Faith and Testimonies Religious Society of Friends Denominations Christianity

An association of members of the Society of Friends with a special sense of unity in the concern for distribution of sound Quaker literature. Several tracts are online and may be reprinted without further permission.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Denominations: Religious Society of Friends

Faith and Testimonies

  • Christian's Secret of a Happy Life - The devotional classic by Hannah Whitall Smith, a Quaker holiness minister of the 19th century. Loved by Christians of many affiliations.
  • Quaker and Ecumenical essays by Eden Grace - Essays and other writings by Eden Grace, Quaker denominations representative to religious society of friends the World Council of Churches, on denominations current topics in Quaker religious society of friends and Ecumenical thought.
  • Quaker Faith - The faith, history, and testimonies.
  • Tract Association of Friends - An association of members of the Society of Friends with a special sense of unity in the concern for distribution of sound Quaker literature. Several tracts are online and may be reprinted without further permission.
  • Peaceweb - Peaceweb spotlights Quaker work in disarmament, conflict resolution faith and testimonies faith and testimonies and other social issues of interest to many faith and testimonies faith and testimonies others besides Quakers.
  • Quakers and the Political Process - Living our Faith into Action. Webpages for an religious society of friends exhibit by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, presents 350 years religious society of friends of Friendly faith and witness in and out religious society of friends of government.
  • Quaker Women - In contrast with almost every other organized religion, the Society of Friends (Quakers) have allowed women to serve as ministers since the early 1800s. "Herstory" is about equality within the Society of Friends

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