Sending and Supporting Resources Missions Christianity

Features contextualization tools for cross-cultural ministry, stories, articles, and Instant e-Cards (with photos and scripture) for missionaries and their family and friends.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Missions: Resources

Sending and Supporting

  • Mission Works - Supporting native missionaries in India, Peruvian Jungle, Ethiopia, missions and Ghana.
  • The Master's Fund - A non-profit organization dedicated to financially supporting the resources work of resources taking the gospel message to cultures resources who have not yet resources heard it.
  • Christian Aid Mission - The Christian Aid website presents the message and sending and supporting ministry of Christian Aid Mission, ie. to make sending and supporting known the work of indigenous Christian ministries who sending and supporting work in poorer countries, often under threat of sending and supporting persecution and extreme poverty.
  • Galcom International - Provides durable technical equipment for communicating the Gospel missions world wide.
  • U.S. Center for World Mission - Provides resources and support for missionaries.
  • Commission to Every Nation - An inter-denominational Christian mission-sending agency serving in over sending and supporting 24 countries. Opportunities for people to become involved sending and supporting in missions through short term missions trips, donations sending and supporting and humanitarian aid.
  • Every Home for Christ - Collects tithes and offerings to support local world resources missionaries and missions existing churches.
  • The Evangelical Alliance Mission - Assists churches in sending missionaries to plant reproducing sending and supporting churches in other nations.
  • Emercy - An inter-denominational organization, that provides services and projects that undergird missionaries and the churches that support them. Services include research, logistical support, consulting, short term teams, supply shipments, and care packets.
  • Christian Contact UK (CCUK) - Supporting Christians and Christian Missionaries Worldwide through prayer. missions Supports internet missions prison ministeries. Despair phone Line (UK missions only).
  • Mission Office, Archdiocese of Los Angeles - Through the many programs of the Mission Office, opportunities exist resources to become involved in the Mission activities of the Church, resources through prayer and support.
  • Joe Purcell Ministries - Couple based in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, facilitates teaching, training, and logistical missions support to the local church on the foreign field.
  • ServantCare - Sends staff to minister to cross-cultural missionaries.
  • Mission Projects Fellowship - Non-profit organization providing equipment and supplies to mission resources boards in missions support of their missionaries world wide.
  • Seraphic Mass Association - A Catholic organization, associated with the Capuchin -Franciscan Order, supports the missions entrusted to the Province of St. Augustine in Puerto Rico and Papua New Guinea, as well as other missionaries in developing countries.
  • GlobalCompassion - Christian Missionary Resources - Features contextualization tools for cross-cultural ministry, stories, articles, and Instant e-Cards (with photos and scripture) for missionaries and their family and friends.
  • The Mission Society for United Methodists - Mission organization based in Norcross, Georgia, recruits, trains, sending and supporting missions and sends missionaries around the world. Features short-term, sending and supporting missions intern, and career opportunities.
  • Caribbean Missionary - CLM does mission, and Missionary trips to Jamaica, resources Cuba, Cayman missions Islands, Barbados, and Guyana.
  • Safe Harbor International Relief - A ministry of Calvary Chapel of Rancho Santa resources Margarita, California, mobilizes relief efforts to meet the resources physical needs of the people in need. Features resources a newsletter and trip reports.
  • Calvary International - A missions agency focused on mobilizing the local resources church; training, sending and serving missionaries.
  • New Life Missions - Training and resources for native Nigerian missionaries.
  • Global Opportunities Home Page - Provides resources for tentmaker missionaries and prospectives.
  • Aviation Missions - Facilitates cooperation and coordination of missionary aviation assets for contingency resources evacuation of missionaries and family members in underdeveloped countries.
  • Word of Restoration Ministries - Missions organization based in Sacramento, California, collaborates with resources churches and sending and supporting organization in the United States to resources mobilize spiritual and material sending and supporting support for indigent Christian resources workers, lay believers, and non-believers in sending and supporting Africa.
  • Sparrows Gate Mission - Encourages, trains and equips volunteers to serve the poor children sending and supporting in Latin Amerca and Asia.
  • Christian Life Mission - Nationally raising awareness about missions causes and financially missions supporting over missions 30 missions causes with 100% of missions received funds, Partners with missions Charisma Magazine and Strang missions Communications in Lake Mary, Florida.
  • Network Missions - Connects resource providers with need recipients to further sending and supporting sending and supporting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Missionary Service Fellowship, Inc. - Provides resources and services to established missionaries, including literature, materials missions and training, to enable reaching people for Christ. Also, missions free vacations!
  • Gospel for Asia -- Reaching the most unreached. - Gospel for Asia now has over 11,000 trained missions national missionaries within the 10/40 window and is missions planting churches at a rate of 6 per missions day. Learn more about how you can missions sponsor a native missionary for only $30 per missions month.
  • God's Provision - Connecting the needs of the mission fields to God\'s Provision in his body.
  • Global Support for Missionaries - Requesting and coordinating financial support on behalf of global missionaries.
  • Godspeed Missionary Care - Provides medical, counseling, and pastoral services to missionaries and pastors.
  • Faith Promise giving to missions - Helps for implementing a "Faith Promise" system for resources missions giving sending and supporting in a local church
  • Hope Seeds-Christian Charitable Organization - Hope Seeds is a Christian, charitable organization which provides seeds and agricultural support to missionaries and mission teams.
  • East Asian National Support (MEANS) - An inter-denominational Christian organization based in Illinois, USA missions is dedicated sending and supporting to sharing the gospel and helping missions the needy by supporting sending and supporting churches and mission groups missions in the Philippines and other East sending and supporting Asian countries. missions Serves as a financial bridge betwee
  • Hands For Humanity - Humanitarian organization sends teams to areas in need.
  • Family Care Foundation - Collects contributions for a large range of projects.
  • Grace Mission to Haiti - An independent mission agency based in Royal Palm missions Beach, Florida, resources endeavors to link the Church in missions Haiti and America together resources to fulfill the Great missions Commission.
  • Yielded Evangelical Servants - Non-denominational sending agency serves independent missionaries by providing missions financial services, training, development, and accountability to member missions missionaries.
  • Cuba para Cristo - A UK based organisation equips the Cuban church resources to proclaim sending and supporting the good news of Jesus Christ. resources This organisation links people sending and supporting and churches who are resources committed to supporting local Christians and sending and supporting gospel work resources in Cuba.
  • Mass cards assumption guild - Assumptionists offer Mass cards to support missions.
  • Starfish Ministries - A non-denominational Christian organization based in Lynden, Washington, is dedicated sending and supporting to touching individual lives in Haiti. Involved in operating an sending and supporting orphanage, building and operating schools, and building and planting churches.
  • Ministry of Hope - Orphanage in Malawi, Africa - Ministry of Hope seeks to glorify God by reaching out sending and supporting to the orphans, widows, disabled and the destitute in our sending and supporting community, Malawi, Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, providing sending and supporting HOPE as we minister to their basic needs.
  • Destiny Ministries and Antioch Aviation - Dedicated to networking with other ministries and ministering missions through aviation.
  • World Harvest Mission - Christian Mission Agency - World Harvest Mission weaves its teaching and experience sending and supporting resources of repentance and faith into its work of sending and supporting resources church-planting, evangelism, leadership training and discipleship.
  • Praying for missionaries - How to pray for missionaries by using the resources fingers of a hand as reminders.
  • Latin America Mission - An evangelical Christian organization based in Miami, Florida, sending and supporting works to encourage, assist, and participate with local, sending and supporting grassroots ministries throughout Latin America.
  • Latin America Missions Trust - British charity supports the mission activity of Judith and Adrian Stewart, from London, who are training and raising support to work as missionaries in Brazil.
  • Mission Support Fund - A registered charity based in the United Kingdom resources provides financial support for the advancement of Christian resources religion in Europe and the former USSR. The resources fund cooperates with the leadership and members of resources Farnham Baptist Church in Surrey, UK.
  • Crosslinks - A Christian mission agency with headquarters in London, resources England, works mainly with Anglican churches round the resources world to train overseas personnel, as well as resources sending people overseas.
  • World Missions Far Corners - Handles finances, donor gifts, newsletter mailing and other sending and supporting sending and supporting financial tasks for world missionaries.
  • Global interAction - The international cross-cultural sending agency of Australian Baptist Churches. Includes resources prayer, newsletters, Vision e-zine, free training resources, and group adoption resources information.
  • Calvary Road Ministries - Knoxville, Tennessee. Outreach ministry to Kenya, Africa.
  • Open Doors - Solicits physical, spiritual, and emotional support to persecuted missions Christians worldwide. sending and supporting Features news, review projects, purchase resources, missions and receive prayer alerts sending and supporting from Australia.

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