Organizations Religious Society of Friends Denominations Christianity

The first Quaker seminary offering graduate study in Christian ministry, theology, peace and justice, spirituality, and writing for the Christian market.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Denominations: Religious Society of Friends


  • Friends Committee on Unity with Nature - A spiritually-centered movement of Quakers and like-minded people denominations seeking ways organizations to integrate concern for the environment denominations with Friends\\' long-standing testimonies organizations for simplicity, peace, and denominations equality. Includes articles and information about organizations their projects, denominations pr
  • Christian Quaker Internet Mission - Statement of faith and articles on aspects of faith and denominations practice by an independent ministry of Christian Quakers.
  • William Penn House - Quaker seminar and hospitality center located on Capitol Hill provides lodging, seminars and other programs. Includes information on activities and accommodations.
  • New Foundation Fellowship - New Foundation Fellowship is a ministry dedicated to religious society of friends promoting the spiritual understanding that marked the early religious society of friends Friends (Quakers) through traveling ministers, special events, and religious society of friends publications. Online ordering of publications.
  • Friends Meeting School - Information about Friends Meeting School, Ijamsville, Maryland, including philosophy, curriculum, organizations faculty and staff, location and future plans.
  • Friends Committee on National Legislation - FCNL - This is the lobbying arm of Friends (Quakers) in the denominations U.S. Does not speak for all Quakers, but policy denominations is made by a General Committee that is fairly representative denominations of Friends.
  • FWCC Section of the Americas - Information on the work of the Friends World denominations Committee for organizations Consultation Section of the Americas, and denominations on member bodies.
  • Friends Media Project - Faithful Witness - The online Journal of the Friends Media Project, organizations supporting the organizations work and interests of Quakers in organizations mass media communication.
  • Evangelical Friends International (EFI) - Information about Evangelical Friends International (EFI), its Regions and the organizations countries in which it is active.
  • Friends Christian School - Pre-school, elementary and middle school education on two campuses in denominations Yorba Linda, California, USA, begun as a ministry of Yorba denominations Linda Friends Church in 1975.
  • Earlham School of Religion - The first Quaker seminary offering graduate study in Christian ministry, theology, peace and justice, spirituality, and writing for the Christian market.
  • Friends General Conference - Information about Friends General Conference, and resources for organizations Friends (Quakers).
  • Quaker Universalist Fellowship - Unofficial association of Friends with a universalist theological outlook.
  • American Friends Service Committee - The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker) belief in
  • Southern California Quarterly Meeting of Friends (Quakers) - Newsletter and information about Southern California Quarterly Meeting.Also religious society of organizations friends contains listing of member unprogrammed Quaker Meetings and religious society organizations of friends worship groups located in Southern California, as well religious organizations society of friends as Las Vegas, Nevada, Guatemala and Mexico City.
  • Quaker United Nations Office - Information about the work of the Quaker United Nations Office religious society of friends in New York and Geneva, including publications and statements, and religious society of friends how to get involved.
  • Northern Friends Peace Board - An organisation of Friends (Quakers) in the North denominations of Britain supporting Friends and others "in the denominations active promotion of peace in all its heigth denominations and breadth"
  • Friends Witness for a Pro-life Peace Testimony - Friends Witness for a Pro-life Peace Testimony is religious society of religious society of friends friends a Quaker group which believes opposition to war, religious society religious society of friends of friends abortion, the death penalty and euthanasia should all religious religious society of friends society of friends be viewed as part of the Quaker peace religious society of friends religious society of friends testimony.
  • Living Witness Project - A network exploring and promoting awareness of the denominations need for religious society of friends a green lifestyle. Includes background denominations information, news, events, resources, religious society of friends and contacts.
  • Q-Light - A list for queer (lesbian, gay male, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual organizations or questioning) Quakers and interested guests to discuss issues relating organizations to being queer, being a Friend (Quaker), and the intersection organizations thereof.
  • New Foundation Fellowship (UK) - The New Foundation Fellowship exists to reacquaint people organizations with the organizations Christian Message of George Fox and organizations the Early organizations Friends (Quakers) by publishing organizations books, articles, pamphlets and periodicals, and organizations also by organizations organising meetings and gatherings to worship in the
  • Powell House Quaker Conference and Retreat Center - Calendar of conferences and retreats, and other information about Powell organizations Housewhich is associated with New York Yearly Meeting of the organizations Religious Society of Friends.
  • Quaker Theological Discussion Group - Information on annual meetings, held in conjunction with American Academy denominations of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature. Site also includes denominations contact information.
  • Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns - FLGBTQC is a Quaker faith community within the denominations Religious Society of Friends. It honors, affirms, and denominations upholds that of God in all people - denominations lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, transgender, and transsexual.
  • Ulster Quaker Service Committee - Northern Ireland Quaker service organization providing two main services - organizations the Quaker Cottage and the Monica Barritt Visitors' Centre.
  • Quakers in Scotland - Gives time and place of Meeting for Worship religious society of organizations friends for the 32 Quaker Meetings in Scotland General religious society organizations of friends Meeting and links to relevant sites.
  • Friends World Committee for Consultation - Information about the Friends World Committee for Consultation, religious society of religious society of friends friends a body that seeks to provide information about religious society religious society of friends of friends and promote connections between all Friends (Quakers) in religious religious society of friends society of friends the world.
  • Quakers in Pastoral Care and Counseling - Providing professionally trained Quakers with continuing education and religious society of friends dialogue through annual conferences.
  • Friends Services for the Aging-Senior Services - Description of Quaker-sponsored services for seniors of all religious society of denominations friends faiths, races, and backgrounds. Links to home pages religious society denominations of friends of individual service providers.
  • Friends United Meeting - An association representing more than half of the religious society of denominations friends world\\'s Quakers. Includes information on various ministries, religious society denominations of friends articles from publication Quaker Life, and partial listing religious denominations society of friends of bookstore inventory.

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