Mailing Lists Webweaving Wicca Pagan

This list is for all those interested in learning and sharing about Wicca. All are welcome in this open discussion no matter your religious affiliation.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Pagan: Wicca: Webweaving

Mailing Lists

See Also:
  • Witch - Email list about WitchCraft, Wicca and Paganism.
  • Witchlight - List for individuals both new and old to webweaving the Craft, looking to share their experiences and webweaving beliefs. We welcome solitary witches, coveners, beginners and webweaving advanced practitioners, the eclectic as well as the webweaving traditional.
  • Wicca Club - Wicca for the beginner to the pro.
  • WiccansClub - This club is for everyone who is Wiccan/Pagan. webweaving A place to chat and get links to webweaving other wiccan/pagan sites. Yahoo Club.
  • All Witches Magic - Discussion of witchcraft in all its forms, the exchange of mailing lists spells, and reflections on the day-to-day magic of life.
  • OA-Witch - Topics include spell-casting, circle casting, communing with the goddesses and wicca gods, and celebrating life.
  • Witch in the Working - This is not a group for the "armchair mailing lists witch". Deals with the religious aspect of Wicca/Witchcraft mailing lists and the practice.
  • Adult_WitchCraft - Dedicated to the discussion of the issues, events and teachings webweaving of your path. For adults only.
  • The Light Of The Goddess - Mailing list of The Light of the Goddess Coven, and wicca currently seeking new members. Earth based and eclectic.
  • Australian Witches Network - An Australian discussion group regarding many aspects of wicca the Craft.
  • Green Witches - The list is open to all Witches, Wiccans webweaving and friends webweaving who work or would like to webweaving work extensively with herbs webweaving for magical and/or medicinal webweaving purposes.
  • Beginning Wicca - This list is for all those interested in webweaving learning and sharing about Wicca. All are webweaving welcome in this open discussion no matter your webweaving religious affiliation.

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