Education Evidence Based Medicine
The Department of Family Practice at Michigan State University presents a web-based course about the evidence-based approach to clinical practice and the management of literature.
Top: Health: Medicine: Evidence Based Medicine: Education
See Also:
- The Clinician’s Lament: How Can I Keep Up With the Literature? - A tutorial on evidence-based medicine designed for clinicians. evidence based medicine From the New York Academy of Medicine.
- Tips for Teachers of Evidence-based Medicine: Making Sense of Diagnostic Test Results Using Likelihood Ratios - Teaching tips on using likelihood ratios. From the Evidence-Based Medicine medicine Teaching Tips Working Group.
- Tips for Teachers of Evidence-based Medicine: Clinical Prediction Rules (CPRs) and Estimating Pretest Probability - Teaching tips on the use of clinical prediction education rules in applying evidence consistently in everyday clinical education practice. From the Evidence-Based Medicine Teaching Tips Working education Group.
- Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine - Provides workshops, resources and background information for healthcare medicine professionals, with medicine research tools and educational material to medicine download. Based at Nuffield medicine Department of Clinical Medicine, medicine Oxford.
- What is Systematic Review? - This web site offers information about what systematic evidence based medicine reviews are, and how to conduct a systematic evidence based medicine review.
- GRADE: an emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations -- Guyatt et al. 336 (7650): 924 -- BMJ - The advantages of the GRADE system for rating the quality evidence based medicine of evidence and strength of recommendations.
- Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) - A five minute tutorial, with inbuilt self-assessment, from evidence based medicine the Boston University Medical Library.
- Practising EBM - Interative tips from the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine medicine on formulating evidence based medicine clinical questions and conducting critical appraisals, medicine accompanying the text "Evidence-based evidence based medicine Medicine: How to Practice medicine and Teach EBM".
- What is "quality of evidence" and why is it important to clinicians? - Reviews multiple alternative systems for rating the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations.
- Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine - A self-paced tutorial on the principles and processes, education designed for evidence based medicine healthcare practitioners and students. From the education Duke University Medical Center, evidence based medicine Durham, USA.
- Navigating the Maze - The University of Virginia School of Medicine presents education a guide medicine to using web-based medical search engines, education with links to the medicine major resources.
- Tips for Teachers of Evidence-Based Medicine: Understanding Odds Ratios and Their Relationship to Risk Ratios - Discriminates odds from risks, and the nature of evidence based medicine medicine an odds ratio as an alternative to a evidence based medicine medicine risk ratio. From the Evidence-Based Medicine Teaching evidence based medicine medicine Tips Working Group.
- Tips for Learners of Evidence-Based Medicine: Measures of Precision - Explains the use of confidence intervals in testing hypotheses. From medicine the Canadian Medical Association Journal. [English and French]
- Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine - Provides tutorials and explanations of the principles of medicine critical appraisal, education using systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and clinical medicine practice guidelines. From the education Faculty of Medicine at medicine McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
- Tips for Teachers of Evidence-Based Medicine: Adjusting for Prognostic Imbalances (Confounding Variables) in Studies on Therapy or Harm - Teaching tips on confounding variables and the statistical evidence based medicine adjustment for differences in prognostic variables. From evidence based medicine the Evidence-Based Medicine Teaching Tips Working Group.
- Evidence Based Medicine Information - A tutorial on basic concepts, including a guide to searching literature and databases. From Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA.
- Clinical Reasoning - Evidence Based Medicine - The Medical University of South Carolina, USA, presents definitions, worksheets medicine and case histories to illustrate and practice the principles.
- An Introduction to Information Mastery - The Department of Family Practice at Michigan State medicine University presents a web-based course about the evidence-based medicine approach to clinical practice and the management of medicine literature.
- Tips for Learners of Evidence-Based Medicine: Relative Risk Reduction - Describes how to estimate a treatment\\'s effectiveness and evidence based medicine explains the concepts of risk reduction, and number evidence based medicine needed to treat. From the Canadian Medical Association evidence based medicine Journal. [English and French]
- Center for Evidence-Based Medicine - Features tutorials on practising and teaching this method medicine of critical evidence based medicine appraisal, with glossary of terms and medicine self-evaluation questionnaire. Form the evidence based medicine Department of Medicine at medicine Toronto General Hospital, Canada.
- Development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs): comparing approaches - Critical review of six clinical practice guidelines education development handbooks.
- The Evidence-based Practice Center Experience - Collection of reports explaining the process of preparing education systematic reviews. education A free supplement of Annals of education Internal Medicine.
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