Catholic Encyclopedia Reference Catholicism Denominations

Diocese in Spain, comprises the greater part of the Province of Granada and a portion of the Province of Almeria.

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  • Guyon, Jeanne-Marie-Bouvier de La Motte- - Essay on the life, experiences, and teachings of catholic encyclopedia this reference seventeenth-century French mystic.
  • God, Relation of the Universe to - Sections include essential dependence of the universe on g God, divine immanence and transcendence, and possibility of g the supernatural.
  • Gama, Vasco da - The discover of the sea route to East catholic encyclopedia Indies; born at Sines, Province of Alemtejo, Portugal, catholic encyclopedia about 1469; died at Cochin, India, 24 December, catholic encyclopedia 1524.
  • Gavantus, Bartolommeo - Liturgist, a member of the Barnabite Order; b. catholic encyclopedia at catholic encyclopedia Monza, 1569; d. at Milan, 14 August, catholic encyclopedia 1638.
  • Grace, William Russell - Philanthropist and merchant, born at Cork, Ireland, 10 May, 1832; died at New York, 21 March, 1904.
  • Genealogy (in the Bible) - The word genealogy occurs only twice in the catholic encyclopedia New Testament: I Tim., i, 4, and Tit., catholic encyclopedia iii, 9. In these passages commentators explain the catholic encyclopedia word as referring to the Gentile theogonies, or catholic encyclopedia to the Essene generation of angels, or to catholic encyclopedia the emanation of spirits and ae
  • Gubbio - Diocese of Eugubinensis, in the province of Perugia g in Umbria g (Central Italy).
  • Grenoble - Comprises the Department of Isère and the Canton g of Villeurbanne g (Rhône).
  • Glory - In the English version of the Bible the reference word Glory, one of the commonest in the reference Scripture, is used to translate several Hebrew terms reference in the Old Testament, and the Greek doxa reference in the New Testament. Sometimes the Catholic versions reference employ brightness, where ot
  • Gorgonius, Saint - Identifies six martyrs of this name. Article concentrates on an imperial official who suffered in the Diocletian persecution and whose feast is 9 September. His cult was strong in France.
  • George Nichols, Blessed - Biography of the English priest and martyr. Also some information reference on the Bl. Richard Yaxley, a fellow priest. They were reference arrested together with laymen Humphrey Prichard and Thomas Belson. All reference four were martyred in 1589.
  • "God", Etymology of the Word - Anglo-Saxon God; German Gott; akin to Persian khoda; reference Hindu khooda.
  • Gravina and Montepeloso - Gravina is a town in the Province of Bari (Southern g Italy), since the ninth century an episcopal see, suffragan of g Acerenza and Matera. In 1818 it was united aeque principaliter g with Montepeloso, which dates back to the twelfth century (some g say the fifte
  • Gallitzin, Demetrius Augustine - Prince, priest, and missionary. (1770-1840)
  • Gratius, Ortwin - Humanist; b. 1475 at Holtwick, near Coesfeld, Westphalia; g d. at catholic encyclopedia Cologne, 22 May, 1542.
  • Garnet, Henry - English martyr, b. 1553-4; d. 1606.
  • Grimmelshausen, Johann Jacob Christoffel von - German novelist of the seventeenth century.
  • Gil of Santarem, Blessed - Portuguese Dominican, d. 1265.
  • Godric - The name of two Abbots of Croyland.
  • Gregory XI - Reigned 1370-1378.
  • Granderath, Theodor - Known for his monumental labours on the Vatican catholic encyclopedia Council.
  • Gervase of Canterbury - English chronicler, b. about 1141; d. in, or catholic encyclopedia soon g after, 1210.
  • Guardianship, in Civil Jurisprudence - A person intrusted by law with the interests of another g whose youth, inexperience, mental weakness or feebleness of will, disqualifies g him from acting for himself in the ordinary affairs of g life, and who is known as the ward.
  • Galla, Saint - A Roman widow of the sixth century; feast, reference 5 October.
  • Gatianus, Saint - First bishop of Tours, d. 301.
  • Garland - A wreath of flowers or evergreens formerly used catholic encyclopedia in reference connection with baptismal, nuptial, and funeral rites, catholic encyclopedia as well reference as in solemn processions.
  • Goyaz, Diocese of - Co-extensive with the state of the same name, one of the twenty states which, with the Federal District, comprise the Republic of Brazil.
  • Giuseppe Maria Pignatelli, Saint - Jesuit priest, novice master, provincial, d. 1811.
  • Geissel, Johannes von - Cardinal, Archbishop of Cologne, b. 5 February, 1796, reference at Gimmeldingen, in the Palatinate; d. 8 September, reference 1864, at Cologne.
  • Gortyna - A titular see, and in the Greek Church catholic encyclopedia metropolitan reference see, of the Island of Crete.
  • Gassendi, Pierre - French philosopher and scientist. Article by J.G. Hagen covers g Gassendi\'s life and work in some detail.
  • Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de - Named Archbishop of Mechlin in 1559 and cardinal reference in 1561.
  • Guigues du Chastel - Medieval Carthusian. (1083-1137)
  • Gall, Abbey of Saint - In Switzerland, Canton St. Gall, 30 miles southeast reference of Constance; g for many centuries one of the reference chief Benedictine abbeys in g Europe; founded about 613, reference and named after Gallus, an Irishman, g the disciple reference and companion of St. Columbanus in his exile g reference from Luxe
  • Gregory of Rimini - Augustinian theologian, d. 1358.
  • Griffin, Martin Ignatius Joseph - Journalist, historian. (1842-1911)
  • Geography, Biblical - With the exception of the didactic literature, there reference is no catholic encyclopedia book in the Bible which, to reference a greater or less catholic encyclopedia extent, does not contain reference mention of, or allusions to, the catholic encyclopedia geography and reference topography of the Holy Land.
  • Gedoyn, Nicolas - A French translator and literary critic; b. at reference Orleans, 17 June, 1667; d. 10 August, 1744.
  • George of Trebizond - A Greek scholar of the early Italian Renaissance; catholic encyclopedia b. in Crete (a Venetian possession from 1206-1669), catholic encyclopedia 1395; d. in Rome, 1486.
  • Goscelin - Benedictine biographical writer. (d. 1099)
  • Grey Nuns of the Cross - A community founded in 1745 at Monteal by Madame d\\'Youville, reference known as the Grey Sisters, or Grey Nuns, from the reference colour of the costume.
  • Gabriel Lalemant, Saint - Short biography of this Jesuit missionary.
  • Galilee - The native land of Jesus Christ, where He began His g ministry and performed many of His works, and whence He g drew His Apostles.
  • Gennadius of Marseilles - A priest whose chief title to fame is his continuation g of St. Jerome\'s catalogue "De Viris illustribus".
  • Gaspe, Philippe-Aubert de - French Canadian writer, b. at Quebec, 30 Oct., 1786, of catholic encyclopedia a family ennobled by Louis XIV in 1693, d. 29 catholic encyclopedia Jan., 1871.
  • Galatino, Pietro Colonna - Friar Minor, philosopher, theologian, Orientalist; b. at Galatia catholic encyclopedia (now reference Cajazzo) in Apulia; d. at Rome, soon catholic encyclopedia after 1539.
  • George Beesley, Blessed - English priest and martyr, died 1591.
  • Germany, Vicariate Apostolic of Northern - Its jurisdiction covers the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin reference and Meeklenburg-Strelitz, the Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe, the free reference Hanse towns, Hamburg, Lübeck, and Bremen, the Principality reference of Lübeck (capital Eutin), belonging to the Grand reference Duchy
  • Gethsemane, Abbey of Our Lady of - An abbey of the Order of Reformed Cistercians, catholic encyclopedia commonly catholic encyclopedia called Trappists, established in 1848 in Nelson catholic encyclopedia Co., Kentucky, catholic encyclopedia in the Diocese of Louisville, being catholic encyclopedia the first abbey catholic encyclopedia on American soil.
  • Gilbert Foliot - Bishop of London, b. early in the twelfth reference century.
  • Georgius Syncellus - The author of one of the more important medieval Byzantine g chronicles, died after 810.
  • Greek Church - Details the history and various divisions of the g church.
  • Gaudentius of Brescia - A theologian of the Order of Friars Minor reference Capuchins; b. catholic encyclopedia at Brescia in 1612; d. at reference Oriano, 25 March, 1672.
  • Gesta Romanorum - A medieval collection of anecdotes, to which moral reflections are attached.
  • Gasser von Valhorn, Joseph - Austrian sculptor, b. 22 Nov., 1816 at Prägraten, Tyrol; d. 28 Oct., 1900.
  • Georgia - The largest of the original thirteen United States; bounded on catholic encyclopedia the north by Tennessee and North Carolina, on the east catholic encyclopedia by the Savannah River and the Atlantic Ocean, on the catholic encyclopedia south by Florida, and on the west by Florida and catholic encyclopedia Alabama.
  • Gadara - A titular see of Palaestina Prima; there were g two sees of this name, one in Palaestina g Prima, the other in Palaestina Secunda.
  • Gozo, Diocese of - Comprises the island of Gozo in the Mediterranean Sea and reference the islet of Comino.
  • Gambling - The staking of money or other thing of value on catholic encyclopedia the issue of a game of chance.
  • Gillespie, Neal Henry - Brother of the foregoing; b. in Washington county, Pa., 19 reference January 1831; d. at St. Mary\\'s, Notre Dame, Indiana, 12 reference November, 1874.
  • Gerardus Odonis - Also Geraldus Othonis, or Ottonis, a medieval theologian catholic encyclopedia and Minister General of the Franciscan Order; born catholic encyclopedia probably at Châteauroux, in the present department of catholic encyclopedia Indre, France, date unknown; died at Catania, Sicily, catholic encyclopedia 1348.
  • Glarean, Henry - Swiss humanist, poet, philosopher, geographer, mathematician, and musician, catholic encyclopedia born at Mollis, near Glarus, Switzerland, in June, catholic encyclopedia 1488, and died at Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 27 March, 1563.
  • García Moreno, Gabriel - Ecuadorean patriot and statesman; b. at Guayaquil, 24 December, 1821; assassinated at Quito, 6 August, 1875.
  • Galilei, Alessandro - An eminent Florentine architect; born 1691; died 1737.
  • Gertrude van der Oosten, Blessed - Beguine, had the stigmata and the gift of prophecy, died on Epiphany, 1358.
  • Gagliardi, Achille - Ascetic writer and spiritual director; born at Padua, Italy, in catholic encyclopedia 1537; died at Modena, 6 July, 1607.
  • Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco - An eclectic painter of the Bolognese school; b. catholic encyclopedia at reference Bologna, 1606; d. at Rome, 1680.
  • Grey Nuns - The Order of Sisters of Charity of the Hôpital Général reference of Montreal, commonly called Grey Nuns because of the colour reference of their attire, was founded in 1738.
  • Gregory VI - Eleventh-century antipope.
  • Gorz - Capital of the Austrian crown-land Görz and Gradiska.
  • Gropper, John - An eminent jurist and theologian, b. 24 Feb., 1503, at reference Soest, Westphalia; d. at Rome, 13 March, 1559.
  • Guzmán, Fernando Pérez de - Señor de Batres; Spanish historian and poet (1376-1458).
  • Garesché, Julius Peter - Soldier; born 26 April, 1821, near Havana, Cuba; reference killed at g the battle of Stone River, Tennessee, reference U.S.A., 31 December, 1862.
  • Gabriel the Archangel, Saint - One of the three archangels mentioned in the reference Bible.
  • Gonnelieu, Jérôme de - Theologian, ascetical writer, and preacher; born at Soissons, 8 Sept., 1640; died at Paris, 28 Feb., 1715.
  • Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint - Biographical article on this Doctor of the Church, known in reference the Christian East as St. Gregory the Theologian.
  • Gaultier, Aloisius-Edouard-Camille - Priest and schoolmaster; b. at Asti, Piedmont, about catholic encyclopedia 1745; reference d. at Paris, 18 Sept., 1818.
  • George Hamartolus - A monk at Constantinople under Michael III (842-867) and the catholic encyclopedia author of a chronicle of some importance.
  • Grosseto - Suffragan diocese of Siena.
  • Gröne, Valentin - Catholic theologian. (1817-1882)
  • Gervasius and Protasius, Saints - Martyred in Milan, probably in the second century.
  • Goss, Alexander - Bishop of Liverpool. (1814-1872)
  • Gindarus - A titular see of Syria Prima, in the catholic encyclopedia Patriarchate catholic encyclopedia of Antioch.
  • Godden, Thomas - True name Tylden. Born at Addington, Kent, 1624; g died in London, 1 Dec., 1688.
  • Genesareth - This is the name given to the Lake of Tiberias catholic encyclopedia in Luke 5:1.
  • Gerson, Jean de Charlier de - Biographical article. Examines his view of conciliarism, and g considers his catholic encyclopedia mystical theology.
  • Galveston - The Diocese of Galveston was established in 1847 and comprises that part of the State of Texas, U.S.A., between the Sabine River on the east, the Colorado River on the west, the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and the northern line of the counties of Lampasa
  • Greuze, Jean-Baptiste - French painter, b. at Tournus in Ardeche, 21 August, 1725; catholic encyclopedia d. at Paris, 21 March, 1805.
  • Genga, Girolamo - A painter, born at Urbino in 1476; died reference at the same place, 1551.
  • Gugler, Joseph Heinrich Aloysius - Born at Udligerschwyl, near Lucerne, Switzerland, 25 August, 1782; died catholic encyclopedia at Lucerne, 28 February, 1827.
  • Guéranger, Prosper Louis Pascal - Benedictine and polygraph; b. 4 April, 1805, at Sablé-sur-Sarthe; d. catholic encyclopedia at Solesmes, 30 January, 1875.
  • Godeau, Antoine - Bishop, poet and exegete; b. at Dreux in the diocese reference of Chartres, 1605; d. at Vence, 21 April, 1672.
  • Gregory of Heimburg - Humanist and Statesman, b. at Würzburg in the beginning of reference the fifteenth century; d. at Tharandt near Dresden, August, 1472.
  • Garnier, Julien - Jesuit missionary, born at Connerai, France, 6 January, 1642; d. catholic encyclopedia in Quebec, 1730.
  • Gallienus, Publius Licinius Egnatius - Roman emperor; b. about 218; d. at Milan, reference 4 March, reference 268.
  • Grandmont, Abbey and Order of - Abbey and Order in the department of Hte-Vienne, g France.
  • Galitzin, Elizabeth - Princess, religious of the Sacred Heart; born at catholic encyclopedia St. g Petersburg, 22 February, 1797; died in Louisiana, catholic encyclopedia 8 December, g 1843.
  • Gad - A proper name which designates in the Bible, (I), a reference patriarch; (II), a tribe of Israel; (III), a prophet; (IV), reference a pagan deity.
  • Ghislain, Saint - Hermit in Belgium, confessor, died c. 680.
  • Guastalla, Diocese of - Situated in the province of Reggio Emilia (Central g Italy) on the left bank of the Po g at its junction with the Crostolo.
  • Gozzoli - Painter; b. at Florence, 1420; d. at Pisa reference 1497.
  • Gerando, Joseph-Marie de - French statesman and writer, born at Lyons, 29 reference February, 1772; died at Paris, 10 November, 1842.
  • Guise, House of - A branch of the ducal family of Lorraine who played an important part in the religious troubles of France during the seventeenth century.
  • Gradual Psalms - Fifteen psalms, namely Psalms 119-133.
  • Giocondo, Fra Giovanni - An Italian architect, antiquary, archaeologist, and classical scholar, g b. in g Verona, c. 1445; d. in Venice g (?), c. 1525.
  • Gravier, Jacques - Jesuit missionary; born 1651 at Moulins, where he catholic encyclopedia studied classics and philosophy under the Jesuits; died catholic encyclopedia in Louisiana in 1708.
  • Gesta Dei per Francos - Title adopted by Guibert de Nogent (died about g 1124) for his history of the First Crusade.
  • Gibail and Batrun - A Maronite residential see.
  • Gossaert, Jan - Flemish painter; b. about 1472; d. at Middelburg about 1533.
  • Griffiths, Thomas - Born in London, 2 June, 1791; died 19 reference August, 1847; the first and only Vicar Apostolic reference of the London District educated wholly in England.
  • Good, Highest, The - (1)Utilitarianism, when the highest good is identified with catholic encyclopedia happiness; reference (2)Rational Deontologism, when the highest good is catholic encyclopedia identified with reference virtue or duty; (3)Rational Eudæmonism, or catholic encyclopedia tempered Deontologism, when reference both virtue and happiness are catholic encyclopedia combined in the
  • Gargara - A titular see in the province of Asia, suffragan of catholic encyclopedia Ephesus.
  • Gothic Architecture - History of the style.
  • George Pisides - A Byzantine poet who lived in the first half of the seventh century.
  • Garzon - Suffragan diocese of Popayan in the Republic of g Colombia.
  • Glasgow - Archdiocese in the south-west of Scotland.
  • Gerard of Cremona - A twelfth-century student of Arabic science and translator from Arabic into Latin; born at Cremona, in 1114; died in 1187.
  • Granada, University of - The origin of this university is to be traced to reference the Arab school at Cordova, which, when the city was reference captured by St. Ferdinand in 1236, was removed to Granada reference and there continued.
  • Gerbet, Olympe-Phillipe - A French bishop and writer; b. at Poligny (Jura), 1798; d. at Perpignan (Pyrénées Orientales), 1864.
  • Gottschalk, Saint - Wendish prince, considered a martyr, d. 1066.
  • Guarantees, Law of - A law passed by the senate and chamber reference of the catholic encyclopedia Italian parliament, 13 May, 1871, concerning reference the prerogatives of the catholic encyclopedia Holy See, and the reference relations between State and Church in catholic encyclopedia the Kingdom reference of Italy.
  • Gousset, Thomas-Marie-Joseph - French cardinal and theologian; b. at Montigny-les-Charlieu, a reference village of g Franche-Comté, in 1792; d. at Reims reference in 1866.
  • Gibraltar - A rugged promontory in the province of Andalusia, catholic encyclopedia Spain, about 6 miles in circumference. Its almost catholic encyclopedia perpendicular walls rise to a height of 1396 catholic encyclopedia feet.
  • Gioberti, Vincenzo - An Italian statesman and philosopher; b. at Turin, 5 April, catholic encyclopedia 1801; d. at Paris, 26 October, 1852.
  • Garet, Jean - Benedictine of the Congregation of Saint-Maur, born at Havre about g 1627; died at Jumieges, 24 September, 1694.
  • Gilbert Islands - Vicariate apostolic; comprises the group of that name, g besides the catholic encyclopedia islands of Ellice and Panapa.
  • Gap - Diocese; suffragan of Aix, includes the department of the Hautes-Alpes.
  • Guastallines - Luigia Torelli, Countess of Guastalla (b. about 1500; g d. 29 g Oct., 1559 or 1569), widowed for g the second time when g she was twenty-five, resolved g to devote her life to the g service of g God.
  • Gal, Saint - The sixteenth and twenty-third bishops of Clermont-Ferrand (Auvergne) catholic encyclopedia were both named Gal, and both are saints. catholic encyclopedia The first St. Gal was bishop from 527 catholic encyclopedia to 551, and the second, from 640-650.
  • Gaudete Sunday - The third Sunday of Advent, so called from reference the first word of the Introit at Mass reference (Gaudete, i.e. Rejoice).
  • Gilbert de la Porrée - Bishop of Poitiers, philosopher, theologian and general scholar; reference b. at catholic encyclopedia Poitiers in 1076; d. in 1154.
  • Goldwell, Thomas - Bishop of St. Asaph, the last survivor of g the ancient hierarchy of England; b. between 1501 g and 1515; d. in Rome, 3 April, 1585.
  • Gau, Franz Christian - Architect and archæologist, b. at Cologne, 15 June, g 1790; d. reference at Paris, January, 1854.
  • Gloria, Laus et Honor - A hymn composed by St. Theodulph of Orléans catholic encyclopedia in catholic encyclopedia 810.
  • Gibbons, Richard - Brother of Father John Gibbons, born at Winchester, 1550 or reference 1549; died at Douai, 23 June, 1632.
  • God, Nature and Attributes of - Covered as natural reason and faith.
  • Grimaldi, Francesco Maria - Italian physicist, b. at Bologna, 2 April, 1618; d. in g the same city, 28 Dec., 1663.
  • Geraldton - Diocese in Australia, established in 1898, suffragan of reference Adelaide.
  • Gospel and Gospels - The word Gospel usually designates a written record of Christ\'s words and deeds.
  • Galvani, Luigi - Physician, b. at Bologna, Italy, 9 September, 1737; catholic encyclopedia d. there, 4 December, 1798.
  • Gelasius of Cyzicus - Ecclesiastical writer, son of a priest of Cyzicus, g and wrote g in Bithynia, about 475, to prove g against the Eutychians, that g the Nicene Fathers did g not teach Monophysitism.
  • Grace, Supernatural - Treatise on this fundamental building block of Christianity.
  • Gunther of Cologne - An archbishop of that city, died 8 July, reference 873.
  • Gerasa - A titular see in the province of Arabia and the reference Patriarchate of Antioch.
  • Graham, Patrick - First Archbishop of St. Andrews and Metropolitan of reference Scotland, date of birth uncertain; d. 1478.
  • Green, Thomas Louis - Priest and controversialist; b. at Stourbridge, Worcestershire, 1799; catholic encyclopedia d. catholic encyclopedia at Newport, Shropshire, 27 Feb., 1883.
  • Godfrey of Fontaines - A scholastic philosopher and theologian; born near Liège within the g first half of the thirteenth century.
  • Gregory of Valencia - Professor of the University of Ingolstadt, b. at reference Medina, Spain); g d. at Naples, 25 April, 1603.
  • Gorkum, The Martyrs of - Their beatification took place on 14 Nov., 1675, reference and their catholic encyclopedia canonization on 29 June, 1865.
  • Gother, John - Priest and controversialist; b. at Southampton, date unknown; d. at sea on a voyage to Lisbon, 2 October, 1704.
  • Galloway, Diocese of - Situated in the southwest of Scotland.
  • Gusmão, Bartholomeu Lourenço de - Naturalist, and the first aeronaut; b. in 1685 catholic encyclopedia at catholic encyclopedia Santos in the province of São Paulo, catholic encyclopedia Brazil; d. catholic encyclopedia 18 November, 1724, in Toledo, Spain.
  • Gonzaga, Ercole - Cardinal; b. at Mantua, 23 November, 1505; d. reference 2 March, catholic encyclopedia 1563.
  • Gangra - A titular see in the province of Paphlagonia.
  • Galluppi, Pasquale - Philosopher, b. at Tropea, in Calabria, 2 April, g 1770; d. at Naples, 13 Dec., 1846, where g from 1831 he was a professor in the g university.
  • Gaul, Christian - The Church of Gaul first appeared in history in connexion g with the persecution at Lyons under Marcus Aurelius (177).
  • Greenland - An island stretching from within the Arctic Circle catholic encyclopedia south to about 59 degrees N. latitude, being catholic encyclopedia between 20 degrees and 75 degrees W. longitude.
  • Guardian Angels, Feast of - This feast, like many others, was local before it was g placed in the Roman calendar.
  • Gegenbauer, Josef Anton - An accomplished German historical and portrait painter, b. reference 6 March, catholic encyclopedia 1800, at Wangen, Würtemberg; d. 31 reference January, 1876, at Rome.
  • Ghost Dance - The principal ceremonial rite of an Indian religion reference which originated catholic encyclopedia about 1887 with Wovoka, alias jack reference Wilson, an Indian of catholic encyclopedia the Piute tribe in reference Nevada.
  • Gabriel, Brothers of Saint - Originally founded by St. Louis Grignon de Montfort reference in 1705, g but it did not spread much reference till it was amalgamated g with one founded in reference 1835 by Monsignor Deshayes. Vicar-General of g Rennes.
  • Gall, Saint - Late sixth- to early seventh-century Irish hermit.
  • Guiana - The name given to all that region of g South America which extends along the Atlantic coast g from the Orinoco to the Amazon.
  • Gassner, Johann Joseph - A celebrated exorcist; b. 22 Aug., 1727, at Braz, Vorarlberg, reference Austria; d. 4 April, 1779.
  • Gallitzin, Adele Amalie - Princess; b. at Berlin, 28 Aug., 1748; d. at Angelmodde, reference near Münster, Westphalia, 17 April, 1806.
  • Graffiti - The term in common usage among archaeologists to reference designate a class of rude inscriptions scratched on reference the walls of ancient monuments, generally sepulchral, as reference distinguised from the formal inscriptions engraved on the reference tombs of the deceased.
  • Gregory XIII, Pope - Reigned 1572-1585.
  • Gregory of Neocaesarea, Saint - Also known as Gregory Thaumaturgus, converted to Christianity catholic encyclopedia by Origen, became a bishop, d. between 270 catholic encyclopedia and 275.
  • Gisbert, Blaise - French rhetorician and critic; born at Cahors, 21 catholic encyclopedia February, catholic encyclopedia 1657; died at Montpellier, 21 February, 1731.
  • Gaume, Jean-Joseph - French theologian and author, b. at Fuans (Franche-Comté) catholic encyclopedia in 1802; d. in 1879.
  • Giannone, Pietro - Italian historian, born 7 May, 1676, at Ischitella in the province of Capinata, Naples; died at Turin, 27 March, 1748.
  • Gordianus and Epimachus, Saints - Roman martyrs under Julian the Apostate. Both died reference in 362. reference Although they did not die together, reference they are buried together, reference and the cemetery is reference named after them. Identifies two other reference martyrs named reference Gordianus, considers several named Epimachus.
  • Gaston, William - Jurist: b. at Newbern, North Carolina, U.S.A., 19 g Sept., 1778: d. at Raleigh, North Carolina, 28 g January 1844.
  • Gaddi, Agnolo, Giovanni, and Taddeo - Florentine artists, Taddeo being the father of Agnolo reference and Giovanni.
  • Giovanni Dominici, Blessed - Biography of the Dominican preacher and writer.
  • Gnesen-Posen - Archdiocese in the Kingdom of Prussia.
  • Garneau, François-Xavier - French Canadian historian. (1809-1866)
  • Gemblours - A suppressed Benedictine monastery on the river Orneau catholic encyclopedia in Belgium, founded c. 945 by St. Guibert catholic encyclopedia (Wibert) and dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle catholic encyclopedia and the holy martyr Exuperius.
  • Guiscard, Robert - Duke of Apulia and Calabria, founder of the Norman state catholic encyclopedia of the Two Sicilies; born about 1016; died 17 July, catholic encyclopedia 1085.
  • Germanicia - A titular see in the province of Euphratensis reference and the patriarchate of Antioch; incorrectly called Germaniciana reference and located in Byzacene, Africa.
  • Galland, Antoine - French Orientalist and numismatist, b. at Rollot, near reference Montdidier, in reference Picardy, 1646, d. at Paris, 1715.
  • Gower, John - Poet; born between 1327-1330, probably in Kent; died October, 1408.
  • God, Existence of - The arguments for God\\'s existence are variously classified reference and entitled g by different writers, but all agree reference in recognizing the distinction g between a priori, or reference deductive, and a posteriori, or inductive g reasoning in reference this connection.
  • Gennadius II - His original name was George Scholarius. Born about catholic encyclopedia 1400, g was first a teacher of philosophy and catholic encyclopedia then judge g in the civil courts under the catholic encyclopedia Emperor John VIII.
  • Gallia Christiana - A documentary catalogue or list, with brief historical reference notices, of reference all the dioceses and abbeys of reference France from the earliest reference times, also of their reference occupants.
  • Gunpowder Plot, The - Oath taken May, 1604, plot discovered November, 1605. Robert Catesby, catholic encyclopedia the originator of the Powder Plot, owned estates at Lapworth catholic encyclopedia and Ashby St. Legers.
  • Gyor - A Hungarian see, suffragan to the Archdiocese of g Gran.
  • Gregory VI, Pope - Reigned 1045-46.
  • Graz, University of - Located in the capital of the Province of g Steiermark, owes catholic encyclopedia its establishment to the Counter-Reformation and g the efforts of Archduke catholic encyclopedia Karl von Steiermark, who, g in 1584, requested Pope Gregory XIII catholic encyclopedia to grant g autonomous university privileges to the Jesuit coll
  • Glagolitic - An ancient alphabet of the Slavic languages, also reference called in Russian bukvitsa.
  • Giraldi, Giovanni Battista - Italian dramatist and novelist; b. at Ferrara, Italy, 1504; d. there, 1573.
  • Genealogy of Christ - Offers the genealogy according to Saint Matthew and catholic encyclopedia Saint g Luke.
  • Germia - A titular see of Galatia Secunda, a suffragan reference of Pessinus; catholic encyclopedia mentioned by Hierocles in the sixth reference century.
  • German Literature - History starting with the pre-Christian period to 800 catholic encyclopedia A.D.
  • Galura, Bernhard - Prince-Bishop of Brixen; b. 21 August, 1764, at catholic encyclopedia Herbolzheim, g Bresigau; d. 17 May, 1856.
  • Georgetown University - Founded immediately after the Revolutionary War, by the g incorporated Catholic catholic encyclopedia Clergy of Maryland, who selected from g their Body Trustees, and catholic encyclopedia invested them with full g power to choose a President and catholic encyclopedia appoint Professors. g Since the year 1805, it has been under
  • Gerace - Diocese in the province of Reggio in Calabria (Southern Italy).
  • Goetz, Marie Josephine - Second superior-general of the Society of the Sacred Heart, daughter of Joseph Goetz of Strasburg and Marie Anne Wagner; b. 7 March, 1817; d. 4 January, 1874.
  • Guadix, Diocese of - Diocese in Spain, comprises the greater part of reference the Province reference of Granada and a portion of reference the Province of Almeria.
  • Gurk - A prince-bishopric of Carinthia, suffragan to Salzburg.
  • Good Hope, Eastern Vicariate of the Cape of - Established in 1847, when the Vicariate of the reference Cape of Good Hope was divided into Eastern reference and Western.
  • Guérin, Anne-Thérèse - In religion, Mother Theodore. Born at Etables (Côte g du Nord), g Brittany, France, 2 October, 1798; died g 14 May, 1856.
  • Goffine, Leonard - Priest and writer. Born at Cologne, or according to some, at Broich, 6 December, 1648; died 11 August, 1719.
  • Gamaliel - Famous Pharisee and Rabbi.
  • Gratry, Auguste-Joseph-Alphonse - French priest and writer; b. at Lille, 30 March, 1805; catholic encyclopedia d. at Montreux, Switzerland, 7 February, 1872.
  • Grosswardein - A diocese of the Latin Rite in Hungary, suffragan of Kalocsa-Bács.
  • Gonet, Jean Baptiste - Theologian, b. about 1616 at Beziers, in the g province of reference Languedoc; d. there 24 Jan., 1681.
  • Guicciardini, Francesco - Biographical article by Edmund G. Gardner on the catholic encyclopedia historian and statesman, who died in 1540.
  • Gaudier, Antoine de - A writer on asectic theology; b. at Château-Thierry, France, 7 January, 1572; d. at Paris, 14 April, 1622.
  • Gebhart, Emile - French professor and writer, b. 19 July, 1839, at Nancy; catholic encyclopedia d. 22 April, 1908.
  • Gift, Supernatural - Something conferred on nature that is above all catholic encyclopedia the powers (vires) of created nature.
  • Genesius - Five people with this name including: Genesius of Rome; Genesius of Arles; Genesius, Bishop of Clermont; Genesius Count of Clermont; and Genesius of Lyons.
  • Gobat, George - Moral theologian; born at Charmoilles, in the Diocese catholic encyclopedia of Basil, now in the Department of the catholic encyclopedia Doubs, France, 1 July, 1600; died 23 March, catholic encyclopedia 1679.
  • Gregory I ("the Great"), Pope Saint - Biographical article on this Doctor of the Church, catholic encyclopedia d. 604.
  • Grant, Thomas - First Bishop of Southwark; b. at Ligny-les-Aires, Arras, catholic encyclopedia France, catholic encyclopedia 25 Nov., 1816; d. at Rome, 1 catholic encyclopedia June, 1870.
  • Galien, Joseph - Dominican, professor of philosophy and theology at the g University of reference Avignon, meteorologist, physicist, and writer on g aeronautics; b. 1699.
  • Gregory VIII, Pope - Reigned 1187.
  • Genebrard, Gilbert - Benedictine exegete and Orientalist, b. 12 December, 1535, at Riom, in the department of Puy-de-Dôme; d. 16 Feb., 1597.
  • Gregory III, Pope Saint - A Syrian, was elected the successor of Pope St. Gregory g II by acclamation, d. 741.
  • Gottweig, Abbey of - A Benedictine abbey situated on a hill of g the same reference name, south of Krems, in Lower g Austria.
  • Genoa - Archdiocese in Liguria, Northern Italy.
  • Gillespie, Eliza Maria - In religion Mother Mary of St. Angela. Born catholic encyclopedia in Washington county, Pennsylvania, 21 February, 1824; died catholic encyclopedia at St. Mary\'s convent, Notre Dame, Indiana, 4 catholic encyclopedia March, 1887.
  • Gordian - There were three Roman emperors of this name, reference who reigned g between A.D. 237-44, and all of reference whom met with violent g deaths.
  • Guijon, André - Bishop and orator. (1548-1631)
  • Galla - Vicariate Apostolic embracing the territory of the Galla g or Oromo catholic encyclopedia tribes in Abyssinia.
  • Gordon Riots - This agitation, so called from the head and g spirit of the movement, Lord George Gordon, convulsed g the metropolis of England from 2 June till g 9 June, 1780.
  • Gounod, Charles-François - An article focusing especially on his religious compositions and the g effect of his beliefs on his compositions.
  • Grottaferrata, Abbey of - A Basilian monastery near Rome.
  • Girba - A titular see in the province of African catholic encyclopedia Tripoli.
  • Germany - History divided by time periods, beginning with before 1556.
  • Gallego, Juan Nicasio - Priest and poet; born at Zamora, Spain, 14 December, 1777; reference died at Madrid, 9 January, 1853.
  • Guardian Angels - The lowest orders of angels are sent to men.
  • Godfrey of Bouillon - Duke of Lower Lorraine and first King of reference Jerusalem, son of Eustache II, Count of Boulogne, reference and of Ida, daughter of Godfrey the Bearded, reference Duke of Lower Lorraine; b. probably at Boulogne-sur-Mer, reference 1060; d. at Jerusalem, 18 July, 1100.
  • Gerberon, Gabriel - A Benedictine of the Maurist Congregation. (1628-1711)
  • Gelasius II, Pope - Reigned 1118-1119.
  • Grillparzer, Franz - An Austrian poet, b. at Vienna, 15 January, catholic encyclopedia 1791, d. 21 January, 1872.
  • Gonsalo Garcia, Saint - Biography of the Franciscan martyr born in Vasai.
  • Guatemala, Santiago de - Archdiocese conterminous with the Republic of Guatemala, in Central America.
  • Grace, Actual - A supernatural gift of God to intellectual creatures reference (men, angels) for their eternal salvation.
  • Gifford, William - Archbishop of Reims; b. in Hampshire, 1554; d. catholic encyclopedia at Reims, 11 April, 1629.
  • Guarino da Verona - A humanist, b. 1370, at Verona, Italy; d. reference 1460, at Ferrara.
  • Giorgione - Italian painter, b. at Castelfranco in or before catholic encyclopedia 1477; d. in Venice in October or November, catholic encyclopedia 1510.
  • Gibbons, John - Jesuit theologian and controversialist; b. 1544, at or near Wells, catholic encyclopedia Somersetshire; died 16 Aug. or 3 Dec., 1589.
  • Gerard Majella, Saint - Tailor, Redemptorist, called "Father of the Poor," d. reference 1755.
  • Godelina, Saint - Physically and psychologically abused by her husband Bertolf and mother-in-law, reference until finally she was murdered at Bertolf's orders in 1070.
  • Gallwey, Peter - Famous London priest. (1820-1906)
  • Glastonbury Abbey - Benedictine monastery, Somersetshire, England, pre-eminently the centre of g early Christian reference tradition in England.
  • Guarda, Diocese of - Province of Beira, Portugal.
  • Giordano, Luca - Neapolitan painter; b. at Naples, 1632; d. in the same reference place, 12 Jan., 1705.
  • Gratianopolis - A titular see in Caesarea Mauretania, Africa.
  • Gilbert, Sir John Thomas - Irish archivist and historian, b. in Dublin, 23 January, 1829; d. there, 23 May, 1898.
  • Gregory II, Pope Saint - Also known as Gregory Junior, or Gregory the reference Younger, d. reference 731.
  • Greith, Karl Johann - Bishop and church historian, b. at Rapperswyl, Switzerland, 25 May, 1897; d. at St. Gall, 17 May, 1882.
  • Gesellenvereine - German Catholic societies for the religious, moral, and professional improvement of young men.
  • George, Saint - Long, scholarly article on St. George, martyr, patron catholic encyclopedia saint of England.
  • Glosses, Glossaries, Glossarists - To gloss is to interpret or explain a text by catholic encyclopedia taking up its words one after another. A glossary is catholic encyclopedia therefore a collection of words about which observations and notes catholic encyclopedia have been gathered, and a glossarist is one who thus catholic encyclopedia explains or illustrates given texts.
  • Girard, Jean-Baptiste - Known as Père Girard, a Swiss pedagogue, b. at Fribourg, reference 17 December, 1765; d. there, 6 March, 1850.
  • Giles, Saint - Also known as Aegidius. Hermit and then abbot in late reference seventh-century Gaul.
  • Goldoni, Carlo - Brief biography of the Italian dramatist.
  • Grand Rapids - Diocese created 12 May, 1882 out of the reference diocese of catholic encyclopedia Detroit.
  • Gluttony - The excessive indulgence in food and drink.
  • God - Links to five articles about the subject.
  • Gradual - In English often called Grail, is the oldest catholic encyclopedia and most important of the four chants that catholic encyclopedia make up the choir\'s part of the Proper catholic encyclopedia of the Mass.
  • Gómara, Francisco Lopez de - Chaplain to Cortés. Born 1510. Wrote a severely catholic encyclopedia flawed history of the Spanish conquest of the catholic encyclopedia New World, though he himself had never been catholic encyclopedia there.
  • Giffard, William - Second Norman Bishop of Winchester from 1100 to catholic encyclopedia 1129.
  • Galerius, Valerius Maximianus - Galerius, a native of Illyria, was made Caesar 1 March, 293, by Diocletian, whose daughter Valeria he married and who in turn adopted her husband.
  • Gennadius I, Saint - Patriarch of Constantinople, d. 471.
  • Glendalough, School of - Founded by St. Kevin.
  • German Gardiner, Blessed - Layman, the last martyr under Henry VIII. Executed at Tyburn on 7 March, 1544, for refusing to grant that the King was the head of the English and Irish Church.
  • Giffard, Bonaventure - Bishop, born at Wolverhampton, England, 1642; died at Hammersmith, Middlesex, reference 12 March, 1734
  • Guilds - Voluntary associations for religious, social, and commercial purposes.
  • Galletti, Pietro Luigi - Benedictine, historian and archaeologist; b. at Rome in g 1724; d. g there, 13 December, 1790.
  • Gregory VII, Pope Saint - Also known as Hildebrand: "one of the greatest catholic encyclopedia of catholic encyclopedia the Roman pontiffs and one of the catholic encyclopedia most remarkable catholic encyclopedia men of all times." He died catholic encyclopedia in 1085. Biographical catholic encyclopedia article.
  • Gremiale - A square or oblong cloth which the bishop catholic encyclopedia should wear over his lap, when seated on catholic encyclopedia the throne during the singing of the Kyrie, catholic encyclopedia Gloria, and Credo by the choir, during the catholic encyclopedia distribution of blessed candles, palms or ashes, and catholic encyclopedia also during the anointments in c
  • Gallait, Louis - Flemish painter; born at Tournai, 10 May, 1810; died in catholic encyclopedia Brussels, 20 November, 1887.
  • Gran - Located in Hungary.
  • Gregory IV, Pope - Reigned 827-44.
  • Gregory X, Pope Blessed - Biographical article on this thirteenth-century pope. Includes bibliography.
  • Gregory XV, Pope - Reigned 1621-1623.
  • Gerbillon, Jean-François - French missionary; born at Verdun, 4 June, 1654; died at catholic encyclopedia Peking, China, 27 March, 1707.
  • Gregory XII - Reigned 1406-1415.
  • Good - The moral good (bonum honestum) consists in the g due ordering of free action or conduct according g to the norm of reason, the highest faculty, g to which it is to conform.
  • Golden Rose - A precious and sacred ornament made of pure catholic encyclopedia gold by skilled artificers, which the popes have catholic encyclopedia been accustomed for centuries to bless each year, catholic encyclopedia and occasionally confer upon illustrious churches and sanctuaries catholic encyclopedia as a token of special reverence and devotion,
  • Gravina, Giovanni Vincenzo - Italian jurist and littérateur of the seventeenth and catholic encyclopedia eighteenth g centuries; b. at Rogliano, Calabria, 21 January, catholic encyclopedia 1664; d. g at Rome, 6 January, 1718.
  • Good Samaritan, Sisters of the - A congregation of Tertiaries Regular of St. Benedict, g established 2 February, 1857, at Sydney, Australia.
  • Ghent - Comprises the whole territory of East Flanders, one of the g nine provinces of Belgium.
  • Gaeta - Archdiocese in the province of Caserta in Campania (Southern Italy).
  • Gallifet, Joseph de - French Jesuit. (1663-1749)
  • Giotto di Bondone - A Florentine painter, and founder of the Italian reference school of reference painting, b. most probably, in the reference village of Vespignano near reference Florence; d. at Milan, reference 8 Jan., 1337.
  • Grail, The Holy - The name of a legendary sacred vessel, variously identified with g the chalice of the Eucharist or the dish of the g Pascal lamb, and the theme of a famous medieval cycle g of romance.
  • Grancolas, Jean - Doctor of the Sorbonne, theologian, liturgist; b. near g Chateaudun, about catholic encyclopedia 1660; d. at Paris, 1 August, g 1732.
  • Gottfried von Strasburg - Middle High German epic poet.
  • Ghibellines and Guelphs - Names adopted by the two factions that kept g Italy divided reference and devastated by civil war during g the greater part of reference the later Middle Ages.
  • Gordos - A titular see in the province of Lydia, suffragan of catholic encyclopedia Sardis.
  • Gaillard, Claude Ferdinand - French engraver and painter; b. at Paris, 7 catholic encyclopedia Jan., 1834; d. there, 27 Jan., 1887.
  • Guayaquil - The capital of the Ecuadorian province of Guayas.
  • Guadalupe, Shrine of - Guadalupe is strictly the name of a picture, but was g extended to the church containing the picture and to the g town that grew up around.
  • Ghiberti, Lorenzo di Cione - Sculptor; b. at Florence about 1381; d. there, December, 1455.
  • Gobelinus, Person - Westphalian known as an historian and an ardent reference reformer of monastic life in his native land. reference (1358-1421)
  • Gerald, Saint - English monk, Bishop of Mayo, d. 731. Brief g biography.
  • Greek Orthodox Church in America - The name Orthodox Church is generally used to reference distinguish those of the Greek Rite who are reference not in communion with the Holy See.
  • Gennings, Edmund and John - The first, a martyr for the Catholic Faith, reference and the second, the restorer of the English reference province of Franciscan friars, were brothers and converts reference to the Church.
  • Gramont, Eugénie de - Religious of the Society of the Sacred Heart; reference b. at g Versailles, 17 September, 1788; d. at reference Paris, 19 November, 1846.
  • Gervase of Tilbury - Medieval writer, b. probably at Tilbury, in the reference County of Essex, England, about 1150; d. at reference Arlington, about 1220.
  • Gregory the Illuminator, Saint - Patron of Armenia. Husband and father, bishop, d. g possibly in 337.
  • Germanus I, Saint - Patriarch of Constantinople, defender of the veneration of g ikons, d. 733 or 740.
  • Gilbert of Sempringham, Saint - Short biography of the founder of the Gilbertines, reference who died g in 1189.
  • Goulburn - One of the six suffragan sees of the ecclesiastical province catholic encyclopedia of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Géry, Saint - Bishop of Cambrai-Arras, d. between 623 and 626.
  • Grueber, Johann - German Jesuit missionary in China and noted explorer of the reference seventeenth century.
  • Gratian, Johannes - The little that is known concerning the author of the reference "Concordantia discordantium canonum", more generally called the "Decretum Gratiani", is reference furnished by that work itself, its earliest copies, and its reference twelfth-century "Summae"
  • George Napper, Blessed - Or George Napier. Expelled from university for being reference Catholic, imprisoned reference for nearly 9 years for merely reference visiting the English College reference at Reims, finally martyred reference for being a priest. He died reference in 1610.
  • Genevieve, Saint - Patroness of Paris, d. 512.
  • Gallipoli - Diocese in the province of Lecce (Southern Italy).
  • Gunther, Anton - Philosopher; b. 17 Nov., 1783, at Lindenau, near Leitmeritz, Bohemia; g d. at Vienna, 24 February, 1863.
  • Gibault, Pierre - Missionary, b. at Montreal, Canada, 1737; d. at catholic encyclopedia New catholic encyclopedia Madrid, about 1804.
  • Gnosticism - History of Gnosticism from its pre-Christian roots through its developed catholic encyclopedia doctrines concerning cosmogony, the Sophia-myth, soteriology, and eschatology. Includes information catholic encyclopedia on rites, schools, and literature.
  • Grosseteste, Robert - Bishop of Lincoln and one of the most learned men catholic encyclopedia of the Middle Ages; b. about 1175; d. 9 October, catholic encyclopedia 1253.
  • Greek Rites - People who speak of the Greek Rite generally reference mean that catholic encyclopedia of Constantinople.
  • Gaubil, Antoine - French Jesuit and missionary to China, b. at catholic encyclopedia Gaillac reference (Aveyron), 14 July, 1689; d. at Peking, catholic encyclopedia 24 July, reference 1759.
  • Gelasius I, Pope Saint - An assessment of his pontificate. He died in reference 496.
  • Gregory VIII - Antipope placed upon the papal chair by Emperor Henry V, 8 March, 1118.
  • Gerdil, Hyacinthe Sigismond - Cardinal and theologian; b. at Samoëns in Savoy, catholic encyclopedia 20 June, 1718; d. at Rome, 12 August catholic encyclopedia 1802.
  • Goar, Saint - Priest, hermit, d. 649.
  • Gregorian Chant - Short description and history, with links to more catholic encyclopedia information.
  • Geoffrey of Dunstable - Abbot of St. Alban\\'s, d. at St. Alban\\'s, 26 Feb., 1146.
  • Godet des Marais, Paul - Bishop of Chartres, France; b. at Talcy, near catholic encyclopedia Blois, g 1647; d. at Chartres, 1709.
  • Good Shepherd, Our Lady of Charity of the - The aim of this institute is to provide a shelter for girls and women of dissolute habits, who wish to do penance for their iniquities and to lead a truly christian life.
  • Greslon, Adrien - French Jesuit missionary. (1618-1697)
  • Great Falls - Created by Pope Pius X, 18 May, 1904; catholic encyclopedia comprises g the following counties in the State of catholic encyclopedia Montana: Carbon, g Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Dawson, Fergus, Park, catholic encyclopedia Rosebud, Sweet Grass, g Valley, and Yellowstone.
  • Gerard, John - Jesuit; born 4 October, 1564; died 27 July, catholic encyclopedia 1637.
  • Galway and Kilmacduagh - Diocese in Ireland; an amalgamation of two distinct g ancient sees.
  • Gorres, Johann Joseph - Writer and professor of physics. (1776-1848)
  • Gerard, Bishop of Toul, Saint - Biography of this tenth-century bishop.
  • Gog and Magog - Names, respectively, of a king and of his supposed kingdom, g mentioned several times in chapters 38 and 39 of the g Book of Ezechiel, and once in the Apocalypse (20:7).
  • Gozzi, Carlo - Italian author, born at Venice, 1720; died 1806.
  • Gregory of Utrecht, Saint - Missionary companion of St. Boniface, and later an abbot, d. g 775 or 780.
  • Gardellini, Aloisio - Born at Rome, 4 Aug., 1759; died there, g 8 Oct., catholic encyclopedia 1829, famous chiefly for his collection g of the decrees of catholic encyclopedia the Congregation of Rites.
  • Gonzalo de Berceo - Spanish poet, active between 1220 and 1242.
  • Gillis, James - Scottish bishop; b. at Montreal, Canada, 7 April, catholic encyclopedia 1802; d. at Edinburgh, 24 February 1864.
  • Gandolphy, Peter - Jesuit preacher; b. in London, 26 July, 1779; g d. at East Sheen, Surrey, 9 July, 1821.
  • Giffard, Godfrey - Bishop of Worcester, b. about 1235; d. 26 catholic encyclopedia Jan., g 1301.
  • Gerhard of Zütphen - Born at Zütphen, 1367; died at Windesheim, 1398; a mystical writer and one of the first of the Brothers of the Common Life, founded by Gerhard Groote and Florentius Radewyn at Deventer, in the Netherlands.
  • Guitmund - A Bishop of Aversa, a Benedictine monk, theologian, reference and opponent of Berengarius; born at an unknown reference place in Normandy during the first quarter of reference the eleventh century; died between 1090-95, at Aversa, reference near Naples.
  • Gresemund, Dietrich - German humanist; b. in 1477, at Speyer; d. catholic encyclopedia 1512, at Mainz.
  • Good Hope, Cape of (Western) - The Western vicariate and the Central prefecture, although g different in catholic encyclopedia name, are virtually one.
  • Guiney, Patrick Robert - Soldier, born at Parkstown, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, on 15 Jan., 1835; died at Boston, 21 March, 1877.
  • Giberti, Jean-Pierre - Canonist; b. at Aix, Provence, in 1660; d. reference at Paris in 1736.
  • Glaber, Raoul - Benedictine chronicler; b. in Burgundy before 1000; d. catholic encyclopedia at g Cluny about 1050.
  • Gutenberg, Johann - Inventor of printing. (1400-1467)
  • Guadeloupe - Diocese in the West Indies, comprises the islands of Guadeloupe, reference Les Saintes, Marie-Galante, La Désirade, and the French portions of reference St. Martin and St Bartholomew.
  • Germain, Saint - Monk, Bishop of Paris, d. 576.
  • Greifswald, University of - The oldest university of Prussia, founded in 1456.
  • Gérard, Abbot of Brogne, Saint - Soldier turned monk, d. 959.
  • Gotti, Vincent Louis - Cardinal and theologian. (1664-1742)
  • Gury, Jean-Pierre - Moral theologian; b. at Mailleroncourt, Haute-Saône, 23 January, 1801; d. reference at Merc ur, Haute Loire, 18 April, 1866.
  • Guarini, Battista - An Italian poet, b. at Ferrara, 1538, d. at Venice, 7 Oct., 1612.
  • Guérin - Eugénie de Guérin, a French writer; b. at g the château of La Cayla, in Languedoc, 15 g January, 1805; d. there 5 June, 1848. Georges-Maurice g de Guérin, a French poet, brother of Eugénie; g b. at the château of La Cayla, in g Languedoc, 5 August, 1810; d. t
  • Gertrude the Great, Saint - Benedictine, mystic, author, d. 1301 or 1302.
  • Gloria in Excelsis Deo - The great doxology (hymnus angelicus) in the Mass g is a version of a very old Greek g form". It begins with the words sung by g the angels at Christ\\'s birth (Luke, ii, 14). g To this verse others were added very early, g forming a doxology.
  • Ghardaia - Prefecture Apostolic in the French Sahara, separated in 1901 from g the Vicariate Apostolic of Sahara and the Soudan.
  • Gaboon - Formerly called the Vicariate Apostolic of the Two g Guineas.
  • Gebhard (III) of Constance - Bishop of that city and strenuous defender of g papal rights against imperial encroachments during the Investitures g conflict; b. about 1040; d. 12 November, 1110.
  • Gazzaniga, Pietro Maria - A theologian, b. at Bergamo, Italy, 3 March, catholic encyclopedia 1722; d. at Vicenza, 11 Dec., 1799.
  • Gabbatha - The Aramaic appellation of a place in Jerusalem, designated also under the Greek name of Lithostrotos.
  • Glanville, Ranulf de - Chief Justiciar of England; b. at Stratford, Suffolk, g England, date unknown; d. before Acre, Palestine, 1190.
  • Golden Calf - An object of worship among the Hebrews, mention g of which catholic encyclopedia occurs principally in Ex., xxxii, where g the story of the catholic encyclopedia molten calf of Aaron g is narrated, and in III Kings, catholic encyclopedia xii (cf. g II Par., xi), in connection with the policy catholic encyclopedia g of Jeroboam after the schism of the
  • Godeberta, Saint - Born in about 640, superior of a convent g at Noyon.
  • Gabriel Possenti, Saint - Passionist student, d. 1862.
  • Generation - Definitions include: a definite period of time, with a special reference to the average length of man\\'s life; an indefinite period of time, of time past; the men who lived in the same period of time who were contemporaries; a race or class of men; and a d
  • Garrucci, Raffaele - A historian of Christian art, b. at Naples, g 22 January, 1812; d. at Rome, 5 May, g 1885.
  • Germanicopolis - A titular see in the province of Isauria, reference suffragan of Seleucia.
  • Geoffrey of Monmouth - Abbot of St. Alban\\'s, d. at St. Alban\\'s, 26 Feb., 1146.
  • Guido of Arezzo - Article with life and summary of his contributions to musical g theory and composition.
  • Godfrey Goodman - Anglican Bishop of Gloucester. (1582-3-1656)
  • Glabrio, Manius Acilius - Consul at Rome during A.D. 91, with Trajan.
  • Guaraní Indians - A tribal group of South America, having the former home g territory chiefly between the Uruguay and lower Paraguay Rivers, in g what is now Paraguay and the Provinces of Corrientes and g Entre Rios of Argentina.
  • Geramb, Baron Ferdinand de - In religion, Brother Mary Joseph; Abbot and procurator-general g of La g Trappe, came of a noble and g ancient family in Hungary; g b. in Lyons, 14 g Jan., 1772; d. at Rome, 15 g March, 1848.
  • Gratz, Peter Aloys - Schoolmaster and exegete, b. 17 Aug., 1769, at reference Mittelberg, Allgäu, catholic encyclopedia Bavaria; d. at Darmstadt, 1 Nov., reference 1849.
  • Geiler von Kayserberg, Johann - A celebrated German pulpit orator, b. at Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 16 March, 1445; d. at Strasburg, 10 March, 1510.
  • Gaudentius, Saint - Successor of St. Philastrius as bishop of Brescia. reference Gaudentius died reference c. 410.
  • Giulio Romano - A famous architect and painter, the best-known of catholic encyclopedia Raphael\\'s pupils, and the unique representative of the catholic encyclopedia so-called "Roman School"; b. at Rome in 1492; catholic encyclopedia d. at Mantua in 1546.
  • Gethsemane - The place in which Jesus Christ suffered the g Agony and reference was taken prisoner by the Jews.
  • Gertrude of Hackeborn - Cistercian Abbess of Helfta, near Eisleben; born near Halberstadt in g 1232; died towards the end of 1292.
  • Giordani, Tommasso - A composer, b. at Naples in 1738; d. catholic encyclopedia at Dublin, Ireland, February 1806.
  • Giovanelli, Ruggiero - Composer, b. at Velletri, near Rome, in 1560; d. at Rome, 7 January, 1625.
  • George Haydock, Blessed - Biographical article on the English priest and martyr. g Includes bibliography.
  • Goffe, Stephen - Oratorian; b. 1605; d. at Paris, Christmas Day, 1681.
  • Groote, Gerard - Founder of the "Brethren of the Common Life", g b. 1340 at Deventer, Gelderland; d. 20 Aug., g 1384.
  • Gfrörer, August Friedrich - German historian; b. at Calw, Würtemberg, 5 March, reference 1803; d. g at Karlsbad, 6 July, 1861.
  • Gervaise, Dom François Armand - Discalced Carmelite, b. at Paris, 1660; d. at g Reclus, France, 1761.
  • General Chapter - The daily assembling of a community for purposes catholic encyclopedia of catholic encyclopedia discipline and administration of monastic affairs has catholic encyclopedia always included catholic encyclopedia the reading of a chapter of catholic encyclopedia the rule, and catholic encyclopedia thus the assembly itself came catholic encyclopedia to be called the catholic encyclopedia chapter and the place catholic encyclopedia of meeting the chapter
  • Gabala - A titular see of Syria Prima.
  • Gilbert, Nicolas-Joseph-Laurent - Poet, b. at Fontenoy-le-Château, 1751; d. at Paris, g 12 November, 1780.
  • Gerrha - A titular see in the province of Augustamnica catholic encyclopedia Prima, g suffragan of Pelusium in the Patriarchate of catholic encyclopedia Alexandria.
  • Griffin, Gerald - A novelist, dramatist, lyricist; b. 12 December, 1803, reference at Limerick, catholic encyclopedia Ireland; d. at Cork, 12 June, reference 1840.
  • Goa - Archdiocese in India.
  • Gregory XIV, Pope - Reigned 1590-1591.
  • Ginoulhiac, Jacques-Marie-Achille - A French bishop; b. at Montpellier (department of Herault) 3 Dec., 1806; d. there 17 Nov., 1875.
  • Gildas, Saint - Biographical entry for St. Gildas the Wise, also called "Badonicus," catholic encyclopedia born to a British family in Scotland, educated in Wales, catholic encyclopedia monk, priest, died in 570.
  • Grassis, Paris de - Master of ceremonies to Julius II and Leo reference X; b. at Bologna, about 1470; d. at reference Rome, 10 June, 1528.
  • Glaire, Jean-Baptiste - Priest, hebraist, and Biblical scholar; b. at Bordeaux, g 1 April, 1798; d. at Issy, near Paris, g 25 Feb., 1879.
  • Gudenus, Moritz - German convert to the Catholic faith from the reference Protestant ministry; b. 11 April, 1596, at Cassel; reference d. February, 1680.
  • Gloves, Episcopal - Liturgical gloves are a liturgical adornment reserved for reference bishops and cardinals.
  • Gerard, Archbishop of York - Date of birth unknown; died at Southwell, 21 May, 1108.
  • Gulf of St. Lawrence - Vicariate erected 12 September, 1905, and formed from g the prefecture Apostolic of the same name organized g 29 May, 1882.
  • Gottschalk of Orbais - A medieval theologian; b. about 800, d. after reference 866, probable g 30 October, 868.
  • Guaicuri Indians - A group of small tribes, speaking dialectic forms reference of a g common language, probably of distinct stock, reference formerly occupying part of g Lower California.
  • Gresset, Jean Baptiste - Born 29 August, 1709; died 16 June, 1777, g at Amiens.
  • Garnier, Jean - Church historian, patristic scholar, and moral theologian; b. at Paris, 11 Nov., 1612; d. at Bologna, 26 Nov., 1681.
  • Good Faith - A phrase employed to designate the mental and reference moral state reference of honest, even if objectively unfounded, reference conviction as to the reference truth or falsehood of reference a proposition or body of opinion, reference or as reference to the rectitude or depravity of a line reference reference of conduct.
  • Gudula, Saint - Born in Brabant, one of a family of saints. She reference died in the early eighth century.
  • Galatians, Epistle to the - Background on Galatia, purpose and date, a summary g of its catholic encyclopedia contents, its importance and a discussion g of some difficulties.
  • Gradwell, Robert - Bishop; b. at Clifton-in-the-Fylde, Lancashire, 26 Jan., 1777; d. in catholic encyclopedia London, 15 March, 1833.
  • Galtelli-Nuoro - Diocese in the province of Sassari (Sardinia), suffragan of Caglari.
  • Gregory XVI, Pope - Reigned 1831-1846.
  • Gospel in the Liturgy - From the very earliest times the public reading of parts of the Bible was an important element in the Liturgy inherited from the service of the Synagogue.
  • Grace at Meals - One of the most ancient formulae of prayer catholic encyclopedia at reference meals is found in a treatise of catholic encyclopedia the fourth reference century, attributed without foundation to Saint catholic encyclopedia Athanasius.
  • Gentili, Aloysius - Proficient in poetry, displayed considerable musical aptitude, had a taste catholic encyclopedia for mechanical and electrical science and was devoted to the catholic encyclopedia cultivation of modern languages, applying himself more particularly to the catholic encyclopedia study of English. (1801-1848)
  • Gilbertines, Order of - Founded by St. Gilbert, about the year 1130, at Sempringham, catholic encyclopedia Gilbert\'s native place, where he was then parish priest.
  • Giberti, Gian Matteo - Cardinal, and Bishop of Verona, the natural son catholic encyclopedia of reference Francesco Giberti, a Genoese naval captain, b. catholic encyclopedia at Palermo reference in 1495; d. at Verona, 30 catholic encyclopedia Dec., 1543.
  • Gratian - Details on this Roman Emperor who was the son of catholic encyclopedia Valentinian I. He was born at Sirmium, 359 and died catholic encyclopedia at Lyons, 383.
  • Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de - Painter and etcher, b. in Fuendetodos, Aragon, Spain, catholic encyclopedia 31 reference March, 1746; d. in Bordeaux, 16 April, catholic encyclopedia 1828.
  • Gorres, Guido - Historian, publicist, and poet; b. at Coblenz on 28 May, g 1805; d. at Munich on 14 July, 1852.
  • Granada - Archdiocese in Spain, founded by St. Cecilius about reference the year g 64, was made an archiepiscopal see reference by Alexander VI, 23 g Jan., 1493.
  • Greece - History of the country and church.
  • Goar, Jacques - Dominican and hellenist. (1601-1653)
  • Gamans, Jean - Priest and missionary. (1606-1684)
  • Giraldi, Ubaldo - An Italian canonist; b. in 1692; d. in 1775.
  • Gregory Bæticus - Bishop of Elvira, in the province of Baetica, catholic encyclopedia Spain, g from which he derived his surname; d. catholic encyclopedia about 392.
  • Guardi, Francesco - Venetian painter. (1712-1793)
  • Gentiles - In the English versions of both Testaments it collectively designates catholic encyclopedia the nations distinct from the Jewish people.
  • Grün, Anastasius - Pseudonym for Anton Alexander (Maria), Count von Auersperg, g a nineteenth-century g Austrian poet.
  • Guadalajara - Archdiocese in Mexico, separated from the Diocese of Michoacan by catholic encyclopedia Paul III, 31 July, 1548.
  • Grace - Leads to four articles on the subject.
  • Ghirlandajo - Florentine painter; b. 1449; d. 11 Jan., 1494.
  • Gaza - A titular see of Palaestina Prima, in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
  • Godfrey of Viterbo - German writer of the twelfth century.
  • Garin, André - An Oblate missionary and parish priest. (1822-1895)
  • Gertrude of Aldenberg, Blessed - Longtime abbess of a Premonstratensian convent near Wetzlar. reference She died g in 1297.
  • Gams, Pius Bonifacius - Ecclesiastical historian. (1816-1892)
  • Gravina, Dominic - Theologian; b. in Sicily, about 1573; d. in the Minerva, at Rome, 26 Aug., 1643.
  • Godard, Saint - Benedictine abbot, bishop of Hildesheim, d. 1038.
  • Gaudiosus - Bishop of Tarazona (Turiasso), Spain; died about 540.
  • Gallandi, Andrea - Oratorian and patristic scholar, born at Venice, 7 catholic encyclopedia December, 1709; died there 12 January, 1779, or catholic encyclopedia 1780.
  • Genicot, Edward - Moral theologian, b. at Antwerp, Belgium, 18 June, 1856; d. catholic encyclopedia at Louvain, 21 February, 1900.
  • Girardon, François - A noted sculptor of the reign of Louis reference XIV, b. catholic encyclopedia at Troyes, France, 1630; d. at reference Paris, 1715.
  • Gentile da Fabriano - Italian painter; b. probably about 1378 in the District of reference the Marches; d. probably 1427.
  • Gerhoh of Reichersberg - Provost of that place and Austin canon, one reference of the most distinguished theologians of Germany in reference the twelfth century, b. at Polling, Bavaria, 1093; reference d. at Reichersberg, 27 June, 1169.
  • Gerona - The Diocese of Geronia in Catalonia, Spain, suffragan of Tarragona, reference is bounded on the north by the Pyrenees, on the reference south and east by the Mediterranean, and on the west reference by the dioceses of Barcelona and Vich.
  • Good Friday - The Friday on which the Church keeps the anniversary of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  • Goodman, Ven. John - Priest and martyr; born in the Diocese of reference Bangor, Wales, catholic encyclopedia 1590; died 1642.
  • Gunther, Blessed - Lay brother, penitent, hermit in Bohemia, d. 1045.
  • Gregory V, Pope - Reigned 996-999.
  • Garcilasso de la Vega - Historian of Peru. (1539-1617)
  • Gosselin, Jean-Edmé-Auguste - Ecclesiastical author; b. at Rouen, France, 28 Sept., 1787; d. reference at Paris, 27 Nov., 1858.
  • Germaine Cousin, Saint - Sickly, pious shepherdess, cruelly treated by her stepmother. reference St. Germaine catholic encyclopedia died in 1601, at the age reference of 22.
  • Goossens, Pierre-Lambert - Cardinal, Archbishop of Michlin (Belgium), b. at Perck, near Vilvorde, 18 July, 1827; d. at Michlin, 25 January, 1906.
  • Guérard, Robert - Writer, born at Rouen, 1641; died at the catholic encyclopedia monastery reference of Saint-Ouen, 2 January, 1715.
  • Geoffrey of Vendôme - A cardinal, b. in the second half of the eleventh g century of a noble family, at Angers, France; d. there, g 26 March, 1132.
  • González de Santalla, Thyrsus - Theologian and thirteenth general of the Society of Jesus, b. reference at Arganda, Spain, 18 January, 1624; died at Rome, 27 reference October, 1705.
  • Glosses, Scriptural - The word gloss designates not only marginal notes, but also g words or remarks inserted for various reasons in the very g text of the Scriptures.
  • Gil de Albornoz, Alvarez Carillo - A renowned cardinal, general, and statesman; b. about 1310 at reference Cuenca in New Castile; d. 23 Aug., 1367.
  • Grandidier, Philippe-André - Priest and historian, b. at Strasburg, Alsace, 9 catholic encyclopedia Nov., catholic encyclopedia 1752; d. at the Abbey of Luntzel catholic encyclopedia (Lucelles), Sundgau, catholic encyclopedia 11 Oct., 1787.
  • Gallican Rite, The - The rite which prevailed in Gaul until about reference the middle reference or end of the eighth century.
  • Garland, John - English poet and grammarian, who lived in the middle of reference the thirteenth century.
  • Guibert of Ravenna - An antipope, known as Clement III, 1080 (1084) to 1100; g born at Parma about 1025; died at Cività Castellana, 8 g Sept., 1100.
  • Grasse, François-Joseph-Paul - Count and Marquess de Grasse-Tilly, lieutenant-general of the g naval forces; b. near Toulon, 1723; d. at g Paris, 11 January, 1788.
  • Giuseppe Maria Tommasi, Saint - Cardinal, scholar, and author, died 1713.
  • Geoffrey of Clairvaux - A disciple of Bernard, was b. between the years 1115 catholic encyclopedia and 1120, at Auxerre; d. some time after the year catholic encyclopedia 1188.
  • Grace, Controversies on - These are concerned chiefly with the relation between reference grace and reference free will.
  • Gretser, Jacob - A celebrated Jesuit writer; b. at Markdorf in catholic encyclopedia the reference Diocese of Constance in 1562; d. at catholic encyclopedia Ingolstadt in reference 1625.
  • Guglielmini, Giovanni Battista - Scientist, b. at Bologna, 16 August, 1763; d. in the reference same city, l5 December, 1817.
  • Gertrude of Nivelles, Saint - Benedictine abbess of a double monastery, d. 659.
  • Gonzaga, Scipione - Cardinal; b. at Mantua, 11 November, 1542; d. at San g Martino, 11 January, 1593.
  • Grassel, Lorenz - Coadjutor-elect of Baltimore; born at Ruemannsfelden, Bavaria, 18 catholic encyclopedia August, g 1753; died at Philadelphia, U.S.A., October, 1793.
  • Gregory of Tours, Saint - Lengthy article about this bishop, historian, and theologian. reference He died g in 593 or 594.
  • Gaspare del Bufalo, Saint - Founder of the Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood, died catholic encyclopedia 1837.
  • Goajira, Vicariate Apostolic of - The most northern portion of South America is a peninsula running into the Caribbean Sea.
  • González, Zeferino - Dominican, cardinal, theologian, and philosopher. (1831-1894)
  • Germans in the United States - Includes all German-speaking people, whether originally from Germany reference proper, Austria, reference Switzerland, or Luxembourg.
  • Gratian, Jerome - Spiritual director of St. Teresa and first Provincial g of the catholic encyclopedia Discalced Carmelites; born at Valladolid, 6 g June, 1545; died at catholic encyclopedia Brussels, 21 September, 1614.
  • Gobban Saer - Regarded in traditional lore as the greatest Irish g architect of g the seventh century, and popularly canonized g as St. Gobban; b. g at Turvey, near Malahide, g Co. Dublin, about 560.
  • Guthlac, Saint - Brief biography of this soldier, monk, and hermit, reference who died g in 714.
  • Glebe - Originally signified, in common law, any farm, estate, or parcel of land, and the word is so used in the Theodosian Code. But in ecclesiastical law it has become the technical term for land permanently assigned for the maintenance of the incumbent of a pa
  • Gideon - One of the Greater Judges of Israel. He belonged to catholic encyclopedia the tribe of Manasses, and to the family of Abiezer.
  • Giovanni Melchior Bosco, Saint - Commonly called Don Bosco or John Bosco. Founder catholic encyclopedia of catholic encyclopedia the Salesians, d. 1888.
  • Gallicanus, Saints - Three saints by this name commemorated on 25 June.
  • Gagarin, Ivan Sergejewitch - Of the Russian family which traces its origin reference to the ancient rulers of Starodub; born at reference Moscow, 1 August, 1814; died at Paris, 19 reference July, 1882.
  • Gordon, Andrew - Monk and physicist. (1712-1751)
  • Green Bay - Diocese established 3 March, 1868, from the territory of the Diocese of Milwaukee.
  • Gregory of Nyssa, Saint - Bishop, one of the Cappadocian Fathers, d. after g 385 or 386.
  • Giraud de Borneil - A Provençal troubadour, b. about the middle of catholic encyclopedia the twelfth century, at Excideuil in the Viscounty catholic encyclopedia of Limoges.
  • Gerard, Richard - Confessor; born about 1635; died 11 March, 1680.
  • Giuseppe Giusti - A poet and patriot; b. 1809, at Monsumano near Pescia, catholic encyclopedia Italy; d. 31 March, 1850.
  • George Gervase, Blessed - Account of the dramatic life of this Benedictine reference priest and g martyr, who died in 1608.
  • Gomes De Amorim, Francisco - Portuguese poet, dramatist, and novelist. (1827-1891)
  • Gahan, William - A priest and author; born 5 June, 1732, catholic encyclopedia in catholic encyclopedia the parish of St. Nicholas, Dublin; died catholic encyclopedia there, 6 catholic encyclopedia December, 1804.
  • Galilei, Galileo - Although in the popular mind Galileo is remembered catholic encyclopedia chiefly as an astronomer, it was not in catholic encyclopedia this character that he made really substantial contributions catholic encyclopedia to human knowledge, but rather in the field catholic encyclopedia of mechanics, and especially of dynamics, which science catholic encyclopedia may
  • Gondulphus - The name of three saints, of whom one g was Bishop of Tongres (Maestricht), the second Bishop g of Metz, while the third is known as g Gondulphus of Berry.
  • Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield - A musician, born at Ballygar Galway, Ireland, 25 reference Dec., 1829; catholic encyclopedia died at St. Louis, 24 Sept., reference 1892.
  • Gezireh - Seat of two Catholic residential sees, one Chaldean, reference the other reference Syrian.
  • George the Bearded - Duke of Saxony, b. at Dresden, 27 August, g 1471; d. catholic encyclopedia in the same city, 17 April, g 1539.
  • Gabriel Sionita - A learned Maronite, famous for his share in the publication catholic encyclopedia of the Parisian polyglot of the Bible; b. 1577, at catholic encyclopedia Edden on the Lebanon; d. 1648.
  • Giraldus Cambrensis - Biographical article on the medieval ecclesiastic and writer.
  • Girgenti - The capital of a province in Sicily.
  • Genezareth, Land of - By this name is designated in Mark, vi, g 53, a district of Palestine bordering on the g Sea of Galilee, and which in the parallel g passage of Matthew (xiv, 34) is called "the g country of Genesar".
  • Genuflexion - To genuflect, to bend the knee.
  • Gregory IX - Reigned 1227-1241.
  • Greek Catholics in America - Includes the history and statistics.
  • Gallicanism - This term is used to designate a certain group of religious opinions for some time peculiar to the Church of France, or Gallican Church, and the theological schools of that country.
  • Galle - Diocese in Ceylon, created by Leo XIII 25 Aug., 1893.
  • Geography and the Church - Explains the nature of this science and the reference course of g its evolution.

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