Men People Christianity Religion and Spirituality
A Christian men's magazine with information on money, being a dad, family, marriage and sexuality, chat rooms and daily devotionals.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: People
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
Man in the Mirror

New Man Magazine Online

- The Manhoodline - A column building better men biblical from the inside out. christianity From Mike Ramey, a writer, speaker, and minister.
- - Discusses issues of family, church, education, and legalism.
- Church for Men - Companion site to the book "Why Men Hate Going To Church." Resources to help churches create an environment where men can thrive in every aspect of church life.
- The Christian Men's Network - Provides Christian books, video and audio tapes, teaching curriculum and training materials to help men learn how to be effective husbands and fathers.
- Men's Fraternity - Curriculum helping men to explore authentic manhood and men the critical issues they face in our ever-changing men culture.
- Christian Business and Professional Ministry - Christian businessmen who teach other professionals Biblical ethics christianity and other topics; articles, resources and life stories.
- CBMC Atlanta, Georgia - Christian business and professional ministry for men centered in Atlanta; men also provides programs for wives and friends of members. General men information, calendar, tools.
- Manhood in the Bible - What a real man is based on biblical people verses and dismissing sexism.
- Heartlight: Just for Men - Articles just for men, from Heartlight magazine.
- Dad the Family Shepherd - Equipping men to live out their Biblical fathering responsibilities through motivational conferences, videotape, seminars, and books.
- Emale - Directed at Christian men, with daily devotionals, monthly christianity newsletter; a men service of the North American Division christianity of Seventh-day men Adventists-Men's Ministries.
- Brothers In Christ Men's Fellowship - An international site for Christian men. Weekly devotion and prayer people request list, prayer teams for urgent requests and a Christian people Men's Penpal club.
- TheCouncil on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - An organization helping the church to deal Biblically men with gender issues; includes articles and book reviews.
- Men of Integrity - Interdenominational men\\'s ministry offering information, articles, and links men to resources for Christian men.
- CBMC International - Site for the Christian Business Men\\'s Committee, a christianity worldwide network people of business and professional people.
- Real Men of Integrity - A Christ-centered resource focusing on the transformation of people men, their men marriages and their communities; Lincoln, Nebraska; people site features online newsletter.
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