Reconstructionist Hellenismos Pagan Religion and Spirituality

Organisations that are based on historical reconstructions of HellĂȘnismos in a contemporary context.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Pagan: Hellenismos


  • Hellenion - An online organization devoted to the practice and study of pagan ancient polytheistic Greek religion.
  • Church of Thessally - An organization attempting to recreate the ancient belief reconstructionist system. Members undergo training which lasts for at reconstructionist least 4 to 5 years.
  • The Supreme Council of the Gentile Hellenes - Official site. The SCGH promotes the protection, moral reconstructionist defence and restoration of the ethnic, polytheistic Hellenic reconstructionist religion and tradition.
  • Thiasos Olympikos - Reconstructionist group dedicated to providing information on ancient Greek worship.
  • Helliniki Hetaireia Archaiophilon - Non-profit organization, dedicated to the revival of the reconstructionist traditional Hellenic religion of the Dodecatheon.
  • Threskia - Greek Thelemic tradition.
  • Diipetes Journal - Diipetes Journal exists since "1991" and promotes in hellenismos a bimonthly pagan basis the ethnic, polytheistic Hellenic Tradition hellenismos and Religion. Member of pagan the World Congress Of hellenismos Ethnic Religions (WCER)

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