Invincible Defense Technology Programmes Transcendental Meditation
‘Military is purposeful only if it has the indomitable power of invincibility, with the natural ability to prevent the birth of an enemy. —Maharishi
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Meditation: Transcendental Meditation: Programmes: Invincible Defense Technology
- Supreme Military Might - An analysis by India Defence Consultants of three programmes academic papers invincible defense technology about Invincible Defence Technology, in light programmes of the events of invincible defense technology the September 11th terrorist programmes attacks.
- Transcendental Meditation Proposed As Homeland Defense - Article published in "U.S. Medicine" in which Major transcendental meditation General Singh and other scientists advocate deployment of transcendental meditation Invincible Defense Technology.
- Meditation Is Path To Peace, Mozambique Leader Says - Article in The Guardian explaining how Invincible Defence was applied transcendental meditation to creation of a Prevention Wing in Mozambique.
- "Invincible Defense" Strategy Welcomed on Capitol Hill - Report about scientists speaking at dozens of top-level transcendental meditation government meetings with members of Congress, top leaders transcendental meditation at the National Security Council, Pentagon and State transcendental meditation Department.
- Operation: World Peace - "Defence India" article by Major General G. H. transcendental meditation Israni programmes and Dr. David R. Leffler. Advocates deployment transcendental meditation of Invincible programmes Defence Technology in India.
- Invincible Defence - Explains the purpose and implementation of this concept, transcendental meditation with details of courses and publications.
- Invincible Defense Technology Command Center - Dr. David R. Leffler presents explanations, articles, and related links.
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