Opus Dei Catholicism Christianity Opposing Views

From a Peruvian Catholic perspective. Opus Dei is seen to be a deceitful secret society, whose founder was vulgar and whose methods are anything but Catholic. With links.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Opposing Views: Christianity: Catholicism

Opus Dei

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Editor's Picks:

Opus Dei Awareness Network* - US-based non profit organization provides information, outreach and support to those adversely impacted by the cult.

  • Seize the Dei - They are nevertheless embroiled in the complexities of opus dei clerical opus dei politics and a number of controversies that opus dei merit genuine opus dei consideration on behalf of the media opus dei and other concerned opus dei parties. From The Oxford Student opus dei - Official Student Newspaper opus dei of Oxford Univ
  • What's the problem with Opus Dei? - Ruth Kelly has tried to unknot the ties catholicism between her christianity new job and her sympathy with catholicism the Catholic group Opus christianity Dei. From The catholicism Guardian Unlimited.
  • The Rev. John McCloskey: The Catholic Church's K Street Lobbyist - The high-profile Opus Dei priest preaches good news christianity to the christianity rich, and wants to throw Catholics christianity who disagree with him christianity out of the Church. christianity [Slate]
  • The Opus Dei takes an independent French publisher to court - The Opus Dei cult attempts to crush free opus dei expression opus dei by taking a small, underfunded French publisher opus dei to court opus dei over a fictional book. States opus dei that the book opus dei "questions the honor" of the opus dei cult. From Rue opus dei 89, Paris, France.
  • State Education Ministry Rejects Opus Dei School - The Opus Dei cult fails in its bid to open christianity a school for recruiting purposes in Potsdam, Germany. From. christianity Deutsche Welle
  • Catholic group on 'Code' film: It's just fiction - Opus Dei, a Roman Catholic organization with powerful catholicism members and a reputation for secrecy, is trying catholicism to change its public image. From the catholicism International Herald Tribune.
  • Opus Dei Sisters - Lesley Hickson\\'s terraced house looks like all its opus dei neighbours christianity - with nothing to identify it as opus dei an Opus christianity Dei centre. Article details the opus dei self-torture in the christianity Opus Dei cult. From opus dei The Sunday Mail, UK.
  • Ancien régime meets high finance in Opus Dei - Book review of "Their Kingdom Come," from the opus dei National Catholic Reporter.
  • Brownback for President - In 1996, Brownback fell under the spell of catholicism Rev. John opus dei McCloskey, an anchor at the right-wing catholicism Catholic organization Opus Dei. opus dei He was baptized a catholicism Catholic “not in a church but opus dei in a catholicism chapel tucked between lobbyists\\' offices on K Street opus dei catholicism that is run by Opus Dei
  • Opus Dei - NPR\\'s religion reporter Duncan Moon delves into the catholicism criticisms of christianity Opus Dei. 4 minutes 50 seconds catholicism in length. RealAudio christianity file. [All Things Considered]
  • Opening the Doors of Opus Dei - Part 2 - Part 2 of a report from Harvard University, opus dei USA; christianity from The Harvard Crimson student newspaper.
  • The Way of the Faithful - Review of Maria del Carmen Tapia\\'s book "Beyond the Threshold: catholicism A Life in Opus Dei." Includes a link to the catholicism first chapter of the book. [Washington Post]
  • Secrets and spies - The Da Vinci Code and claims about the new cabinet opus dei minister, Ruth Kelly, have put Opus Dei in the headlines. opus dei What sort of organisation is it today? By Michael Walsh, opus dei from The Tablet, The International Catholic Weekly.
  • Too far back to the future - from The Guardian
  • The Pope's Right Arm in Europe - Report by Gordon Urquhart which focuses on Opus Dei\'s direct catholicism involvement in politics.
  • Ex-Opus Dei Members Decry Blind Obedience - It\\'s been more than 15 years since Tammy catholicism DiNicola left christianity Opus Dei, but she still tries catholicism to raise awareness about christianity the secretive and conservative catholicism Roman Catholic group. From ABC christianity News, USA.
  • Mi General - Opus Dei activity in Chile. [Z Magazine]
  • Meet the Catholofascists - Al Qaeda is not the only deadly religious christianity sect. An opus dei excellent article that looks at the christianity Roman Catholic sect Opus opus dei Dei by Johann Hari christianity from The Independent in the UK.
  • The hand of Opus Dei in El Salvador - The gap between rich and poor is widening, catholicism and more christianity Salvadorans are dying of violent acts catholicism than during the civil christianity war. The martyred Oscar catholicism Romero\\'s successor is an Opus Dei christianity man who catholicism preaches individual salvation and attempts to squash liberation christianity catholicism theology. [Th
  • A mystery wrapped in an enigma - Both in doctrine and practice, Opus Dei is catholicism cut out for controversy. It advocates the most catholicism rigid and conservative aspects of Catholic Church dogma, catholicism and core members who are non-priests (called numeraries) catholicism are required to remain celibate. Its recruitment me
  • An inside look at Opus Dei - For such a small group, Opus Dei is christianity a huge opus dei source of intrigue. christianity A glimpse at the opus dei most controversial group in christianity Catholicism. From the Australian Broadcasting opus dei Corporation.
  • Duceppe assails Tory candidate's Opus Dei affiliation - A candidate for the Canadian parliament is revealed opus dei to christianity be a member of the Opus Dei opus dei cult. christianity From The Toronto Star.
  • Scalia and Opus Dei: Radicals on the High Court - Article that discusses Justice Antonin Scalia\\'s involvement in Opus Dei and the effects that such involvement may have on the US Supreme Court and the US legal system.By Mike Whitney; Counterpunch political newsletter, Weekend Edition.
  • Opus Dei grows, made famous by Da Vinci Code - Overview of the problems Opus Dei is causing christianity in India; from The Times of India, Mumbai.
  • Opus Dei's Secret Revealed: It Takes Spies in From the Cold - Article about American traitor and Opus Dei cult member Robert christianity Hassen. By Eugene Kennedy from Beliefnet.com
  • Opus Dei paper prints prophet in hell cartoon - A cartoon depicting Muhammed in hell has been published by opus dei an Italian magazine close to Opus Dei, bringing angry criticism opus dei from Muslim groups and disapproval from the Vatican. From opus dei The Guardian Unlimited.
  • A Closer Look at the Orthodox Catholic Group - How did this highly religious group within the Catholic Church opus dei become so controversial? From Voice of America, USA.
  • Who rules the Vatican? - Fine analysis of Opus Dei\\'s undue influence within catholicism the Vatican, which includes Pope John Paul II\\'s catholicism personal Secretary Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwicz and Cardinal Julian catholicism Herranz Casado. From The-Tidings, Southern California, USA catholicism by Father Richard P. McBrien
  • Watergate in Lima - Story about an Opus Dei cardinal facing accusations of complicity opus dei in a massacre and of collaboration in the possible assassination opus dei of his Jesuit predecessor. From Chiesa, Espress Online, Rome, opus dei Italy.
  • Opus Dei: The Unofficial Homepage - Independent and critical information about the sect.
  • Novak’s Sect Appeal - Does Bob Novak owe his uncanny capacity for christianity secrecy to christianity the right-wing Catholic sect Opus Dei? christianity The columnist has christianity so far managed to christianity ignore persistent demands that he reveal christianity his involvement christianity in the Valerie Plame leak—a feat of rare christianity christianity internal fortitude that
  • Opus Dei: The Work of God? - Article questioning the many problematic aspects of Opus opus dei Dei catholicism at Harvard and the Boston area. opus dei From BustedHalo, catholicism Paulist Young Adult Ministries, New York opus dei City.
  • Spotted history aside, Opus Dei forges close campus links - Article looking at the problems that Opus Dei christianity has caused. catholicism Also details mysterious finances in christianity New Jersey, USA. catholicism The Daily Princetonian.
  • The Truth About Opus Dei--An Extremely Dangerous Sect - From a Peruvian Catholic perspective. Opus Dei is catholicism seen to opus dei be a deceitful secret society, whose catholicism founder was vulgar and opus dei whose methods are anything catholicism but Catholic. With links.
  • "Inside the Hell of Opus Dei": Book lifts cowl on 'misogynist' Opus Dei - Defector tells of threats and humiliation she suffered during 13 christianity years in secret sect. From The Telegraph, UK. [RSS]
  • Special Report - Decoding Opus Dei - It\\'s one of the most mysterious and controversial groups in the world, and it\\'s sanctioned by the Vatican! To the critics, Opus Dei is a secretive cult, where members are brainwashed. From WHDH-TV, Boston.
  • Selling orthodoxy to Washington power brokers - from the National Catholic Reporter, the independent newsweekly
  • Hype raises profile of ‘Work of God’ - According to the Rev. Martin, a Jesuit, that opus dei secrecy catholicism comes partly from the activity of wealthy, opus dei influential lay catholicism members, and also from some questionable, opus dei high-pressure recruiting tactics. catholicism From The Patriot Ledger/SouthofBoston.com
  • Power and Mystery - As Opus Dei\\'s founder is canonized, Catholics wonder christianity if the secretive lay group will one day christianity help pick the next Pope; from Time Magazine christianity - Europe
  • Secretive sect dubbed 'Mafia shrouded in white' - Fine article that discusses the problems with Opus christianity Dei in Glasgow, Scotland. From The Scotsman, christianity Scotland, UK.
  • Survivor describes days in Opus Dei - Book review of Beyond the Threashold from The National Catholic Reporter, the NCR.
  • Journal Peru » Controversy surrounds La Catolica university in Lima, Peru - he Peruvian media is criticizing the “Opus Dei” christianity organization of christianity the Catholic Church of having the christianity intention to take over christianity the faculty’s leadership on christianity a step-by-step basis. This way the christianity “tolerant house christianity of studies” would be destroyed, Vatican Radio
  • The secret life of Opus Dei - Ruth Kelly says the Catholic group\\'s support is a private matter, but it is surrounded by a reactionary miasma. By Michael Walsh, author of an excellent book on the Opus Dei cult. From The Guardian Unlimited, UK.
  • $A160,103 payoff for Opus Dei row Irish don - An academic investigated for using her lectures to promote Opus catholicism Dei beliefs. UCD had ordered an inquiry into allegations catholicism that she told students it was compulsory to attend a catholicism talk given by an Opus Dei member last year. catholicism From Catholic News, Australia.
  • Behind The Secret Sect Of Opus Dei - It\\'s hard to understand how a group can capture someone\\'s mind, but it can happen because it\\'s a very subtle process. From CBS Chicago, USA.
  • Meet the real Opus Dei - He removes his shirt and reaches for a opus dei five-tailed catholicism whip. Quietly intoning a recitation, he starts opus dei to scourge catholicism his back. The cords bite opus dei painfully into his catholicism flesh, but again and again opus dei the erect figure lashes catholicism himself. From The opus dei Times Online, UK.
  • Opus Dei as a Political Force in Post Cold War Latin America - American Political Science Association, Wash DC, USA; Panel christianity "Comparative Political Manifestations of the Roman Catholic Church", christianity 2nd draft, 1:30 PM
  • The Da Vinci Senator - Senator Brownback, an Opus Dei cult member, attempts christianity to merge christianity church and state by trying to christianity change the US Constitution christianity using a report from christianity an Opus Dei-backed think tank. christianity From AlterNet.
  • Opus Dei in the United States - Written by Father James Martin, an Associate Editor opus dei at catholicism America Magazine in New York City, USA.
  • Opus Dei and Me - Article describes recruitment operations aimed at teenagers, and discusses the christianity cult\\'s elitism, racism, and anti-women attitudes. By Paul Milo, christianity from BeliefNet.com.
  • The Religion Report - Opus Dei has been accused of secrecy, paranoia catholicism toward outsiders christianity and cult-like recruiting practices. This week catholicism we take a look christianity at the history of catholicism Opus Dei and its founder, from christianity Radio National, catholicism Australia.
  • Guide on Preventing Opus Dei Infiltration - Procedure for keeping them out of mainstream Catholic opus dei groups.
  • Opus Dei Info - Documents, testimonies, analysis & information about the Opus Dei cult.
  • Opus Dei Saint - Report on the controversial canonization of Josemaria Escriva. christianity RealAudio. [Weekend opus dei Edition]
  • Opus Dei's India connection revealed - Informational article on the Opus Dei cult\\'s operations in India. From NDTV, New Delhi, India.
  • Here and Now : Opus Dei and Pope Benedict XVI - The election of Cardinal Ratzinger as the new pope is christianity said to be especially good news for conservative Catholic groups christianity like Opus Dei. John Paul II took the group under christianity his wing and Pope Benedict XVI, it is thought, will christianity do the same. Opus Dei claims to ha
  • The Crusaders - A powerful faction of religious and political conservatives catholicism is waging a latter-day counterreformation, battling widespread efforts catholicism to liberalize the American Catholic Church. Fr. catholicism C. John McCloskey and Opus Dei discussed throughout catholicism the article. [Boston Gl
  • Muscular Catholicism - Article detailing Opus Dei\\'s operations in the United christianity Kingdom, catholicism including the use of tranquilizers on christianity members and using student catholicism residences as recruitment fronts. christianity By Annabel Miller, from The catholicism Tablet, United christianity Kingdom.
  • Their Will Be Done - Article looking at the intersection of Opus Dei, christianity CIA, dictatorial regimes and the Knights of Malta christianity as they attempt to fight liberation theology throughout christianity the world. Opus Dei is mentioned in christianity the second part of the article. From christianity Mother Jones, USA.
  • Group Watch: Opus Dei/Work of God - Profile of this militant, fundamentalist, secretive, authoritarian organization, which displays features of a cult.
  • Soft-focused Opus - Reporter runs interference for controversial Catholic group. Excellent article. From The Irish Echo Online, USA.
  • Opus Dei and John Paul II - He was groomed for the Papacy, long before he was elected Pope, by the ultra-right-wing sect Opus Dei. From Counterpounch.org.
  • The Rising Spectre of Opus Dei - From the European Institute of Protestant Studies; good opus dei article opus dei detailing the organization.
  • Was FBI Agent's True "Loyalty" to Opus Dei? - Suggests that Robert Hanssen\\'s motivation to betray his opus dei country christianity was his allegiance to the ultraconservative Catholic opus dei organization. [JINN christianity Magazine]
  • A creepy scrape with the Da Vinci Code set - Before he knew it, Damian Thompson had learnt some unsavoury truths about the Catholic sect – and become one of its \'secret enemies\'. The Telegraph, UK.
  • Opus Dei In Spotlight Thanks To 'Da Vinci Code' - Among other things, it\\'s focusing attention on a catholicism little known catholic sect -- that some call catholicism "cult-like". From KDKA.
  • 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' - Transcript from show about Opus Dei, including observations christianity from an opus dei anti-cult expert and Catholics who have christianity been severely harmed but opus dei the cult. From christianity msnbc.com.
  • Rick A. Ross Institute: Opus Dei - Collection of articles, most of them sharply critical catholicism of the organization.
  • Italian magazine publishes fresh cartoons of Holy Prophet - An Italian magazine run by the influential Catholic catholicism conservative Opus christianity Dei cult has published a new catholicism caricature of the Prophet christianity Muhammad, sparking outrage among catholicism Muslim associations. From Daily Times, christianity Pakistan.
  • The Current, Part 3: Opus Dei - Catholic Church watchers, members, and critics alike are catholicism eagerly anticipating opus dei the publication of "Opus Dei: An catholicism Objective Look Behind the opus dei Myths and Reality of catholicism the Most Controversial Force in the opus dei Catholic Church". catholicism From the Canadian Broadcasting C
  • The Rise of Opus Dei - A report on the controversy surrounding the secretive organisation and christianity the meteoric rise of its founder to canonisation. [BBC christianity News]
  • Forget Scientology, how about Opus Dei - Thanks to the fervor over “The Da Vinci catholicism Code,”, this close-knit Catholic movement is the only catholicism fringe religious group that is also a household catholicism name. From MSNBC.com.
  • What do Americans make of Opus Dei, often described as a 'secretive Catholic sect' - Former member and journalist discuss problems with the catholicism Opus Dei christianity cult and problematic aspects of group. catholicism From The BBC christianity Radio 4; requires RealPlayer.
  • Opus Dei lifts lid without revealing secrets - An Opus Dei official in Spain was anxious christianity to convince an English reporter that there is christianity nothing unusual about the organisation. [Telegraph]
  • Bookreview: Their Kingdom Come - Review of Robert Hutchinson's book.
  • Club Class - Simon Cox gains access to the hidden world of Opus christianity Dei, one of the most mysterious and controversial clubs in christianity the world, to separate the fact from the fiction. christianity To their critics, they are a secretive elite cult who christianity brainwash their members, control the Vat
  • Secret Service - Review of Maria del Carmen Tapia\\'s book "Beyond christianity the Threshold: catholicism A Life in Opus Dei." christianity With a link to catholicism the first chapter of christianity the book. [New York Times]
  • Alito and Opus Dei - A Senate staffer confirmed that the Judiciary Committee received numerous "notes and letters" stating that Judge Samuel Alito is a member of the Opus Dei cult. From Counterpunch.
  • What Is Opus Dei? - Controversy surrounds this organisation and its founder. [BBC News]
  • Opus Dei and the Pope - Members of the conservative Roman Catholic group Opus Dei occupy catholicism leadership positions throughout the church. The late Pope John Paul catholicism II made the founder a saint in 2004. But critics catholicism of the movement accuse Opus Dei of unscrupulous brainwashing. catholicism From NPR;
  • BBC - Religion & Ethics - Opus Dei - Opus Dei is a Catholic organisation which encourages catholicism its members catholicism to promote their faith through their catholicism jobs and everyday lives. catholicism The organisation has catholicism been accused of being secretive and catholicism elitist and catholicism has recently had publicity because of its role catholicism catholicism in 'The Da
  • The Dei today - Opus Dei, a mysterious arm of the Catholic opus dei Church, has been thrust under the spotlight. So opus dei what is known about the group?
  • Opus Dei must shed light on its dark image - The conservative Roman Catholic group which gained international christianity notoriety in catholicism The Da Vinci Code is too christianity secretive for its own catholicism good. [Reuters]
  • Kelly putting religious priorities first - The Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association have backed calls for Opus Dei cult member Ruth Kelly to stand down following reports that she attempted to block gay rights legislation. From Politics.co.uk.
  • Opus Dei, Vilified in `Da Vinci Code,' Runs Global MBA Schools - excellent article detailing Opus Dei\\'s cultic aspects, recruiting christianity techniques, infiltration christianity activities, financial assets and worldwide operations. christianity From Bloomberg.com.
  • Opening the Doors of Opus Dei - report from Harvard University, USA; from The Harvard Crimson student newspaper.

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