopedia spelling it out catholic encyclopedia in runic letters which may catholic encyclopedia be so read as catholic encyclopedia to make sense in catholic encyclopedia the context of the poem. catholic encyclopedia It is, however, catholic encyclopedia qu
  • Censures, Ecclesiastical - Medicinal and spiritual punishments imposed by the Church on a baptized, delinquent, and contumacious person, by which he is deprived, either wholly of in part, of the use of certain spiritual goods, until he recover from his contumacy.
  • Carpasia - A titular see of Cyprus. Carpasia, Karpasia, also catholic encyclopedia Karpasion is said to have been founded by catholic encyclopedia King Pygmalion near Cape Sarpedon.
  • Candles - The word candle (candela, from candeo, to burn) was introduced into the English language as an ecclesiastical term, probably as early as the eighth century.
  • Cheverus, Jean-Louis Lefebvre de - First Bishop of Boston, U.S.A., Bishop of Montauban; catholic encyclopedia Archbishop of Bordeaux, France, and Cardinal, b. at catholic encyclopedia Mayenne, France, 28 January, 1768; d. at Bordeaux catholic encyclopedia 19 July, 1836.
  • Corpus Christi, Feast of - This feast is celebrated in the Latin Church on the catholic encyclopedia Thursday after Trinity Sunday to solemnly commemorate the institution of catholic encyclopedia the Holy Eucharist.
  • Caiaphas - Jewish High Priest.
  • Coelde, Theodore - Friar Minor and missionary, born at Münster, in 1435; died at Louvain, 11 December, 1515.
  • Civil Allegiance - The duty of loyalty and obedience which a person owes catholic encyclopedia to the State of which he is a citizen.
  • Ceadda, Saint - Commonly known as St. Chad. Seventh-century bishop of reference Lichfield.
  • Charles Mahony, Blessed - Irish Franciscan priest who was executed at Ruthin in Wales in 1679. Short article includes a statement by the martyr.
  • Calasio, Mario di - Friar Minor and lexicographer. (1550-1620)
  • Colgan, John - Hagiographer and historian, b. in County Donegal, Ireland, about the beginning of the seventeenth century; d. probably in 1657.
  • Chapeauville, Jean - Belgian theologian and historian, b. at Liège, 5 January, 1551; catholic encyclopedia d. there 11 May 1617.
  • Chalcedon - A titular see of Asia Minor. The city reference was founded 676 B. C. by the Megarians reference on the Bithynian coast, opposite the place where reference a little later Byzantium rose.
  • Columba, Saint - Also known as Columcille. Long article on the catholic encyclopedia Irish-born catholic encyclopedia monk, founder and abbot of Iona. He catholic encyclopedia died in catholic encyclopedia 597.
  • Constantinople, Council of - Particular council held in A.D. 754.
  • Calumny - Etymologically any form of ruse or fraud employed to deceive catholic encyclopedia another, particularly in judicial proceedings.
  • Callot, Jacques - French etcher, engraver, and painter. (1592-1635)
  • Cluny, Congregation of - The earliest reform, which became practically a distinct c order, within reference the Benedictine family.
  • Constantinople - Capital, formerly of the Byzantine, now of the Ottoman, Empire. (As of 1908, when the article was written.)
  • Coptos - A titular see of Upper Egypt.
  • Cincinnati - Archdiocese in the state of Ohio.
  • Chastellain, Pierre - Missionary among the Huron Indians, born at Senlis, France, in catholic encyclopedia 1606; died at Quebec, 14 August, 1684.
  • Catania - A seaport and capital of the province of c the same catholic encyclopedia name in Sicily, situated on the c eastern side of Mount catholic encyclopedia Etna.
  • Conceptionists - A branch of the Order of Saint Clare, c founded by catholic encyclopedia Beatriz de Silva.
  • Certitude - The word indicates both a state of mind and a catholic encyclopedia quality of a proposition, according as we say, "I am catholic encyclopedia certain", or, "It is certain".
  • Capitulations, Episcopal and Pontifical - Agreements, by which those taking part in the c election of catholic encyclopedia a bishop or pope imposed special c conditions upon the candidate catholic encyclopedia to be fulfilled by c him after his election.
  • Casgrain, Henri Raymond - Author of French Canadian literature. (1831-1904)
  • Champollion, Jean-François - A biography of the French Orientalist renowned for c deciphering hieroglyphics reference through the triple inscription on the c Rosetta Stone.
  • Charismata - The spiritual graces and qualifications granted to every Christian to reference perform his task in the Church.
  • Castracane degli Antelminelli, Francesco - Naturalist, b. at Fano, Italy, 19 July, 1817; reference d. at Rome 27 March, 1899.
  • Cyprian, Saint - Bishop of Toulon, student and biographer of St. Caesarius of Arles. Cyprian died in 546.
  • Catherine, Monastery of Saint - Situated on Mount Sinai, in a gorge below catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia Jebel-Musa, the reputed Mountain of the Law.
  • Colima - The city of Colima, the capital of the state of the same name in Mexico, is situated on the Colima River, at an altitude of 1400 feet, and was founded in the year 1522 by Gonzalo de Sandoval.
  • Charity, Sisters of, of St. Paul - These sisters who now add "Of Chartres" to catholic encyclopedia their c title to distinguish them from another congregation catholic encyclopedia of the c same name, were founded at Chartres catholic encyclopedia in 1704 by c Monsignor Maréchaut, a theologian of catholic encyclopedia the Cathedral of Chartres, c assisted by Mlle de catholic encyclopedia Tilly
  • Crétineau-Joly, Jacques - Journalist and historian; b. at Fontenay-le-Comte, Vendee, France, c 23 Sept., 1803; d. at Vincennes near Paris, c 1 Jan., 1875.
  • Canopus - A titular see of Egypt.
  • Coenred - King of Mercia (reigned 704-709); date of birth and death c unknown.
  • Cano, Alonso - Spanish painter, architect, and sculptor. (1601-1667)
  • Chariopolis - A titular see of Thrace.
  • Christ, Order of the Knights of - A military order which sprang out of the catholic encyclopedia famous reference Order of the Temple.
  • Chersonesus - The name for both a titular see of Crete and catholic encyclopedia a titular see of Thrace, and suffragan to Heracleia.
  • Colmar, Joseph Ludwig - Bishop of Mainz; born at Strasburg, 22 June, 1760; died c at Mainz, 15 Dec., 1818.
  • Counsels, Evangelical - The difference between a precept and a counsel reference lies in this, that the precept is a reference matter of necessity while the counsel is left reference to the free choice of the person to reference whom it is proposed.
  • Coptic Literature - Details of the Morgan and the British Museum\'s collections.
  • Cadillac, Antoine de Lamothe, Sieur de - Founder of Detroit. (1657-1730)
  • Charterhouse - From the fact that St. Bruno founded the first house catholic encyclopedia of his austere order at Chartreux, near Grenoble, the institution catholic encyclopedia has ever since been known by the name of that catholic encyclopedia place.
  • Cefalù - The city of the same name in the c province of reference Palermo, in Sicily (Italy), is situated c nearly in the centre reference of the northern coast c of the island.
  • Casot, Jean-Jacques - The last surviving Jesuit of the old Canada reference mission, born c in Liège, Belgium, 4 October, 1728; reference died at Quebec, 16 c March, 1800.
  • Covarruvias, Diego - Born in Toledo, Spain, 25 July, 1512; died in Madrid, 27 Sept., 1577.
  • Clovesho, Councils of - Notable as the place at which were held c several councils c of the Anglo-Saxon Church.
  • Collegiate - An adjective applied to those churches and institutions reference whose members catholic encyclopedia form a college.
  • Charron, Pierre - Article by Charles B. Schrantz notes this French catholic encyclopedia thinker\\'s catholic encyclopedia impact and the regrettable superficiality of his catholic encyclopedia thought.
  • Cleveland - The Diocese, established 23 April, 1847, comprises all catholic encyclopedia that reference part of Ohio lying north of the catholic encyclopedia southern limits reference of the Counties of Columbiana, Stark, catholic encyclopedia Wayne, Ashland, Richland, reference Crawford, Wyandot, Hancock, Allen, and catholic encyclopedia Van Wert, its territory reference covering thirty-six
  • Christina Alexandra - Queen of Sweden. Biographical article by P. Wittman.
  • Conza - Archdiocese with the perpetual administration of Campagna (Campaniensis).
  • Caracas - Located in the Republic of Venezuela, a metropolitan see with the Barquisimeto, Calabozo, Guayana, Merida, and Zulia as suffragans.
  • Cassani, Joseph - Spanish Jesuit. (1673-1686)
  • Clerks Regular of Our Saviour - A religious congregation instituted in its present form in 1851, catholic encyclopedia at Benoite-Vaux in the Diocese of Verdun, France.
  • Cotrone - A suffragan diocese of Reggio.
  • Cazeau, Charles-Félix - French-Canadian priest. (1807-1881)
  • Carvajal, Luis de - Friar Minor and Tridentine theologian, b. about 1500; the time catholic encyclopedia of his death is uncertain.
  • Cope - A vestment which may most conveniently be described as a c long liturgical mantle, open in front and fastened at the c breast with a band or clasp.
  • Conrad of Hochstadt - Archbishop of Cologne and Imperial Elector (1238-1261), date of birth reference unknown; d. 28 September, 1261.
  • Cuba - The largest and westernmost island of the West c Indies.
  • Clovis - King of the Salic Franks. (466-511)
  • Constantinople, Councils of - Particular councils held in 1639 and 1672.
  • Cole, Henry - English confessor. (1500-1579)
  • Crusades - Expeditions undertaken, in fulfilment of a solemn vow, catholic encyclopedia to deliver the Holy Places from Mohammedan tyranny. catholic encyclopedia The origin of the word may be traced catholic encyclopedia to the cross made of cloth and worn catholic encyclopedia as a badge on the outer garment of catholic encyclopedia those who took part in these enterprises
  • Cienfuegos - The Diocese of Cienfuegos (Centumfocensis), includes all the reference Province of reference Santa Clara in the central part reference of Cuba.
  • Corea - Vicariate apostolic, coextensive with the Empire of Corea; catholic encyclopedia it was created a distinct vicariate Apostolic, 9 catholic encyclopedia September, 1831.
  • Collections - Article discussing the development which took the form reference of a catholic encyclopedia contribution in money, corresponding particularly to reference what is conveyed by catholic encyclopedia the French word quête.
  • Charleston - The Diocese of Charleston (Carolopolitana) comprises the entire state of c South Carolina, U.S.A.
  • Celestine V, Pope Saint - Benedictine priest and hermit, d. 1296.
  • Cagliari, Archdiocese of - Cagliari, called by the ancient Caralis, is the principal city c and capital of the Island of Sardinia, and an important c port on the Gulf of Cagliari.
  • Catherine of Alexandria, Saint - Article on the virgin and martyr. In the c Middle Ages, one of the most popular saints.
  • Chambéry - In 1467, in the ducal chapel built for catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia Holy Winding-Sheet (Santo Sudario) by Amadeus IX, catholic encyclopedia duke of catholic encyclopedia Savoy, and the Duchess Yolande of catholic encyclopedia France, Paul II catholic encyclopedia erected a chapter directly subject catholic encyclopedia to the Holy See, catholic encyclopedia and his successor Sixtus catholic encyclopedia IV, united this chapter wit
  • Coleman, Edward - Controversialist, politician, and secretary of the Duchess of York. (d. 1678)
  • Clichtove, Josse - Theologian. (1472-1543)
  • Castello, Giovanni Battista - Italian painter, sculptor, and architect; b. at Gandino, c in the Valle Seriana, in the territory of c Bergamo, in 1509 (some writers state 1500 or c 1506); d. at Madrid in 1579.
  • Cornet, Nicolas - French theologian, born at Amiens, 1572; died at catholic encyclopedia Paris, c 1663.
  • California - Includes history, population, education, resources, and religion.
  • Cholonec, Pierre - French missionary to Canadian Indians. (1641-1723)
  • Concepción - Located in the Republic of Chile, suffragan to catholic encyclopedia Santiago reference de Chile.
  • Cathedraticum - A certain sum of money to be contributed annually for reference the support of the bishop, as a mark of honour reference and in sign of subjection to the cathedral church, hence reference its name.
  • Colombo, Mateo Realdo - Italian anatomist and discoverer of the pulmonary circulation, c b. at c Cremona in 1516; d. at Rome, c 1559.
  • Criticism, Textual - The object of textual criticism is to restore as nearly as possible the original text of a work the autograph of which has been lost.
  • Carroll of Carrollton, Charles - American statesman. (1737-1832)
  • Colonnade - A number of columns symmetrically arranged in one or more reference rows.
  • Catafalque - Derived from the Italian word catafalco, literally means a scaffold c or elevation, but in its strictly liturgical sense the word c is employed to designate the cenotaph-like erection which is used c at the exequial offices of the Church, and takes the c place of
  • Cedd, Saint - Brother of St. Chad (Ceadda) and bishop of reference the East Saxons, d. 664.
  • Cività Castellana, Orte, and Gallese - A town in the Province of Rome, on c the Treia.
  • Carvajal, Juan - Cardinal; b. about 1400 at Truxillo in Estremadura, reference Spain; d. c at Rome, 6 December, 1469.
  • Capua - Situated in the province of Caserta, Southern Italy.
  • Consent (in Canon Law) - The deliberate agreement required of those concerned in reference legal transactions reference in order to legalize such actions.
  • Carmelite Order, The - One of the mendicant orders.
  • Chrodegang, Saint - Bishop of Metz, d. 766.
  • Cathedral - The chief church of a diocese.
  • Colonia - A titular see in Armenia Prima.
  • Crelier, Henri-Joseph - Swiss Catholic priest. (1816-1889)
  • Chichele, Henry - Archbishop of Canterbury, b. at Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, reference England, 1362; c d. at Oxford, 12 April, 1441.
  • Cord, Confraternities of the - Pious associations of the faithful, the members of reference which wear c a cord or cincture in honour reference of a saint, to c keep in mind some reference special grace or favour which they c hope to reference obtain through his intercession.
  • Choir - Church architecture term. Strictly speaking, the choir is that part reference of the church where the stalls of the clergy are.
  • Crispina, Saint - African matron, martyred in Numidia in 304.
  • Caiazzo, Diocese of - Situated in the province of Caserta, Italy, amid reference the mountains of Tifati near the river Volturno.
  • Cracow, The University of - The first documentary evidence regarding the scheme that catholic encyclopedia King Casimir the Great conceived of establishing a catholic encyclopedia university dates from 1362. Urban V favored the catholic encyclopedia plan, and King Casimir issued the charter of catholic encyclopedia the university, 12 May, 1364.
  • Chieti - Archdiocese with the perpetual administration of Vasto.
  • Ceillier, Rémi - Patrologist, b. at Bar-le-Duc, 14 May, 1688; d. c at Flavigny, 26 May, 1763.
  • Cyrrhus - A titular see of Syria.
  • Character, Sacramental - Indicates a special effect produced by three of c the sacraments, viz. Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy orders.
  • Caius and Soter, Saints - Popes, having their feast together on 22 April.
  • Charlemagne - Biography of the emperor covering his political, military, and religious catholic encyclopedia entanglements.
  • Catenæ - Collections of excerpts from the writings of Biblical commentators, especially catholic encyclopedia the Fathers and early ecclesiastical writers, strung together like the catholic encyclopedia links of a chain, and in this way exhibiting a catholic encyclopedia continuous and connected interpretation of a given text of
  • Cassini, Giovanni Domenico - Italian astronomer. (1625-1712)
  • Chiapas - The Diocese comprises almost the entire state of catholic encyclopedia that c name in the Republic of Mexico. San catholic encyclopedia Cristobal Las c Casas, formerly called Ciudad Real, is catholic encyclopedia the episcopal seat, c and is the principal city catholic encyclopedia of the state.
  • Campi, Bernardino - Italian painter of the Lombard School, b. at c Cremona, 1522; catholic encyclopedia d. at Reggio, about 1590.
  • Counterpoint - The term originated in the fourteenth century, though catholic encyclopedia the c art designated by it had been practiced catholic encyclopedia for several c centuries previous.
  • Colet, John - Dean of St. Paul\\'s Cathedral and founder of c St. Paul\\'s c School, London; b. in London, 1467; c d. there 18 Sept., c 1519.
  • Common Sense, Philosophy of - The term common sense designates (1) a special reference faculty, the catholic encyclopedia sensus communis of the Aristotelean and reference Scholastic philosophy; (2) the catholic encyclopedia sum of original principles reference found in all normal minds; (3) catholic encyclopedia the ability reference to judge and reason in accordance with those catholic encyclopedia reference principle
  • Coton, Pierre - French Jesuit, born 7 March, 1564, at Néronde in Forez; died 19 March, 1626, at Paris.
  • Conecte, Thomas - Carmelite reformer, b. at Rennes towards the end catholic encyclopedia of catholic encyclopedia the fourteenth century; d. at Rome, 1433.
  • Celsus the Platonist - An eclectic Platonist and polemical writer against Christianity, reference who flourished towards the end of the second reference century.
  • Clare of Assisi, Saint - Cofounded the "Poor Clares" with St. Francis. She died in reference 1253.
  • Chardon, Mathias - A learned French Benedictine of the Congregation of reference the Saint-Vannes, c b. at Yvoi-Varignan in the present reference department of Ardennes, France, c 22 September, 1695; d. reference at the monastery of St-Arnold in c Metz, 21 reference October, 1771.
  • Cabral, Pedralvarez - Portuguese navigator. (b. 1460)
  • Caserta - The capital of the province of that name in Southern catholic encyclopedia Italy.
  • Custos - 1) An under-sacristan. (2) A superior or an official in the Franciscan order.
  • Camargo, Diego Muñoz - Born of a Spanish father and Indian mother soon after catholic encyclopedia 1521; died at a very advanced age, the exact date catholic encyclopedia unknown.
  • Celestine I, Pope Saint - Excommunicated Nestorius, sent St. Patrick to Ireland, d. c 432.
  • Cantù, Cesare - Italian historian and poet, b. at Brivio, 8 c December, 1807; catholic encyclopedia d. at Milan, 11 March, 1895.
  • Carroll, John - First American bishop. (1735-1815)
  • Carducci, Bartolommeo and Vincenzo - Florentine painters, brothers, usually grouped under the Spanish School.
  • Castagno, Andrea - Florentine painter, b. near Florence, 1390; d. at c Florence, 9 reference August, 1457.
  • Castiglione, Baldassare - Italian prose-writer, b. at Casatico, near Mantua, 6 December, 1478; died at Toledo, Spain, 7 February, 1529.
  • Creighton University - An institution located at Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A., and conducted by the Jesuit Fathers.
  • Comellas y Cluet, Antonio - Philosopher. (1832-1884)
  • Chivalry - Considered from three points of view: the military, the social, and the religious.
  • Concubinage - The meaning of the term in Roman law, and consequently catholic encyclopedia in early ecclesiastical records and writings, was much the same; catholic encyclopedia a concubine was a quasi-wife, recognized by law if there catholic encyclopedia was no legal wife.
  • Carissimi, Giacomo - Detailing his work in and composition for the catholic encyclopedia Roman reference Catholic Church.
  • Children of Mary - The Sodality of Children of Mary Immaculate owes its origin c to the manifestation of the Virgin Immaculate of the Miraculous c Medal, on which the Church has placed a seal, by c appointing the twenty-seventh of November as its feast.
  • Coffin, Robert Aston - Ecclesiastical writer and bishop. (1819-1885)
  • Cotelier, Jean-Baptiste - Patristic scholar and theologian, born December, 1629, at Nîmes; died 19 August, 1686.
  • Cherokee Indians - The largest and most important tribe of Iroquoian c stock of catholic encyclopedia the southern section of the United c States, and formerly holding catholic encyclopedia the whole southern Alleghany c mountain region of North and South catholic encyclopedia Carolina, Georgia c and Tennessee, with considerable portions of Alaba
  • Codex Bezae - Greek, New Testament manuscript.
  • Choron, Alexandre-Etienne - French musician and teacher of music. (1772-1834)
  • Commodianus - A Christian poet, the date of whose birth c is uncertain, but generally placed at about the c middle of the third century.
  • Chimalpain, Domingo (San Anton y Muñon) - A Mexican Indian of the second half of catholic encyclopedia the sixteenth and the first half of the catholic encyclopedia seventeenth centuries, who received a liberal education in catholic encyclopedia the colleges for Indians of Mexico City under catholic encyclopedia the direction of the clergy.
  • Conscience - The individual, as in him customary rules acquire c ethical character c by the recognition of distinct principles c and ideals, all tending c to a final unity c or goal, which for the mere c evolutionist is c left very indeterminate, but for the Christian has c c adequate
  • Crosier - The Pastoral Staff is an ecclesiastical ornament which catholic encyclopedia is c conferred on bishops at their consecration and catholic encyclopedia on mitred c abbots at their investiture, and which catholic encyclopedia is used by c these prelates in performing certain catholic encyclopedia solemn functions.
  • Cyme - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio Gaetani - Domincan cardinal, philosopher, theologian, and exegete. (1469-1534)
  • Cardinal Protector - Since the thirteenth century it has been customary c at Rome catholic encyclopedia to confide to some particular cardinal c a special solicitude in catholic encyclopedia the Roman Curia for c the interests of a given religious catholic encyclopedia order or c institute, confraternity, church, college, city, or nation.
  • Casanare - Vicariate Apostolic in the Republic of Colombia, South c America, administered catholic encyclopedia by the Augustinians, subject to the c Congregation of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical catholic encyclopedia Affairs.
  • Carlovingian Schools - Established under the Merovingian Kings, a school, scola catholic encyclopedia palatina, catholic encyclopedia the chroniclers of the eighth century styled catholic encyclopedia it for catholic encyclopedia the training of the young Frankish catholic encyclopedia nobles in the catholic encyclopedia art of war and in catholic encyclopedia the ceremonies of the catholic encyclopedia court.
  • Clermont - Comprises the entire department of Puy-de-Dôme and is a suffragan c of Bourges.
  • Crivelli, Carlo - Italian painter. Little is known of his life, c and his reference b. and d. are usually reckoned c by his earliest and reference latest signed pictures, 1468-93.
  • Codex - The name given to a manuscript in leaf catholic encyclopedia form, c distinguishing it from a roll.
  • Catechumen - In the early Church, was the name applied to one catholic encyclopedia who had not yet been initiated into the sacred mysteries, catholic encyclopedia but was undergoing a course of preparation for that purpose.
  • Crepieul, François - Jesuit missionary in Canada and vicar Apostolic for reference the Montagnais c Indians; b. at Arras, France, 16 reference March, 1638; d. at c Quebec in 1702.
  • Congregatio de Auxiliis - A commission established by Pope Clement VIII to reference settle the catholic encyclopedia theological controversy regarding grace which arose reference between the Dominicans and catholic encyclopedia the Jesuits towards the reference close of the sixteenth century.
  • Cosmas of Prague - Bohemian historian, b. about 1045, at Prague, Bohemia; reference d. there, catholic encyclopedia 21 October, 1125.
  • Clayton, James - Priest, confessor of the faith, b. at Sheffield, c England, date catholic encyclopedia of birth not know; d. a c prisoner in Derby gaol, catholic encyclopedia 22 July, 1588.
  • Chapter House - A building attached to a monastery or cathedral c in which c the meetings of the chapter are c held.
  • Colman, Saint Elo - Nephew of St. Columba. This St. Colman was c the first reference abbot of Muckamore. He died at c Lynally (Lann Elo) in reference 611.
  • Crutched Friars - An order of mendicant friars who went to England in the thirteenth century from Italy.
  • Carranza, Diego - Missionary among the Chontal Indians.
  • Clerks Regular of the Mother of God of Lucca - A congregation founded by St. Giovanni Leonardi.
  • Contract - The canonical and moralist doctrine on this subject reference is a development of that contained in the reference Roman civil law. In civil law, a contract reference is defined as the union of several persons reference in a coincident expression of will by which reference their legal relations are determ
  • Carlisle - The Catholic was smaller in extent than the catholic encyclopedia present c Anglican diocese, which was enlarged in 1856.
  • Cooktown - The Vicariate Apostolic of Cooktown comprises North Queensland, Australia, from 16°30\\' south latitude to Cape York, and from the Pacific Coast to the boundary of Northern Territory.
  • Capitolias - A titular see of Palestine, suffragan to Scythopolis in Palestina Secunda.
  • Ceolfrid, Saint - Anglo-Saxon Benedictine, abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow, d. c 716.
  • Cortese, Giovanni Andrea - Cardinal and monastic reformer, b. 1483 at Modena; d. 21 Sept., 1548.
  • Cosa, Juan de la - Navigator and cartographer, according to tradition b. in c 1460 at Sta. Maria del Puerto (Santona), on c the Bay of Biscay, Spain, d. on the c coast of the Gulf of Uraba, 28 February, c 1510.
  • Carreno de Miranda, Juan - Spanish painter, b. at Avilés in Asturia, 1614; reference d. at Madrid, 1685.
  • Cogolludo, Diego López de - Seventeenth-century Mexican historian.
  • Cleric - A person who has been legitimately received into catholic encyclopedia the c ranks of the clergy.
  • Conrad of Utrecht - Bishop; born in Swabia at an unknown date; killed at Utrecht, 14 April, 1099.
  • Chioggia (Chiozza) - A sea-coast city in the province of Venice. c In antiquity it was known as Fossa Clodia; c in the Middle Ages as Clugia.
  • Castro, Alphonsus de - Friar Minor and theologian, b. in 1495 at reference Zamora, Leon, Spain; d. 11 February 1558, at reference Brussels.
  • Creeks - An important confederacy of Indian tribes and tribal remnants, chiefly of Muskogian stock, formerly holding the greater portion of Central and Southern Georgia and Alabama.
  • Callipolis - Titular see of Thrace.
  • Chelm and Belz - A diocese of the Greek-Ruthenian Rite in Russian reference Poland, subject directly to the Holy See, and reference formerly a suffragan of Kiijow.
  • Contarini, Giovanni - Italian painter of the Venetian School, born at Venice about c 1549; died in 1605.
  • Callistus I, Pope Saint - Martyr, d. about 223. Also known as Callixtus or Calixtus.
  • Courtenay, William - Archbishop of Canterbury, born in the parish of c St. Martin\\'s, Exeter, England, c. 1342; died at c Maidstone, 31 July, 1396.
  • Censorship of Books - Either ecclesiastical or civil, according as it is practiced by the spiritual or secular authority, and it may be exercised in two ways, viz.: before the printing or publishing of a work, by examining it (censura prævia); and after the printing or publis
  • Citation - A legal act through which a person, by mandate of the judge, is called before the tribunal for trial.
  • Copenhagen, University of - Founded by a Bull which Sixtus IV issued 19 June, reference 1475, at the request of King Christian I.
  • Conferences, Ecclesiastical - Meetings of clerics for the purpose of discussing, reference in general, c matters pertaining to their state of reference life, and, in particular, c questions of moral theology reference and liturgy.
  • Christopher, Pope - Reigned 903-904.
  • Curityba do Parana - Diocese, suffragan of São Sebastião (Rio de Janeiro), reference Brazil.
  • Credi, Lorenzo di - Florentine painter, b. at Florence, 1459; d. there, catholic encyclopedia 1537.
  • Charity, Sisters of, of St. Vincent de Paul (New York) - Motherhouse at Mt. St. Vincent-on Hudson, New York; reference not to be confused with the Sisters of reference Charity of St. Vincent de Paul founded earlier.
  • Constantinople, Council of, in Trullo - Particular council held in A.D. 692.
  • Cochlaeus, Johann - Humanist and Catholic controversialist, b. 1479; d. 11 Jan., 1552, reference in Breslau.
  • Christian Doctrine, Confraternity of - An association established at Rome in 1562 for c the purpose of giving religions instruction.
  • Cambiaso, Luca - Genoese painter, b. at Moneglia near Genoa, in 1527; d. catholic encyclopedia in the Escorial, Madrid, 1585.
  • Cajetan, Constantino - Benedictine savant. (1560-1650)
  • Christchurch - Its centre being Christchurch, the Capital of Canterbury, New Zealand. Diocese comprises the provinces of Canterbury and Westland, a small portion of the Province of Nelson, and the Chatham Islands.
  • Catanzaro - Suffragan of Reggio.
  • Cree - The largest and most important Indian tribe of Canada, and reference one of the largest north of Mexico.
  • Cepeda, Francisco - A very active missionary among the Indians, born c in the catholic encyclopedia province of La Mancha, 1532; died c at Guatemala, 1602.
  • Cyrenaic School of Philosophy - Overview of this strain of classical thought, by William Turner.
  • Cardinal - A dignitary of the Roman Church and counsellor of the c pope.
  • Church, The - The term church is the name employed in the Teutonic reference languages to render the Greek ekklesia (ecclesia), the term by reference which the New Testament writers denote the society founded by reference Jesus Christ.
  • Cebú - Located in the Philippine Islands. Cebú, the diocesan c city, spelled also Sebú and Zebú, in the c province of the same name.
  • Claude de la Colombière, Saint - Jesuit missionary, ascetical writer, spiritual director to St. c Margaret Mary reference Alacoque. He died in 1682.
  • Cemeteries in Law - Includes information concerning the laws in the United catholic encyclopedia States catholic encyclopedia and Canada.
  • Carey, Mathew - Author and publisher, b. in Dublin, Ireland, 28 January, 1760; reference d. in Philadelphia, U.S.A., 15 September, 1839.
  • Chicoutimi - Diocese created, 28 May, 1878, a part of the civil c and ecclesiastical Province of Quebec.
  • Commissariat of the Holy Land - In the Order of Friars Minor the territory or district assigned to a commissary, whose duty it is to collect alms for the maintenance of the Holy Places in Palestine committed to the care of the Friars Minor; also, in a more restricted sense, the convent
  • Conimbricenses - The name by which Jesuits of the University c of Coimbra catholic encyclopedia in Portugal were known.
  • Constitutions, Ecclesiastical - In legal language the term constitutiones denotes only catholic encyclopedia church ordinances, civil ordinances being termed leges, laws.
  • Census - A canonical term variously defined by different writers.
  • Calvert, Leonard - Governor of Maryland. (1607-1647)
  • Corporation Act of 1661 - Belongs to the general category of test acts, c designed for the express purpose of restricting public c offices to members of the Church of England.
  • Compensation, Occult - An extra-legal manner of recovering from loss or damage; the taking, by stealth and on one\\'s private authority, of the value or equivalent of one\\'s goods from a person who refuses to meet the demands of justice.
  • Cinites - A tribe or family often mentioned in the Old Testament, personified as Qayin from which the nomen gentilicium Qeni is derived.
  • Codex Amiatinus - Manuscript of the Latin Vulgate Bible, kept at c Florence in the Bibliotheca Laurentiana.
  • Caprara, Giovanni Battista - Statesman and cardinal, born at Bologna, 29 May, catholic encyclopedia 1733; c died at Paris, 27 July, 1810.
  • Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception - A congregation founded in the department of Isère, at Saint-Antoine, c France, by the Abbé Dom Adrien Gréa.
  • Conal, Saint - Or Conall. Bishop of Drum, County Roscommon--now called Drumconnell, after the saint. Blood brother of St. Attracta. St. Conal died in about 500.
  • Cozza, Lorenzo - Friar Minor, cardinal, and theologian, b. at San reference Lorenzo near c Bolsena, 31 March, 1654; d. at reference Rome, 18 January, 1729.
  • Canute IV, Saint - King of Denmark, martyr, d. 1086.
  • Ceremonial - The book which contains in detail the order of religious ceremony and solemn worship prescribed to be observed in ecclesiastical functions.
  • Calepino, Ambrogio - Italian lexicographer. (1440-1510)
  • Cologne - German city and archbishopric.
  • Cozza-Luzi, Giuseppe - Italian savant, Abbot of the Basilian monastery of c Grottaferrata near Rome; b. 24 Dec., 1837, at c Bolsena in the Province of Rome: d. there c 1 June, 1905.
  • Cotenna - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Christendom - In its wider sense this term is used to describe c the part of the world which is inhabited by Christians.
  • Captain (in the Bible) - In the Douay version captain represents several different catholic encyclopedia Hebrew c and Latin words, and designates both civil catholic encyclopedia and military c officers.
  • Chester - Located in England. Though the See of Chester, schismatically created reference by Henry VIII in 1541, was recognized by the Holy reference See only for the short space of Queen Mary\\'s reign, reference the city had in earlier times possessed a bishop and reference a cathedral, though only inter
  • Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuñez - Born at Jerez de la Frontera in Andalusia, reference Spain; dates of birth and death uncertain.
  • Castoria - A titular see of Macedonia.
  • Calvin, John - Born at Noyon in Picardy, France, 10 July, catholic encyclopedia 1509, c and died at Geneva, 27 May, 1564.
  • Colonna, Vittorio - Italian poet, born at Marino, 1490; died at catholic encyclopedia Rome, reference February 25, 1547.
  • Chippewa Indians - The popular name is a corruption of Ojibwa, a name reference of uncertain etymology, but generally supposed to refer to the reference "puckered up" appearance of the seam along the front of reference the tribal moccasin.
  • Colossæ - A titular see of Phrygia in Asia Minor, suppressed in 1894.
  • Corporal - A square white linen cloth, now usually somewhat c smaller than catholic encyclopedia the breadth of an altar, upon c which the Sacred Host catholic encyclopedia and chalice are placed c during the celebration of Mass.
  • Cosmas and Damian, Saints - Short hagiography of these twins, physicians, and martyrs. reference They died on 27 September, probably in the reference year 287.
  • Cletus, Pope Saint - Says that "Cletus" is only another form of "Anacletus," briefly reference explains how the error of thinking the two names are reference two different popes came about, says that Cletus died in reference about 88.
  • Condamine, Charles-Marie de la - Explorer and physicist, b. at Paris, 28 January, 1701; d. catholic encyclopedia there 4 February, 1774.
  • Cyprus - An island in the Eastern Mediterranean, at the catholic encyclopedia entrance c of the Gulf of Alexandretta.
  • Capponi, Gino, Count - Historian and litterateur; born at Florence, Italy, 13 September, 1792; reference died 3 February, 1876.
  • Calendar, Jewish - Details include days, weeks, months, years, and eras.
  • Canon of the New Testament - The idea of a complete and clear-cut canon of the New Testament existing from the beginning, that is from Apostolic times, has no foundation in history.
  • Conscience, Hendrik - Flemish novelist, b. at Antwerp, 3 December, 1812; d. at Brussels, 10 September, 1883.
  • Callistus II, Pope - Date of birth unknown; died 13 December, 1124.
  • Coombes, William Henry - Described as a spiritual and self-denying priest, an c eminent scholar and theologian. (1767-1850)
  • Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto - Painter and etcher, b. at Genoa, Italy, 1616; reference d. at Mantua, 1670.
  • Crypt - The word originally meant a hidden place, natural or artificial, suitable for the concealment of persons or things.
  • Catherine of Genoa, Saint - Biography of the mystic and author, who died reference in 1510.
  • Celtes, Conrad - German Humanist, b. at Wipfeld in Lower Franconia, reference 1 February, 1459; d. at Vienna, 4 February, reference 1508.
  • Catacombs, Roman - The subject is covered under the headings: I. catholic encyclopedia Position; II. History; III. Inscriptions; IV. Paintings; V. catholic encyclopedia Sarcophagi; VI. Small Objects Found in the Catacombs; catholic encyclopedia and VII. Catacombs outside Rome.
  • Catherine of Siena, Saint - Third Order Dominican, hermit, reformer, mystic, d. 1380. c Biographical article by Edmund G. Gardner.
  • Christopher Robinson, Blessed - Wrote an account of the martyrdom of St. catholic encyclopedia John c Boste. Was himself martyred for being catholic encyclopedia a priest, c in 1598.
  • Clement VII, Pope - Reigned 1523-34.
  • Caraffa, Vincent - Seventh General of the Society of Jesus. (1585-1649)
  • Calendar, Reform of the - Such alterations were too obvious to be ignored, reference and throughout c the Middle Ages many observers both reference pointed them out and c endeavoured to devise a reference remedy.
  • Carrière, Joseph - Moral theologian, thirteenth superior of the seminary and catholic encyclopedia Society reference of Saint-Sulpice. (1795-1864)
  • Constantius, Flavius Julius - Roman emperor (317-361).
  • Clement X, Pope - Reigned 1670-1676.
  • Clogher - A suffragan of Armagh, Ireland, which comprises the County Monaghan, c almost the whole of Fermanagh, the southern portion of Tyrone, c and parts of Donegal, Louth, and Cavan.
  • Cuthbert - Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Cardan, Girolamo - Italian physician and mathematician. (1501-1576)
  • Cancer de Barbastro, Luis - Dominican missionary to the New World. (d. 1549)
  • Clare of Rimini, Blessed - Widow, penitent, Poor Clare, superior of the convent at Rimini, contemplative, d. 1346.
  • Celestine IV, Pope - Reigned October-November 1241.
  • Censures, Theological - Doctrinal judgments by which the Church stigmatizes certain teachings detrimental catholic encyclopedia to faith or morals.
  • Chastellain, Georges - Burgundian chronicler, born in the County of Alost, Flanders, in reference 1403; died at Valenciennes in 1475.
  • Cabot, John and Sebastian - Navigators and explorers.
  • Cardica - A titular see of Thessaly.
  • Coninck, Giles de - Jesuit theologian. (1571-1633)
  • Cenalis, Robert - Bishop, historian, and controversialist, b. in Paris, 1483; c d. there, 1560.
  • Clement VIII, Pope - Reigned 1592-1605.
  • Cossa, Francesco - Italian painter of the school of Ferrara, b. about 1430; reference d. probably at Ferrara, 1485.
  • Caillau, Armand-Benjamin - Priest and writer, born at Paris, 22 October, c 1794, died there, 1850.
  • Como - An important town in the province of Lombardy (Northern Italy), catholic encyclopedia situated on Lake Como, the ancient Lacus Larius.
  • Cura Animarum - Technically, the exercise of a clerical office involving c the instruction, catholic encyclopedia by sermons and admonitions, and the c sanctification, through the sacraments, catholic encyclopedia of the faithful in c a determined district, by a person catholic encyclopedia legitimately a c ppointed for the purpose.
  • Corcoran, Michael - Soldier, b. at Carrowkeel, County Sligo, Ireland, 21 catholic encyclopedia September, catholic encyclopedia 1827; d. at Fairfax Court House, Virginia, catholic encyclopedia U.S.A., 22 catholic encyclopedia December, 1863.
  • Camerino, Diocese of - Situated in the Italian province of Macerata in reference the Apennines, reference about 40 miles from Ancona.
  • Ceneda - Situated in the province of Treviso, in former reference Venetian territory, on a declivity of the Rhaetian reference Alps.
  • Chibchas - In the beginning of the sixteenth century they catholic encyclopedia occupied c what is now the departments of Boyaca catholic encyclopedia and Cundinamarca c with, possible, a few outlying settlements.
  • Correction, Fraternal - The admonishing of one\\'s neighbor by a private catholic encyclopedia individual with the purpose of reforming him or, catholic encyclopedia if possible, preventing his sinful indulgence.
  • Cistercians in the British Isles - St. Stephen Harding, third Abbot of Cîteaux (1109-33), reference was an catholic encyclopedia Englishman and his influence in the reference early organization of the catholic encyclopedia Cistercian Order had been reference very great. It was natural therefore catholic encyclopedia that, when, reference after the coming of St. Bernard and his catholic encyclopedia reference companions in 1
  • Canisius, Henricus - Canonist and historian, born at Nymwegen in Geldern.
  • Coffin, Edward - English Jesuit and missionary. (1570-1626)
  • Caylus, Comte de - French archaeologist, b. at Paris, in 1692; d. c in 1765.
  • Cardinals (1913 List) - Members of the College of Cardinals, 1913.
  • Carayon, Auguste - French author and bibliographer. (1813-1874)
  • Caius, John - Physician and scholar. (1510-1573)
  • Chieregati, Francesco - Papal nuncio, b. at Vicenza, 1479; d. at catholic encyclopedia Bologna, catholic encyclopedia 6 December, 1539.
  • Caesaropolis - Titular see of Macedonia.
  • Cibyra - A titular see of Caria, in Asia Minor. c Kibyra, later reference Kibyrrha, had been founded by the c Lycian district inhabited by reference the Solymi.
  • Common Life, Brethren of the - A community founded by Geert De Groote, born reference at Deventer catholic encyclopedia in Gelderland in 1340; died 1384.
  • Cordara, Guilo Cesare - Italian Jesuit historian. (1704-1785)
  • Carmel, Mount - A well-known mountain ridge in Palestine, usually called reference in the reference Hebrew Bible Hakkarmel.
  • Constantine the Great - Information on the Roman emperor.
  • Communism - In its more general signification communism refers to reference any social system in which all property, or reference at least all productive property, is owned by reference the group, or community, instead of by individuals.
  • Concupiscence - In its widest acceptation, concupiscence is any yearning reference of the soul for good; in its strict reference and specific acceptation, a desire of the lower reference appetite contrary to reason.
  • Chauveau, Pierre-Joseph-Octave - Canadian statesman. (1820-1890)
  • Castro Palao, Fernando - Spanish theologian. (1581-1633)
  • Circumcision, Feast of the - As Christ wished to fulfil the law and reference to show catholic encyclopedia His descent according to the flesh reference from Abraham. He, though catholic encyclopedia not bound by the reference law, was circumcised on the eighth catholic encyclopedia day (Luke, reference ii, 21), and received the sublime name expressive catholic encyclopedia reference of His office, Jesus, i.e. Saviour.
  • Cuyo, Virgin of - According to V. Gambon this statue is probably catholic encyclopedia the one which, together with the church in catholic encyclopedia which it stood, was given to the Franciscans catholic encyclopedia when the Jesuits were expelled (1767) from the catholic encyclopedia country by Charles III.
  • Conrad of Saxony - Friar Minor and ascetical writer, date and place reference of birth uncertain; d. at Bologna in 1279.
  • California Missions - Divided into Lower or Old California and Upper California.
  • Camaldolese - A joint order of hermits and cenobites, founded c by St. Romuald at the beginning of the c eleventh century.
  • Cherubim - Angelic beings or symbolic representations thereof, mentioned frequently reference in the catholic encyclopedia Old Testament and once in the reference New Testament.
  • Culdees - In the Irish language the word was written Ceile-De, meaning c companion, or even spouse, of God, with the Latin equivalent c in the plural, Colidei, anglicized into Culdees; in Scotland it c was often written Kelidei.
  • Confirmation - Describes its origin from Biblical texts and how it has reference been handed down through the ages. The rite is briefly reference described, and the minister, matter, form, recipient, effects, necessity and reference sponsors are detailed.
  • Curry, John - Irish historian and physician. (d. 1780)
  • Calvary, Mount - The place of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  • Cinna - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cueva, Juan de la - Spanish poet and dramatist. (1550-1607)
  • Corydallus - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Canada, Catholicity in - Treated under three headings: I. Period of French domination, from reference the discovery of Canada to the Treaty of Paris, in reference 1763; II. Period of British rule, from 1763 to the reference present day; III. Present conditions.
  • Catholic University of America - A pontifical institution located in Washington, D.C. It catholic encyclopedia comprises the Schools of the Sacred Sciences, Philosophy, catholic encyclopedia Law, Letters, and Science, each of which includes catholic encyclopedia several departments.
  • Christine de Pisan - Biography, including a list of her major poetic and historical c works.
  • Catrou, François - French historian, b. at Paris, 28 December, 1659; c d. there c 12 October, 1737.
  • Creswell, Joseph - Controversialist, b. 1577 of Yorkshire stock in London; c d. about c 1623.
  • Creed, Liturgical Use of - The public use of creeds began in connection with baptism, in the Traditio and Redditio symboli, as a preparation for that sacrament, and in the preliminary interrogations.
  • Celestine Order - Also called the Hermits of St. Damian or Hermits of c Murrone.
  • Cantor - The chief singer (and sometimes instructor) of the reference ecclesiastical choir, called also precentor.
  • Calatayud, Pedro de - Jesuit missionary. (1689-1773)
  • Colonna, Egidio - A Scholastic philosopher and theologian, b. about the middle of c the thirteenth century, probably 1247, in Rome.
  • Charles Borromeo, Saint - Biographical article on the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal, a leading light of the Catholic Reformation.
  • Consalvi, Ercole - Cardinal and statesman. (1757-1824)
  • Canon - Musical term, the strictest of all contrapuntal forms.
  • Communion Antiphon - The term Communion is used, not only for c the reception of the Holy Eucharist, but also c as a shortened form for the antiphon that c was originally sung while the people were receiving c the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Coustant, Pierre - Benedictine of the Congregation of Saint-Maur, b. at catholic encyclopedia Compiègne, reference France, 30 April, 1654; d. at the catholic encyclopedia Abbey of reference Saint-Germain-des-Prés, near Paris, 18 October, 1721.
  • Ciccione, Andrea - Fifteenth-century Italian sculptor and architect.
  • Culm - A bishopric in the north-eastern part of Prussia, founded in reference 1234, suffragan to Gnessen.
  • Constable, John - English Jesuit controversialist. (1676-1743)
  • Ceylon (Sri Lanka) - An island to the south-east of India and separated from it only by a chain of reefs and sand-banks called Adam's Bridge.
  • Calancha, Fray Antonio de la - Augustinian monk. (1584-1654)
  • Crasset, Jean - Ascetical writer, b. at Dieppe, France, 3 January, 1618; d. catholic encyclopedia at Paris, 4 January, 1692.
  • Calvert, George - First Lord Baltimore, statesman and colonizer. (1580-1632)
  • Calcutta, Archdiocese of - Extends along the sea-coast from the Khabadak to catholic encyclopedia the reference Mahanundi River.
  • Candlemas - Also called: Purification of the Blessed Virgin, Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
  • Cyprian and Justina, Saints - Christians of Antioch martyred at Nicomedia, 26 September, catholic encyclopedia 304. Already in the same century, quite a catholic encyclopedia colorful legend arose about them.
  • Coelchu - Abbot of the School of Clonmacnoise in Ireland, who flourished reference during the latter half of the eighth century.
  • Copernicus, Nicolaus - Latinized form of Niclas Kopernik, the name of the founder of the heliocentric planetary theory; born at Torun (Thorn), 19 February, 1473, died at Frauenburg, 24 May, 1543.
  • Carbonnelle, Ignatius - Professor of mathematics and science. (1829-1889)
  • Caddo Indians - In the earlier period they were commonly known catholic encyclopedia to the Spaniards as Tejas, whence the name catholic encyclopedia of the State, and to the French as catholic encyclopedia Cenis or Assinais.
  • Caussin, Nicolas - French Jesuit preacher and moralist. (1583-1651)
  • Cestra - Titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Carem - Name of a town in the Tribe of reference Juda.
  • Caryll, John - Poet, dramatist, and diplomatist, b. at West Harting, England, 1625; d. 1711.
  • Canons, Apostolic - A collection of ancient ecclesiastical decrees concerning the government and discipline of the Christian Church, incorporated with the Apostolic Constitutions.
  • Cesalpino, Andrea - Article by Joseph Rompel dwells upon Cesalpino\\'s botanical reference accomplishments as catholic encyclopedia well as his philosophical positions.
  • Coussemaker, Charles-Edmond-Henride - French historian of music, b. at Bailleul, department of Nord, catholic encyclopedia France, 19 April, 1805; d. at Lille, 10 January, 1876.
  • Cuthbert, Saint - Biography of this soldier, monk, bishop of Lindisfarne, c hermit.
  • Clifton - Diocese of England, consisting of Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, and catholic encyclopedia Wiltshire.
  • Cochem, Martin of - German theologian, preacher and ascetic writer, born at catholic encyclopedia Cochem, c a small town on the Moselle, in catholic encyclopedia 1630; died c in the convent at Waghäusel, 10 catholic encyclopedia September, 1712.
  • Cavanagh, James - Soldier, b. in County Tipperary, Ireland, 1831; d. c in New c York, 7 January, 1901.
  • Cusae - A titular see of Egypt.
  • Campaña, Pedro - Flemish painter, known in France as Pierre de Champagne, and c in Brussels as Pieter de Kempeneer (his actual name), or, c as translated in Flemish, Van de Velde, b. at Brussels c in 1503; d. there in 1580.
  • Carochi, Horacio - Jesuit missionary to Mexico. (1586-1666)
  • Curator - A person legally appointed to administer the property of another, who is unable to undertake its management himself, owing to age or physical incompetence, bodily or mental.
  • Claudia - A Christian woman of Rome, whose greeting to Timothy St. Paul conveys with those of Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, "and all the brethren".
  • Contemplative Life - A life ordered in view of contemplation; a way of living especially adapted to lead to and facilitate contemplation, while it excludes all other preoccupations and intents.
  • Congregationalism - The successful establishment of the New England colonies reference was an catholic encyclopedia event of the utmost importance in reference the development of Congregationalism, catholic encyclopedia a term preferred by reference the American Puritans to Independency and catholic encyclopedia gradually adopted reference by their coreligionists in Great Britai
  • Cistercian Sisters - The first Cistercian monastery for women was established c at Tart in the Diocese of Langres (now c Dijon), in the year 1125, by sisters from c the Benedictine monastery of Juilly, and with the c co-operation of St. Stephen Harding, Abbot of Cîteaux.
  • Calmet, Dom Augustin - Celebrated exegetist. (1672-1757)
  • Cavedoni, Celestino - Italian ecclesiastic, archæologist, and numismatist; b. 18 May, 1795, at c Levizzano-Rangone, near Modena; d. 26 November, 1865, at Modena.
  • Charitable Bequests, Civil Law Concerning - A charity, in the legal sense of the catholic encyclopedia term, reference may be defined as a gift to catholic encyclopedia be applied reference consistently with existing laws, for the catholic encyclopedia benefit of an reference indefinite number of persons, either catholic encyclopedia by bringing their minds reference or hearts under the catholic encyclopedia influence of education or religion, reference b
  • Caldas-Barbosa, Domingo - Brazilian poet. (1740-1800)
  • Cardinal Virtues - The four principal virtues upon which the rest c of the reference moral virtues turn or are hinged.
  • Ciasca, Agostino - Italian Augustinian and cardinal. (1835-1902)
  • Carvajal, Bernardino Lopez de - Cardinal, b. 1455, at Plasencia in Estremadura, Spain; d. at catholic encyclopedia Rome 16 Dec., 1523.
  • Chrysogonus, Saint - Martyr at Aquileia, probably during the Diocletian persecution.
  • Compromise (in Canon Law) - In a general sense, a mutual promise or reference contract of two parties in controversy to refer reference their differences to the decision of arbitrators.
  • Charity and Charities - In its widest and highest sense, charity includes reference love of c God as well as love of reference man.
  • Councils, General - Article looking at the definition, place in church governance and short historical sketches of each council until Vatican I.
  • Christopher Bales, Blessed - English priest, who was tortured and martyred less than three years after ordination. Also mentions fellow martyrs Nicholas Horner and Alexander Blake.
  • Clenock, Maurice - Date of birth unknown; died about 1580. He catholic encyclopedia was c b. in Wales and educated at Oxford, catholic encyclopedia where he c was admitted Bachelor of Canon Law catholic encyclopedia in 1548.
  • Casserly, Patrick S. - Educator, b. in Ireland; d. in New York, c where for reference many years he conducted a classical c school.
  • Conrad of Ascoli, Blessed - Italian-born Franciscan missionary to Africa, d. 1289.
  • Cecilia, Saint - Virgin and martyr; patroness of church music.
  • Costadoni, Giovanni Domenico - Frequently known as Dom Anselmo, his name in c religion, an Italian Camaldolese monk, historian, and theologian, c b. 6 October, 1714, at Venice; d.23 January, c 1785, in the same city.
  • Constantine Africanus - A medieval medical writer and teacher; born c. catholic encyclopedia 1015; reference died c. 1087.
  • Catalani, Giuseppe - A Roman liturgist of the eighteenth century, member reference of the c Oratory of San Girolamo della Carita reference (Hieronymite), famous for his c correct editions of the reference chief liturgical books of the Roman c Church, which reference are still in habitual use, and which he c reference enriched with s
  • Croce, Giovanni - Composer, b. at Chioggia near Venice in 1557; catholic encyclopedia d. 15 May, 1609.
  • Charlottetown - Diocese includes all Prince Edward Island (formerly called catholic encyclopedia St. John\\'s Island), the smallest province of the catholic encyclopedia dominion of Canada.
  • Cochin, Diocese of - Erected and constituted a suffragan of the Diocese of Goa, of which it had previously formed a part, by the Bull "Pro excellenti praeeminentia" of Paul IV, 4 February, 1558.
  • Clement, John - President of the College of Physicians and tutor c to St. Thomas More\\'s children, born in Yorkshire c about 1500; died 1 July, 1572.
  • Cocussus - A titular see of Armenia.
  • Category - The term was transferred by Aristotle from its reference forensic meaning c (procedure in legal accusation) to its reference logical use as attribution c of a subject.
  • Coria - Diocese in Spain, suffragan of Toledo; it includes c nearly the catholic encyclopedia entire province of Céceres, with the c exception of a few catholic encyclopedia parishes that belong to c the Diocese of Salamanca.
  • Cursores Apostolici - The Latin title of the ecclesiastical heralds or pursuivants pertaining to the papal court.
  • Capaccio and Vallo - Suffragan diocese of Salerno.
  • Caesarea Mauretaniae - Titular see in North Africa.
  • Canopy - An ornamental covering of cloth, stone, wood, or c metal, used catholic encyclopedia to crown an altar, throne, pulpit, c or statue.
  • Chorepiscopi - A name originally given in the Eastern Church c to bishops whose jurisdiction was confined to rural c districts.
  • Concordat of 1801, The French - This name is given to the convention of reference the 26th Messidor, year IX (July 16, 1802), reference whereby Pope Pius VII and Bonaparte, First Consul, reference re-established the Catholic Church in France.
  • Canon of the Old Testament - Signifies the authoritative list or closed number of catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia writings composed under Divine inspiration, and destined catholic encyclopedia for the catholic encyclopedia well-being of the Church.
  • Commissions, Ecclesiastical - Bodies of ecclesiastics juridically established and to whom are committed certain specified functions or charges.
  • Cassiodorus - Roman writer, statesman, and monk, b. about 490; reference d. about catholic encyclopedia 583.
  • Crown of Thorns - Mentioned by three Evangelists and is often alluded to by catholic encyclopedia the early Christian Fathers, such as Clement of Alexandria, Origen, catholic encyclopedia and others, but there are comparatively few writers of the catholic encyclopedia first six centuries who speak of it as a relic catholic encyclopedia known to be still in ex
  • Chrysanthus and Daria, Saints - Martyrs at Rome, perhaps in 283 or 284.
  • Constance - Formerly the seat of a diocese.
  • Corbie, Ambrose - English Jesuit. (1604-1649)
  • Crescens - A companion of St. Paul during his second Roman captivity, c appears but once in the New Testament, when he is c mentioned as having left the Apostle to go into Galatia.
  • Cormac MacCuilenan - Irish bishop and King of Cashel. (836-908)
  • Coquart, Claude-Godefroi - Jesuit missionary and army chaplain. (1706-1765)
  • Chaucer, Geoffrey - Summary of the author's life and literary contributions.
  • Criticism, Historical - The art of distinguishing the true from the reference false concerning catholic encyclopedia facts of the past.
  • Conrad of Piacenza, Saint - Married man, penitent, Third Order Franciscan hermit, d. 1351.
  • Charity, Sisters of, (St. John, New Brunswick) - Founded in 1854 by Bishop, subsequently Archbishop, Connolly.
  • Curley, James - Irish-American astronomer. (1796-1889)
  • Correctories - The text-forms of the Latin Vulgate resulting from c the critical emendation as practised during the course c of the thirteenth century.
  • Catholic Benevolent Legion - A fraternal assessment life-insurance society organized in Brooklyn, catholic encyclopedia New c York, U.S.A., 5 September, 1881.
  • Covington - Comprises that part of Kentucky, U. S. A., catholic encyclopedia lying catholic encyclopedia east of the Kentucky River, and of catholic encyclopedia the western catholic encyclopedia limits of Carroll, Owen, Franklin, Woodford, catholic encyclopedia Jessamine, Garrard, Rockcastle, catholic encyclopedia Laurel, and Whitley Counties.
  • Clement II, Pope - Reigned 1046-47.
  • Caballero, Fernán de - Nom de plume of Cecilia Böhl von Faber, catholic encyclopedia a noted Spanish novelist. (1796-1877)
  • Cuneo, Diocese of - Suffragan to Turin.
  • Codrington, Thomas - Catholic divine, chiefly known for his attempt to reference introduce into c England the "Institute of Secular Priests reference Living in Community", founded c in Bavaria by Bartholomaus reference Holzhauser.
  • Co-Consecrators - The bishops who assist the presiding bishop in reference the act of consecrating a new bishop.
  • Canoness - The assistance of women in the work of catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia Church goes back to the earliest time, catholic encyclopedia and their catholic encyclopedia uniting together for community exercises was catholic encyclopedia a natural development catholic encyclopedia of religious worship.
  • Camões, Luis Vaz de - Epic poet, born in 1524 or 1525; died c 10 June, catholic encyclopedia 1580.
  • Croagh Patrick - A mountain looking out on the Atlantic ocean from the catholic encyclopedia southern shore of Clew Bay, in the County Mayo, and catholic encyclopedia called "the Sinai of Ireland."
  • Curr, Joseph - English priest. (d. 1847)
  • Commemoration (in Liturgy) - The recital of a part of the Office or Mass c assigned to a certain feast or day when the whole c cannot be said.
  • Cabrillo, Estévan - Sixteenth century sailor.
  • Catherine of Bologna, Saint - Short biography of this Poor Clare, mystic, and c writer, who reference died in 1463.
  • Carroll, Daniel - Brother of Archbishop Carroll, b. at upper Marlboro, Maryland, U. c S. A., 1733; d. at Washington, 1829.
  • California, Vicariate Apostolic of Lower - Located in Mexico.
  • Cabral, Francisco - Portuguese missionary in Japan. (1529-1609)
  • China - Includes history, government, education, and religion.
  • Caribs - Next to the Arawaks, probably the most numerous catholic encyclopedia Indian reference stock, of more or less nomadic habits, catholic encyclopedia in South reference America.
  • Cariati - Suffragan of Santa Severina.
  • Counter-Reformation, The - Denotes the period of Catholic revival from the c pontificate of reference Pope Pius IV in 1560 to c the close of the reference Thirty Years' War, 1648.
  • Cressy, Hugh Paulinus Serenus - Doctor of Theology and English Benedictine monk, b. reference at Thorpe-Salvin, c Yorkshire, about 1605; d. at East reference Grinstead, Sussex, 10 August, c 1674.
  • Campani, Giuseppe - Italian optician and astronomer who lived in Rome during the c latter half of the seventeenth century.
  • Capharnaum - A titular see of Palestine.
  • Constitutions, Papal - Ordinations issued by the Roman pontiffs and binding those for catholic encyclopedia whom they are issued, whether they be for all the catholic encyclopedia faithful or for special classes or individuals.
  • Caius - Third-century Christian author.
  • Capecelatro, Alfonso - Archbishop of Capua. (1824-1912)
  • Croke, Thomas William - Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland, b. near Mallow, Co. Cork, 24 reference May, 1824; d. at Thurles, 22 July, 1902.
  • Christian Archæology - That branch of the science which is the catholic encyclopedia study reference of ancient Christian monuments.
  • Coutances - The Diocese comprises the entire department of La catholic encyclopedia Manche reference and is a suffragan of the Archbishopric catholic encyclopedia of Rouen.
  • Cana - A city of Galilee, Palestine.
  • Cavazzi, Giovanni Antonio - Of Montecucolo, a Capuchin friar of the province of Bologna, catholic encyclopedia date of birth uncertain; died at Genoa, 1692.
  • Connolly, John - Second Bishop of New York, U.S.A., b. at catholic encyclopedia Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland, 1750; d. New York, catholic encyclopedia 6 February, 1825.
  • Confraternity (Sodality) - A voluntary association of the faithful, established and reference guided by competent ecclesiastical authority for the promotion reference of special works of Christian charity or piety.
  • Clouet - The family name of several generations of painters.
  • Chinooks - An Aboriginal tribe of the extreme northwest of the United States.
  • Ceremony - In liturgy, an external action, gesture, or movement reference which accompanies reference the prayers and public exercise of reference divine worship.
  • China, History of - Discusses the origin of the Chinese.
  • Camillus de Lellis, Saint - Biographical article on founder of a religious order reference devoted to c care of the sick and dying.
  • Corcoran, James Andrew - Theologian, editor, and Orientalist, b. at Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A., catholic encyclopedia 30 March, 1820; d. at Philadelphia, 16 July, 1889.
  • Clerke, Agnes Mary - Astronomer, born at Skibbereen, County Cork, Ireland, 10 reference February, 1842; c died in London, 20 January 1907.
  • Carvajal, Luisa de - Born 2 Jan., 1568, at Jaraizejo, Spain; died 2 Jan., catholic encyclopedia 1614, at London, a lady of high birth, who received catholic encyclopedia from God what appears to have been a special vocation catholic encyclopedia to go to England and minister to those who were catholic encyclopedia suffering for the Faith.
  • Castellammare di Stabia - The seat of the diocese is an industrial catholic encyclopedia city, catholic encyclopedia situated on the Bay of Naples, on catholic encyclopedia a slope catholic encyclopedia of Monte Gauro, and famous for catholic encyclopedia its health-giving mineral catholic encyclopedia springs.
  • Contrition - Lat. contritio, a breaking of something hardened.
  • Clericato, Giovanni - Canonist, born 1633, at Padua; died 1717.
  • Cross, Daughters of the Holy - The first steps towards the foundation of this reference society were c taken in 1625 at Roy, Picardy, reference by Père Pierre Guérin, c Françoise Unalet, and Marie reference Fannier to provide for the Christian c education of reference girls.
  • Coucy, Robert De - A medieval French master-builder and son of a c master-builder of the same name.
  • Collectivism - The term is sometimes employed as a substitute c for socialism.
  • Camerlengo - The title of certain papal officials.
  • Catherine of Sweden, Saint - Daughter of St. Bridget of Sweden. Widow, pilgrim, reference superior of the Brigittine motherhouse, d. 1381. Biographical reference article.
  • Columbus, Christopher - Lengthy biographical article on the explorer.
  • Claudianus Mamertus - Gallo-Roman theologian and the brother of St. Mamertus, catholic encyclopedia Bishop of Vienne, d. about 473.
  • Cartier, Jacques - The discoverer of Canada, b. at Saint-Malo, Brittany, reference in 1491; d. 1 September, 1557.
  • Caloe - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cleef, Martin van - Flemish painter. (1520-1570)
  • Caperolo, Pietro - Friar Minor, date of birth unknown; d. at c Velletri in 1480.
  • Charity, Sisters of, of the Blessed Virgin Mary - A congregation begun by five young women in catholic encyclopedia Dublin, reference Ireland, 8 December, 1831, with the purpose catholic encyclopedia of devoting reference themselves to the service of God catholic encyclopedia in the education reference of children.
  • Cork, School of - The founder of the School and Diocese of reference Cork was catholic encyclopedia Barra or Bairre (Barry), more commonly reference called Finbarr the Fair-haired.
  • Charlemagne and Church Music - Charlemagne\\'s interest in church music and solicitude for reference its propagation and adequate performance throughout his empire, reference have never been equalled by any civil ruler reference either before or since his time.
  • Collectarium - The book which contains the Collects.
  • Chile - A comparatively narrow strip of coast-land in South c America between c the Pacific Ocean on the west c and the Andes Mountains c on the east, including c the watershed.
  • Croia - A titular see of Albania.
  • Cleef, Joost van - Flemish painter. (1520-1556)
  • Clement XIII, Pope - Reigned 1758-69.
  • Castro y Bellvis, Guillen de - Spanish dramatic poet, b. of a noble family at Valencia reference in 1569; d. at Madrid in 1631.
  • Canary Islands, The - An archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean facing the western reference coast of Africa.
  • Chaplain - Discusses the types including court, beneficed, parochial, domestic, pontifical, and reference military.
  • Coster, Francis - Theologian, born at Mechlin, 16 June, 1532 (1531); catholic encyclopedia died reference at Brussels, 16 December, 1619.
  • Columba of Terryglass, Saint - A disciple of St. Finnian of Clonard, and reference himself taught catholic encyclopedia St. Fintan. This St. Columba founded reference the monastery of Tirdaglas, catholic encyclopedia and died of the reference plague in 552.
  • Chair of Peter - From the earliest times the Church at Rome celebrated on 18 January the memory of the day when the Apostle held his first service with the faithful of the Eternal City.
  • Chachapoyas - Diocese in Peru.
  • Christian Brothers of Ireland - An institute founded at Waterford, Ireland, in 1802, by Edmund Ignatius Rice, a merchant of that city.
  • Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint - Bishop, Doctor of the Church, d. 386.
  • Concursus - A special competitive examination prescribed in canon law catholic encyclopedia for all aspirants to certain ecclesiastical offices to catholic encyclopedia which is attached the cure of souls.
  • Camara y Castro, Tomás - Spanish bishop. (1847-1904)
  • Cabas - Titular see of Egypt.
  • Clement I, Pope Saint - Lengthy article on Clement I, also called Clemens Romanus, the fourth pope and the first of the Apostolic Fathers.
  • Cortona - Immediately subject to the Holy See.
  • Commandments of God (The Ten Commandments) - The fundamental obligations of religion and morality and embodying the reference revealed expression of the Creator\\'s will in relation to man\\'s reference whole duty to God and to his fellow-creatures.
  • Chalice - Occupies the first place among sacred vessels, and c by a catholic encyclopedia figure of speech the material cup c is often used as catholic encyclopedia if it were synonymous c with the Precious Blood itself.
  • Caltagirone - A city in the province of Catania, Sicily, built on catholic encyclopedia two eminences about 2000 feet above sea-level, connected by a catholic encyclopedia bridge.
  • Cahier, Charles - French antiquarian. (1807-1882)
  • Cross, The True - (1) Growth Of the Christian Cult; (2) Catholic reference Doctrine on reference the Veneration of the Cross; (3) reference Relics of the True reference Cross; (4) Principal Feasts reference of the Cross.
  • Calvaert, Dionysius - Painter. (1540-1619)
  • Captivities of the Israelites - Includes the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Roman captivities.
  • Crib - The crib or manger in which the Infant Saviour was catholic encyclopedia laid after his birth is properly that place in the catholic encyclopedia stable or khan where food for domestic animals is put, catholic encyclopedia formed probably of the same material out of which the catholic encyclopedia grotto itself is hewn.
  • Castellaneta (Castania) - Suffragan of Taranto.
  • Cyrus of Alexandria - Melchite patriarch of that see in the seventh century, and one of the authors of Monothelism; d. about 641.
  • Cadiz, Diocese of - Suffragan of Seville.
  • Colette, Saint - Founder of the Colettine Poor Clares (Clarisses), d. reference 1447.
  • Caltanisetta - The city is situated in a fertile plain of Sicily, catholic encyclopedia on the River Salso, in the vicinity of the most catholic encyclopedia extensive sulphur mines in the world.
  • Cornely, Karl Josef Rudolph - German biblical scholar and Jesuit, b. 19 April, reference 1830, at catholic encyclopedia Breyell in Germany; d. at Treves, reference 3 March, 1908.
  • Carve, Thomas - Historian, b. in Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 1590; d. c probably in c 1672.
  • Concelebration - The rite by which several priests say Mass c together, all consecrating the same bread and wine.
  • Chapel - When St. Martin divided his military cloak (cappa) and gave reference half to the beggar at the gate of Amiens, he reference wrapped the other half round his shoulders, thus making of reference it a cape (capella). This cape, or its representative, was reference afterwards preserved as a relic
  • Corrigan, Michael - Third Archbishop of New York, b. 13 August, catholic encyclopedia 1839, c at Newark, New Jersey, d. at New catholic encyclopedia York, 5 c May, 1900.
  • Cordova, Juan de - Dominican sent to Oaxaca in 1548 to minister catholic encyclopedia to c the Indians.
  • Cordell, Charles - English missionary priest, b. 5 October, 1720; d. catholic encyclopedia at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 26 January, 1791.
  • Clemens, Franz Jacob - German Catholic philosopher, b. 4 October, 1815, at c Coblenz; d. catholic encyclopedia 24 February, 1862, at Rome.
  • Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave de - French mathematician. (1792-1843)
  • Chios - One of the Sporades in the Ægean Sea.
  • Cesarini, Giuliano - Born at Rome, 1398; died at Varna, in Bulgaria 10 November, 1444.
  • Colman, Saint - Hermit, monastic founder, bishop of Kilmacduagh, d. 632.
  • Cochabamba - The city from which this diocese takes its catholic encyclopedia name c is the capital of the department of catholic encyclopedia Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  • Crescentius - The name of several leaders of the Roman reference aristocracy in c the tenth century, during their opposition reference to the imperial government c of the time.
  • Commines, Philippe de - French historian and statesman, b. in Flanders probably reference before 1447; reference d. at the Château d\'Argenton, France, reference about 1511.
  • Celenderis - A port and fortress in Isauria, founded by the Phoenicians catholic encyclopedia or, according to legend, by Sandacos, son of Astynoös and catholic encyclopedia grandson of Phaethon.
  • Coccaleo, Viatora - A Capuchin friar, so called from his birthplace, c Coccaglio in Lombardy, date of birth unknown; d. c 1793.
  • Citeaux, Abbey of - Founded in 1098 by St. Robert, Abbot of reference Molesme, in catholic encyclopedia a deserted and uninhabited part of reference the Diocese of Châlons-sur catholic encyclopedia Saône.
  • Carheil, Etienne de - French missionary among the Indians of Canada, born c at Carentoir, catholic encyclopedia France, November 1633; died at Quebec, c 27 July, 1726.
  • Cantate Sunday - A name given to the fourth Sunday after reference Easter.
  • Cius - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cosgrove, Henry - Second Bishop of Davenport, Iowa. (1834-1906)
  • Cuspinian, Johannes - Distinguished humanist and statesman, born at Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, in catholic encyclopedia 1473; died at Vienna, 19 April, 1529.
  • Cervia - Suffragan of Ravenna.
  • Creed - In general, a form of belief.
  • Cremona - Suffragan of Milan.
  • Censer - A vessel suspended by chains, and used for burning incense reference at solemn Mass, Vespers, Benediction, processions, and other important offices reference of the Church.
  • Caldara, Polidoro (da Caravaggio) - Italian painter. (1492-1543)
  • Commentaries on the Bible - Includes: I. Jewish Commentaries; II. Patristic; III. Medieval; c IV. Modern Catholic; and V. Non-Catholic.
  • Continence - Defined as abstinence from even the licit gratifications catholic encyclopedia of marriage.
  • Cosway, Maria - Miniature-painter, born in Florence, Italy, 1759; died at reference Lodi, 5 catholic encyclopedia January, 1535.
  • Corneille, Michel, the Elder - French painter, etcher, and engraver, b. in Orléans c about 1601; reference d. at Paris, 1664.
  • Codex Alexandrinus - Greek manuscript of the Old and New Testaments, so named because it was brought to Europe from Alexandria and had been the property of the patriarch of that see.
  • Calvert, Cecilius - Second Lord Baltimore. (1606-1675)
  • Constantine, Pope - Reigned 708-715.
  • Cornelisz, Jacob - Also called Jacob van Amsterdam or van Oostzann, and at times confounded with a Walter van Assen, a Dutch painter of the first third of the sixteenth century.
  • Châlons-sur-Marne - The Diocese comprises the department of Marne, exclusive of the c arrondissement of Reims.
  • Court (in Scripture) - The word court, in the English Bible, corresponds to the Hebrew haçer enclosed space. Also, in the English Bible the word court is occasionally used to mean the retinue of a person of high rank and authority.
  • Cali, Diocese of - Located in Colombia.
  • Columbanus, Saint - Irish-born abbot of Luxeuil and Bobbio, author of catholic encyclopedia a reference monastic rule and of a penitential, d. catholic encyclopedia 615. reference Biography.
  • Cabello de Balboa, Miguel - Sixteenth century Spanish priest.
  • Ciampini, Giovanni Giustino - Ecclesiastical archæologist. (1633-1698)
  • Crolly, William - Archbishop of Armagh, b. at Ballykilbeg, near Downpatrick, catholic encyclopedia 8 June, 1780; d. 6 April, 1849.
  • Condillac, Ettiene Bonnot de - Article by G.M. Sauvage. Divides Condillac\\'s career into an early Lockean phase and a later, more original phase.
  • Contract, The Social - Includes contents and critique.
  • Cahill, Daniel William - Lecturer and controversialist. (1796-1864)
  • Canossa - A former castle of Matilda, Countess of Tuscany, in the foothills of the Apennines.
  • Compensation - Denotes the price paid for human exertion or labour.
  • Clement III, Pope - Reigned 1187-1191.
  • Ceolwulf - King of Northumbria and monk of Lindisfarne, date catholic encyclopedia and reference place of birth not known; died at catholic encyclopedia Lindisfarne, 764.
  • Chromatius, Saint - Bishop of Aquileia, anti-Arian theologian, tried to reconcile Rufinus and Jerome, d. 406 or 407.
  • Carli, Dionigi da Piacenza - Seventeenth century Capuchin missionary.
  • Chaldean Christians - The name of former Nestorians now reunited with catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia Roman Church.
  • Caroline Islands - A group of about 500 small coral islands, reference east of the Philippines, in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Caesarea Philippi - A Greek Catholic residential see, and a Latin reference titular see, c in Syria.
  • Clement XII, Pope - Reigned 1730-1740.
  • Conciliation, Industrial - The discussion and adjustment of mutual differences by employers and employees or their representatives.
  • Contarini, Gasparo - Venetian statesman and cardinal, born 16 October, 1483, of an catholic encyclopedia ancient and noble family in Venice; died at Bologna, 24 catholic encyclopedia August, 1542.
  • Consecration - An act by which a thing is separated catholic encyclopedia from catholic encyclopedia a common and profane to a sacred catholic encyclopedia use, or catholic encyclopedia by which a person or thing catholic encyclopedia is dedicated to catholic encyclopedia the service and worship of catholic encyclopedia God by prayers, rites, catholic encyclopedia and ceremonies.
  • Coimbra, University of - University in Portugal.
  • Caesarea Palaestinae - Titular see in Palestine.
  • Creagh, Richard - Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland, b. at Limerick early reference in the c sixteenth century; d. in the Tower reference of London, in 1585.
  • Caballero, Raimundo Diosdado - Writer. (1740-1830)
  • Calvinism - Calvin succeeded Luther in point of time and catholic encyclopedia was committed to a struggle with Zwingli\\'s disciples catholic encyclopedia at Zurich and elsewhere, known as Sacramentarians.
  • Canon of the Mass - Article divided into four sections: (I) Name and place of the Canon; (II) History of the Canon; (III) The text and rubrics of the Canon; (IV) Mystical interpretations.
  • Cochin, Pierre-Suzanne-Augustin - Author of religious, pedagogical, and sociological works. (1823-1872)
  • Cork, Diocese of - In Ireland, suffragan of Cashel.
  • Catholic Missionary Union - The corporate name of a society whose directors reference are chosen reference from among the bishops of the reference United States, the seminaries, reference the parishes and the reference missionary organizations of that country, its reference purpose being reference to engage priests and lay-men as missionaries to reference reference non-C
  • Campagnola, Domenico - Painter of the Venetian school, b. at Padua in 1482; date of death unascertained.
  • Canal, José de la - Ecclesiastical historian.
  • Charity, Congregation of the Brothers of - Founded in Belgium, the rule and constitutions were reference approved and reference confirmed by Pope Leo XIII, 4 reference July, 1899.
  • Chiabrera, Gabriello - Italian poet. (1552-1638)
  • Cyril of Alexandria, Saint - Article on this Doctor of the Church, and anti-Nestorian theologian.
  • Corrigan, Sir Dominic - Physician, b. 1802, in Dublin, Ireland; d. there, c 1880; distinguished for his original observations in heart c disease, a special type of pulse being named c after him.
  • Corpus Juris Canonici - The term corpus here denotes a collection of catholic encyclopedia documents; c corpus juris, a collection of laws, especially catholic encyclopedia if they c are placed in systematic order.
  • Comayagua - The Diocese of Comayagua, suffragan to Guatemala, includes reference the entire reference Republic of Honduras in Central America.
  • Conversano - Suffragan to Bari. Conversano, situated in the province c of Bari, in Apulia (Southern Italy), is the c ancient Cupersanum, a city of the Peucetians.
  • Chanca, Diego Alvarez - A physician-in-ordinary to Ferdinand and Isabella of Castile and Aragon; c dates of birth and death uncertain.
  • Castellanos, Juan de - Soldier, priest, and epic poet, born in Spain c in the first half of the sixteenth century; c date of death unknown.
  • Charadrus - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Clement XIV, Pope - Reigned 1769-1774.
  • Collado, Diego - Sixteenth-century Spanish missionary.
  • Cardenas, Juan - Moral theologian and author. (1613-1684)
  • Character - A consideration of the term as it is catholic encyclopedia used c in psychology and ethics.
  • Clovio, Giorgio - Italian miniaturist, called by Vasari "the unique" and "little Michelangelo", catholic encyclopedia b. at Grizani, on the coast of Croatia, in 1498; catholic encyclopedia d. at Rome, 1578.
  • Ciborium - A chalice-like vessel used to contain the Blessed catholic encyclopedia Sacrament.
  • Congregational Singing - In his Instruction on sacred music, commonly referred c to as c the Motu Proprio (22 Nov., 1903), c Pius X says (no. c 3): "Special efforts are c to be made to restore the c use of c Gregorian chant by the people, so that the c c faithful may again take a more active
  • Cayes - Diocese in the republic of Haiti, suffragan to Port-au-Prince.
  • Confiteor - A general confession of sins; it is used reference in the Roman Rite at the beginning of reference Mass and on various other occasions as a reference preparation for the reception of some grace.
  • Co-education - The term is now generally reserved to the reference practice of reference educating the sexes together; but even reference in this sense it reference has a variety of reference meanings.
  • Clavigero, Francisco Saverio - Mexican Jesuit. (1731-1787)
  • Civitavecchia and Corneto, Diocese of - An important and fortified Mediterranean seaport, in the c province of reference Rome.
  • Celibacy of the Clergy - The renunciation of marriage implicitly or explicitly made, for the c more perfect observance of chastity, by all those who receive c the Sacrament of Orders in any of the higher grades.
  • Costume, Clerical - In almost every country and every order of the clergy, catholic encyclopedia the clothing has its own distinctive features.
  • Clonfert - The Diocese, a suffragan see of the metropolitan catholic encyclopedia province of Tuam, was founded in 557 by catholic encyclopedia St. Brendan the Navigator.
  • Chevreul, Michel-Eugène - Chemist, physicist, and philosopher, b. at Angers, France, 31 August, catholic encyclopedia 1786; d. at Paris, 9 April, 1889.
  • Carrhae - A titular see of Mesopotamia.
  • Coliseum, The - Known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, commenced A.D. 72 catholic encyclopedia by reference Vespasian, the first of the Flavian emperors, catholic encyclopedia dedicated by reference Titus A.D. 80.
  • Churching of Women - A blessing given by the Church to mothers c after recovery reference from childbirth.
  • Codex Vaticanus - A quarto volume written in uncial letters of the fourth c century.
  • Coimbra, Diocese of - Located in Portugal.
  • Convocation of the English Clergy - The technical name given in the Church of c England to c what corresponds in some respects to c a provincial synod, though c in other respects it c differs widely from it.
  • China, The Church in - The introduction of Christianity into China has been reference ascribed not catholic encyclopedia only to the Apostle of India, reference St. Thomas, but also catholic encyclopedia to St. Bartholomew.
  • Contant de la Molette, Philippe du - Theologian and Biblical scholar, born at Côte-Saint-André, in catholic encyclopedia Dauphiné, c France, 29 August, 1737; died on the catholic encyclopedia scaffold during c The Terror, 1793.
  • Chapelle, Placide-Louis - Archbishop of New Orleans, U.S.A., b. at Runes Lozère, France, 28 August, 1842; d. at New Orleans, 9 August, 1905.
  • Contumacy (in Canon Law) - Contumacy, or contempt of court, is an obstinate catholic encyclopedia disobedience reference of the lawful orders of a court.
  • Cauchy, Augustin-Louis - French mathematician, b. at Paris, 21 August, 1789; catholic encyclopedia d. c at Sceaux, 23 May, 1857.
  • Cassovia - Diocese in Hungary, founded in 1804 by the c division of reference the Diocese of Agria, in the c archdiocese of the same reference name, and the Dioceses c of Cassovia and Szatmar.
  • Charpentier, François-Philippe - French engraver, inventor, and mechanician, b. at Blois, catholic encyclopedia 1734; c d. there 22 July, 1817.
  • Clement IV, Pope - Reigned 1265-68.
  • Cartier, Georges-Etienne - French Canadian statesman, son of Jacques Cartier and catholic encyclopedia Marguerite Paradis, b. at St. Antoine, on the catholic encyclopedia Richelieu, 16 Sept., 1814; d. in London 20 catholic encyclopedia May, 1873.
  • Carmel - Designates in the Old Testament a certain city reference and its adjacent territory in the tribe of reference Juda.
  • Cham, Chamites - Son of Noe and progenitor of one of the three great races of men whose ethnographical table is given by Genesis 10.
  • Catherine de' Medici - Born 13 April, 1519; died 5 January, 1589; c she was reference the daughter of Lorenzo de\\' Medici c (II), Duke of Urbino, reference and Madeleine de la c Tour d\\' Auvergne who, by her reference mother, Catherine c of Bourbon, was related to the royal house reference c of France.
  • Circesium - A titular see of Osrhoene.
  • Cyril of Constantinople, Saint - Father General of the Carmelites, had a reputation for prophecy, c d. about 1235.
  • Cush - Cush, like the other names of the ethnological catholic encyclopedia table of Genesis, x, is the name of catholic encyclopedia a race, but it has generally been understood catholic encyclopedia to designate also an individual, the progenitor of catholic encyclopedia the nations and tribes known in the ancient catholic encyclopedia world as Cushites.
  • Cassian, John, Saint - Article on the monk and ascetic writer, who reference attempted to convey the teaching and way of reference life of the desert fathers and mothers to reference the fledgling monastic movement in Gaul.
  • Chancel - Part of the choir near the altar of catholic encyclopedia a c church, where the deacons or sub-deacons stand catholic encyclopedia to assist c the officiating priest.
  • Conrad of Offida, Blessed - Italian Franciscan, trusted by Brother Leo, on good terms with the Spiritual Franciscans, founded the Celestines but returned to the main branch of the Franciscans when a later pope suppressed the Celestines. Bl. Conrad died 12 December, 1306.
  • Clean and Unclean - The distinction between legal and ceremonial, as opposed to moral.
  • Cupola - A spherical ceiling, or a bowl-shaped vault, rising catholic encyclopedia like an inverted cup over a circular, square, catholic encyclopedia or multangular building or any part of it.
  • Clement of Alexandria, Saint - Fairly lengthy article on his life and writings.
  • Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista - Venetian painter. (1459-1517)
  • Camel, George Joseph - Botanist, born at Brunn, in Moravia, 21 April reference 1661, died in Manila, 2 May, 1706.
  • César de Bus, Blessed - Priest, founder of two religious congregations dedicated to reference teaching Christian catholic encyclopedia doctrine, died 1607.
  • Cornelius, Peter - Fresco painter and illustrator. (1783-1867)
  • Clifford, William - English Divine. (d. 1670)
  • Cursor Mundi - A Middle-English poem of nearly 30,000 lines containing catholic encyclopedia a reference sort of summary of universal history.
  • Cisalpine Club - An association of Catholic laymen formed in England to perpetuate reference the movement which had found expression in the "Declaration and reference Protestation" signed by the Catholic body in 1789.
  • Chaumonot, Pierre-Joseph - Jesuit missionary in North America. (1611-1693)
  • Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de - Explorer, b. at Salamanca, Spain, 1500; d. in catholic encyclopedia Mexico, 1553.
  • Coleridge, Henry James - Writer and preacher. (1822-1893)
  • Cassander, George - Flemish Humanist and theologian. (1513-1566)
  • Caroline Books - A work in four books (120 or 121 chapters), purporting c to be the composition of Charlemagne, and written about 790-92.
  • Canterbury - The Ancient Diocese of Canterbury was the Mother-Church c and Primatial reference See of All England, from 597 c till the death of reference the last Catholic Archbishop, c Cardinal Pole, in 1558.
  • Chilapa - Diocese suffragan of the Archdiocese of Mexico, comprises c the state of Guerrero, in the south of c Mexico.
  • Constantia - Titular see of Arabia.
  • Cahors, Diocese of - Comprising the entire department of Lot, in France.
  • Casas, Bartolomé de las - Born at Seville, probably in 1474; d. at c Madrid, 1566.
  • Caron, Reneé-Edouard - French Canadian statesman and magistrate. (1800-1876)
  • Clerks Regular - Those bodies of men in the Church who by the reference very nature of their institute unite the perfection of the reference religious state to the priestly office, i.e. who while being reference essentially clerics, devoted to the exercise of the ministry in reference preaching, the administrat
  • Cavo, Andres - A writer frequently quoted on Spanish-Mexican history; b. catholic encyclopedia at Guadalajara in Mexico, 21 January, 1729, he catholic encyclopedia entered the Society of Jesus, 14 January, 1758, catholic encyclopedia and went to Italy with the other members catholic encyclopedia of the order after their expulsion from Mexico catholic encyclopedia in 1767.
  • Canelos and Macas - Vicariate Apostolic in Ecuador, South America.
  • Christopher Buxton, Blessed - Priest who was martyred at Canterbury in 1588, catholic encyclopedia together reference with Robert Wilcox and Edward Campion.
  • Catholicos - The ecclesiastical title of the Nestorian and Armenian patriarchs.
  • Circumcision - The Hebrew word, like the Greek (peritome), and catholic encyclopedia the catholic encyclopedia Latin (circumcisio), signifies a cutting and, specifically, catholic encyclopedia the removal catholic encyclopedia of the prepuce, or foreskin, from catholic encyclopedia the penis.
  • Conversion - Refers to a moral change, a turning or returning to God and to the true religion.
  • Constantinople, First Ecumenical Council of - Called in May, 381, by Emperor Theodosius, to provide for reference a Catholic succession in the patriarchal See of Constantinople, to reference confirm the Nicene Faith, to reconcile the semi-Arians with the reference Church, and to put an end to the Macedonian heresy.
  • Colonna - A celebrated family which played an important role in Italy during medieval and Renaissance times.
  • Compline - Scholarly essay on what is essentially a bedtime c prayer, often recited privately.
  • Calabozo, Diocese of - A town in the State of Miranda, Venezuela, on the reference River Guárico, 120 miles south-southwest of Caracas.
  • Cardinal Vicar - The vicar-general of the pope, as Bishop of Rome, for c the spiritual administration of the city, and its surrounding district, c properly known as Vicarius Urbis.
  • Clerk, John - Bishop of Bath and Wells; date of birth c unknown; died c 3 January, 1541.
  • Czech Literature - The evolution of Czech literature dates back to 863, when catholic encyclopedia Moravia and Bohemia, through the efforts of Sts. Cyril and catholic encyclopedia Methodius, the apostles of these two countries, were converted to catholic encyclopedia Christianity and thus became participants in the great work of catholic encyclopedia civilizat
  • Canova, Antonio - Italian sculptor. (1757-1822)
  • Chaignon, Pierre - French Jesuit. (1791-1883)
  • Conversi - Lay brothers in a religious order. The term was originally c applied to those who, in adult life, voluntarily renounced the c world and entered a religious order to do penance and c to lead a life of greater perfection.
  • Caraites - A Jewish sect professing to follow the text of the c Bible (Miqra) to the exclusion of Rabbinical traditions, and hence c opposed to the Talmud.
  • Cidyessus - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cause - Cause, as the correlative of effect, is understood c as being that which in any way gives c existence to, or contributes towards the existence of, c any thing; which produces a result; to which c the origin of any thing is to be c ascribed.
  • Carnoy, Jean-Baptiste - Belgian biologist. (1836-1899)
  • Castiglione, Carlo Ottavio - Philologist and numismatist, b. of an ancient family catholic encyclopedia at Milan, Italy, 1784; d. at Genoa, 10 catholic encyclopedia April, 1849.
  • Campeche - Diocese in the State of Campeche, Republic of reference Mexico, suffragan c of the Archdiocese of Yucatan.
  • Coxcie, Michiel - Flemish painter, imitator of Raphael, known as the Flemish Raphael; reference b. at Mechlin, 1499; d. there 1592.
  • Chronicon Paschale - The name ordinarily given to a valuable Byzantine chronicle of reference the world written in the seventh century, so designated because, reference like many other chronicles of the Middle Ages, it follows reference a system of Christian chronology based on the paschal canon, reference or cycle
  • Candia - The residence of the Greek Metropolitan of Crete, catholic encyclopedia who catholic encyclopedia has seven suffragan sees, Khania, Kisamos, Rethymnon catholic encyclopedia (Retimo), Sitia, catholic encyclopedia Lampa, Arkadia, and Chersonesos.
  • Carystus - A titular see of Greece.
  • Carbonari - The name of a secret political society, which catholic encyclopedia played c an important part, chiefly in France and catholic encyclopedia Italy, during c the first decades of the nineteenth catholic encyclopedia century.
  • Commissary Apostolic - One who has received power from a Legitimate catholic encyclopedia superior reference authority to pass judgment in a certain catholic encyclopedia cause or reference to take information concerning it.
  • Crime, Impediment of - Nullifies marriage according to ecclesiastical law, and arises catholic encyclopedia from catholic encyclopedia adultery and homicide separately or together.
  • Crayer, Gaspar de - Flemish painter, b. at Antwerp, 1582; d. at Ghent, 1669.
  • Campi, Galeazzo - Italian painter, b. at Cremona, 1475; d. 1536.
  • Caedmon, Saint - Article on the laborer for the double monastery c of Whitby, c composer of hymns and other Biblical c poems in Anglo-Saxon, who c died between 670 and c 680.
  • Castner, Caspar - Jesuit missionary to China. (1655-1709)
  • Carracci - Italian painter, engraver, and etcher, b. at Bologna, c 16 August, catholic encyclopedia 1557; d. at Parma, 22 March, c 1602.
  • Coleti, Nicola - Priest and historian, b. at Venice, 1680; d. in the same city, 1765.
  • Chateaubriand, François-René - French writer, b. at Saint-Malo, Brittany, 4 September, 1768; d. at Paris, 4 July, 1848.
  • Callières, Louis-Hector de - Thirteenth Governor of New France. (1646-1705)
  • Congruism - The term by which theologians denote a theory reference according to reference which the efficacy of efficacious grace reference is due, at least reference in part, to the reference fact that the grace is given reference in circumstances reference favourable to its operation, i. e. "congruous" in reference reference that sense.
  • Cochin, Jacques-Denis - Preacher and philanthropist. (1726-1783)
  • Cedes - A Levitical city and place of refuge in c Nephtali and reference a Levitical city of Issachar assigned c to the family of reference Gersom.
  • Camisards - Eighteenth-century French sect.
  • Calas Case, The - Jean Calas was a French Calvinist, born 19 March, 1698, catholic encyclopedia at La Caparède near Castres, in the department of Tarn; catholic encyclopedia executed 10 March, 1762, at Toulouse.
  • Casali, Giovanni Battista - Musician, b. at Rome in 1715; d. there reference 1792. From 1759 until his death he held reference the position of choir-master in the church of reference St. John Lateran.
  • Cruelty to Animals - Includes sections on pagan, Old and New Testament, c scholastic, and reference Catholic perspectives.
  • Constantinople, Fourth Ecumenical Council of - The Eighth General Council was opened, 5 October, c 869, in c the Cathedral of Saint Sophia, under c the presidency of the c legates of Adrian II.
  • Commune, Martyrs of the Paris - Article on the priests who were killed in reference Paris in catholic encyclopedia May 1871.
  • Chatham - The Diocese comprises the northern half of the c Province of reference New Brunswick, Canada, i.e., the counties c of Gloucester, Madawaska, Northumberland, reference Restigouche, Victoria, and the c part of Kent north of the reference Richibucto River.
  • Cologne, University of - Near the end of the fourteenth century Urban reference VI, at c the instance of the Town Council, reference issued (21 May, 1388) c the Bull of foundation.
  • Crescimbeni, Giovanni Mario - Italian historian of literature, chronicler, and poet, b. catholic encyclopedia in reference Macerata, 9 Oct., 1663; d. 8 March catholic encyclopedia 1728.
  • Conan, Saint - Also known as Mochonna. Irish missionary and Bishop of the catholic encyclopedia Isle of Man, d. 684.
  • Cheminais de Montaigu, Timoléon - Pulpit orator. (1652-1689)
  • Copacavana - A village on the shore of Lake Titicaca, reference province of Omasuyos, in northern Bolivia.
  • Confucianism - An article by Charles F. Aiken. Reviews the key teachings reference and history of Confucianism, and its relation to Christianity.
  • Casey, John - Mathematician, b. at Kilkenny, Ireland, 12 May, 1820; catholic encyclopedia d. catholic encyclopedia at Dublin, 3 Jan, 1891.
  • Cemeteries - The word coemeterium or cimiterium (in Gr. koimeterion) may be said in early literature to be used exclusively of the burial places of Jews and Christians.
  • Caesarius of Heisterbach - Cistercian monk. (1170-1240)
  • Cedron, Brook of - The name designates in Holy Writ the ravine c on the east of Jerusalem, between the Holy c City and the Mount of Olives.
  • Campagna, Girolamo - Sculptor born in Verona, 1552; died about 1623 c or 1625.
  • Comgall, Saint - Founder and abbot of the monastery of Bangor, d. 597 or 602.
  • Clémanges, Mathieu-Nicolas Poillevillain de - French Humanist and theologian, b. in Champagne about reference 1360; d. at Paris between 1434 and 1440.
  • Cimbebasia - The name given for a long time to the western part of Southern Africa.
  • Creationism - (1) In the widest sense, the doctrine that catholic encyclopedia the reference material of the universe was created by catholic encyclopedia God out reference of no pre-existing subject. (2) Less catholic encyclopedia widely, the doctrine reference that the various species of catholic encyclopedia living beings were immediately reference and directly created or catholic encyclopedia produced by God, an
  • Calendar, Christian - Includes history and Saint's days.
  • Confession - Architectural term, originally used to designate the burial-place c of a confessor or martyr, gradually came to c have a variety of applications: the altar erected c over the grave; the underground cubiculum which contained c the tomb; the high altar of the basil
  • Coronel, Juan - Franciscan sent to Yucatan, Mexico, in 1590, and reference there so familiarized himself with the Maya language reference that he was able to teach it, the reference historian Cogolludo being one of his pupils.
  • Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de - Spanish author. (1547-1616)
  • Cicognara, Leopoldo, Count - Politician, writer on art. (1767-1834)
  • Chihuahua - Diocese in the north of Mexico, comprises the state of reference Chihuahua.
  • Cartagena - Suffragan of Granada in Spain since the concordat reference of 1851, c previously of Toledo.
  • Climent, José - Spanish bishop, b. at Castellon de la Plana c (Valencia), 1706; d. there 25 Nov., 1781.
  • Cambysopolis - Titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Carpi - Situated in the province of Modena, Central Italy.
  • Cyrene - A titular see of Northern Africa.
  • Charity, Sisters of, of Our Lady Mother of Mercy - A congregation founded in Holland in 1832 by the Rev. catholic encyclopedia John Zwijsen, pastor of Tilburg, aided by Mary M. Leijsen, catholic encyclopedia for the instruction of children and the betterment of a catholic encyclopedia people deprived of spiritual aid by the disastrous effects of catholic encyclopedia the Reformation.
  • Capuciati - From caputium, hood - So named from the headgear which was one of their distinctive marks.
  • Cuzco, Diocese of - Suffragan of Lima, Peru.
  • Cathari - From the Greek katharos, pure, literally "puritans", a reference name specifically applied to, or used by, several reference sects at various periods.
  • Casale Monferatto - A suffragan of Vercelli. Casale Monferrato.
  • Cassidy, William - Journalist, essayist, critic, b. at Albany, New York, U.S.A., 12 reference Aug., 1815; d. there 23 Jan., 1873.
  • Ciudad Real - Bishopric-Priorate of the Military Orders of Spain, directly catholic encyclopedia subject to the Holy See.
  • Casanata, Girolamo - Cardinal, b. at Naples, 13 July, 1620; d. catholic encyclopedia at c Rome, 3 March, 1700.
  • Carranza, Bartolomé - Archbishop of Toledo; b. at Miranda de Arga, reference Spain, 1503; c d. at Rome, 2 May, 1576.
  • Canea - Formerly a titular see of Crete, suppressed by c a decree of 1894.
  • Columbia University (Oregon) - Formerly known as Portland University, located on the reference east bank of the Willamette River in northern reference Portland, and is conducted by the Congregation of reference Holy Cross, whose mother-house is at Notre Dame, reference Indiana.
  • Colbert, Jean-Baptiste - Marquis de Seignelay, statesman, b. at Rheims, France, 1619; d. c at Paris, 1683.
  • Casson, François Dollier de - Fourth superior of Saint-Sulpice, Montreal, Canada, b. near c Nantes, France, catholic encyclopedia 1636; d. in 1701.
  • Cain - First-born of Adam and Eve.
  • Cosmas Indicopleustes - A Greek traveller and geographer of the first catholic encyclopedia half reference of the sixth century.
  • Catholic Club of New York - A social organization described by its constitution as reference a club which "shall consist of Catholic gentlemen reference who are governed by a spirit of devotion reference to the Church and fidelity to the Holy reference Father".
  • Crema, Diocese of - Suffragan to Milan.
  • Clement, Cæsar - Date of birth uncertain; died at Brussels 28 catholic encyclopedia Aug., c 1626, great-nephew of Sir Thomas More\\'s friend, catholic encyclopedia Dr. John c Clement.
  • Cyprian of Carthage, Saint - Long article on this bishop and martyr.
  • Cyril and Methodius, Saints - Also called Constantine and Methodius. Biography of these catholic encyclopedia ninth-century c brothers, Apostles of the Slavs.
  • Chartreuse, La Grande - The mother-house of the Carthusian Order lies in a high c valley of the Alps of Dauphine.
  • Curubis - A titular see of Africa Proconsularis.
  • Confessor - A title of honour to designate of the c Faith who had confessed Christ publicly in time c of persecution and had been punished with imprisonment, c torture, exile, or labour in the mines, remaining c faithful in their confession until the end of c their lives.
  • Canticle - Used in the English Catholic translation of the Bible as c the equivalent of the Vulgate canticum in most, but not c all, of the uses of that word; for where canticum c is used for a sacred song.
  • College - The word college, from the Latin collegium, originally c signified a reference community, a corporation, an organized society, c a body of colleagues, reference or a society of c persons engaged in some common pursuit.
  • Corbinian - Bishop of Freising, in Bavaria, born about 680 catholic encyclopedia at Chatres near Melun, France; died 8 September, catholic encyclopedia 730.
  • Cades - The name, according to the Vulgate and the reference Septuagent, of three, or probably four cities mentioned reference in Scripture.
  • Città di Castello, Diocese of - A town in the province of Perugia, in reference Umbria, Central c Italy.
  • Cornice - The uppermost division of the entablature, the representative of the roof, of an order, consisting of projecting mouldings and blocks, usually divisible into bed-moulding, corona, and gutter.
  • Craven, Augustus, Mrs. - Writer, born 12 April, 1808, in London; died catholic encyclopedia in Paris, 1 April, 1891.
  • Cynic School of Philosophy - Founded at Athens about 400 B.C., continued in existence until catholic encyclopedia about 200 B.C. It sprang from the ethical doctrine of catholic encyclopedia Socrates regarding the necessity of moderation and self-denial.
  • Cano, Melchior - Article by John R. Volz on the character, c teachings, and reference life of this Dominican bishop and c theologian.
  • Columba of Sens, Saint - Woman martyred towards the end of the third c century.
  • Christine of Stommeln, Blessed - A visionary at a very early age, became c a Beguine, c d. 1312.
  • Christian Charity, Sisters of - Also called Daughters of the Immaculate Conception, an c institute for c teaching poor schools and for the c care of the blind, c founded at Paderborn, Germany, c on August, 1849, by Pauline von c Mallinckrodt (b. c 3 June, 1817, at Minden, Westphalia; d. 30 c c April, 188
  • Congo - An account written before the annexation of the state by the Belgian government.
  • Cajetan, Saint - Also known as St. Gaetano. Biography of the founder of catholic encyclopedia the Theatines.
  • Consultors, Diocesan - A certain number of priests in each diocese reference of the United States who act as official reference advisers of the bishop in certain matters pertaining reference to the administration of the diocese.
  • Catherine de' Ricci, Saint - Biography of the cloistered Third Order Dominican nun, catholic encyclopedia mystic, c who died in 1590.
  • Crispin and Crispinian, Saints - Martyrs of the Diocletian persecution, d. 285 or reference 286.
  • Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus - The last in the group of the four great uncial reference manuscripts of the Greek Bible, received its name from the reference treatises of St. Ephraem the Syrian (translated into Greek) which reference were written over the original text.
  • Colorado - The thirty-fifth, in point of admission, of the c United States c of America.
  • Crashaw, Richard - Biographical article on the poet.
  • Cybistra - A titular see of Cappadocia in Asia Minor.
  • Column - Architectural term for a supporting pillar.
  • Clynn, John - Irish Franciscan and annalist, b. about 1300; d., probably, in catholic encyclopedia 1349.
  • Cedar - The name of the second son of Ismael (Gen., xxv, 13; I Par., i, 29); also of an Arabian tribe descended from him, and of the territory occupied by it.
  • Champlain, Samuel de - Founder of Quebec. (1570-1635)
  • Capsa - Titular see of North Africa.
  • Compostela - A famous city of Spain, situated on an eminence between the Sar (the Sars of Pomponius Mela) and Sarela.
  • Constable, Cuthbert - Date of birth uncertain; d. 27 March, 1746.
  • Catholic - The combination "the Catholic Church" (he katholike ekklesia) is found reference for the first time in the letter of St. Ignatius reference to the Smyrnaeans, written about the year 110.
  • Canaan, Canaanites - The Hebrew word Kenaan, denoting a person.
  • Calderon de la Barca, Pedro - Spanish dramatist. (1600-1681)
  • Canons, Collections of Ancient - Includes authority and methods.
  • Canice, Saint - Irish priest, monastic founder, missionary to Scotland, d. 600.
  • Competency, Privilege of - The competency of a cleric means his right to proper catholic encyclopedia sustenance.
  • Cursing - In its popular acceptation cursing is often confounded, reference especially in the phrase "cursing and swearing", with reference the use of profane and insulting language; in reference canon law it sometimes signifies the ban of reference excommunication pronounced by the Church.
  • Corneille, Michel, the Younger - French painter, etcher and engraver, b. in Paris in 1642; catholic encyclopedia d. at the Gobelins manufactory at Paris, 16 August, 1708.
  • Cavalieri, Bonaventura - Italian mathematician, b. at Milan in 1598; d. at Bologna, catholic encyclopedia 3 December, 1647.
  • Camus de Pont-Carré, Jean-Pierre - French bishop, b. 3 November, 1584, at Paris; d. there reference 25 April, 1652.
  • Ceva, Thomas - Mathematician. (1648-1737)
  • Charles Joseph Eugene de Mazenod, Saint - Short biography of the bishop of Marseilles and reference founder of catholic encyclopedia the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
  • Communion Bench - An adaptation of the sanctuary guard or altar c rail.
  • Choctaw Indians - An important tribe or confederacy of Muskogean stock formerly holding most of Southern Alabama and Mississippi, with adjoining portions of Louisiana.
  • Caleb - Six people with this name are described.
  • Christian Knowledge, Society for Promoting - A society within the Church of England.
  • Chur - Comprises at present the Swiss Cantons of Graubünden (Grisons), Glarus, Zürich, Unterwalden, and Uri, as well as the little Principality of Lichtenstein.
  • Cornillon, Abbey of - Founded by Albero, Bishop of Liége, in 1124, three years catholic encyclopedia after St. Norbert had formed the Premonstratensian Order.
  • Contenson, Vincent - Dominican theologian and preacher. (1641-1674)
  • Cambridge, University of - Includes information on history, studies, and buildings.
  • Cresconius - A Latin canonist of uncertain date and place, flourished probably reference in the latter half of the seventh century, though it reference may have been at the end of the sixth or reference even in the eighth century.
  • Conservator - A judge delegated by the pope to defend c certain privileged classes of persons, as universities, religious c orders, chapters, the poor from manifest or notorious c injury or violence, without recourse to a judicial c process.
  • Chantry - The endowment of one or more priests to reference say or c sing Mass for the soul of reference the endower, or for c the souls of persons reference named by him, and also, in c the greater reference number of cases, to perform certain other offices, c reference such as those of choir member in a reference collegiate c churc
  • Charles Martel - French monarch, born about 688; died at Quierzy on the Oise, 21 October, 741.
  • Coppée, François Edouard Joachim - Poet, dramatist and novelist, b. at Paris, 26 reference January, 1842; d. 23 May, 1908.
  • Conventuals, Order of Friars Minor - One of the three separate bodies, forming with c the Friars catholic encyclopedia Minor and the Capuchins what is c commonly called the First catholic encyclopedia Order of St. Francis.
  • Chalcedon, Council of - The Fourth Ecumenical Council, held in 451, from reference 8 October reference until 1 November inclusive, at Chalcedon, reference a city of Bithynia reference in Asia Minor.
  • Celtic Rite, The - The term "Celtic Rite" is generally, but rather indefinitely, applied to the various rites in use in Great Britain, Ireland, perhaps in Brittany, and sporadically in Northern Spain, and in the monasteries which resulted from the Irish missions o
  • College, Apostolic - This term designates The Twelve Apostles as the c body of reference men commissioned by Christ to spread c the kingdom of God reference over the whole world c and to give it the stability reference of a c well-ordered society.
  • Crèvecoeur, Hector St. John de - French agriculturist, b. at Caen, France, 1731; d. at Sarcelles, reference near Paris, 1813.
  • Caballero y Ocio, Juan - Priest, remarkable for lavish gifts to the Church and for catholic encyclopedia charity. (1644-1707)
  • Capocci, Gaetano - Italian composer. (1811-1898)
  • Croyland, Abbey of - A monastery of the Benedictine Order in Lincolnshire.
  • Campeggio, Lorenzo - Cardinal, an eminent canonist, ecclesiastical diplomat, and reformer.
  • Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan - Spanish ecclesiastic and writer. (1606-1682)
  • Chicago, Archdiocese of - Diocese created 28 November, 1842; raised to the c rank of an archdiocese, 10 September, 1880.
  • Cunegundes, Saint - A niece of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Cunegundes c married Boleslaus, catholic encyclopedia Duke of Cracow, later King of c Poland. Once widowed, she catholic encyclopedia became a Poor Clare. c She died in 1292.
  • Collect - The name now used only for short prayers before the reference Epistle in the Mass, which occur again at Lauds, Terce, reference Sext, None, and Vespers.
  • Crisium - A Græco-Slavonic Rite diocese in Croatia.
  • Comacchio - Diocese; suffragan of Ravenna.
  • Carcassonne - Diocese comprising the entire department of Aude, and suffragan to reference Toulouse.
  • Commandments of the Church - Article includes: I. the nature of the catholic encyclopedia Commandments c of the Church in general; II. the catholic encyclopedia history of c the Commandments of the Church; and catholic encyclopedia III. their classification.
  • Challoner, Richard - Bishop of Debra, Vicar Apostolic of the London District, author reference of spiritual and controversial works, b. 29 Sept., 1691; d. reference 12 Jan., 1781.
  • Cremation - The custom of burning the bodies of the reference dead.
  • Corbie, Monastery of - A Benedictine abbey in Picardy, in the Diocese of Amiens, dedicated to Sts. Peter and Paul.
  • Castile and Aragon - The united kingdom which came into existence by the marriage reference (1469) of Isabella, heiress of Castile, with Ferdinand the Catholic, reference King of Aragon.
  • Cosenza - An archdiocese immediately subject to the Holy See. c A city in the province of Calabria, Southern c Italy, at the confluence of the Crati and c the Busento.
  • Cornoldi, Giovanni Maria - Professor, author, and preacher, born at Venice, 29 c Sept., 1822; catholic encyclopedia d. at Rome, 18 Jan., 1892.
  • Comana - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Charette de la Contrie, Baron Athanase-Charles-Marie - French monarchist. (1832-1911)
  • Chézy, Antoine-Léonard - French Orientalist. (1773-1832)
  • Catholic Epistle - The name given to the Epistle of St. c James, to that of St. Jude, to two c Epistles of St. Peter and the first three c of St. John, because, unlike the Epistles of c St. Paul, they were addressed not to any c particular person or church, but to the faithful c genera
  • Chiusi-Pienza - Suffragan of Siena.
  • Concina, Daniello - Dominican preacher. (1687-1756)
  • Calatrava, Military Order of - Founded in Castile, in the twelfth century, as a military reference branch of the great Cistercian family.
  • Convent Schools (Great Britain) - Convent education is treated here not historically but as it reference is at the present day. (Article written in 1908.)
  • Cobo, Bernabé - Spanish Jesuit missionary. (1582-1657)
  • Clairvaux, Abbey of - The third daughter of Cîteaux and mother in the fourth line of numerous and celebrated monasteries, founded in 1115 by St. Bernard, in a deep valley upon the bank of the Aube, and known as the Vallée d'Absinthe.
  • Central Verein of North America, German Roman Catholic - The origin dates back to 1854, in which catholic encyclopedia year catholic encyclopedia the presidents of three German Catholic benevolent catholic encyclopedia societies of catholic encyclopedia Buffalo, new York, issued a call catholic encyclopedia to various German catholic encyclopedia Catholic societies for the purpose catholic encyclopedia for forming a central catholic encyclopedia body.
  • Custom (in Canon Law) - An unwritten law introduced by the continuous acts of the catholic encyclopedia faithful with the consent of the legitimate legislator.
  • Cosmology - In our day cosmology is a branch of reference philosophical study, c and therefore excludes from its investigation reference whatever forms the object c of the natural sciences.
  • Communion of Children - Article includes (1) the ancient practice, and (2) the present catholic encyclopedia discipline of the Church in regard to the Communion of catholic encyclopedia children.
  • Contingent - Aside from its secondary and more obvious meaning (as, for catholic encyclopedia instance, its qualification of the predicable accident, of a class catholic encyclopedia of modal propositions, and so on), the primary and technically catholic encyclopedia philosophical use of the term is for one of the catholic encyclopedia supreme divisions
  • Centuriators of Magdeburg - A group of Lutheran scholars who had gathered catholic encyclopedia at catholic encyclopedia Magdeburg, and who are now known to catholic encyclopedia history as catholic encyclopedia the "Centuriators of Magdeburg" because of catholic encyclopedia the way in catholic encyclopedia which they divided their work catholic encyclopedia (century by century) and catholic encyclopedia the place in which catholic encyclopedia the first five volume
  • Christianity - An account is given of Christianity as a catholic encyclopedia religion, describing its origin, its relation to other catholic encyclopedia religions, its essential nature and chief characteristics, but catholic encyclopedia not dealing with its doctrines in detail nor catholic encyclopedia its history as a visible organization.
  • Cyzicus - A titular see of Asia Minor, metropolitan of the ancient catholic encyclopedia ecclesiastical province of Hellespontus.
  • Ceramus - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cleef, Jan van - Flemish painter. (1646-1716)
  • Corneille, Jean-Baptiste - French artist. (1646-1695)
  • Cruet - A small vessel used for containing the wine c and water c required for the Holy Sacrifice of c the Mass.
  • Cella - One of the names by which the small catholic encyclopedia memorial reference chapels sometimes erected in the Christian cemeteries catholic encyclopedia of the reference first age were known.
  • Conry, Florence - Archbishop of Tuam, patriot, theologian and founder of catholic encyclopedia the c Irish (Franciscan) College of St. Anthony at catholic encyclopedia Louvain, born c in Galway, 1560; died at Madrid, catholic encyclopedia 18 Nov., 1629.
  • Conrad of Marburg - Confessor of Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia and papal c inquisitor, b. catholic encyclopedia at or near Marburg, Germany, in c the second half of catholic encyclopedia the twelfth century; d. c 30 July, 1233.
  • Candace - Ethiopian queen.
  • Canisius, Theodorich - Born at Nimwegen, Holland, 1532; died 27 September, reference 1606, at Ingolstadt.
  • Cortés, Hernando - Conqueror of Mexico, born at Medellin in Spain c c. 1485; reference died at Castilleja de la Cuesta c near Seville, 2 December, reference 1547.
  • Chapter - Designates certain corporate ecclesiastical bodies, said to be derived from reference the chapter of the rule book, which it was the reference custom to read in the assemblies of monks.
  • Clare of Montefalco, Saint - Abbess, claimed by both the Franciscans and the reference Augustinians, d. c 1308.
  • Congrua - A canonical term to designate the lowest sum proper for the yearly income of a cleric.
  • Charles V, Emperor - Born at Ghent, 1500; died at Yuste, in reference Spain, 1558; c was a descendant of the house reference of Hapsburg, and to c this descent owed his reference sovereignty over so many lands that c it was reference said of him that the sun never set c reference on his dominions.
  • Conradin of Bornada - Dominican preacher, b. in the latter part of the fourteenth catholic encyclopedia century; d. at Bologna, 1 November, 1429.
  • Clémencet, Charles - Benedictine historian, b. at Painblanc, in the department reference of Côte-d\\'Or, France, 1703; d. at Paris, 5 reference August, 1778.
  • Castelli, Benedetto - Mathematician and physicist; b. at Perugia, Italy, 1577; d. at c Rome, 1644.
  • Crosiers, The - A religious order, founded by Théodore de Celles, who, after following the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa on the Crusade, obtained a canonry in the Cathedral of St. Lambert of Liège.
  • Cross-Bearer - The cleric or minister who carries the processional c cross, that is, a crucifix provided with a c long staff or handle.
  • Celestines - The name given to certain extreme "Spiritual" Franciscans of the catholic encyclopedia Marches, because they were taken by Celestine V under his catholic encyclopedia special protection.
  • Christian Instruction, Brothers of - A congregation founded in 1817 at Saint-Brieuc, Côtes-du-Nord, France, by Jean-Marie-Robert de la Mennais (b. 1780; d. 1860), for the instruction of youth.
  • Campan, Jeanne-Louise-Henriette - French educator, born 6 November, 1752, at Paris; reference died in catholic encyclopedia 1822, at Mantes.
  • Communion under Both Kinds - Communion under one kind is the reception of the Sacrament reference of the Eucharist under the species or appearance of bread reference alone, or of wine alone, Communion under two or both reference kinds, the distinct reception under the two or both species, reference sub utraque specie, at t
  • Choiseul du Plessis-Praslin, Gilbert - French bishop, b. 1613; d. at Paris, 31 December, 1689.
  • Courts, Ecclesiastical - Legislative, judicial, and executive power to be exercised catholic encyclopedia over catholic encyclopedia the church, without any interference on the catholic encyclopedia part of catholic encyclopedia civil society.
  • Cemeteries, Early Roman Christian - This article treats briefly of the individual catacomb reference cemeteries in the vicinity of Rome.
  • Cornelius Cornelii a Lapide - Flemish Jesuit and exegete, b. at Bocholt, in Flemish Limburg, 18 December, 1567; d. at Rome, 12 March, 1637.
  • Christopher Wharton, Blessed - Biography of the English priest and martyr, who reference died in reference 1600.
  • Corker, Maurus - An English Benedictine, born in 1636 in Yorkshire; died 22 c December, 1715, at Paddington near London.
  • Consistory, Papal - The origin of the papal consistory is closely c connected with catholic encyclopedia the history of the Roman presbytery c or body of the catholic encyclopedia Roman clergy.
  • Columba (of Spain), Saint - A nun beheaded by the Muslims in 853.
  • Canons, Ecclesiastical - Certain rules or norms of conduct or belief prescribed by the Church.
  • Cashel - A town in the County Tipperary, Ireland, which c is also c a Catholic archbishopric and the see c of a Protestant bishop.
  • Clement XI, Pope - Reigned 1700-1721.
  • Catholic University of Ireland - The project was launched at the Synod of Thurles in 1850.
  • Crispin of Viterbo, Saint - Capuchin lay brother, d. 1750.
  • Collège de France, The - Founded in the interest of higher education by reference Francis I.
  • Chartulary - A medieval manuscript volume or roll (rotulus) containing transcriptions of reference original documents relating to the foundation, privileges, and legal rights reference of ecclesiastical establishments, municipal corporations, industrial associations, institutions of lear
  • Clementines - The name given to the religious romance in reference two forms as composed by Pope St. Clement reference I.
  • Chasuble - Called in Latin casula planeta or pænula, and catholic encyclopedia in early Gallic sources amphibalus, the principal and catholic encyclopedia most conspicuous Mass vestment, covering all the rest.
  • Chichester - Ancient Catholic Diocese. This see took its rise in consequence c of the decree passed at the Council of London in c 1075, requiring all bishoprics to be removed from villages to c towns.
  • Cordier, Balthasar - Exegete and editor of patristic works, b. at Antwerp, 7 June, 1592; d. at Rome, 24 June, 1650.
  • Cohen, Hermann - A Discalced Carmelite (Augustin-Marie of the Blessed Sacrament, c generally known reference as Father Hermann), born at Hamburg, c Germany, 10 November, 1820; reference died at Spandau, 20 c January, 1871.
  • Canute - King of the English, Danes, and Norwegians, b. about 994; catholic encyclopedia d. at Shaftesbury, 12 November 1035.
  • Capuchinesses - A branch of the Poor Clares of the reference Primitive Observance, c instituted at Naples, in 1538, by reference the Venerable Maria Longo.
  • Catholic Knights of America - A fraternal life-insurance company chartered under the laws c of the reference State of Kentucky, U.S.A. It was c founded in Nashville, Tennessee reference by James J. McLoughlin, c D.N. Burke, John Broderick, and John reference MeDonald.
  • Chusai - The Arachite, i.e. the native of Archi, a reference place south of the portion of Ephraim, near reference Bethel.
  • Constantinople, The Rite of - The Liturgies, Divine Office, forms for the administration c of sacraments and for various blessings, sacramentals, and c exorcisms, of the Church of Constantinople.
  • Cabassut - French theologian and priest. (1604-1685)
  • Caesarius of Nazianzus, Saint - Physician, brother of St. Gregory of Nazianzus (the Theologian). Caesarius died in late 368 or early 369.
  • Chrism - A mixture of oil of olives and balsam, catholic encyclopedia blessed catholic encyclopedia by a bishop in a special manner catholic encyclopedia and used catholic encyclopedia in the administration of certain sacraments catholic encyclopedia and in the catholic encyclopedia performance of certain ecclesiastical functions.
  • Caesar of Speyer - Friar Minor and leader of the Cæsarines. (d. c 1239)
  • Charity, Sisters of, of Providence - More accurately, Daughters of Charity, Servants of the c Poor, founded c in Montreal, Canada, by Bishop Bourget c and Madame Jean Baptiste c Gamelin (Marie Emélie Eugénie c Tavernier), 25 March, 1843.
  • Crusade, Bull of the - A Bull granting indulgences to those who took part in c the wars against the infidels.
  • Casimir, Saint - Prince of Poland, remained unmarried by choice, d. reference in 1484 reference at the age of 25.
  • Callistus III, Pope - Born near Valencia in Spain, 31 December, 1378; died at catholic encyclopedia Rome, 6 August, 1458.
  • Cerasus - A titular see of Pontus Polemoniacus in Asia Minor.
  • Cracow - The Prince-Bishopric that comprises the western portion of catholic encyclopedia Galacia reference in Austria, and borders on the diocese catholic encyclopedia of Kielce reference in Russian Poland, Breslau in Prussia, catholic encyclopedia Tarnow in Galacia, reference and Zips in Hungary.
  • Colours, Liturgical - The Church directs that the vestments worn by reference ministers, and the drapery used in the decoration reference of the altar should correspond in colour to reference that which is prescribed for the Office of reference the day.
  • Conclave - The closed room or hall specially set aside and prepared reference for the cardinals when electing a pope; also the assembly reference of the cardinals for the canonical execution of this purpose.
  • Clazomenae - Titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Canatha - A titular see of Arabia.
  • Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement - Seventeenth-century secret society.
  • Caesarea - A Latin titular see, and the seat of reference a residential Armenian bishopric, in Cappadocia.
  • Constantinople, Third Ecumenical Council of - The Sixth General Council was summoned in 678 by Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, with a view of restoring between East and West the religious harmony that had been troubled by the Monothelistic controversies.
  • Congresses, Catholic - Includes information on the history and types of catholic encyclopedia congresses reference held.
  • Cibot, Pierre-Martial - Missionary, born at Limoges, France, 14 August, 1727; catholic encyclopedia died at Peking, China, 8 August, 1780.
  • Cassano all' Ionio - Suffragan of Reggio.
  • Coronel, Gregorio Nuñez - Theologian, writer, and preacher, b. in Portugal, about reference 1548; d. c about 1620.
  • Crétin, Joseph - First Bishop of St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. (1799-1857)
  • Colombo - The Archdiocese of Colombo, situated on the western seaboard of reference the Island of Ceylon, includes two of the nine provinces reference into which the island is divided, viz. the Western and reference the Northwestern.
  • Caxton, William - Born in the Weald of Kent, c. 1422; c died at catholic encyclopedia Westminster, 1491; the first English printer c and the introducer of catholic encyclopedia the art of printing c into England.
  • Columbus, Diocese of - This portion of the State belonged originally to c the Diocese c of Cincinnati, and was recommended to c Rome for erection as c a see by the c Fathers of the Second Plenary Council, c of Baltimore, c held in 1866.
  • Cervantes, Salazar Francisco - One of the first professors of the University of Mexico, catholic encyclopedia born at Toledo, Spain, probably in 1513 or 1514; went catholic encyclopedia to Mexico in 1550; died there in 1575.
  • Cimabue, Cenni di Pepo - Florentine painter. (1240-1301)
  • Castabala - A titular see of Asia Minor, Latin title reference suppressed, 1894.
  • Cattaro - Suffragan of Zara.
  • Chronology, Biblical - Deals with the dates of the various events reference recorded in the Bible.
  • Cellier, Elizabeth - A noted London midwife, who came into prominence catholic encyclopedia through the pretended "Meal-Tub Plot" of 1680.
  • Cosmas - Eighth century Byzantine hymn writer.
  • Chytri - A titular see of Cyprus.
  • Calvinus, Justus Baronius - Convert and apologist. (1570-1606)
  • Colombia - Forms the north-west corner of the South American catholic encyclopedia Continent.
  • Centurion - A Roman officer commanding a century or company, the strength reference of which varied from fifty to one hundred men.
  • Calama - Titular see in Africa.
  • Conwell, Henry - Second Bishop of Philadelphia, U.S.A., b. at Moneymore, reference County Derry, c Ireland, in 1745; d. at Philadelphia, reference 22 April, 1842.
  • Casuistry - The application of general principles of morality to definite and concrete cases of human activity, for the purpose, primarily, of determining what one ought to do, or ought not to do, or what one may do or leave undone as one pleases; and for the purpose
  • Cronan - There are several Irish saints of this name. Brief biographies reference of some of them.
  • Colman Mac Lenine, Saint - Founder and patron saint of the Diocese of Cloyne, poet, d. 601.
  • Clericis Laicos - The initial words of a Bull issued 25 reference Feb., 1296, reference by Boniface VIII in response to reference an earnest appeal of reference the English and French reference prelates for protection against the intolerable reference exactions of reference the civil power.
  • Caen, University of - Founded in 1432 by Henry VI of England, catholic encyclopedia who was then master of Paris and of catholic encyclopedia a large part of France.
  • Clavius, Claudius - Danish cartographer. (b. 1388)
  • Carrera, Rafael - In 1847 Carrera was, by a kind of election, made President of Guatemala, and seven years later he became dictator, that is, president for life with the right to designate his successor.
  • Corvey, Abbey of - Benedictine monastery in the Diocese of Paderborn, in catholic encyclopedia Westphalia, founded c. 820.
  • Cuyabá - Diocese; suffragan of São Sebastião (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil.
  • Clement Mary Hofbauer, Blessed - Second founder of the Redemptorists, called "the Apostle of Vienna," d. 1821.
  • Cross and Crucifix in Archæology - The sign of the cross, represented in its simplest form reference by a crossing of two lines at right angles, greatly reference antedates, in both the East and the West, the introduction reference of Christianity.
  • Consubstantiation - This heretical doctrine is an attempt to hold c the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy c Eucharist without admitting Transubstantiation.
  • Chrismal, Chrismatory - Formerly used to designate the sheath, or cloth-covering catholic encyclopedia (theca) catholic encyclopedia in which relics were wrapped up.
  • Clement VI, Pope - Born 1291 in the castle of Maumont, departmentof catholic encyclopedia Corrèze, France, elected pope, 7 May, 1342, at catholic encyclopedia Avignon, where he died 6 December, 1352.
  • Cornelius - A centurion of the Italic cohort, whose conversion reference at Cæsarea with his household is related in reference Acts 10.
  • Celestine II, Pope - Reigned 1143-1144.
  • Commendatory Abbot - An ecclesiastic, or sometimes a layman, who holds an abbey catholic encyclopedia in commendam.
  • Children of Mary of the Sacred Heart, The - A Sodality of the Blessed Virgin, founded by c Mother Barat catholic encyclopedia of the Society of the Sacred c Heart, in the Parish catholic encyclopedia school about 1818, almost c simultaneously with the convent itself.
  • Callinicus - Titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cagli e Pergola, Diocese of - Situated in Umbria (Italy), in the province of Pesaro, suffragan of Urbino.
  • Core, Dathan, and Abiron - Leaders of a revolt against Moses and Aaron (Num., xvi).
  • Celebret - A letter which a bishop gives to a priest, that reference he may obtain permission in another diocese to say Mass, reference and for this purpose bears testimony that he is free reference from canonical censures.
  • Cyrus and John, Saints - Companions in life and in martyrdom. Beheaded in c the Diocletian c persecution.
  • Castelli, Pietro - Italian physician and botanist, b. at Rome in catholic encyclopedia 1574; c d. at Messina in 1662.
  • Carthage, Saint - Also known as Mochuda. Irish monk, priest, hermit, reference founder. He c composed a monastic rule in Irish reference verse. Died in 637.
  • Capuchin Friars Minor - An autonomous branch of the first Franciscan Order.
  • Calahorra and La Calzada, Diocese of - Suffragan of Burgos, comprising almost all the province reference of Logroño reference and part of the provinces of reference Navarre and Soria. Calahorra.
  • Constance, Council of - A (partly) ecumenical council held at Constance, now reference in the Grand Duchy of Baden, from 5 reference Nov., 1414, to 22 April, 1418.
  • Calynda - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Chiavari - Suffragan of Genoa. A city of the province of Genoa c in Northern Italy, situated on a little bay of the c Gulf of Genoa.
  • Capranica, Domenico - Cardinal, theologian, canonist, and statesman, b. at Capranica near Palestrina, catholic encyclopedia Italy, in 1400; d. at Rome, 14 July, 1458.
  • Cross and Crucifix in Liturgy - Information on the history and uses.
  • Ciboule, Robert - French theologian and moralist. (d. 1458)
  • Canada - Comprises all that part of North America north c of the United States, with the exception of c Newfoundland, and Labrador.
  • Chaptal, Jean-Antoine - Comte de Chanteloup, technical chemist and statesman; b. c Nogaret, Lozère, c France, 4 June, 1756; d. Paris, c 30 July, 1832.
  • Croatia - Includes history, education, and religion.
  • Capreolus, John - A theologian, born towards the end of the fourteenth century, (about 1380), in the diocese of Rodez, France; died in that city 6 April, 1444.
  • Clement V, Pope - Reigned 1305-14.
  • Calvert, Philip - Proprietary Governor of Maryland in 1660-1661.
  • Cisamus - Titular see of Crete.
  • Campanella, Tommaso - In-depth article on the strange career of the c Italian anti-Aristotelian catholic encyclopedia Dominican writer.
  • Casium - A titular see of Lower Egypt.
  • Cosmati Mosaic - A peculiar style of inlaid ornamental mosaic introduced c into the decorative art of Europe during the c twelfth century.
  • Capefigue, Baptiste-Honoré-Raymond - Historian, b. at Marseilles, 1802; d. at Paris, 22 December, catholic encyclopedia 1872.
  • Convent - (1) A religious community of either sex when reference spoken of c in its corporate capacity. (2) The reference buildings in which resides c a community of either reference sex.
  • Charles Garnier, Saint - Short biography of the Jesuit missionary and martyr.
  • Catalonia - A principality within the Spanish Monarchy.
  • Combefis, François - Patrologist, b. November, 1605, at Marmande in Guyenne; reference d. at Paris, 23 March, 1679.
  • Claudiopolis - A titular see of Bithynia, in Asia Minor.
  • Cummings, Jeremiah Williams - Publicist, b. in Washington, U.S.A., April, 1814; d. at New c York, 4 January, 1866.
  • Cainites - A name used for (1) the descendants of c Cain, (2) a sect of Gnostics and Antinomians.
  • Clonard, School of - Situated on the river Boyne. Founded by St. Finnian, an reference abbot and great wonder-worker.
  • Campi, Giulio - Italian painter and architect, b. at Cremona about catholic encyclopedia 1500; reference died there, 1572.
  • Cuthbert Mayne, Saint - Englishman, Protestant minister, converted to Catholicism, died a c martyr in c 1577. Biographical article.
  • Carthusian Order, The - The name is derived from the French chartreuse c through the Latin cartusia, of which the English c "charterhouse" is a corruption.
  • Champney, Anthony - Controversialist. (1569-1643)
  • Camachus - A titular see in Armenia.
  • Ciudad Rodrigo - Suffragan of the Diocese of Santiago; comprises the greater part of the province of Salamanca, and a portion of the province of Cáceres.
  • Coimbatore, Diocese of - Includes the Collectorate of Coimbatore (except the Taluk of the Collegal), the Nilgiris with the south-eastern Wynaad, the Taluks of Palgat, Collancodoo, Tamalpuram, and part of Wallavanad, the Chittur Taluks, and the Nelliampathy Hills in the Cochin ter
  • Chartres - Diocese in France. Comprises the department of Eure-et-Loir.
  • Cosmogony - By this term is understood an account of reference how the universe (cosmos) came into being (gonia reference - gegona = I have become). It differs reference from cosmology, or the science of the universe, reference in this: that the latter aims at understanding reference the actual composition and gover
  • Caldani, Leopoldo Marco Antonio - Italian anatomist and physiologist. (1725-1813)
  • Carvajal, Gaspar de - Dominican missionary, b. in Estremadura, Spain, c. 1500; d. at Lima, Peru, 1584.
  • Christian Art - Also called ecclesiastical art.
  • Coustou, Nicholas - French sculptor, b. at Lyons, 9 January, 1658; c d. at c Paris, 1 May, 1733.
  • Consentius - The name of a fifth-century Gallo-Roman family, three of whose representatives are known in history.
  • Credence - A small table of wood, marble, or other suitable material c placed within the sanctuary of a church and near the c wall at the Epistle side, for the purpose of holding c the cruets, acolytes\\' candles, and other utensils required for the c celebration of the Holy
  • Clerestory - A term formerly applied to any window or traceried opening in a church, e. g. in an aisle, tower, cloister, or screen, but now restricted to the windows in an aisled nave, or to the range of wall in which the high windows are set.
  • Christian Retreat, Congregation of - There are two branches of this congregation, the catholic encyclopedia Fathers reference of Christian Retreat and the Sisters. It catholic encyclopedia was founded reference on the 19th of November, 1789, catholic encyclopedia at Fontenelle, Doubs, reference France, by Father Antoine-Silvestre Receveur, catholic encyclopedia who was declared Venerable reference in 1883 by Pope catholic encyclopedia Leo
  • Contemplation - The idea of contemplation is connected with that of mystical reference theology.
  • Clotilda, Saint - Queen of the Franks, wife of King Clovis I and catholic encyclopedia grandmother of St. Cloud. Devoted to St. Martin of Tours catholic encyclopedia and instrumental in the conversion of the Franks, she died catholic encyclopedia in 545.
  • Couturier, Louis-Charles - Abbot of the Benedictine monastery of Saint-Pierre at Solesmes and President of the French Congregation of Benedictines. (1817-1890)
  • Chantelou, Claude - Patristic scholar, born in 1617, at Vion, in the present Diocese of Le Mans, France; died 28 November, 1664, at the Monastery of Saint-Germain-des-Prés in Paris.
  • Christmas - Provides a detailed overview of the holiday from c the fourth c century through the modern age. Includes c links to related topics.
  • Cornaro, Elena Lucrezia Piscopia - A learned Italian woman of noble descent, born c at Venice, reference 5 June, 1646; died at Padua, c 26 July, 1684.
  • Candlesticks - Provides the history of their use in Christian catholic encyclopedia churches.
  • Coracesium - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Cuncolim, Martyrs of - On Monday, 25 July, 1583 (N.S.), the village catholic encyclopedia of reference Cuncolim in the district of Salcete, territory catholic encyclopedia of Goa, reference India, was the scene of the catholic encyclopedia martyrdom of five reference religious of the Society of catholic encyclopedia Jesus: Fathers Rudolph Acquaviva, reference Alphonsus Pacheco, Peter Berno, catholic encyclopedia and Anthony
  • Colophon - A titular see of Asia Minor.
  • Crawford, Francis Marion - Novelist. (1854-1909)
  • Clerke, Ellen Mary - Journalist and novelist, b. at Skibbereen, County Cork, Ireland, 1840; d. in London, 2 March 1906.
  • Carthage - Founded by Phoenician colonists, and long the great opponent of Rome in the duel for supremacy, was destroyed by a Roman army, 146 B.C. A little more than a century later (44 B.C.), a new city composed of Roman colonists was founded on the site.
  • Chardon, Jean-Baptiste - Indian missionary in Canada, and in the Louisiana catholic encyclopedia territory, reference born at Bordeaux, France, 27 April, 1672; catholic encyclopedia died at reference Quebec, 11 April, 1743.
  • Commendone, Giovanni Francesco - Cardinal and Papal Nuncio, born at Venice, 17 c March, 1523; c died at Padua, 26 Dec., 1584.
  • Commodus - Roman Emperor, born 161; died at Rome, 31 c December, 192.
  • Colin, Jean-Claude-Marie - French priest, founder of the Marists. (1790-1875)
  • Communicatio Idiomatum - A technical expression in the theology of the Incarnation. It means that the properties of the Divine Word can be ascribed to the man Christ, and that the properties of the man Christ can be predicated of the Word.
  • Coeur d'Alêne Indians - A small tribe of Salishan stock formerly ranging c along the reference lake and river of the same c name in northern Idaho.
  • Codex Sinaiticus - A Greek manuscript of the Old and New catholic encyclopedia Testaments, catholic encyclopedia of the greatest antiquity and value; found catholic encyclopedia on Mount catholic encyclopedia Sinai, in St. Catherine\'s Monastery, by catholic encyclopedia Constantine Tischendorf.
  • Cloyne, Diocese of - Comprises the northern half of County Cork.
  • Carpaccio, Vittore - Venetian painter whose real name was Scarpazza, b. reference at Venice about 1455; d. in the same reference city between 1523 and 1526.
  • Cuernavaca - Erected 23 June, 1891, comprises all the State c of Morelos in the Republic of Mexico, and c is bounded on the north and the west c by the Archdiocese of Mexico, on the east c by the Archdiocese of Puebla, and on the c south by the Bishopric of Chilapa.
  • Campbell, James - American public official. (1812-1893)
  • Chartier, Alain - French poet. (1390-1440)
  • Cincture - More commonly called in England, the girdle is an article c of liturgical attire which has been recognized as such since c the ninth century.
  • Cenacle, Religious of the - The Society of Our Lady of the Cenacle c was founded c in 1826, at La Louvesc in c France, near the tomb c of St. John Francis c Regis.
  • Caughnawaga - Also known as Sault St. Louis. An Iroquois reservation, situated catholic encyclopedia on the south bank of the St. Lawrence, about ten catholic encyclopedia miles above Montreal.
  • Canons and Canonesses Regular - According to St. Thomas Aquinas, a canon regular is essentially c a religious cleric.
  • Crown, Franciscan - Also known as the Seraphic Rosary. Brief history, general description c of how one prays this chaplet.
  • Clavius, Christopher - Mathematician and astronomer. (1538-1612)
  • Chauncy, Maurice - Prior of the English Carthusians at Bruges. (d. reference 1581)
  • Candidus - The name of two scholars of the Carlovingian c revival of reference letters in the ninth century.
  • Cally, Pierre - Philosopher and theologian, b. at Mesnil-Hubert, department of Orne, France, date of birth uncertain; d. 31 December, 1709.
  • Caswall, Edward - Oratorian and poet, b. 15 July 1814, at c Yately, Hampshire, of which place his father, the c Rev. R. C. Caswall, was vicar; d. at c the Oratory, Birmingham, 2 January, 1878.
  • Colin, Frédéric-Louis - Superior of the Sulpicians in Canada, b. at c Bourges, France, reference in 1835; d. at Montreal, 27 c November, 1902.
  • Caunus - A titular see of Asia Minor. Kaunos was catholic encyclopedia said to have been founded by Kaunos, son catholic encyclopedia of Miletos and Kyane, on the southern coast catholic encyclopedia of Caria, opposite Rhodes, and was known as catholic encyclopedia Rhodian Peraea, at the foot of Mount Tarbelos.
  • Chastity - The virtue which excludes or moderates the indulgence of the sexual appetite.
  • Coudert, Frederick René - Born in New York, 1 March, 1832; died at Washington, reference D. C., 20 December, 1903.
  • Cross of Jesus, Brothers of the - A congregation founded in 1820 at Lyons, France, catholic encyclopedia by reference Father C.M. Bochard, Doctor of the Sorbonne, catholic encyclopedia Vicar-General of reference the Diocese of Lyons.
  • Chrismarium - A place in a church set apart for the administration of confirmation.
  • Clark, William - English priest, date of birth unknown, executed at catholic encyclopedia Winchester, 29 Nov., 1603.
  • Costa Rica - A narrow isthmus between Panama in the east reference and the c Republic of Nicaragua in the north, reference the Caribbean Sea on c the north-east and the reference Pacific Ocean on the south-west.
  • Chrysopolis - A titular see of Roman Arabia.
  • Condition - That which is necessary or at least conducive catholic encyclopedia to c the actual operation of a cause.
  • Curate - Literally, one who has the cure (care) or c charge of souls, in which sense it is c yet used by the Church of England, "All c Bishops and Curates".
  • Calvert, Charles - Third Baron of Baltimore, and Second Proprietary Governor of Maryland. c (1629-1715)
  • Caesarius of Prüm - Twelfth-century Benedictine abbot and Cistercian monk.
  • Campo Santo de' Tedeschi - A cemetery, church, and hospice for Germans on reference the south side of St. Peter's, Rome.
  • Cheyenne - Diocese established 9 August, 1887.
  • Carrières, Louis de - Born in the chateau de la Plesse in Avrille, Angers, France, 1 September, 1662; d. at Paris, 11 June 1717.
  • Cignani Family - Carlo, Felice, and Paolo, Bolognese painters.
  • Constantinople, Second Ecumenical Council of - This council was held at Constantinople (5 May-2 c June, 553), c having been called by Emperor Justinian. c It was attended mostly c by Oriental bishops; only c six Western (African) bishops were present.
  • Cousin, Jean - French painter, sculptor, etcher, engraver, and geometrician, born c at Soucy, c near Sens, 1500; died at Sens c before 1593, probably in c 1590.
  • Consciousness - In its widest sense it includes all sensations, c thoughts, feelings, c and volitions, in fact the sum c total of mental life.
  • Canes, Vincent - Friar Minor and controversialist, born on the borders of Nottingham catholic encyclopedia and Leicestershire, date uncertain; died in London, June, 1672
  • Charity, Sisters of, of Jesus and Mary - A congregation founded in 1803 by Canon Triest, who was catholic encyclopedia known as "the St. Vincent de Paul of Belgium", because catholic encyclopedia he was the founder as well of the Brothers catholic encyclopedia of St. John of God, and the Sisters of the catholic encyclopedia Infant Jesus.
  • Chadwick, James - Irish bishop. (1813-1882)
  • Conon, Pope - Reigned 686-687.
  • Communion of Saints - The doctrine expressed in the second clause of c the ninth reference article in the received text of c the Apostles\\' Creed: "I reference believe... the Holy Catholic c Church, the Communion of Saints".
  • Corycus - A titular see of Cilicia Trachæa in Asia c Minor.
  • Chronology, General - Mathematical chronology determines the units to be employed in measuring time, and historical chronology which fixes in the general course of time the position of any particular occurrence, or, as it is generally termed, its date.
  • Caquetá - Apostolic prefecture situated in South America on the southern border of the Republic of Colombia.
  • Christian - First Bishop of Prussia, d. 1245.
  • Constantine (Cirta) - Comprises the present arrondissement of Constantine in Algeria.
  • Coronation - Discussed as (I) The Emperors at Constantinople; (II) reference Visigothic and Celtic Elements; (III) The English Coronation reference Orders; (IV) The Western Empire and the Roman reference Pontifical; and (V) Other Ceremonials.
  • Consanguinity (in Canon Law) - The term here means, within certain limitations defined by the law of nature, the positive law of God, or the supreme authority of State or Church, the blood-relationship (cognatio naturalis), or the natural bond between persons descended from the same st
  • Centre (Party), The - This name is given to a political party in the German Reichstag and to a number of parties in the diets of the various states of the German Empire.
  • Cruz, Ramón de la - Poet, b. at Madrid, Spain, 28 March, 1731; d. in catholic encyclopedia the same city, 4 November, 1795.
  • Ceslaus, Saint - Polish Dominican, d. about 1242.
  • Calvi and Teano, Diocese of - The ancient Cales or Calenum in the Campagna, reference not far c from Capua.
  • Curium - A titular see of Cyprus, suppressed in 1222 by the reference papal legate, Pelagius.
  • Cordova - Diocese in the Argentine Republic, suffragan of Buenos c Aires.
  • Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa - English novelist, dramatist, and convert; b. 3 November, 1867; d. 13 August, 1906.
  • Cherubini, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvatore - Article with biographical details emphasizing religious music and his time away from its composition.
  • Concordia, Diocese of - Located in Italy, suffragan of Venice.
  • Covetousness - Generally, an unreasonable desire for what we do c not possess.
  • College (in Canon Law) - A collection of persons united together for a catholic encyclopedia common object so as to form one body.
  • Corinth - A titular archiepiscopal see of Greece.
  • Clément, François - A member of the Benedictine Congregation of Saint-Maur reference and historian; born at Bèze in the department reference of Côte-d\\'Or, France, 1714; died at Paris, 29 reference March, 1793.
  • Colossians, Epistle to the - One of the four Captivity Epistles written by St. Paul reference during his first imprisonment in Rome.

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