Lifeline Uniting Church in Australia Denominations Christianity

Lifeline was founded by the Sydney's Wesley Mission (a part of the Uniting Church) in 1963. Since then Lifeline has been established in 14 countries around the world. In Australia 42 Lifeline Centres receive over 400,000 calls each year.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Denominations: Uniting Church in Australia


See Also:
Editor's Picks:

Lifeline Australia* - The peak agency for Lifeline in Australia.

  • Lifeline Sydney - Lifeline Sydney is an activity of Wesley Mission, Sydney. Lifeline uniting church in australia Sydney provides a 24 hour crisis telephone counselling service. The uniting church in australia service is delivered by volunteers who are there to assist uniting church in australia those who call by providing counselling support and referral
  • Lifeline Macarthur - Lifeline Sydney is an activity of Wesley Mission, denominations Sydney. Lifeline denominations Macarthur provides a 24 hour crisis denominations telephone counselling service that denominations covers the Campbelltown and denominations Marcarther on the outskirts of metropolitan denominations Sydney. The denominations service is delivered by volunteer

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